hmmm - I cannot see a way in which a character would not be allowed to wear multiple magical items in a slot. Four amulets! For Vale Gloris! Lord of the Bling! After all, there is no magic or something in place that makes it impossible to wear multiple amulets.
Unfortunately that still doesn't make clear what action is necessary to change their active precedence.
Magic Items on the Body
Many magic items need to be donned by a character who wants to employ them or benefit from their abilities. It's possible for a creature with a humanoid-shaped body to wear as many as 15 magic items at the same time. However, each of those items must be worn on (or over) a particular part of the body, known as a “slot.”
A humanoid-shaped body can be decked out in magic gear consisting of one item from each of the following groups, keyed to which slot on the body the item is worn.
I have a player who has a backstory that involves watching his family be killed causing him to fly into feats of rage. Now I know I could just ask him to take a level of Barbarian but really the background continues with him being sold into slavery and becoming a Gladiator. My question, is there a fighter archetype out there that Rages but is not involved with the Barbarian class?
I had six kids at the table on Monday, I hosted a special Pathfinder Day on Monday for those kids on Stay-cation! The ages were, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11 and 8. They had not found the "sword" yet and were heading to Black Fang...but they had not tackled the skeletons yet. After they defeated the skeletons I had a skeletal champion burst forth from the ground and give combat...two went into negatives but were saved. The spirit of the skeleton came back explaining that he was the leader of the soldiers who defended this temple and that a dragon had taken it over recently. He then gave some campaign specific info and gave the party the "sword".
The Black Fang combat was short, I rolled horribly for initiative and the party rolled well, 36 points of damage were rolled in the first round, Black Fang fled but swore vengeance on the group.
The kids were thrilled that their 1st levels and scared off a dragon!
We do use the full rules as the kids have been playing for a bit now but we agreed to start over using the BB and teaching the 8 year old how to play.
I have sponsored the club at the high school I work at for almost 18 years now, and we just started playing a Pathfinder game! This is the first year though that I have had all girl's in the club...I started last year running for my sons and their friends and that has been a lot of fun as well!
That's really neat. I have kids ages 13, 15 & 17 and they roleplay (Pathfinder at the moment). I've given thought to getting a club going at their high school.
What ages are the kids who play? Do you do it after hours on campus, and how long are the sessions?
Also, do you use miniatures? And do you run commercial modules?
I very much like the idea of RPG clubs at school -- sort of like a chess club on steroids! And the Pathfinder Beginner Box might be just the right tool for this target audience.
Any tips from anyone on how to do this at a school are much appreciated!
The ages are 13-19 and we meet once a week on campus for an hour and half...we meet twice a year on a Saturday for eight hours on campus. We have taken field trips to the local game store, permission slips signed and a school van used. The local store has donated dice, some miniatures and even a set of books.
I have run modules bought at the store, I have run my own. I have run games using mini's I have run games without. Last year I ran Champions 4th edition, the Doctor Who RPG and Savage Worlds.
This year I ran Hollow World Expeditions in the first quarter and then the kids then voted for Pathfinder for the second quarter. I have run most sessions but I also have had enough room for two tables with a younger person taking a turn.
It is a great pleasure and if there is anything else I can help with let me know.
I have sponsored the club at the high school I work at for almost 18 years now, and we just started playing a Pathfinder game! This is the first year though that I have had all girl's in the club. I have seven members right now and six are girl's who are at the table. IF for some reason one cannot be there or something happens to their character (dies) then our relief hitter steps in!
Over the years I have had as many as 12-13 kids involved, I have really enjoyed my time with them. I started last year running for my sons and their friends and that has been a lot of fun as well!
Thanks both, I appreciate it, and nope no snotty tone was detected...but I can understand it has been a bad two weeks at work and it does not appear to be getting better...hang in there!
I am trying to figure out the size category for Black Fang, I am using the core rules and the adventure together to teach the game. I don't see a real good correlation between the Dragon presented and the ones in the Bestiary. Any help is appreciated!
My players, which were older than I thought...I had four 11 year olds, a 12 year old and an 8 year old. They have played before but wanted to see the beginner box in action and so did I. WE had playing a Ranger, Cleric, Barbarian, Wizard, Rogue and Druid.
From the beginning they thought there was something more with the statue and were surprised by the goblins...when the Barbarian became aware the Goblins were made short work of.
The Fountain room was a blast, the wizard volunteered to take a drink and at the last moment the cleric stopped his hand and tossed a gold piece in and said, "For luck!" It worked well for the wizard.
