Bestiary 4 Wish List

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JiCi wrote:
Another request: that each and every monster published in the adventure paths that haven't yet made the jump into a bestiary gets added into the 4th one.

Yes. This. I'm always paranoid I'm going to forget about a cool monster I saw somewhere in an AP because they're not in my bestiaries.

Liberty's Edge

Some monsters that are for Epic Challenge. What it's a wish list...

Sovereign Court

+1 for the Opia.

What in heavens name is Opia? Can't find it on Google...

Opia: A form of undead that look as they did in real life, minus their naval. Sleep in caves all day and come out at night to devour fruit. Corporeal unless attacked, and they use fear to drive people away. Hitting them in the stomach would probably stun them.

Based on Taino Native American mythos. In some legends, they are known to seduce women for harmless pranks or more malign ends... if you catch my drift. 3.jpg

These tooth fairies would be sweet.

The evil fey creatures from "Don't be afraid of the dark" would be cool to see.

Silver Crusade

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I wish for...
All the mentioned monsters and creatures from Distant Worlds to be included.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Huldra:
Which I guess would be a type of Fey in Pathfinder, although a type that are incredibly strong as well as beautiful. They're a pretty cool "monster" and one that I can't recall in any other RPG systems I've played.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Stratagemini wrote:

The Huldra:

Which I guess would be a type of Fey in Pathfinder, although a type that are incredibly strong as well as beautiful. They're a pretty cool "monster" and one that I can't recall in any other RPG systems I've played.

Already done in the Land of Linnorm Kings book IIRC.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

The toothy bag is correct.

Dark Archive

Dark Ages of Camelot had tons of huldrefolk. They made a funny noise when my troll squished them. :)


Mi-go meet hellwasp swarm ala John Dies at the End.

Cool, the new Skull & Shackles book has the Dunkleosteus fish in it!

That one can be put off my wish list now! go9.jpg

Bakeneko would be sweet now. :D

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Hhhmmm...what do I want?

I would like to see the Qlippoth (sp?), Kytons, and the other newer evil outsiders filled out more...

More types of neutral outsiders.

More good outsiders to fill out their ranks

Dromites and Formians. While we are on insectoid races, it would be cool to have some sort of mantis humanoid, maybe something modeled closer to the She-Mantis of Buffy or the Tandu from David Brin's uplift saga

More creatures tied to the shadow plane

Fomor, Firbolg, and Tuatha De Danaan. Maybe have a diminished form as a playable race (the Daoine Sidhe) These would fill out mid-upper level First world denizens list quite nicely. Given Pathfinder's fairly good coverage of European Mythology, Irish Mythology seems to be largely neglected.

Whatever Lovecraftian monsters that are still remaining (NIGHT-GAUNTS!!!)

The Slender Men and The Rake

A playable dinosaur humanoid race (extra points if they are modeled after Microraptor)

Oh...and monsters based on the folkloric beasts profiled in Evil in Our Midst:

More clockwork and robot subtypes along with their crafting rules. Maybe some Numerian Shock Troops and their beautiful machinations of mayhem?

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Flying Polyps since we have Yithians.

Dragons- 5 new true dragons, new Drakes(Storm, Shadow, etc.), more small(medium size or smaller) dragons, more "lesser" dragons like the Guivre, and some more multi-headed types

Fey-many Celtic Fey(Leanne Sidhe, Tuathe de Danaan, etc.), Jack'o Lantern, Jack Frost, More Sprites(Wood, sea, winter, etc.)Faeries, Jack Frost, Asian style Fey nd other fey from other cultures

Giants-Gorgomogug, Firbolg, Mountain, Ocean/Sea, Sand/Desert, Formorian(or would you guys make this a fey), a Giant with two or more arms, More types of Trolls, Gigas(one for Evil, Law, Chaos, and Good)

Outsiders- More types of Angels, Azatas, Agathions, Qlippoths, Azura, Oni, Proteans, Inevitables, Aeons, Titans

More types of Lamia and Hags

Animals-more Dinosaurs, Mega-fauna(prehistoric kangaroo) , Giant animals(weasel/ferret, tazmanian devil, walrus, etc.)

