The Bash was great! Now release the scenarios

Beginner Box

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Dark Archive

The BBB was lots of fun. I am glad that I participated. I played at Enchanted Grounds here in Denver. We had enough players to have four four-player tables running. Everyone that I talked to had a good time.

The four scenarios were a blast. Although the "Tomes" and "Ruins" encounters were brutal. There was even a TPK at one of the "Tomes" tables.

I would love to see the four scenarios released to the Beginner Box page for download. I also heard a suggestion at the Bash that they be combined and published as an adventure module. That would be great to have and I would buy it, but I would be happy just to be able to run those four scenarios for my home group.

I really like the "lite" version of PFRPG. (I failed my Will Save so I am now the owner of a box.) I think it is something that I will have fun GMing. Also, the only time I get to play Pathfinder is in PFS because Pathfinder is too rules heavy for my home group. This is a shame because Golarion is a great setting that I think my players would like. The Beginner Box is something that I think I could get my home group to play.

Hopefully there is more Beginner Box material to come. I would actually like to see Paizo do something like the old Mentzer BECMI sets for D&D. Keep it more rules-lite than standard Pathfinder, but have it go higher than 5th level.

Also, I like the production quality of the materials in the box. I think it is well done. If Paizo keeps producing materials for the Beginner Box, I hope they are of equal quality. I know that there are paper minis available for some of the Adventure Paths and that WizKids is doing plastic minis for Pathfinder. However, I like the cardboard minis in the Box. Perhaps more of those could be produced as part of the Beginner Box line?

Dark Archive

I forgot to mention something.

The prizes for the BBB were great. I really like the player Boon. I wish I could have acquired the GM boon.

Silver Crusade

From what i have heard from the Dev.s on the message boards, the beginner box is just that. I think it's designed to be an onramp to the Pathfinder Game.

I think, now i may be wrong but, I think i remember reading somewhere, that when Wizards of the Coast absorbed the bankrupt TSR, Lisa Stevens worked for Wotc at the time.

I think she was responsible for going over the data, and trying to figure out why TSR folded.

I believe, now i may very well be wrong, and I don't want to put words in her mouth, but I think

the conclusion that was reached, was that TSR folded because it was supporting too many lines,

I E Dungeons and Dragons, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, and all of the campaign worlds:

Forgotten Realms, Dragon Lance, Grey Hawk, Spell Jammer, Kara Tur, Al Quadim, Maztica,

Planescape, Dark sun, Ravenloft....and those are just the ones I remember, Im sure there are more. These two many lines fractured their "fan base" and then their product lines became unsustainable.

I think Paizo wants to avoid that pit fall, so i think they are planning to focus on the Pathfinder RPG, and their main money maker the Pathfinder Adventure Path line. So apart from some suplimental web materiel, i don't think they are planning to produce a beginner box line.

Well it sounds like you had fun, which is great.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

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dkeester wrote:

Hopefully there is more Beginner Box material to come. I would actually like to see Paizo do something like the old Mentzer BECMI sets for D&D. Keep it more rules-lite than standard Pathfinder, but have it go higher than 5th level.

Also, I like the production quality of the materials in the box. I think it is well done. If Paizo keeps producing materials for the Beginner Box, I hope they are of equal quality. I know that there are paper minis available for some of the Adventure Paths and that WizKids is doing plastic minis for Pathfinder. However, I like the cardboard minis in the Box. Perhaps more of those could be produced as part of the Beginner Box line?

Hey, Doug. Glad you had fun. Just jumping in to point you in the direction of a couple threads that may interest you (in case you hadn't seen them or anyone else comes along with the same thoughts as you).

New module support discussion can be found in this thread. It sounds like several publishers have plans, and Legendary Games in particular is a huge fan of "old school" rules lite ideas (see Swords and Wizardry rules for examples; good stuff).

Token discussion can be found in this thread. But look in particular at this post. He has some excellent ideas. Again, don't be surprised to see 3PPs come along and do this.

As Messr. Ravenwood has surmised, Paizo sees this item as a launching product for players to use to move toward Core Book games. They have been very direct in stating that, while they will produce product to support the Beginner Box, they will not be making product that competes with the Core. Instead, they will be making more products that ease the transition they ultimately want the BB players to make.

Now, another suggestion for you: there is zero reason that you cannot pick up a PFRPG module and run it using the Beginner Box. In the case of class levels you will have to do a little reworking, admittedly. But in the case of creatures, I think you will be able to find them in the Beginner Box rules, or in the add ons that have come out or are planned. I have even seen a thread where someone created a template for creature stat blocks that is Beginner Box style. You would just have to fill that in for the creatures that were missing their own entry.

