Blue Star |

Blue Star, for some reason I am reminded of the most recent Casino Royale, where Bond is being held capitive by the man who cries blood. And Bond laughs, and says, 'I got you to scratch my . . ." well, you remember.
So do you laugh at your party wizard: 'Heh, I got you to wipe my . . . ?'
No, I don't. I don't want him/her to light me on fire next time I get covered in.... whatever I might find myself covered in, typically bad guy guts, since I tend to play noncasters.

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Its all the cheap mundane items with no or very little weight. In nearly every game I have played, we have ended up in tricky situations where I end up finding a way to creatively use candles, chalk, whistle, etc. The GM always agrees to my wacky plans thinking "there is no way she has that random thing on her character's inventory..." only to find out that I do indeed have a bunch of random stuff that I have been hoarding since level 1.
I second the mention of the signal whistle. It's very handy for anyone who might ever stand a watch in camp. Also, a sling and a club.
Sling bullets are also useful, but you generally only use them at very low or very high levels.

Helic |

Continual Flame cast on it. They hide it in their poison pill ring. All of my decently high level Wizards and Summoners get it for free by summoning a Lantern Archon.
Spells cast by summoned outsiders expire when the summon spell ends. I think this applies to Permanent spells like Continual Flame as well. It's not like it's an expensive spell to cast (and you could use a Calling spell).

nategar05 |

nategar05 wrote:Continual Flame cast on it. They hide it in their poison pill ring. All of my decently high level Wizards and Summoners get it for free by summoning a Lantern Archon.Spells cast by summoned outsiders expire when the summon spell ends. I think this applies to Permanent spells like Continual Flame as well. It's not like it's an expensive spell to cast (and you could use a Calling spell).
Indeed. Well, I don't know about durations of spells from summoned things, but Summon Monster says they can't duplicate expensive spells, and I assume that rule would apply. Oh well, I'm cheap and was trying to save some money. Sad face. :(

Helic |

Indeed. Well, I don't know about durations of spells from summoned things, but Summon Monster says they can't duplicate expensive spells, and I assume that rule would apply. Oh well, I'm cheap and was trying to save some money. Sad face. :(
Lesser Planar Binding is cheap to cast, though you need to set up a Magic Circle, which requires a bit of silver (enough to make a 3ft diameter circle, probably a pound, or 50sp worth). The summoned Lantern Archon can be ordered to make lots of Continual Flame items for 1/10th the price of a single Continual Flame spell - if all goes well. Calling spells have their own particular dangers, after all.

Odytoboman |

1)Potion of Cure Light Wounds - it helps get the healer off the ground.
2)Spare Gold - Gold can solve many many problems.
3)Waterskin of Flamible Substance
4)Waterskin of Water - for when you need to wash the dead ooze off.
5)Wartrained Riding Mount - great for an extra attack at low levels if you make your ride check.
6)Bag of Flour..... for those paranoid about the invisible.
That's my list
Reverse #3 and #4 for hilarious results!

Dreaming Psion |

Since obvious stuff like chalk, ten foot poles, handy haversacks/bags of holding, and rings of sustenance have been mentioned, I'm going to go for another staple no adventurer should be without: other adventurers who can't run as quickly! The best tool for survival you'll need!
Also, ear plugs, for not having to listen to the uptight paladin sermonize, the bard pretend to having singing ability when he should just stick to that damn lute, and the know-it-all wizard bore you with exposition of how many angels can dance on the edge of a pin. Oh and maybe avoid a sonic or language dependent effect here or there...

Artemis Moonstar |

Since obvious stuff like chalk, ten foot poles, handy haversacks/bags of holding, and rings of sustenance have been mentioned, I'm going to go for another staple no adventurer should be without: other adventurers who can't run as quickly! The best tool for survival you'll need!
Also, ear plugs, for not having to listen to the uptight paladin sermonize, the bard pretend to having singing ability when he should just stick to that damn lute, and the know-it-all wizard bore you with exposition of how many angels can dance on the edge of a pin. Oh and maybe avoid a sonic or language dependent effect here or there...
I would have to point out that wizard makes wonderful ambush bait. So letting him tag along the LEAST you can do is listen to his boring stories. After all, the poor guy's gonna get a kobold stabbing him in the arse in... Oh... Two rounds. At least you won't have to worry about telling people about the ambush, because despite his incessant interruptions of your warnings, his cries of agony will be alarm enough for the rest of your party.
Edit: Yes, this has happened to my party. Happily, the wizard was an NPC... Unhappily, he was an essential NPC we had to keep alive.... A gag and lots of rope was how we managed to get through the rest of the dungeon.