The Goblin King and company were dealt with quickly and then the group tackled the skeletons...we had to stop there before the end of combat...
I knew we were doing well when one of the kids commented, "Aw we have to end in 45 minutes."
We meet again next Saturday for three hours and then over the Thanksgiving holiday for a few hours.
I will be running for four 10 year olds and one 8 year old this Saturday using the BB and I am looking forward to it. We meet on Saturdays for three hours a day, I would love to see the other scenarios released, hoping that this comes to fruition!
this summer my nephews from nebraska are visiting for an extended period at my moms house, they are ages 7 and 10 i also have my daughter who will be 7 also (which is according to her "almost a teenager"), i was wondering which ap is best for kids.
i have all of kingmaker and the first three for serpent's skull
i prefer the ap's that have already been written for pathfinder system, tho i wont rule any out if someone can give compelling argument that it would be best ap.
by the way, kingmaker and serpent's skull both rule
i'm leaning towards kingmaker but the kingdom building might be daunting for young gamers and my daughter probably will be pissed off if i tell her she can't build her own kingdom and be queen lol thanks for any and all imput
i also don't mind cleaning things up a bit (such as less emphasis on cannibals)
I have at my table three 10 year old boys, they will be 11 in the spring. I have two 7 year olds, one boy one girl, and we have another 7 year old who makes appearance every now and again.
I have found that Kingmaker was a great foundation and then I can patch other item's encounters in from other material into the game. Heck I've used parts of various 4th edition encounter stuff for them as well, translated on the fly. The key I've found is to limit us to about two hours per we have been known to have two sessions a day or a weekend but the two hour mark really helps with the attention span.
This has come up and I am confused on the answer, in the past I have allowed you to take a five foot step as long as that is ALL of your movement, even if you have made a standard attack. I have a player who is saying that you can only make a five foot step if you commit to a FULL ROUND action.
The scene was an archer who had been rushed by a player, the archer on his initiative took a five foot step back and fired at the player. WE consulted the rules and after a bit of discussion I started to believe what he was saying. NOW though I am questioning it again and would love the help of the Pathfinder community to help me out here.
Quite a few people have downloaded the traits PDF thus an updated version has just been uploaded for your interest. Considerable additions have been made since the last version, including race traits and a basic trait to cover every Pathfinder skill.
Note: The old versions have been removed so links in above posts will no longer be valid.
Considering that the pectoral crest's designer didn't like how they turned out and cut them before they ever got to me, unlikely.
However, I really like the idea of channel foci and I'm sure we'll be seeing more of them in the game.
So.....AA2. [image: Holding Breath]
Oh god I hope it's not for a while. It's already taken me 20-30 hours just getting the one Adventurer's Armory up on my archives, as opposed to an hour or two for any other book. :(
I appreciate all the hard work btw!
IS there a link that I'm missing though to access the equipment off the home page? I keep on linking back to one of your posts to get there...
There is an item called "Pectoral Crest" in the Channel Foci table, but it's not detailed in the main list below. Was this meant to be removed, or is the description just missing?
Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that it was cut but not cut from the tables...
Well, Saga races are slightly weaker than PF races, at least most of them, but it should be pretty straightforward to boost them.
I don't know about that. Several of the SW: Saga races have racial abilities that allow them to force personal rerolls on certain skills, which is a pretty darned powerful ability, if you ask me.
"Oh, snap. My Persuasion roll failed. Good thing I've got a Racial bonus to Persuasion, and good thing we can force rerolls. Oh, look, a 20!"
And that's just one of the more common Racial bonuses...
I agree that is why I am going to just give them a +2 with the appropriate skill(s) and be done with that little issue.
First this is a very nice conversion. I've been working with one of my own as well.
The one thing I noticed to think about is that Warmage's get only 4 cantrips and that's fine but the spell progression shows them getting 6 per day by 4th level. So, the question is do we add 2 more to thier list or reduce the chart to 4?
In 3.5 it was not an issue but with the new cantrips rule it is misleading.
In my version I just added the two universal spells to their list: Arcane Mark and Prestidigitation.
I see that first level spells jump to 6 but where are you seeing the 0 level jump?
Well, Saga races are slightly weaker than PF races, at least most of them, but it should be pretty straightforward to boost them.
The Twi lek would be the first one, we have a neighbor girl who is friends with the boys who watches the Star Wars cartoon with them and likes the Twi lek a lot.
Was playing recently with my kids (10, 10 and 6) and they thought it might be fun to have some of the star wars races in their Pathfinder game. I laughed and we moved on but then I thought about how many of the star wars mini's they have and I stopped laughing.