Your only issue would be going beyond fifth level. My suggestion there: go E6 style (E5, in this case) and apply the rules that way. If you search for threads in the general discussion or homebrew boards you'll find lots of ideas on that. They would be pretty easy to apply to the Beginner Box.

Good luck. If you need any advice, feel free to ask when next you're in the store.

And again, glad you had fun.

Dark Archive

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

the conclusion that was reached, was that TSR folded because it was supporting too many lines,

I E Dungeons and Dragons, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, and all of the campaign worlds:

Forgotten Realms, Dragon Lance, Grey Hawk, Spell Jammer, Kara Tur, Al Quadim, Maztica,

Planescape, Dark sun, Ravenloft....and those are just the ones I remember, Im sure there are more. These two many lines fractured their "fan base" and then their product lines became unsustainable.

I think Paizo wants to avoid that pit fall, so i think they are planning to focus on the Pathfinder RPG, and their main money maker the Pathfinder Adventure Path line. So apart from some suplimental web materiel, i don't think they are planning to produce a beginner box line.

I have never worked at Paizo or WotC or TSR and have no direct knowledge of what caused TSR's downfall. So, as an outsider, I would say that supporting too many lines definitely caused TSR to go under. That was totally obvious at the time.

I am definitely not advocating that Paizo get into that same situation.

I don't want them to have multiple settings and a ton of game lines. (Don't forget that TSR produced more than D&D, they also had BootHill, Top Secret!, the Indiana Jones RPG, and probably a few more which I am forgetting they produced over the years.) TSR tried to be all things to all gamers. They wanted to have a game or a setting for everyone. That was a bad plan. Golarion is enough setting and PFRPG with the PFBB are enough game lines for me. I also don't want to see a ton of new material for the PFBB. Perhaps one or two BB specific modules, but that is just a "nice to have" since (as Drogon mentioned) the existing Gamemastery modules and Adventure Paths can be easily adapted to the BB. I would just like to see the "lite" version of PF go to level 20. It is a worthwhile product with its own merits. I am not asking for anything outrageous here.

I have looked through the box which I purchased. It is loud and clear from reading those materials what the goal of the BB is, as far as Paizo is concerned. They have made it impossible not to see that the BB is an meant to be a gateway to the Core Rulebook and the full game. I understand the company's motivation. I don't know how a person could miss it. However, I think the BB is a good product and think it could stand on its own as a parallel product. I am a Paizo customer. If I want them to do something to make me a happier customer and want to give them more of my money, I need to tell them. This is me telling Paizo that I want more Beginner Box. I understand that they might not listen to me. Maybe it doesn't make business sense to the powers that be, but nothing will happen if I don't make my interests known. Sometimes I like to tilt at windmills.

Thanks for the pointers. I will give those threads a read through.

Silver Crusade

Dkeester I have a copy of the Beginner box, and i also think it is an excellent product.

I am looking forward to an opportunity to play some games with it. To me it feels a little like the D&D i grew up with.

I do agree, unless we make our views known, how will paizo be able to make products we want.

I think we are lucky that Paizo is for the most part quite responsive to our questions querries and requests.

Good luck with your requests

Dark Archive

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Dkeester I have a copy of the Beginner box, and i also think it is an excellent product.

I am looking forward to an opportunity to play some games with it. To me it feels a little like the D&D i grew up with.

I do agree, unless we make our views known, how will paizo be able to make products we want.

I think we are lucky that Paizo is for the most part quite responsive to our questions querries and requests.

Good luck with your requests

I am in love with the layout of the books. I like the solo adventure at the beginning of the Hero Book. It all reminds me of Basic D&D. The BB is definitely not an OSR product, but the presentation harkens back to those old boxed sets.

I agree that we are lucky. Paizo is a responsive company that puts out a high quality product.

I hope you have a ton of great adventures using the Box.

Shadow Lodge

Drogon wrote:
It sounds like several publishers have plans, and Legendary Games in particular is a huge fan of "old school" rules lite ideas (see Swords and Wizardry rules for examples; good stuff).