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Alchemist's Fire - better at low levels than Burning Hands (1d6 twice vs 1d4?)
Instead of sunrods, everburning torchs, etc.,; go for the Ioun Torch. Only 75 gp for a burned out Ioun stone with COntinual Flame on it, and it still orbits your head to leave your hannds free, and, like any other Ioun stone, can be put in your pocket when you don't need it.
Cold Weather Clothing (you can sub in a wand of Endure Elements, if you have a caster who can use it, and it is good for extreme heat as well as cold)
Courtier's Outfit & matching jewelry (If you ever get invited to an upscale party, hired by nobility, etc.)
Some sort of ranged weapon, as well as at least a dagger
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
A wide variety of inexpensive potions and oils, as you can afford:
Gaseous Form
Bless Weapon
Align Weapon
Magic Weapon
If you are interested, over in the Pathfinder Society section, there is a post that was a redo of a post from the old Living Greyhawk days about recommended consumables and item essentials for PCs.

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This is my current character's inventory(sans the stuff on his person, meaning sword and armor):
mwk backbag, weapon cord, antitoxin(2), antiplague(2), alchemist's kit, blanket, cold iron shortspear, compass, spider vine poison(16), elixir of fire breath, everburning torch, rations(6), formulae book, healer's kit, mwk artisan's tools, mwk thieves' tools, powder, ear plugs, potion of gaseous form, potion of invisibility, potion of prot. f/evil, potion of water breathing, potion of heroism, tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, twine, rope(hempen, 50 ft.), vermin repellant, weapon blanch(silver), whetstone
I like to carry around lots of junk. And hey, an alchemist must! I absolutely have to recommend the cold iron shortspear It costs nothing, can be thrown, pierces dr, works underwater, can be used two-handed, is next to weightless and just about anyone can use it.
I totally need a bag of holding eventually. Unfortunately, we haven't found any by 9th level.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I am a big fan of the standard issue 10 foot pole. Use it to find traps triggered on floors and wall and ceiling, help hold up a leanto or other thing, poke at something to make sure it's dead (I have totally done this in dungeons full of undead), poke your teammates when they're being annoying.
Now, if only chewing gum existed as an item, the 10 foot pole would be that much more handy.
Other favorite stuff... handy haversack of course; robe of useful items (forgot to have my sorceress ask for one recently, dang it...), mirror, chalk, crowbar (the poor man's skeleton key).

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many many years ago (sounds like the start of a movie), in my home game, we invented a 2' section of pole with a screw tip on one end and a socket on the other. These have become standard in any game I can get the DM to put them in. Each player would then have several (3 for standard) and they become VERY useful. screw 6 together and you have a 12' pole. screw a dagger (with a handle/hilt designed to fit) on the socket end and add 2 more poles and you have a spear. Barbed head and a ring makes a harpoon. hammer head with a ax on one side and you get a hammer backed hand ax. taken as is you have a club... maybe a light mace (or add a mace head and you have a heavy mace).
Many, many uses. many bits/fittings to be added to give it more uses. (any suggestions would be welcome!)

Helic |

This may seem obvious, but the humble dagger (knife) is a must have for everyone. I personally carry a pocket knife every day and can't imagine not having one - I use it every day for something, be it cutting fruit or loose threads or the wrapper on some food. An adventurer is sure to find just as much use for one (especially since you can use one in grapple, to pry gems out of sockets, as a digging tool, climbing aid, etcetera. Doesn't have to be made of adamantine to be useful (doesn't hurt, though).
Every adventurer should also carry healing potions. They don't require UMD checks, so they don't fail, and sometimes you need to save your buddy's life and the healer is otherwise occupied. No, they're not the cheapest solution, but they ARE the best one.
At least three days of trail rations, even if your cleric can create food and water. Because sometimes he's going to need to use that slot for healing (or harming) or prepare some other spell.
A ball of twine. Rope is great and all, but string is just plain useful.

brother ehhnnzioh |

Im a great fan of having bait.
In a game of Iron Kingdoms last night there was a discussion of who would get some steam armour between me (the fighter) and the party rogue who is a bit of an idiot. I let the rogue have it because he thought looks cool. We go into a known combat (as opposed to those pesky unknown combats) all of the enemy archers target him which I was very thankful for being extremely low on the HPs.
Bait is the best thing to have if your low on anything.

