Overheard at the Paizo office

Off-Topic Discussions

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Webstore Gninja Minion

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Money Chris: I'm totally having an ice cream sandwich for breakfast. And none of you can stop me.

Master of Coin

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Sara Marie: oh

Sara Marie: I forgot those were in there

Sara Marie: time for breakfast

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Money Chris: I'm totally having an ice cream sandwich for breakfast. And none of you can stop me.

Money Chris/Blue Chris is an adult last time we checked (which I admit, was done by someone else and may have simply been done by asking him if he was an adult). As an adult you are entitled to do things like this. Also to redefine what a ball pit means to you.

Digital Products Assistant

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Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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gary: Price: $55,000,000

robot chris: think of the burritos that amount of money could buy

cs erik: No Chris, just one Burrito, make one burrito worth that much

gary: when gazing upon that view you have a +23 for Summon Burrito


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Sean's E-mail:
*Here's a helpful macro to aid in your job.*

Patrick's E-mail:
When I open this all I get is the error message "VIRUS INSTALLED: FOOLED BY SEAN-KRIPKILLA-REYNOLDS ONCE AGAIN".

Pretty handy macro all the same.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

crystal: Are Canadians so polite because they channel all their anger and hatred into geese?

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Sara Marie wrote:
crystal: Are Canadians so polite because they channel all their anger and hatred into geese?

I think everybody wants to channel their anger and hatred into geese. I'd love to do it via my car, but I snap back to reality once I realize how much damage they can do.

Serisan wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
crystal: Are Canadians so polite because they channel all their anger and hatred into geese?
I think everybody wants to channel their anger and hatred into geese. I'd love to do it via my car, but I snap back to reality once I realize how much damage they can do.

I hear you. My office has a pond where geese hang out. They frequently get in the way in the parking lot and nearby street. Ugh.

Don't run afowl of the goose mafia, man. They've got the black market Maple Syrup supply cornered. If you don't want to eat dry waffles, better give'em the respect they ask for.

Grand Lodge

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Sara Marie wrote:
crystal: Are Canadians so polite because they channel all their anger and hatred into geese?

Nope. It's because we feel guilty for exporting Bieber and Nickelback.

Oh you can have Bieber back. Nickleback... Well they are okay... For now.

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Canada exported Shania Twain. Bieber is forgiven.

They also gave us a few other things. They can still take back Bieber.

Scarab Sages

More importantly, Canada exported Jim Carrey.

What did Australia ever give us? Rupert Murdoch.

Right. Thanks, *mates*.

Does Crocodile Dundee count? And Jim Carrey! Oh, how I love his movies.

Ryan Reynolds is Canadian.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We also exported Leslie Neilson, Eugene Levy, John Candy, Leonard Cohen, William Shatner, and Mike Myers among many others.

We are still very, very sorry about Justin Bieber though.

Mmmm poutine and mayo.

Grand Lodge

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A hundred 'atta-boys' can be ruined by a single f-up.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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gary: i'm just mentally flipping coins over here

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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gary: and then we'd all laugh and laugh, because we are EVIL

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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gary: how about a purring burrito?

gary: all warm and snuggly

gary: wrapped in foil, tucked inside your coat

gary: just waiting for delicious nom-time

gary: occasionally it sighs sweetly

Sara Marie wrote:
gary: i'm just mentally flipping coins over here

Has the PMG been watching too much Dark Knight lately? He seems to be channeling Two-Face...

Sara Marie wrote:
gary: and then we'd all laugh and laugh, because we are EVIL

..., er, make that Joker.

Sara Marie wrote:

gary: how about a purring burrito?

gary: all warm and snuggly

gary: wrapped in foil, tucked inside your coat

gary: just waiting for delicious nom-time

gary: occasionally it sighs sweetly

So, now it's Catwoman from Dark Knight Rises?! Holy Bob Kane, Batman! It's time to break out the Jane Fonda exorcise tape!

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

gary: how about a purring burrito?

gary: all warm and snuggly

gary: wrapped in foil, tucked inside your coat

gary: just waiting for delicious nom-time

gary: occasionally it sighs sweetly

So, now it's Catwoman from Dark Knight Rises?! Holy Bob Kane, Batman! It's time to break out the Jane Fonda exorcise tape!

And here I thought he meant one of these.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

9 people marked this as a favorite.

cosmo: I'm surprised you don't recognize this song?

robot chris: I knew what the song was, you were just singing it badly.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

jessica: just looking for more reasons to mock Mark

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: paizo building is sekrit baba yaga hut

Liberty's Edge

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Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: paizo building is sekrit baba yaga hut


Nodnarb wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: paizo building is sekrit baba yaga hut

Everything makes sense now.

*goes to brew up a lifetime supply of vodka*

Assistant Software Developer

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Gary: Don't forget the goat sacrifice next time, I guess.

Paizo Employee Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
jessica: just looking for more reasons to mock Mark

I wasn't even in on Friday! Why are you all so mean to me? (Especially when I'm sick!)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

11 people marked this as a favorite.

cs erik: [on phone]Hello warehouse? Do you have a Duck of Gloom down there? Its a plush. A dark one. Dark like my soul.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Sean: Well of course it's silly with ducks!


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Rob: "Most people don't have their tails in front of them."
Adam: "Most people don't have a tail with a snake-head!"

Judy Bauer wrote:

Rob: "Most people don't have their tails in front of them."

Adam: "Most people don't have a tail with a snake-head!"

Not sure if that's funny or creepy... That Daigle guy sure is an odd fellow!

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

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robot chris: enh, maybe
robot chris: but I'm the one with the lettuce

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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cs erik: Depending on the context, that could be very scary.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Liz: I would make a chicken coop that look likes Baba Yaga's Hut. >.>

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: ♪♫ the best part of waking up, (especially after a long morning of brain pokingggg), is a burrito in your cuuuup♪♫ (cup optional)

Assistant Software Developer

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Sara: I'm not sure I want to know what those eyes are made from.

Liberty's Edge Production Specialist

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Crystal: Thank you, Sonja. You've given me a new way to hurt Cosmo.

Sonja: ...hurray?


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.


ross: I suppose that's one way to stop the local constablry from chasing you into the snow.

ross: Steal the pants first.

ross: The medieval equivilent to the potato in the tailpipe.

Sovereign Court

Sara Marie wrote:


ross: I suppose that's one way to stop the local constablry from chasing you into the snow.

ross: Steal the pants first.

ross: The medieval equivilent to the potato in the tailpipe.

Or it gives it an entirely new meaning ...

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

liz: I actually have some in the trunk of my car right now.

Grand Lodge

Sara Marie wrote:
liz: I actually have some in the trunk of my car right now.

Cookies?? Bacon??? Cans of whoop-ass????

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
liz: I actually have some in the trunk of my car right now.
Cookies?? Bacon??? Cans of whoop-ass????

Cans of cookie-bacon whoop-ass?

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