Dela |
21 people marked this as a favorite. |

as my group will very soon be starting part 3, I´m currently making some maps to show/play with. I´m using Maptools to make the maps.
To get ideas for the maps I´m using Google to find some ruin pictures. I hope its not an legal problem posting them here. If it is, please contact me and I´ll remove them. The monster pics are also from google.
If someone has a good picture for one of the locations, I´d be happy to see them and maybe make a map.
I will be updating them as I make them.
So lets start, maybe someone can use them for their own campaign:
E1 Crocodile Island
E2 Lair of the Ape-Eaters
E3 Chimera Lair
Monster: Chimera pic from AP
E5 Isle of Shadows
I ignored the discription here. In my version its an old tower which is completely flooded. It was once a kind of bank. On the inside are still some vaults, which are closed behind a giant sealed door and multiple forbiddance effects.
F1 Shattered Bridges
Map F1a bridges
Map F1b bridges
Map F1b nord
Map F1b east
Monster = degenerated serpentfolk pic from AP
F2 Promanda of Law
(Ugimmo is currently in his lair, an old building, half sunken in the water)
Monster: Ugimmo pic from AP
F4 Flooded Amphitheather
The thing to the right is a portal. This portals are all over the city and connect some buildings via dimension doors. Some of them are still working.
F5 Den of the Rakshasa
Changed Crocodile to normal tiger because of the pic ;)

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

You just made my whole day my friend!
I put Serpents Skull on temporary hiatus because the prospect of mapping it with MapTools was just too time consuming with the projects I have going on right now.
These are wonderful, and please continue to post more.
Really, this is a wonderful thing you've done. This chapter really needs some quality maps.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

Thanks for the positive feedback, but I think I´m going to ask to let the pictures be removed.
I´ll leave the maps, as they are made by me, but after reading about the copyright problems, I think its best this way as I don´t wanna pay a lot of money just for posting some stuff I found on Google.
Please do leave the maps. Doing your own version of an adventure map (that you created yourself) is not a violation.
I made some for Rise of the Runelords back in the day, and even gave them to Lisa Stevens. I understand your concern about the artwork however... but the maps are fine.

Dela |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Made some more maps today:
I Sunken Ruins
Its not just some random ruins, it´s Saventh-Yhi´s harbor. With smashed ships and the broken light house. The magical orb to create the lighthouse light is still functional (functions as daylight at will item, shrinks to prefered size of the user(for transport).
N Trader´s Bowl
The black shadow at the top is the underground tunnel. The gibbering mouthers will emerge from the 3 holes in the ground.
O Hidden Pool

Dela |

Scale? Whatever fits ;D
Just download Maptools, load the maps and use the scale you like.
I´m going to use very customized locations/maps for the spears. As we are playing on Eberron and one of my players has a really cool backstory connected to manifest zones (basically zones which have planar traits), all the spears will be manifest zones. The buildings look the same from the outside, but on the inside there are zones which look like the plane they are connected to (all spear are connected to a different plane). If anyone is interested in those, just say so and I´ll be posting them as well.

Zaister |
Well, I have no use for Maptools since I don't play online, and it more than possible the program wouldn't even run on my operating system. My use case would be to print the maps as floor plans for my home game.

Zaister |
Thanks for the tip, I've seen that maptools is actually a java program and seems to run at least on Mac OS X and probably on Linux, too, so I can do that myself.
You doing more maps is fine with me :) Thanks again, those are going to be useful once my campaign reaches Saventh Yhi.

Dela |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Forgot to mention: For many of the water textures, I used this deviant art picture from AshenSorrow.
If a mod reads this, please edit it in the first post.

Dela |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

2 more:
G1 Plaza of the People
M The Ivory Gate
As I said my group is playing on Eberron. So there was no earthfall. Instead the dragons of Argonessen obliterated Saventh-Yhi. The main entrance was one of the places they attacked the hardest. The scorches are still there. The red fog in the north is all over the temple district due to corrupted magic (added this to make the district and its inhabitants (changed to lizardfolk) a bit different).

Francis Riendeau |
This is completly amazing!
I did some maps for the first and second chapter but in this third book, I was a little bit lost.
You just showed me the light!
My only problem is that some of the images quality of imageshack is not that good.
Is there a way I can get a better version?
Please contact me if you can
Email: francis.riendeau at hotmail dot com