Gilfalas |

Lots of folks list chalk but forget the most important thing that goes with it: WAX.
You have a few sticks of chalk for use but then you have your spares sealed in wax. What happanes to chalk sticks when they get wet? Thats right, white mush. Cause you KNOW your ref is going to drop you in water at some point so you need some backups that are waterproof but easily accessible.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

Lots of folks list chalk but forget the most important thing that goes with it: WAX.
You have a few sticks of chalk for use but then you have your spares sealed in wax. What happanes to chalk sticks when they get wet? Thats right, white mush. Cause you KNOW your ref is going to drop you in water at some point so you need some backups that are waterproof but easily accessible.
There are some white stones that actually work extrememly well in place of chalk that don't go mush. I'm kinda brain dead atm so I can't think what they are called.

Corrik |

Lots of folks list chalk but forget the most important thing that goes with it: WAX.
You have a few sticks of chalk for use but then you have your spares sealed in wax. What happanes to chalk sticks when they get wet? Thats right, white mush. Cause you KNOW your ref is going to drop you in water at some point so you need some backups that are waterproof but easily accessible.
That is what the candles are for.

GoldenOpal |

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

There is the usual, ring of Sustenance, neclance of adaptation (survive anywhere for any amount of time). Handy Haversack is another usual.
However I usually get an item that does prestidigitation 1/day at the least to reduce the 10 lbs/day of explorers outfit clothing I would have to carry, keeps me clean without having to get naked, and you never know when you might run into something sticky.

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A little pricier, and requires another expansion:
Seeker of Secrets: Wayfinder and a resonant clear spindle Ioun stone.
Sustanence, and the protection from mental domination of Protection from Evil.
In adition, the new Pathfinder Society Field Guide includes some prebuilt kits that have useful sets of stuff in them, at a small discount.

Blueluck |

There is the usual, ring of Sustenance, neclance of adaptation (survive anywhere for any amount of time). Handy Haversack is another usual.
However I usually get an item that does prestidigitation 1/day at the least to reduce the 10 lbs/day of explorers outfit clothing I would have to carry, keeps me clean without having to get naked, and you never know when you might run into something sticky.
I'm a big fan of Prestidigitation for all those little things like bathing.
I'm playing a Paladin in a campaign right now, and have been constructing an intelligent sword for my character. Right now it's just "Intelligent" with no special abilities except empathy. The GM and I were going to slowly add powers and personality to the sword as the party levels, adding powers at regular book cost to my character, to keep it balanced. I might give it Prestidigitation (at will) and make it's primary personality flaw vanity!
Me: "For Sarenrae!" I charge the troll, rolled a hit, deal 12 damage.
Sword: "YUCK! Troll blood? This is gross!" Casts Prestidigitation to clean itself.
(Special purpose, destroy/defeat ugly things!)

Artemis Moonstar |

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:There is the usual, ring of Sustenance, neclance of adaptation (survive anywhere for any amount of time). Handy Haversack is another usual.
However I usually get an item that does prestidigitation 1/day at the least to reduce the 10 lbs/day of explorers outfit clothing I would have to carry, keeps me clean without having to get naked, and you never know when you might run into something sticky.
I'm a big fan of Prestidigitation for all those little things like bathing.
I'm playing a Paladin in a campaign right now, and have been constructing an intelligent sword for my character. Right now it's just "Intelligent" with no special abilities except empathy. The GM and I were going to slowly add powers and personality to the sword as the party levels, adding powers at regular book cost to my character, to keep it balanced. I might give it Prestidigitation (at will) and make it's primary personality flaw vanity!
Me: "For Sarenrae!" I charge the troll, rolled a hit, deal 12 damage.
Sword: "YUCK! Troll blood? This is gross!" Casts Prestidigitation to clean itself.(Special purpose, destroy/defeat ugly things!)
.... +1
Why have I never heard of anyone even think of this? It's so awesome xD
More items an Adventurer can't do without: Bottled Air is always a good thing.