Best things to bring to a dungeon delve?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

A group of mine is heading down into a very extensive dungeon under a city, and got me to thinkin about what the best items, and the most useful items were to have in a dungeon. Especially stuff that you wouldn't think about bringing.

Here's some stuff a player posted:
marbles, chalk, grease or oil, mirrors, rubber balls, yarn, O ring pitons, meat (fresh), fishing twine, a box of rats/snakes if you're sadistic/practical, a way to make smoke, fire works, a long wire with a hook on the end, sand, chalk dust or flower, various healing herbs, a charcoal pencil, a sling shot (if rubber is available), a book on oozes and fungi, a book on critters that live in the dark, a whistle, a bag of spherical rocks weighing various amounts, towels, extra socks, a coal bundle, springs, a hallow tube, a stick to hold a mirror, Arrows with rings on the backs for ropes. For that matter, weapons of unusual sorts: forked arrows (for ropes), Collars with the spikes on the insides, manacles of the same, A rope with barbed hook at it's end, a hallow holy mace, chains, a folding ladder, etc!

What else can you think of besides the obvious "Rope, grappling hook, food, rogue, etc" stuff

Paper, waterproof scroll cases (for the paper), folding boat if you can afford it, crowbar, climbing kit, glue (esp soverign glue), hammer, nails, saw, chisel, maul, lots of bandages, healing kits, tarp, bedrolls, cooking utensils, spices, something to read (for when someone needs to take a few days to heal up from something nasty). Trade goods for trading with the people in the dungeon, things they can't get (like spices, books, fresh fruit kept good with 'purify spells', etc).

Portable Ram
Hands free light
a wheelbarrow (easily abandoned way to carry alot easily)
Block and Tackle (basically a pulley so you can lift really heavy things)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

10 foot pole, crowbar, halfling. All you need.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

• Light sources (the ioun torch in the APG is fantastic)
• Potions of darkvision
• Oils of daylight
• Bags of powder (from the APG)
• Ranged attack options (no matter who you are - even a sling is better than sitting there twiddling your thumbs)
• Air crystals (from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide)
• A dagger (again, no matter who you are)
• If there's a druid in the party, scrolls of faerie fire.
• Alchemist's fire

A careful note taker. Somethings are to big to continue exploring with but worth the money to leave or go back for. Knowing where they were left is very helpful both in and out of game.

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Cure wands. Lots and lots of cure wands.

Depending on the level of the party, lots of diamond dust, too.

Some type of waterbreathing, spell components by the armful, and put some money into the raw materials for traps, in case you guys need to hunker down. Also, some items like healing kits only have so many uses per purchase, so several copies, as well as an extra copy of things like climbing kits and thieves tools. wands are way better than potions for cure spells.

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some spell to prevent cave ins
and most importantly: paranoia

lots of underlings to send in first!

Liberty's Edge

A canary to detect methane pockets can be valuable. I, personally, recommend stakes: you can use them to hold doors to prevent your escape from being cut off, and they are useful in case of vampires. Some sort of waterproof bag for food, spellbooks, etc. is vital.

A barometer.

Extra dimensional storage. Bags of holding and/or handy haversacks for all the stuff you are taking in and hopefully taking out. Preferably several of them. That way if you are truly hosed, ten levels underground, and surrounded by creatures about to eat your face, you can make a last ditch planar escape by putting one in the other

Why a barometer?

Atarlost wrote:
Why a barometer?

Tells you the air pressure. Also known as 'how deep in the *** am I'ometer.

-Every single alchemical item, at least 5 of each.
-Extradimentional space, As mentioned above.
-Adamantine pic axe, because that wall was asking for it.
-The spell prestidigitation, because you can't get tired of the taste of bacon.
-Someone small to squeeze into tight spaces.

twin bickering gnomes

A spare rogue that you aren't attached to...

Also manacles, spare sacks and chests, a pulley, lots of rope, and torches. Good for lighting things on fire.

Grand Lodge

Do wands of floating disk exist? I would want one or 9

Lots covered above as well.

Some type of portable extra dimensional space which is cold or frozen stocked with meat! Months of monster bashing? I want a tbone!

A dedicated Swoard/Board fighter and a dedicated healer for said fighter.

Matt Stich wrote:
10 foot pole, crowbar, halfling. All you need.

For added effect tie the halfling to the end of the ten foot pole.

No more need to worry about traps!

Note: the halfing may require the occasional healing potion if he starts to whine too much.

The Exchange

Pshaw! Sounds to me like what your party needs most of all is a wheelbarrow.

Atarlost wrote:
Why a barometer?

Barometers can be used in many creative ways.

Crowbar and Mallet

In the dungeon delve I'm in, I wish we brought diamond dust, adamantine arrows, and more arrows. General advice is, spend all your wealth before you go in. I doubt that having gold in the dungeon will do you any good.

The Exchange

Kahn Zordlon wrote:
...I doubt that having gold in the dungeon will do you any good.

You've obviously never encountered a Poverty Golem! (DR 15/big old bag of gold coins).

Scrolls of Napstack

... and/or Rope Trick

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