Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Grabs as many of the 'marshmellows Hundgesicht Special' and swallows them, his now colossal statue displaying an impressively beautiful firework
"Hmmm marshmellows that snap, crackle and pop. More!"

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Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

Just a quick FYI - I'll be out of town and away from the internet for about 48 hours from the time of this post. Disappearing into the suburbs for the weekend.

Please take any DMPC actions required to keep things moving along. Cat would probably try and trip the blaggard again :)

I am going to be away from posting for a day or two while waiting for internet service to be hooked up at my new house. See ya real soon.

Male Wandering Nomad 3

Heads up: I'll be out of town on another frisbee trip to Vegas this weekend, so I probably won't have internet from this coming Thursday evening to Monday evening!

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Where do you play disc? I played in college and still try, although past 40, my body is starting to complain.

Dungeon Master

Do you have any thoughts on armor and jousting? Do you just want to use flat footed AC?

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

DM Zyren - just a little question for Cat's future... do you have any issues if Cat uses her whip to perform Dirty Trick maneuvers out to 15ft away?

Things like dragging the whip across eyes to blind, cracking close to the ear to deafen, striking at a belt to sever it and entangle, etc.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

no, I think that's fitting :)

@ DMHW: Let's just use flat footed for now - will think about other possibilities if we do that again in the future

Male Wandering Nomad 3
Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
Where do you play disc? I played in college and still try, although past 40, my body is starting to complain.

I play mostly in Salem, OR, but my team (Willamette University) plays at tournaments annually in some of the bigger cities around like Portland, Eugene, Tacoma, and we go on one long trip a year: Las Vegas.

This is my senior year, and I'm trying to decide if I want to join a club team when I graduate, haha.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

@ DMHW: Faith of Sigmar arrived! Thx again! May I contact you again for such things in the future?

Male Pale Master

Tell us about this german castle Zyren. More specifically - was there a dungeon?!

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Well, it looked like this

Actually it is a very old building and already exists since medieval times, but over the course of several wars and changing owners it was more than once rebuilt and renovated - today it's a strange mixture of different architectural styles.

Male Pale Master

Wow, looks cool. Definitely worth going without the internet for a week to stay there.

Zyren, technically that would be a schloss?

Had a lot of fun visiting chateaus and such when we went through Germany / France several years back. Fond memories of Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber in particular.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Yes, technically that's a schloss, since it latest form is not meant to be used as a real fortification but to demonstrate its owners wealth and influence.

Rothenburg is a very picturesque town - not many survived WWII in such a condition - neither in Germany nor in France.

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Yeah, I live in a town called Warendorf - not as picturesque as Rothenburg, but one of the few towns in the Münsterland to get through WWII almost completely unscathed. While many citys were rebuild with some degree of preserving a historic outlook (like Münster , where I attend the University, as a famous example), Warendorf is, according to architechts and historians, pretty unique in its authentic mixture of pre-war architecture.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)
garabbott wrote:

I play mostly in Salem, OR...

*Sigh* I really miss living in Oregon.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)
garabbott wrote:
Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
Where do you play disc? I played in college and still try, although past 40, my body is starting to complain.

I play mostly in Salem, OR, but my team (Willamette University) plays at tournaments annually in some of the bigger cities around like Portland, Eugene, Tacoma, and we go on one long trip a year: Las Vegas.

This is my senior year, and I'm trying to decide if I want to join a club team when I graduate, haha.

Never played in Oregon. Played for Occidental in Los Angeles in college, even made it to the Presidents' Day tournament in Hawaii one year. I have been in Chicago playing club for the past 15 years.

Dungeon Master

Zyren, I am glad to hear that you got the order. That seemed fast! Please feel free to call on me as you need to.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Hah, now you have summoned the great evil of oversea ordering!

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Corvax, wake up and post!

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M Human Fighter 4

Strangely I was awake when you posted that. But I was far too busy putting the finishing touches on the group report for my photonics project. Latex is very good for formatting but it can be a right pain sometimes.

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Testing my Kindle`s ability to post. Everything in the south seems to take longer than is necessary and I am going to be without internet for little longer than I thought. On top of that,I washed my phone lol.

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

I hope it's at least shiny now?

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Male Orc Expert 5
Bilbo Bang-Bang wrote:

Testing my Kindle`s ability to post. Everything in the south seems to take longer than is necessary and I am going to be without internet for little longer than I thought. On top of that,I washed my phone lol.

