Tomorrow, you begin a new campaign at 1st level. What class do you take ?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Depending on the campaign, my top choices are Cleric, Druid, or Monk.

Silver Crusade

Zephyre Al'dran wrote:

Thematically, the character I'd like to try would come off looking a little like a medicine man from the time period of the Spainish founding (ie invasion) of South America. He'd know the ways of the wild and while not a conjuror of magic, able to brew medicinal teas and stuff. Unfortunately, his world was invaded by the white devils bearing Fire Arms and wearing armor. To help in the fight against these viscious invaders he is among the first to don their weapons and use them against them...

Translation : Vivisectionist Alchemist with a level of Gunslinger/Gun Tank Archtype. The vivisectionist takes care of the medicine man feel, divest itself of explosives, but gains a large understanding of healing due to his knowledge of natural world. The Gunslinger/Guntank Archtype brings in the feel of the Spainish Conquistadors.
Thematicaly I'd take the Alchemist level first, but if I were power gaming I'd probably do Gunslinger 1st.

If you wish to play a Gun-Tank, this could maybe interest you. :)

Black Moria wrote:
I think my aversion to bards is my DM had anyone who played a bard actually sing or recite poetry or play an music instrument as part of the the roleplaying, something that I hated trying to due on account that I can't sing (well, I can sing but you would play me good coin to stop real quick) or I can't play a musical instrument to save my life.

My own aversion to bards comes from the fact all other players, including the DM, picture a bard as doing exactly the kind of things you are describing - which they find at best silly, at worst ridiculous ; and thus, they consider the class itself as "not interesting". I would love to prove them wrong as I already did several times with wtf concepts that worked and entertained the table. :)

alchemist! i haven't been a player sent well... ever i will play this class so help me numerous gods of fantasy based games

Black Moria wrote:

Wizard to segway into Cypermage

or a Bard. Been playing since 1974 and never played a bard. I've played as another character's psuedodragon familar and I continued playing in another campaign after I sacrificed myself and became an intelligent artifact and played as the artifact for a while. But never bard. I think my aversion to bards is my DM had anyone who played a bard actually sing or recite poetry or play an music instrument as part of the the roleplaying, something that I hated trying to due on account that I can't sing (well, I can sing but you would play me good coin to stop real quick) or I can't play a musical instrument to save my life.

Or it could be the memories of the player we once had in our group who like playing bagpipe playing bards and he would bring his real bagpipes (he was a piper) to each session so he could play them during the session.

I figure I need to do a Bard sometime before I die, since I have played every class multiple times but never a bard.

I've never played a Bard either before this past weekend. Granted, I'm the Archaeologist archetype, so you take out all of the performance stuff and replace it with Rogue abilities. That way you don't have to sing, or perform in any way whatsoever. It's the perfect generic adventuring class. Though my GM fixed it a bit by trading all Perform skills for Disable Device, and gave me access to some select Ranger spells instead of the music-themed Bard spells. So far I'm really enjoying it!

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
]It'd be interesting. I imagine my French Inquisitor as Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral

Hmm... French Lawful Neutral Inquisitor... My Victor Hugo senses are tingling.

Silver Crusade

Maxximilius wrote:

Black Moria wrote:
I think my aversion to bards is my DM had anyone who played a bard actually sing or recite poetry or play an music instrument as part of the the roleplaying, something that I hated trying to due on account that I can't sing (well, I can sing but you would play me good coin to stop real quick) or I can't play a musical instrument to save my life.
My own aversion to bards comes from the fact all other players, including the DM, picture a bard as doing exactly the kind of things you are describing - which they find at best silly, at worst ridiculous ; and thus, they consider the class itself as "not interesting". I would love to prove them wrong as I already did several times with wtf concepts that worked and entertained the table. :)

If you want to do something different with a bard, while still being a performer (though I can't see actually having to perform as part of your role play), I was thinking that maybe a cleric/bard combo might be interesting. The character could be a cantor (a singing clergyman). Some possible character names would be BuffBot, Buff-o-matic, BuffMaster 9000, and of course, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Channeling positive energy slays vampires, right?).

Fromper wrote:

If you want to do something different with a bard, while still being a performer (though I can't see actually having to perform as part of your role play), I was thinking that maybe a cleric/bard combo might be interesting. The character could be a cantor (a singing clergyman). Some possible character names would be BuffBot, Buff-o-matic, BuffMaster 9000, and of course, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Channeling positive energy slays vampires, right?).

