About Tatya Dyalov"We're not sane. Sane people don't go gallivanting about the countryside loaded for bear with blackpowder and elderroot and ancients know what else to hunt down whatever troublemaker's been causing problems for the locals; sane people settle down, start a farm, get some cattle, raise a family, have a normal life, and close and bar their doors when the sun goes down. Sane people don't go looking for trouble. They hide from it, like a sane person should. We madmen go looking for trouble, with the intent of making it stop before it eats us. And ages bless us for it, else the sane people might either fall before it or join us in the madhouse." RACE/SEX: Female Human (Halfling mutation)
She dresses practically, wearing simple clothing for warmth and comfort rather than to display herself or to burden herself with armor. Her normal clothing is a long-sleeved tunic under a vest if the weather is warm or a thick fur-lined coat if it is cold, with bodice and ankle-length dress over leggings and traveling boots, both of the latter padded or fur-lined during cold weather. She carries a satchel with the strap crossing over one shoulder and across her chest to the opposite hip, within which she carries most of her at-hand necessities - powders, materials, foci and the like for her spellcasting as well as potions, crafting materials, and vodka. A few daggers are slipped into her belt alongside her holstered pistol, and at least one knife is concealed in a boot. She is at almost all times accompanied by a massive Siberian Husky equipped with chain-shirt barding and a riding saddle and a black cat with bright violet eyes. HISTORY
Ksusha, her cat familiar, accompanied her out of those woods; she quickly purchased Grom, a trained guard, guide, and riding dog, from the first city she passed in her meandering travels. She moved from city to city, doing odd jobs and billing herself as a medicine woman, vodka brewer, and alchemist in lands where witchcraft would not bring her much welcome. It is in one of these many stops that she met Melania, a markswoman and ex-soldier, and the two odd strangers formed a quick and steady friendship. They traveled together for several months, bound vaguely eastward with no ultimate destination in mind, mostly concerned with keeping out of trouble and having food and alcohol for the next day or three. Neither really remembers for certain the course of events leading up to their most recent circumstances, though that's mostly to blame on them both being quite drunk at the time. It ended up with them being pursued by mounties and local constabularies, fleeing onto and stealing a ship from a nearby harbor to escape, and setting out into open, uncharted sea. The next thing either remembers was drifting for days in the open ocean, before miraculously managing to stumble onto a massive, uncharted island or continent... only to find it not only inhabited but home to multiple cultures vaguely reminiscent of other lands from their own continent of Idryma. All the more shocked were they to find that this land, Terra Occasiae, had been populated by refugees from the Cataclysm that had struck Idryma thousands of years ago, and as far as these folk knew their homeland was naught but a barren, uninhabited wasteland, its peoples and history lost forever! Stats:
Tatya Dyalov
Female Halfling Witch 5 Chaotic Good Small Humanoid Initiative: +4; Senses: Perception +5 Armor Class: 15 (+1 Size, +4 Dex, +0 Armor); Touch: 15, Flat-Footed: 11; +4 w/ Mage Armor Max HP: 30 (5d6 + 5) Saving Throws: Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +5; +2 vs. Illusions, +2 vs. Poison and Drugs, +4 vs. Alcohol Speed: 20 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Actions:
Special Qualities:
Combat Gear:
Languages: Feltish (English), Vechen (Russian), Orageois (French), Halfling cultural, Aklo Abilities: STR: 10, DEX: 18, CON: 13, INT: 18, WIS: 13, CHA: 18 Racial Qualities:
Skills: (7 per Witch level)
Spells per day
Prepared Spells
Spells Known
Level 2:
Level 3:
Spell DC 14 + spell level |