Has anyone done or know if anyone else has done something like this? If not I might have to look into this...
Ok I have a Specialist Wizard in my group and he is looking to take the Prestige Class MT. The question is under the special abilities for the Evocation School it says that you add half of your wizard level NOT caster level. Once he takes the PC he is no longer adding Wizard levels, I know he is adding caster levels, so my ruling has been since it specifically states Wizard level and not caster he DOES NOT get any more bonus for taking the PC.
I'm just curious what others have done or if this has been discussed before.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength: Razorclaw shifters are agile and intuative, but not as powerful as others.
Medium: Razorclaw shifters are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Normal Speed: Base Speed for a razorclaw Shifter is 30 feet.
Low-light Vision: Razorclaw shifters can see twice as far in poor lighting as humans can.
Nimble: Acrobatics and Stealth are always class skills for a razorclaw shifter.
Shifting: 3 times per day as a minor action, a razorclaw shifter gains a +1 bonus to AC and Reflex saving throws and move +10 feet per round for a number of rounds equal to 2 plus her Constitution modifer.
Languages: Razorclaw shifters begin play speaking Common. Razorclaw shifters can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Orc, and Sylvan.
Question, Climb and Run for class skills? Am I reading that right? Should it be something different than run?
Yep, it should have been Acrobatics and Climb.
Thanks I quoted the wrong shifter but you got it! Thanks again!!
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength: Razorclaw shifters are agile and intuative, but not as powerful as others.
Medium: Razorclaw shifters are medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Normal Speed: Base Speed for a razorclaw Shifter is 30 feet.
Low-light Vision: Razorclaw shifters can see twice as far in poor lighting as humans can.
Nimble: Acrobatics and Stealth are always class skills for a razorclaw shifter.
Shifting: 3 times per day as a minor action, a razorclaw shifter gains a +1 bonus to AC and Reflex saving throws and move +10 feet per round for a number of rounds equal to 2 plus her Constitution modifer.
Languages: Razorclaw shifters begin play speaking Common. Razorclaw shifters can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Orc, and Sylvan.
Question, Climb and Run for class skills? Am I reading that right? Should it be something different than run?
Wisdom covers your senses, being alert, I think that that makes more sense on the "grunt" level than having a whole of tacticians running around the battlefield. Wisdom also covers profession, soldier, if need be any tactics that are needed can be covered under this...again my 2 cents.
Actually I would have said that the number of individuals watching in a unit of soldiers would compensate for that adequately - it's like the evolution question of monkeys in groups: monkeys are herbivores and are therefore vulnerable to predators, but they need their gaze focussed forward rather than around to look for danger, so they congregate in groups in order to watch each other's backs.
But yes, that is a good point regarding tactics, although personally I would have made it a knowledge skill.
I can see where your going...don't agree but understand the point, I hate adding knowledge skills, but that's just me!
I am jumping in this late and I can appreciate all the discussion about Warforged, but I guess my opinion is that their name really tells you what they were created for, making war. I would probably go with a +2CON, +2WIS, and -2INT, they are sentient but I have always felt they were made with one purpose in mind, the classes they choose help define how they accomplish those goals not their stat modifiers. Again my 2 cents.
I agree with you there. But why the boost to Wis and not Int? I would have thought that you'd want them bright enough to think tactically, but not be inclined to refuse orders.
Wisdom covers your senses, being alert, I think that that makes more sense on the "grunt" level than having a whole of tacticians running around the battlefield. Wisdom also covers profession, soldier, if need be any tactics that are needed can be covered under this...again my 2 cents.
To me, the argument about 'what WF were in Eberron' is kind of beside the point. Again, that's my view. The question to me is not, what are warforged in Eberron. The question is, what is a good writeup of the WF race that was published in Eberron campaign material, updated to PFRPG and genericized for use in a PF campaign, or a homegrown campaign.
This is the perception I used when I made my decision (as shown above) on how to build them. I go back to the 'Created Sentient' idea. If they are created for specific jobs, then they will have different stat bonuses based on what those specific jobs were. Thus the floating +2 any 1 physical, +2 any 1 mental, -2 Charisma. I'd even be ok with it being +2 any 1 Physical, +2 any 1 Mental, -2 Any Stat. Either way keeps them at the +2 overall, and it makes sense based on the idea they are designed for a specific path of life, ant that path is generally for a PC class development.
You can have any background for them you want, obviously, but I prefer to take the most generic approach possible in order to not force them into any one worlds mindset.
