Wiggz |

Is your eidolon a friend? A slave?
Do conversations tend to, "Do this!"
"Yes, Master."
When the eidolon is summoned, is it forced to come, or is the ritual closer to an invitation?
The Master Summoner that I play uses him as a scout - the Eidolon, when RP'd, is a furry black serpent (small sized) with spingly arms and is inquisitive to a fault.
There is a recurring villian in our campaign, a female Summoner of the more traditional type with a combat focused Eidolon. He appears as a Demonic Wolf with blue metallic skin covered in gold runes, with oversized claws and an oversized head. He is played as an utterly devoted and savage brute and as her consort as well as her defender.

dkonen |
My first post on the boards-I'm a lurker by nature-but I had fun with the summoner I played so I thought I'd add my 2 coppers.
Vanilla summoner. Eidolon was the manifestation of the "imaginary friend". She thought she had been talking to him and others all her life, she was just taught the ritual to give him a body. We never determined if she was right or just plain nuts.
Her ritual involved making a calling circle on the ground with her sigil and loudly calling out his name "XXX? XXX? Are you there? Where are you?"
He was the overprotective big brother ish type, also the wiser, more patient and mature of the two, since she started out very young and fey flavored.
He generally appeared as a clawed biped seemingly carved of stone with enough hair or glowing designs to mask the sigil on his forehead. Later he got wings and extra arms and carried the smaller party members around when they were too lazy to walk.
(yes, she did grow up, but the fey flavor remained, don't be too harsh, I usually play rather serious mature characters, and I wanted to try something different from my typical)

StealthElite |

When I played a summoner.
I played a halfling evolutionist in a eastern game my friends wanted to run.
All his summons were Pokemon, right down to thier attacks
I wouldnt say they were slaves more like Indentured servant pets that were summoned from thier plane through magic ritual balls.
He loved them all
If he defeated a monster he could attempt to capture it with the mentioned ritual balls
as a ranged touch attack, on a hit the creature had to fail 3 will saves or be "captured" and added to the summoners list of summons.
That didnt mean that they would listen to him though

gnomewizard |

I always play a summoner that is drop and draw and eidolon that is his combat buddy. I played a gnome once whose summoner was a Displacer beast like white wolf, and they were out for themselves almost to the poing of poor party cohession. I am playing a dwarf summoner for Carrion crown and they are like tag team wrestler buddies. always wanting take on the opponent head on The dwarf is always smocking a stogie and the eidolon looks like the heroclix mini for armadillo.Imagine Dum Dum Dugan or an Scottish brawler with a a hulking Earthy looking tag team partner. No matter the PCs i always play my eidolon as a friend/ally.

