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xobmaps wrote:It has been a while since anything actually overheard was posted here...is everyone OK over there? Are they allowed out of the box the cookies were under yet?We are absolutely not playtesting paladins with laser swords and telekinetic powers in Starfinder.
*Starts drafting this for 3PP Starfinder material with 0% rules knowledge.* What could possibly go wrong?

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ashley: pie bar?! this sounds like a fantastic place.
sharaya: oh. pie. god.
katina: Our father, who tart in heaven
hallowed be thy crust
sharaya: thy filling yum
sharaya: thy bake be done?
cosmo: On the fork as it is in my mouth.
katina: Give us this day our a la mode
ashley: And forgive us our carbohydrates
cosmo: As we forgive those who mince meat against us.
cosmo: And lead us not into bad Hostess
katina: but deliver us from Marie Callendars

Feros |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

ashley: pie bar?! this sounds like a fantastic place.
sharaya: oh. pie. god.
katina: Our father, who tart in heaven
hallowed be thy crustsharaya: thy filling yum
sharaya: thy bake be done?
cosmo: On the fork as it is in my mouth.
katina: Give us this day our a la mode
ashley: And forgive us our carbohydrates
cosmo: As we forgive those who mince meat against us.
cosmo: And lead us not into bad Hostesskatina: but deliver us from Marie Callendars
*Little did they know it was actually a PI bar, where everything sold was shaped like a circle and all prices were in multiples of $3.14...*

Haladir |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

ashley: pie bar?! this sounds like a fantastic place.
sharaya: oh. pie. god.
katina: Our father, who tart in heaven
hallowed be thy crustsharaya: thy filling yum
sharaya: thy bake be done?
cosmo: On the fork as it is in my mouth.
katina: Give us this day our a la mode
ashley: And forgive us our carbohydrates
cosmo: As we forgive those who mince meat against us.
cosmo: And lead us not into bad Hostesskatina: but deliver us from Marie Callendars
For thine is the Crisco, and the flour, and the filling forever.
Dig in!

Lilith |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sara Marie wrote:Lilith wrote:Capitol Hill, too. Clearly we need to test both.Sara Marie wrote:ashley: pie bar?! this sounds like a fantastic place.There is a pie bar. It's in Ballard. It is delicious.Dons her lab coat and clipboard.
Adjusts her glasses.
Alright. LET'S DO THIS!
Remember, you gotta write stuff down...For Science(TM).

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sara Marie wrote:Lilith wrote:Capitol Hill, too. Clearly we need to test both.Sara Marie wrote:ashley: pie bar?! this sounds like a fantastic place.There is a pie bar. It's in Ballard. It is delicious.Dons her lab coat and clipboard.
Adjusts her glasses.
Alright. LET'S DO THIS!
Has this happened? If not, we need to get Organized. So that's what I'll do. I'll organize. Really well. A pie road trip!

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Robot Chris: Paizo Con—it's the bees knees
Katina: Are the bees treated fairly? We need to save the bees, you know.
Katina: I hope they're not being hunted for their knees.
Robot Chris: Only the finest, fair trade, organic knees.
Robot Chris: Non-gmo bees
Sara Marie: Free range knees
Katina: Knee range

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Robot Chris: Paizo Con—it's the bees knees
Katina: Are the bees treated fairly? We need to save the bees, you know.
Katina: I hope they're not being hunted for their knees.
Robot Chris: Only the finest, fair trade, organic knees.
Robot Chris: Non-gmo bees
Sara Marie: Free range knees
Katina: Knee range
Friggin Numenera...

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Robot Chris: Paizo Con—it's the bees knees
Katina: Are the bees treated fairly? We need to save the bees, you know.
Katina: I hope they're not being hunted for their knees.
Robot Chris: Only the finest, fair trade, organic knees.
Robot Chris: Non-gmo bees
Sara Marie: Free range knees
Katina: Knee range
God, you guys couldn't be more Seattle if you tried. XD

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James: Did you just say "I am an emotionally splendid male"?
Wes: Stunted. Emotionally STUNTED male. My emotions are largely in the "I'm hungry," to "Oh no, I'm going crazy" range.
Jessica: To be fair, I can't actually tell the difference between those most of the time.
Just got to pick up on the subtle differences between tummy growing and mouth growling.

Chris Lambertz Community & Digital Content Director |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Asking the hard questions this morning in the office...
Katina There's a character named Dr. Crusher? Does she have giant robot clamps?
Diego Beverly Crusher
Robot She has tenuous grasp on medicine and the prime directive.
Katina If she can't crush a car with her bare claws, then I don't think she deserves that name.
Diego At least she spends more time in sickbay than Dr. McCoy did
Robot Point.
Robot But how the federation made her a captain eventually... yikes.
Diego Enterprise is in a firefight and people are getting hurt and McCoy is hanging out on the bridge, then goes to engineering to help modify a torpedo (why...?)
Diego Haha yeah, that surprised me too.
Robot I theorized that maybe the first Enterprise was just seriously poorly manned? I dunno. Why does the captain ever beam off the ship?
Katina Beer run?
Diego They keep their entire senior staff in a dome on the top of the ship. Why don't enemies just shoot the dome?
Sharaya RIGHT?!!
Diego They were being taught to fish!
Katina Gandalf wanted them to walk because he thought it'd build character.
Katina ... and/or they were trying to get their Fitbit steps.

quibblemuch |
18 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sharaya RIGHT?!!
Diego They were being taught to fish!
Katina Gandalf wanted them to walk because he thought it'd build character.
Katina ... and/or they were trying to get their Fitbit steps.
Gandalf told them to. It was the meaning of his oft-misunderstood final words before slipping into the depths of Khazad-dum after the Balrog.

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7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Chris Lambertz wrote:Gandalf told them to. It was the meaning of his oft-misunderstood final words before slipping into the depths of Khazad-dum after the Balrog.
Sharaya RIGHT?!!
Diego They were being taught to fish!
Katina Gandalf wanted them to walk because he thought it'd build character.
Katina ... and/or they were trying to get their Fitbit steps.
Username is relevant.

Kobold Catgirl |
12 people marked this as a favorite. |

They didn't use the eagles because doing so would have defeated the purpose of a stealthy mission—the eagles are conspicuous and would have been immediately targeted by the Nazgul or the crebain swarms, not to mention archers on the enormous walls. Realizing the danger, Sauron would have put all his guards on the volcano, making it impossible to get the ring in without landing. Additionally, the eagles were their own sentient race, and they were never keen on going into danger. And I do wonder how flight would have worked as the ring got heavier and heavier.
*Literally cannot help but do this*

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While Oglaf is awesome and that specific comic is fine (and funny) the adds for that site and the rest of the comics are VERY NSFW, just to be aware before clicking :3