A few questions about Word Casting

Rules Questions

So I'll probably bring a lot of this up at the GenCon rules Q&A if I can and don't have good answers by then, but a few questions on word casting.

1) The 0 level effect spells of energy types denote that when used as selected touch spells there is no saving throw allowed. Does this apply to the higher level versions as well? Or is that only for the 0-level spells?

2) Normally if you take weapon focus on spells it is either for touch spells or ranged touch spells, but Selected target counts as either one, so do you only need to take weapon focus Selected?

3) I may have missed it somewhere, but how do meta-magic feats effect word spells?


Oh, and can you have more than 3 effect words in a single spell? like, could you use 3 2nd level as a 5th, and 2 1st level as a 3rd, to make a 6th level spell out of 5 words?

Beorn the Bear wrote:

So I'll probably bring a lot of this up at the GenCon rules Q&A if I can and don't have good answers by then, but a few questions on word casting.

1) The 0 level effect spells of energy types denote that when used as selected touch spells there is no saving throw allowed. Does this apply to the higher level versions as well? Or is that only for the 0-level spells?

2) Normally if you take weapon focus on spells it is either for touch spells or ranged touch spells, but Selected target counts as either one, so do you only need to take weapon focus Selected?

3) I may have missed it somewhere, but how do meta-magic feats effect word spells?

4)Oh, and can you have more than 3 effect words in a single spell? like, could you use 3 2nd level as a 5th, and 2 1st level as a 3rd, to make a 6th level spell out of 5 words?


1. No. It doesn't say so, so it doesn't. This is something I consider to be a flaw of the system. This should have really been put into the Selected target word.

2. Normally, Weapon Focus is Rays or Touch/Unarmed. Selected is not an attack type. You must still select the specific attack type, just like a regular caster.

3. Metamagic feats work on Wordspells in the exact same way that they work on regular spells. Meta Words can be inserted as well, but any Meta Word that would do the same thing as a Metamagic would not stack.

4. No. You may not have more than 3 Effect Words in a single Wordspell.

Serisan wrote:

1. No. It doesn't say so, so it doesn't. This is something I consider to be a flaw of the system. This should have really been put into the Selected target word.

2. Normally, Weapon Focus is Rays or Touch/Unarmed. Selected is not an attack type. You must still select the specific attack type, just like a regular caster.

3. Metamagic feats work on Wordspells in the exact same way that they work on regular spells. Meta Words can be inserted as well, but any Meta Word that would do the same thing as a Metamagic would not stack.

4. No. You may not have more than 3 Effect Words in a single Wordspell.

Do you have a place it states that you can't use more than 3 effect words in a single spell? I couldn't find that in RAW. Thanks for the other answers. 1 & 3 are what I thought in the first place, and 2 makes a lot of sense the way you described it.

Beorn the Bear wrote:

Do you have a place it states that you can't use more than 3 effect words in a single spell? I couldn't find that in RAW. Thanks for the other answers. 1 & 3 are what I thought in the first place, and 2 makes a lot of sense the way you described it.

Look at the headers on the chart. It's not that there's an equivalence on the slots, it's that the levels provided are the highest possible levels for each of the Effects.

The last column on the chart is labeled "Three Effect Words." As there is not a "Four Effect Words" column, you can infer that there are no Wordspells possible with 4 Effects. Also, in the written examples of Effect Words for the Arranging Words of Power section, it does a breakdown of all possible combinations of Effect Words for a level 5 Wordspell.

Yeah, it just would have been nice if it stated somewhere explicitly that the max is three effect words. I agree with you also that the no saving throw should be in the selected word, but if you boost it to multiple targets it should do 1/2 damage on all secondary targets, or something like that.

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