Vermin-scorpion swarm, flesh-eating Scarab swarm, Giant(starfish, snail, butterfly/moth, clam, sea slug, etc.) more types of giant centipedes, crabs, etc.

More Cryptids and Lovecraftian critters.

Playable 0HD Fey, plant, Aberration, Monstrous humaniod, Giant-blooded, Drgon-blooded, chaos and law plaetouched races.

More familiars of the Dragon, Fey, Monstrous humaniod, Aberration, Ooze, and Plant types.
More creatures from Asian myth and from other cultures like Australian, African, Indian, Native American, etc.

Magical Beast-Ceshire Cat, Nekomata, Teumessian Fox, Ceryneian Hind, Encantado(shapeshifing trickster dolphin), Llamhygin Y Dwr(frog-bat-lizard hybrid)Camazotz(death bat)

Plants-Cacti based, more Leshy(cactus, flytrap, lotus, snapdragon), Humaniod shape ones, etc.

Camazotz is already a diety or demi-god in Golarion though, right?

Fomor as Fey or monstrous humanoid could be rather cool...reading the myths I never got a giant vibe, but more of a monstrous humanoid feel. A lot of them were weird mutants or blends of animal and men. Plus it would make them feel a bit more distinct than the DnD 4E version

I would happy for Fomor to be ether Giant or Fey but not as a Monstrous Humaniod.

Firbolg would be interesting as Fey even though they look like Giants.

I'd imagine they'd be fey with the giant subtype.

I'd love some species from Golarion's neighboring planets, the paragraph or so of text they have gotten seems interesting.

Well the Innersea Bestiary will have stats for the Lashunta.

I personally would really love if, in future years if they don't do a hardback bestiary, we could get a Great Beyond, Distant Worlds, and Dragon Empires 64 page bestiaries. Would nicely complement the upcoming bestiary.

Liberty's Edge

Hmm would be nice to see...
Monsters from various adventure paths because lets face it its just convenient to have them in one book when your DMing.

Wolf, Bear or Goat Agathion make a come back

Sidhe either as a template for fey or as a race of noble fey, maybe laid out like the major outsider races.

Some form of Sand Shark ALA Dune Thrasher Diablo III

I really want a giant magical clam and hermit crab in an upcoming adventure path! The Clam could have some form of illusion power to draw prey into its monstrous maw, or some form of evil shapeshifting mermaid residing into it.

a risen fiend template.

kind of an evil becomes good vertion of Erinyeses or Shadow Angels


-El Tunche(a truly murderous jungle fey), Apus(sort mountain genius locci), more peruvian folklore.

-Elder Vampires

-New non traditional outsider, only devil demons, archon angels and Azatas get some love in each bestiary.

-Draconequus would be a great high CR prothean.


Telkhines: An ancient species of demons in Greek mythology who were associated with the sea, with the heads of dogs and flippers. They were great artisans and sorcerers- they even created the sickle/harpe Kronos castrated Uranos with, along with the trident of Poseidon-, but were eventually annihilated or cast into Tartaros by Zeus because they used their magic for evil.
Adapting, they might have been an early civilisation contemporous with the Aboleth and other primordial races, but something they did caused the gods to curse them, which resulted in their power being reduced into vestigality (or, msybe those airbreathing idiots are just too ignorant to know it... pleading on Deep Sea of Golarion!).
Mechanically, they would be powerful aquatic (amphibic?) Aberrations (to keep in line with aboleth, Elder Things, etc.) with high int and many spell like abilities (or even spellcasting). They might gain some special abiities regarding crafting.

There's only 1 creature I want to see. A Beholder cause I want to fight one of those xP

Shadow Lodge

baja1000 - Well, that's one thing you aren't going to see. Gotta hit up WotC for the beholders. But if you really want to fight one, it's pretty damned easy to convert from 3.X to PFRPG.

Not that most monsters actually require conversion at all for that matter.

Silver Crusade

Dragonblooded playable race. We've dog Aasimars, Dhamphirs, the Genie decended races, and Tieflings.

Why not a race decended from those who interbred with dragons?

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

Dragonblooded playable race. We've dog Aasimars, Dhamphirs, the Genie decended races, and Tieflings.

Why not a race decended from those who interbred with dragons?