Just a note: Swords & Wizardry is Frog God Games (and Mythmere Games, of course), not Legendary Games. Although both sprang from the ashes of Necromancer Games, they are now seperate entities. Frog God is definately oriented towards the old school (with many of their adventures having been developed for pre-d20 games, and converted to Pathfinder). With only a couple of products released to date, it's harder to define Legendary Games' niche. I know that Clark has expressed some interest in doing something for the Beginner Box.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Kthulhu wrote:
Drogon wrote:
It sounds like several publishers have plans, and Legendary Games in particular is a huge fan of "old school" rules lite ideas (see Swords and Wizardry rules for examples; good stuff).
Just a note: Swords & Wizardry is Frog God Games (and Mythmere Games, of course), not Legendary Games. Although both sprang from the ashes of Necromancer Games, they are now seperate entities. Frog God is definately oriented towards the old school (with many of their adventures having been developed for pre-d20 games, and converted to Pathfinder). With only a couple of products released to date, it's harder to define Legendary Games' niche. I know that Clark has expressed some interest in doing something for the Beginner Box.

Er, what he said.

I mixed up my identities...

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

What is the GM boon?

Lantern Lodge

Chris Mortika wrote:
The local VC ran it for us last night at the local game store

So you already know what the player boon is, because you received one, right? At the conclusion of the game, I signed the player boons and started handing them around the table, and watched one by one as my players eyes widened and expressions of "Wow!" It's without question the best boon I've ever handed out.

The GM boon is better!

I don't really want to spoiler either boon here on the boards, though I'm sure someone probably will (please don't!) I'd rather players and GMs be rewarded for their participation with a surprise handed out at the end.

Remember, the purpose of this event is to draw new players to the game, not for veteran gamers to farm for boons. If all your regular players run the Bash among themselves, then who's left to play when a new customer walks into the store? If you introduce a new player(s) to Pathfinder by running a table of the Bash, then you've earned your boon.

Nonetheless, the Beginner Box Bash is an awesome event that everyone should experience, boons or no boon. Quite simply, if you have an opportunity to play or GM this event, do so!

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

DarkWhite wrote:

Remember, the purpose of this event is to draw new players to the game, not for veteran gamers to farm for boons. If all your regular players run the Bash among themselves, then who's left to play when a new customer walks into the store? If you introduce a new player(s) to Pathfinder by running a table of the Bash, then you've earned your boon.

Stephen, I read at your post, then stepped away from the computer, because I figured I must have mis-read what you'd written. I've come back, and I am, again, struck by your accusation.

I participated in the Beginner Box Bash to meet with new players, to help them enter the world of Pathfinder. I was also curious about what was in the box, and how it played. The player boon was okay, but that certainly wasn't the reason I gave up an evening.

If I wasn't welcome, the GM --or perhaps the advertisement leading up to the event-- should have said so. If you think it should have been clear (hence, I suppose, the word "remember") I disagree, but I suppose I apologize.

I won't apologize for being curious about the GM boon. You think I'm out-of-line to ask, fine.

This entire thread is asking about releasing the four quests. You suggest that, if I have the chance to GM the event, I should do so. The quests aren't released; so far, GMing them is impossible.

Cheers back at you.

DarkWhite wrote:

The GM boon is better!

Avoiding spoilers, as a GM of the event, I actually think the player boon is better, even though the GM boon includes more things on it because the use of the best part (the player boon part) is significantly restricted.

Lantern Lodge

Hi Chris,

Sorry, my comments weren't directed specifically at yourself, but meant as a general message to anyone reading this, though I understand how you might have arrived at that conclusion.

I ran the Beginner Box Bash at two locations last weekend, and due to the timing of the event, and Boxes not having arrived in Australian stores yet, the majority of players were existing PFS players. I think the Box needs a little shelf time to generate customer interest, which it will in the lead-up to Christmas.

I'm not suggesting regular gamers shouldn't participate in the Bash, I just hope they'll use the opportunity to coordiante public gamedays with their local store, or hold off running another Bash until they have a few new players signed up to join them. The one-hour encounter format is also ideal for pulling out from behind the counter whenever a new customer makes an enquiry about Pathfinder or purchases the Box.

I don't want to derail this thread, so I'll leave it at that, but I am sorry for any misunderstanding.

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Venture-Captain, Australia

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

We're all cool, Stephen. thanks.

The beginner box will not be the "downfall of Paizo" for having "two systems." Not having AOO's and the horde of complex rules munch will not "kill paizo" and pathfinder will not move to obscurity. This is just alarmist talk from old rumors circulated as to why and how Lorraine Williams personally ran TSR into the ground.

Now, back to the original topic: thanks guys for running the bash's. We never did get a chance to make it down (too much kids stuff with Halloween and childhood going on :) I too would like to eventually see some of those scenarios (no hurry) :)


DarkWhite wrote:
Nonetheless, the Beginner Box Bash is an awesome event that everyone should experience, boons or no boon. Quite simply, if you have an opportunity to play or GM this event, do so!