I am jumping in this late and I can appreciate all the discussion about Warforged, but I guess my opinion is that their name really tells you what they were created for, making war. I would probably go with a +2CON, +2WIS, and -2INT, they are sentient but I have always felt they were made with one purpose in mind, the classes they choose help define how they accomplish those goals not their stat modifiers. Again my 2 cents.
I would like to use the world of Golarion but I don't want to have players buying a lot of resource material that I already short, has anyone gone through and linked the countries/cultures from the Campaign book with their real world equivalents?
Okay, I am going to respond to everyone's requests. So, check your mail!, you may want to double check my CRs for the inhabitants of the Keep. I figured that even in Lastwall, most guardsmen are warriors not fighters.
Ronin84, I am sorry that we did not meet up. I look forward to seeing you at the next Gameday.
I'm doing my conversion on the fly, would love to see what you have done if you don't mind.
In Lastwall, how would a party be expected to handle humanoids who surrender or are non-combatants? (I plan to have a paladin of Iomedae and clerics/followers of several good aligned deities.)
And here are some encounters I am considering:
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Your thoughts?
The only name I can come up with is Keep Vigilio...and yea I saw your game day sign up and was hoping to get in...but alas you filled up very very quick.
I'll look at my notes for it and I believe I replaced that encounter as well...
Fortunately, I have some access to different linguistic resources, so I will find something.
I have always thought that encounter was a little odd, and a bit difficult considering the resources of a party of 3rd level adventurers.
Ronin84, if someone cancels in the afternoon and I run another slot, I will ask to keep a seat for you.
Working at a school where over 70 different languages are spoken at homes, I can usually get pretty creative.
In Lastwall, how would a party be expected to handle humanoids who surrender or are non-combatants? (I plan to have a paladin of Iomedae and clerics/followers of several good aligned deities.)
And here are some encounters I am considering:
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Your thoughts?
The only name I can come up with is Keep Vigilio...and yea I saw your game day sign up and was hoping to get in...but alas you filled up very very quick.
I'll look at my notes for it and I believe I replaced that encounter as well...
Just dug up my B1-9 module and my stand-alone B2 to use with PF in celebration of my 30 year anniversary of playing DnD! My group is going to go into the Caves and we will be exploring other "older" modules the rest of the year!
very cool
Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth or perhaps the Danger at Dunwater?
Based on what I have Caverns would be my next logical choice building up to the A-G series...but I will most likely use the U series to lead to the A.
I am currently running the same campaign! :) Started with B2, which brought PCs to 6th level. Then A-series. They completed A1 and are halfway through A2, and are currently 9th level (using the fast-track XP column).
I am estimating that they will be around 12th level at the end of A4, and I'm curious to see how they will fare in A4. As you know, the party starts basically buck-azz naked at beginning of A4, so I'm basically considering them to be about 9th level for purposes of converting the challenges in A4.
Anyone think I should set challenges higher or lower? The party will be pretty much naked and using sticks and stones up to the end, including during the climactic battle vs. the slavelords, unless they somehow manage to sneak aboard the Earth Dragon and equip themselves unnoticed (a major feat indeed).
Honestly to answer that I would need to know what the make-up of your party is..some of the PF classes might be ok for a bit the way A4 begins.
Just dug up my B1-9 module and my stand-alone B2 to use with PF in celebration of my 30 year anniversary of playing DnD! My group is going to go into the Caves and we will be exploring other "older" modules the rest of the year!
very cool
Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth or perhaps the Danger at Dunwater?
Based on what I have Caverns would be my next logical choice building up to the A-G series...but I will most likely use the U series to lead to the A.
Just dug up my B1-9 module and my stand-alone B2 to use with PF in celebration of my 30 year anniversary of playing DnD! My group is going to go into the Caves and we will be exploring other "older" modules the rest of the year!
David I think you got it nailed right, until I see something better, I am going to use yours for the template.
Take a look at his Dwarf and Gnome "conversions" on the same page. They're not conversions. If they were he wouldn't need to re-convert races which already exist in Pathfinder and would convert the new races to be inline with the official pathfinder races. The better option is to convert the Eldarin to a standard Elf, and the Elf to a 3.5 Wood or Grey elf.
I saw that and have to say that it really was fine by me, I was looking for a write up and he provided it.
I could convert her over to a standard pf elf but it wouldn't feel right and as we have been playing the teleport has become a lifesaver on more than one occasion.
We have been playing 4e since it came out and the group would like a change, my issue is we have an Eladrin Swordmage in the group and I can convert the Swordmage but what about the Eladrin?