I recommend bard 5 cleric 3 mystic theurge 6 bard 2 mystic thuerge 4 as the 'total build'.

Nickademus42 wrote:
Wizard Fire Elementalist (with Sorc splash). My next character slotted to be made is my Taldan scholar nuke mage.

Crossblooded Elemental [Primal]/Draconic 1 level sorcerer dip FTW

Why yes, I like it when my scorching Ray hits for 12d6+24

As for myself, I would like to make a Ranger/Barbarian build that fights using natural weapons only (Aspect of the Beast with Lesser Fiend Totem and bite attack rage powers)

I'd play a witch with the with the Fast Talking and Ease of Faith traits. I'm picturing a swindling snake oil sales man of witch who travels from location to location selling talismans and trinkets to the superstitious people.

Stats 8, 13, 12, 16, 12, 14 (using 15pt Build and Human +2 on Int)
HP: 8

Skill Pts 6

Bluff (cl) 10
Diplomacy (cl) 7
Perception (cl) 5
Sense Motive (cl) 5
Intimidate (cl) 6
Knowledge History (cl) 7

Familiar Viper, Disguise Hex, trickery Patron

Feats Cosmopolitan and Dodge
Traits Fast Talking and Ease of Faith

1) Mage armor, Cure Light wounds, and Burning hands

Silver Crusade

Fromper wrote:

If you want to do something different with a bard, while still being a performer (though I can't see actually having to perform as part of your role play), I was thinking that maybe a cleric/bard combo might be interesting. The character could be a cantor (a singing clergyman). Some possible character names would be BuffBot, Buff-o-matic, BuffMaster 9000, and of course, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Channeling positive energy slays vampires, right?).

Actually, I was looking at a whip-wielding Archaeologist, but the loss of Inspire Courage makes me feel like I will not contribute enough ; and the Rogue Talents, while being interesting (Convincing Lies/Black Market FTW), still lack luster against Inspire Courage. I could see Assault Leader being used but 1/day hurts.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Me? I think I'd play a Hexblade from 3.5's Complete Warrior. Yes, it is an underpowered class, but I like the flavor. I suspect "converting" it would be as "difficult" as updating the skill list to the PFRPG and calculating CMB and CMD. Bam! "Converted." Of course, that's how I feel about "converting" most 3.5 classes. If I'm wrong, and if that would not work, I'd honestly like to know why not.

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I bought Ultimate Combat yesterday. After looking at the feats in there, I think I'd make my next character frickin' Nightcrawler: Qinggong monk that takes Dimensional Agility/Assault/Dervish/Maneuvers/Savant.

Swap out Wholeness of Body for Gaseous Form.

Swap out Diamond Body for Shadow Step.

Swap out Diamond Soul for Shadow Walk.

Take a bunch of movement-related feats (Acrobatic Steps, Spider Steps, Cloud Step).

Silver Crusade

My Druid/Bard Half elf who has a Butterfly Dog as her companion of course. ^_^
She was a court bard, and also a courtesan ;. Got kicked out of a Taldor noble's house once his wife found out about the canoodling.
Her Butterfly Dog is trained to dance to her music, fetch, do agility, flich keys and untie ropes. And keep guard when his master is canoodling a married man... or woman.

Blade-Bound/ Kensi magus........or alchemist.....

Randall Jhen wrote:

I bought Ultimate Combat yesterday. After looking at the feats in there, I think I'd make my next character frickin' Nightcrawler: Qinggong monk that takes Dimensional Agility/Assault/Dervish/Maneuvers/Savant.

Swap out Wholeness of Body for Gaseous Form.

Swap out Diamond Body for Shadow Step.

Swap out Diamond Soul for Shadow Walk.

Take a bunch of movement-related feats (Acrobatic Steps, Spider Steps, Cloud Step).


RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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I removed some posts. Don't harass other posters. Don't make bigoted, hateful, or racially insensitive statements.

Talon3585 wrote:
Randall Jhen wrote:

I bought Ultimate Combat yesterday. After looking at the feats in there, I think I'd make my next character frickin' Nightcrawler: Qinggong monk that takes Dimensional Agility/Assault/Dervish/Maneuvers/Savant.

Swap out Wholeness of Body for Gaseous Form.

Swap out Diamond Body for Shadow Step.

Swap out Diamond Soul for Shadow Walk.

Take a bunch of movement-related feats (Acrobatic Steps, Spider Steps, Cloud Step).


When I was discussing this idea with some co-workers today, that's the name I said I would give him: Bamf.