From having read about the event, I've gotten interested. One hour adventures is ideal for demo's. If only for the fact that characters can be rotated easier. Problem is that the society is quite dead here in Europe.

If I would have a copy of the adventures, I could try and set something up for the local game group. Much easier than trying to get something official going.

Hence why I agree with the original request to release the adventures into the wild.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Where in Europe do you consider the Pathfinder Society "quite dead"?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd like to know that also. I can raise dead any area.

Michael Brock wrote:
I'd like to know that also. I can raise dead any area.

How about casting that spell on Columbus, Ohio?

Michael Brock wrote:
I'd like to know that also. I can raise dead any area.

Could you try that in Huntingburg, Indiana as well?

Dark Archive

dkeester wrote:
I would love to see the four scenarios released to the Beginner Box page for download. I also heard a suggestion at the Bash that they be combined and published as an adventure module. That would be great to have and I would buy it, but I would be happy just to be able to run those four scenarios for my home group.

Erik, do you guys have any plans on publishing the adventures as a collection? I'm always interested in new modules to run, and like dkeester, I'd buy it in a heartbeat! :)

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Where in Europe do you consider the Pathfinder Society "quite dead"?

I heard it's not doing exactly that stellar in the breakaway region of Transnistria.

Erik Mona wrote:
Where in Europe do you consider the Pathfinder Society "quite dead"?

Well here in York UK we have been playing D&D Encounters (I am new to D&D) and although we are having fun we have decided to try Pathfinder instead as a breakaway group - it was the DMs choice but I mentioned it to him originally as an option for our out of shop game originally. He is an old hand at D&D and I think prefers the older version to 4th Ed. I like the idea of more role playing which seems to be quite lacking in 4th Ed, especially the encounters games, which are kind of repetitive after a while. So I am certainly considering getting this new Beginner's Box for Xmas to play with my kids as well!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I envy you living in York. I had a chance to visit a couple of years ago after Gen Con UK, and it was the highlight of the trip. Even did the haunted walking tour of the town! :)

I think the BB is meant to get gamers who wouldnt otherwise play to give PFRPG a shot, once we had the hook it was the GM's job to reel them in.

On another note the BB is perfect for younger gamers who dont cant really grasp the detailed rules right away. My kids had a blast in fact I have my 13yr old asking for a solo run right now! Where I played Heroquest last few years with my kids and my niece and nephew,

I'll be bringing the BB to Florida for Thanksgiving and giving them a crack at it. Just gotta change it to fit a party of 5.


Shivok wrote:

I think the BB is meant to get gamers who wouldnt otherwise play to give PFRPG a shot, once we had the hook it was the GM's job to reel them in.

On another note the BB is perfect for younger gamers who dont cant really grasp the detailed rules right away. My kids had a blast in fact I have my 13yr old asking for a solo run right now! Where I played Heroquest last few years with my kids and my niece and nephew,

I'll be bringing the BB to Florida for Thanksgiving and giving them a crack at it. Just gotta change it to fit a party of 5.

Conveniently enough, the Player Pack has the barbarian class for a fifth player. :D

Grand Lodge

Rogue Eidolon wrote:
I actually think the player boon is better, even though the GM boon includes more things on it because the use of the best part (the player boon part) is significantly restricted.

I disagree. You can always cross off all the GM only stuff and just use it as a player boon.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

James0235 wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
I'd like to know that also. I can raise dead any area.
How about casting that spell on Columbus, Ohio?

Hey, I'm trying to get out of the house. Just harder than expected (and I've been told I'm too harsh a GM).

Liberty's Edge

James0235 wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
I'd like to know that also. I can raise dead any area.
How about casting that spell on Columbus, Ohio?

I'm trying to work on that.

I'd certainly enjoy getting my hands one those "amazing" boons I keep hearing about. Those of us in the middle of nowhere need some love too.

Closest shop that did the bash was over 2000 miles away from me :(

Living in Switzerland, coming from Luxembourg, PF Society seems quite dead around here, altough it could be that the people I play with don't have a link to a "more active scene", but I guess Roleplaying isn't as common here, especially the american way.

When I first met my roommates they asked what I did for fun, I answered boardgames, cardgames, consoles and one interrupted and said "I bet you do roleplaying as well", and I answered "well yes, of course", only he meant the kinky kind because he never heard of D&D, PF or whatever. (people still know the 3.5 Publisher better around here)

I've been slowly teaching my kids the PFRPG over the past two years (they are 7 and 9 now), but the Beginners Box brought everything together with streamlined adventures and a clear, concise guide to building characters. After finishing the boxed set adventure, we went immediately to my FLGS so they could buy their own dice and minis... and the next generation is born.