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The "Papa"-teer named his eidolon Diggy after a mod in which he kept diging through debrie searching for traps or hidden monsters. I think this was around second level in pathfinder society organized play(PSOP) where three games levels up a pc. I stole a bunch of lines the the fallout 3 companion Fauxe and use them as Diggy's lines.
My summoner lost his children and wife when the rebel scum burned down his village for be loyalists to the empire while he was away in Westcrown buying masterwork puppets for his show. He had to sell those puppets to learn the arts of summoning to avenge his family. There have been a few times when he accidentally called Diggy by the name of his children in the heat of combat. He hasn't even noticed it and Diggy waves off any attempts by the other adventurers to address it. They wear matching black body suites with red speedos and red suspenders, like a wrestling tag team outfit. P wears a mitral chain shirt underneath.
Sometimes, the two of them tell their teammates that they need some privacy to discuss "issues" with each other. It is just a ploy to get some privacy to conduct secret missions for their beloved master, the sultry Paracountess Zarta Dralneen. Usually they pretend to be arguing about how much treasure Diggy has been allotted. Sometimes they pretend their tactical assessments call for different stratergies. Maybe I will get a Shadow Lodge union member to play along on one of the old missions that have both the shadow lodge union and Cheliax doing the same objective in the early PSOP scenarios. The sl agent can be trying to convince Diggy to join the union after all the dangerous positions the "Pappa"-teer puts Diggy into.
I have not put much personality into my new summoner PSOP pc. I ahve to work on that. I call her Duce-ette. She almost looks like a carbon copy of her summoner. Of course she has some extremes where her evolutions come into play like an extra long neck, the reach evolution. They both have the facial tattoo of the raider girl on the cover of the movie Doomsday, played by actress Leeann Liebanbeck, as I named the pc. The tattoo is a yellow face with blue tribal artwork. I have seen those colors affiliated with Osirion, where she hails from. When I gave Duce-ette reach on her bite, I stated, that they started to wear the necklaces that elongate a woman's neck and added the nickname Longneck to Leeann.
I plan to make a synthesist summoner and role play that like a mech warrior or as a wanzer like one of my favorite video games, Front Mission 4 calls them. I might give him a german accent and make him serve the Cheliaxians. I can just imagin his favorite line will be "We will tell you what to think!" Don't forget to pronounce that with a v sound in place of the w. Darn, I just realized he might have a really hard time getting the faction missions done with so few skill points as a summoner and no seperate skills for his eidolon. I would hate to fail the Paracountess Zarta Dralneen. I may have to rethink that plan. Maybe plan the wanzer(pronounced vanger because it is a german word) pilot for another faction and use a regular summoner/eidolon team for the "we wil" stuff.
Hope someone enjoyed these ramblings. Gave me the thought of making a little video or character profile write up to explain even more that I left out about some of these pcs. Not everyone would want to sit through 5/10 minutes of character description at a PSOP event where time is precious. For those who show up early, it might be a little fun to share.

Malafaxous |

My Summoners Eidolon is part of his mind, his wild and emotional side. While it is summoned it darts and lives and the Summoner becomes more withdrawn. While the Eidolon is banished back into his mindscape the Summoner is overly emotional, unable to act rationally.
The creation of his Eidolon was his attempt to gain the clarity that the mage masters told him he needed to obtain to hone his craft.

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My summoner has a bipedal based eidolon, but its really not quite that.
I play a sickly, weakling half elf, str 8. My ritual is a one minute barrage of vomit, in which my Eidolon springs forth..his name is Bulemia. Its a tentacle monster (slams, multiple tentacles, reach, push, that sort of thing).
storyline, my sickly weakling half elf made a pact with an outside entity to force a portal to our realm in exchange for the power to crush his enemies...and thus springs forth the vomit monster.
Usually the Eidolon is disparaging of the Half Elf, and laughs at his piteous mewlings, demanding buffs and healing. My character obliges, out of fear of the entity which he believes possesses him and calls forth the monster.
Tres fun, especially the barfing all over the place.

Arbalester |

I play my eidolon as a knight-errant. Start bipedal, add claws onto the legs, give him a bite attack, get trip and grab, flight... lots of fun.
He appears as an empty but animated suit of armor; I imagine the claw attacks as spiked gauntlets/boots, and the bite as a headbutt... so he punches, kicks, and headbutts his enemies, while being able to trip on one of the punches or kicks and using the headbutt to start a grab. He basically helps knock down and hold one foe so the fighter can pummel the foe.
Personality-wise, I see him as a loyal but slightly snarky otherworldly knight. [To the other five people who ever played Baten Kaitos Origins, I basically play him as Guillo, the magic-wielding robot... except replace the magic with martial arts.] He bravely advises and defends his summoner, but to the rest of the party, he's always a bit aloof and sarcastic.
Later on, I like taking Undead Appearance; then, he appears as a ghost inside the armored suit, becoming more visible as I rank up Undead Appearance.

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As a synthesist, I roleplay mine as a suit of alien bio-mechanical armor that I found deep in Silver Mount.
Ooo, kind of like the Guyver unit? That's cool. :)
I like the ideas in this thread. I want to make a Synthesist Summoner and play him as Ben 10. His first "alien form" will be Humongosaur and will have a 2d6+3 (I think) Slam attack. As Ben levels up, he will move on to more powerful alien forms, like Four-Arms and Ultimate Humongosaur. :)
The more I think about it, the more I think I will play this as my first Pathfinder Sociery character. Simply because if I don't like playing Pathfinder, at least I have a cool character I can kill off in those Intro games! :-D