Edit: I did just put together an outline for this character and found out that, sadly, a straight monk doesn't have enough feats to take all of the Dimensional feats, since the earliest they can take Dimensional Agility is 13th level.

I want to play a halfling witch with the childlike feat. Just be a creepy, creepy, kid.

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Kuma wrote:
I want to play a halfling witch with the childlike feat. Just be a creepy, creepy, kid.

You know... I had this same idea. But taken one step further.

Halfling feral child. Young templated Halfling, Barbarian, with Animal Fury and Beast Totems. I'm tiny, do almost no damage, but am extremely hard as hell to hit! Plus, I gnaw on your ankle.

I have affectionately dubbed the character "ankle biter".

Silver Crusade

Kuma wrote:
I want to play a halfling witch with the childlike feat. Just be a creepy, creepy, kid.

Well, looks like I'd love to see you play. :p

Gestalt? Rogue//Sage Sorcerer with custom archetypes. (Bardic Knowledge and Canny Defense on Rogue, Witch spell list on Sorcerer.) Building to Chameleon.

Standard? Archaeologist Bard building to Wyrm Wizard and Sublime Chord.

The Exchange

after reading a few of other people choices,.... and by no means all these posts. So if anyone else pointed this out, this just agrees with them.

I'll run whatever everyone else is NOT running.
Unless there are other considerations. For example, if everyone wants to run small size mounted characters - that's fine with me. But Class wise - I'll run the cleric if no one else runs one. The face if we don't have one in the group. The Tank, or the knowledge monkey or the Rogue, or the... you get the idea.

Verdant Wheel Manager - Bell's Comic and Trading cards

Currently I have been playing a Dervish Bard, and as much as i am enjoying it, i am the social skill monkey in my group, and only healer. i want to play something less finesse and more Brute, so i am gonna go with Probably a True primitive Barbarian. Here is hoping that when i get the chance to play this, that someone else has the same faction as i do. =P

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Artemis Moonstar wrote:
Kuma wrote:
I want to play a halfling witch with the childlike feat. Just be a creepy, creepy, kid.

You know... I had this same idea. But taken one step further.

Halfling feral child. Young templated Halfling, Barbarian, with Animal Fury and Beast Totems. I'm tiny, do almost no damage, but am extremely hard as hell to hit! Plus, I gnaw on your ankle.

I have affectionately dubbed the character "ankle biter".

Halfling Rogue2(for Honeyed Words)/Gravewalker Witch3 with Childlike and Pass for Human.

She has a tea party with her little dolly each morning to get her spells back. And talks to it. It always seems to be watching the party...

Maxximilius wrote:

Again, a lot of cool ideas right there !

Something I personnaly would love to see - but probably not to play : a halfling child with the Childlike feat, Gravewalker Witch with a puppet.

So glad I'm not the only who has had this idea...


*conversing with the puppet for spells in the morning*

"Would you like one lump of sugar in your tea or two, Zombie Apocalypse Barbie?"


"Just the one then."


"You're welcome."

Can I play?

I play an Orc Witch with the Cauldron hex. That way, I can qualify for Cook People at 10th level, and bit a literal Boneboiler!

Silver Crusade

Icyshadow wrote:
Good point and related to the earlier, I guess. For example, you can't really complain about not being able to play an Orc in a Dark Sun campaign. They're canonically extinct in that setting, so unless the DM decides to retcon that fact, you are NOT playing an Orc. Another example is "no Elves in low-fantasy campaigns" even though D&D is tough to play like that. But what do you mean by "playing fill-in"? (English is not my main language, so yeah...)

Your English seems fine to me. Better than many people I know and I'm from England :).

Silver Crusade

Azten wrote:

So glad I'm not the only who has had this idea...


*conversing with the puppet for spells in the morning*

"Would you like one lump of sugar in your tea or two, Zombie Apocalypse Barbie?"


"Just the one then."


"You're welcome."

My wife has a PFS character who is basically a childlike halfling Summoner who looks like Shirley Temple. She has an eidolon that looks like a devil in a suit and has named him "Mr Bubbles."

It amuses her how much this freaks me out.

Silver Crusade

Oh and given no information about the setting or style of the game I would go for an CG Elven Inquisitor of Callistria.

Vengeance shall be mine!

Either a paladin (because I haven't played one yet and it would be fun to go 'round being a self-righteous dick to everyone), a monk (haven't played one either and I'd love to play him as a Western Friar Tuck character) or an inquistor (because I haven't played one and they look interesting.)

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