A lot of it is the general dislike now of dragon-blooded races after the over-saturation of it during 3.5. It got to be a tired trope, along with the drow ranger that dual wields scimitars.

Would be cool to see one though. I guess that's what the ARG will be for.

Stats for Grendal and his mother.

playable dog race, dragon blooded race, giant blooded race, fey blooded race, a couple of plant based races, mouse race, rabbit race, alien races.

Admittedly, I'd like to see something like the Wilden. Would be cool.

Of course, with the ARG, I'll be happy to have it.

Silver Crusade

Dragon78 wrote:

Stats for Grendal and his mother.

playable dog race, dragon blooded race, giant blooded race, fey blooded race, a couple of plant based races, mouse race, rabbit race, alien races.

What about a playable squirrel race!

Squirrel chicks are super cute!

Don't tell me she wouldn't make a perfect druid

Yeah a squirrel race too but I doubt they could still call it a kercpa though.

Granted you could make many of these races with the advanced races guide but that still doesn't mean your DM will allow them though.

Mark down another vote for Bestiary 4 concentrating on monsters from the Distant Worlds of Golarion's star system. I expect the Aballonese and Ilee would be the real challenge here.

Creatures from the stars, monsters related to the dark tapestry/lovecraftian horrors, but also creatures which have adapted to existence in space (perhaps once native to the twin worlds pre-Diaspora) but which still depend on the heat and light of Golarion's sun to survive.

Additional First World creatures, especially Tarn.

Qlippoth are a fascinating bunch; more subtypes of these would be nice.

The "Living Spell" from D&D 3.5 was probably my all-time favorite monster template from that system. Pathfinder should have its own version of the thing, which could draw not only on spells but also on monstrous supernatural abilities for a source of game effect. Such oddities would be well-suited to both Eox (as one of many side effects of its planetary cataclysm) and Aucturn (here, they would simply add to the ambience of that planet's dread-inducing weirdness).

I loved the Living Spell template and I've been working a bit on a conversion that also expands the kind of spells that can be used. Would also be interesting to see in the Mana Wastes.

Living Spells were milked out by Wizards/D&D just liket he dragonspawn, I doubt pathfinder will follow them into that road.

@ Matthew Shelton, I think you mean a book NEXT to bestiary 4 called Creatures from the Stars, I think it would be strange to only place star-based creatures in the new bestiary while you can have 1 bestiary (not bestiary 4) that only has such creatures in it.

I doubt it happens because I just know some adventure path creatures end up in Bestiary 4, and they aren't from space at all.

Shadow Lodge

I don't think he was suggesting that ALL the creatures in Bestiary 4 be "alien"...just that that be kind of the underlying theme. Kinda like how Bestiary 4 was the "international" Bestiary.

Besides, there are a few monsters from AP volumes that are from space. "Wake of the Watcher" alone gives us eight.

I suspect that all the future bestiaries will have a strong international theme, since Paizo draws a lot of their inspiration from mythology, especially now that they have converted most of the popular SRD monsters.

I think a bestiary with a good number of pulp/classic sci-fi inspired critters would be pretty cool though.

Also if they ever do a AP volume that heavily incorporates Distant World or Numerian themes, they are going to need monsters that fit that theme..

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Stats for Grendal and his mother.

playable dog race, dragon blooded race, giant blooded race, fey blooded race, a couple of plant based races, mouse race, rabbit race, alien races.

What about a playable squirrel race!

Squirrel chicks are super cute!

Don't tell me she wouldn't make a perfect druid

or a martial artist

or a rogue/fighter

I would like to see Colossi (A la, Shadow of the Colossus.) I remember someone saying that they make better "mapped encounters" Than actual monsters, but the idea of colossal critters of such magnitude that they can only be fought in such a way has definite appeal.

At the very least, their should be a rule set for climbing on monsters to fight them. There are several monsters that already exist which could benefit from such rules, such as the behemoths, the tarrasque, larger dragons, tzitzimitl, the Humbaba, and many more.

Search no further than the Philippines. That's one messed up country when it comes to monsters. This is only a list of 10 of them, but scattered throughout places like Listverse you can find others. These would all make really interesting....and terrifying foes.

Top 10 Scariest Filipino Monsters

More regular low hit dice animals, and thus animal companions.

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