It's only slow for yankees that come down here washing their phones.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Tark is again in rant-mode! Beware and look for cover *_*

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

He's just annoyed because the girls chose to hang out with a gnome and left him with two half-orcs for companions.

Male Orc Expert 5
Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
He's just annoyed because the girls chose to hang out with a gnome and left him with two half-orcs for companions.

I think you forget that was his preference. Karlan doesn't want to babysit at work. :P

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)
TarkXT wrote:
Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
He's just annoyed because the girls chose to hang out with a gnome and left him with two half-orcs for companions.
I think you forget that was his preference. Karlan doesn't want to babysit at work. :P

Lol - makes two of us, fortunately we have Celestra for that job.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)


Is the Bloody Kisses defunct? I have not seen anything there in quite a few days.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Somebody please take over for me until further notice. May need a day or two to deal with some home life stuff, nothing major, just busy.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Hope it all goes well Bree!

Female Aasimar Cleric 10 hp 81/83; AC 22, FF 19, T 14; Channel Energy (5d6) [8/10]; Touch of Good [8/9];Agile Feet [9/9];Holy Lance [1/1] Fort: +12, Reflex +10, Will +17; Init +3, Diplomacy +19, Perception +17
Tirion wrote:
"Lol - makes two of us, fortunately we have Celestra for that job."

"Hey, Perdy is not that bad. The library is still standing and we haven't had any fires to put out! However, I am glad that I can be of service to you!"

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Sorry guys no updates until tomorrow - my Sunday is totally occupied by Blood Bowl tabletop madness. Wish me and the Ravaging Roses (wood elves, what else?) good luck :)

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Sigh - Blood Bowl...
Have fun and GO ROSES!

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

First match of the day:

Ravaging Roses 1 - Obnoxious Orcboys 1

Half of the Roses gone to hospital...lol

Male Orc Expert 5
Zyren Zemerys wrote:

First match of the day:

Ravaging Roses 1 - Obnoxious Orcboys 1

Half of the Roses gone to hospital...lol

Well that's wot youz get for tryna put elfses up against da boyz!

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Thanks for taking over, Kabal.

Shifty, yeah everything went as well as can be expected in my hectic life!

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Did Garabott say when he will return?

Internet service is back. I feel like I just crawled out of the early 90's. Now time to call you all b~++#es for an hour and a half straight and change the color of my text, lol. That is all the internet was good for when first came in vogue,right?

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

I had to go my first semester back at college using dial up. I was staying in a motel room at the time (one that obviously didn't have wifi) and all of my courses were online. It sucked. I mean really, really sucked.

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Bree Longfield wrote:
I had to go my first semester back at college using dial up. I was staying in a motel room at the time (one that obviously didn't have wifi) and all of my courses were online. It sucked. I mean really, really sucked.

I did that for one test. I vowed to drive the 30 minutes to the school rather than sit the frustration of dial up on modern websites ever again.

The only other experience I had like that was when I started my pre-reqs for a master's program and we were doing a field exercise at the time. Our unit was set up right next to a bowling alley that had Wi-Fi that I was able get a single bar of service from. So there I stood in a field in full armor, manpac radio,and weapon with my netbook perched in one hand while typing with the other. A roving guard passed by just laughed, but hey I got the post in.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

If I had a car, I probably would have done the same. It really sucked. I can imagine it was even worse in that last instance you mentioned.

Male Wandering Nomad 3
Zyren Zemerys wrote:
Did Garabott say when he will return?

Sorry, I was supposed to be back last night, but I had to write a midterm paper when I got home and it sucked the life out of me. I'm back now.

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Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

A paper about succubi and vampires? Ghastly!

Trying to decide if I want to go Airborne or not. They have put it on the table and are pushing for it, but I am not sure if I feel like going to the bases that they get stationed at.

Male Orc Expert 5

Well it all depends. Do you feel comfortable jumping out of a perfectly good airplane?

VC - Sydney, Australia

All the wings have been pretty much clipped for anyone not SF over here :(

Male Orc Expert 5
Shifty wrote:

All the wings have been pretty much clipped for anyone not SF over here :(

I take it everyone's air cav these days?

Or do you settle for just air dropping millions of tons of poisonous spiders and snakes on people?

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