I would love to run them through the 4 Bash scenarios if Paizo could find a way to release them as PDFs. (I don't live anywhere near the one store in my state that held a Bash.)

I'm hoping the Bashes will be released soon as well. While my kids loved the solo & Black Fang adventure, they're not quite ready to sit down and play 4 hour Society adventures. We need a couple more short excursions before starting on that.

DMFTodd wrote:
I'm hoping the Bashes will be released soon as well. While my kids loved the solo & Black Fang adventure, they're not quite ready to sit down and play 4 hour Society adventures. We need a couple more short excursions before starting on that.

I'm in the exact same boat.

I'd love to see these, too. More adventure material for beginning GMs can't hurt.

Was the OP's question ever answered by the staff?

Erik Mona wrote:
Where in Europe do you consider the Pathfinder Society "quite dead"?

According to this site both in the pathfinder society section and the beginner box bash section, pretty much everywhere on the continent.

Anyway, I think that releasing the adventures can be beneficial for both the people who couldn't attend though still want to know what was going and the company that organised the event.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Folks, our OP staff is at a convention until midweek. When they get back, we'll have the discussion about sharing these adventures beyond the Bash events.

Erik Mona wrote:

Folks, our OP staff is at a convention until midweek. When they get back, we'll have the discussion about sharing these adventures beyond the Bash events.

*does a merry little dance*

Good to hear that it's a possibility!

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

Folks, our OP staff is at a convention until midweek. When they get back, we'll have the discussion about sharing these adventures beyond the Bash events.


*Crosses fingers*

I will be running for four 10 year olds and one 8 year old this Saturday using the BB and I am looking forward to it. We meet on Saturdays for three hours a day, I would love to see the other scenarios released, hoping that this comes to fruition!

Grand Lodge

As a Venture-Captain in the Boston, MA area I'd like to offer my time to run the Bash adventures for anyone with a Beginner Box or interest in getting one.

I could travel as far as Worcester, MA; Manchester, NH or Fall River, MA and would prefer to run the Bash at a local game store, but I believe a private home is possible. I think the event just needs to be open to the public if there are less than 6 players in the group.

You can contact me at: and find more local information such as a list of local game stores at our yahoo site:

The next available dates I have are Saturday or Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Dark Archive

dkeester wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Folks, our OP staff is at a convention until midweek. When they get back, we'll have the discussion about sharing these adventures beyond the Bash events.


*Crosses fingers*

Just wondering if a decision has been reached.

*fingers are still crossed*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My players, which were older than I thought...I had four 11 year olds, a 12 year old and an 8 year old. They have played before but wanted to see the beginner box in action and so did I. WE had playing a Ranger, Cleric, Barbarian, Wizard, Rogue and Druid.


From the beginning they thought there was something more with the statue and were surprised by the goblins...when the Barbarian became aware the Goblins were made short work of.

The Fountain room was a blast, the wizard volunteered to take a drink and at the last moment the cleric stopped his hand and tossed a gold piece in and said, "For luck!" It worked well for the wizard.

The Goblin King and company were dealt with quickly and then the group tackled the skeletons...we had to stop there before the end of combat...

I knew we were doing well when one of the kids commented, "Aw we have to end in 45 minutes."

We meet again next Saturday for three hours and then over the Thanksgiving holiday for a few hours.

Ronin84 wrote:

My players, which were older than I thought...I had four 11 year olds, a 12 year old and an 8 year old. They have played before but wanted to see the beginner box in action and so did I. WE had playing a Ranger, Cleric, Barbarian, Wizard, Rogue and Druid.

***spoiler omitted***

I knew we were doing well when one of the kids commented, "Aw we have to end in 45 minutes."

We meet again next Saturday for three hours and then over the Thanksgiving holiday for a few hours.

Sounds great!

Always leave them wanting more, lol.

dkeester wrote:
dkeester wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Folks, our OP staff is at a convention until midweek. When they get back, we'll have the discussion about sharing these adventures beyond the Bash events.


*Crosses fingers*

Just wondering if a decision has been reached.

*fingers are still crossed*

I second (or third) that emotion.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I added a spoiler tag.

Ross Byers wrote:
I added a spoiler tag.

I thought about that glad you did it, thanks!!

Grand Lodge

Any update on the BB Adventures being posted?

Lantern Lodge

Any update on the BB Adventures being posted?
Michael Brock wrote:
On Dec. 15, the Beginner Box Bash will conclude and the four demos will be released for free downloads. After that date, the PFS boons will no longer be made available. I wanted to make sure I gave a full month notice in case people have not had the opportunity to schedule or participate in the event.

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