DM Kalizar |
Anyone interested,
I’m opening up recruiting for one to three players for a new Kingmaker PbP I plan to run. Three are reserved for friends who will be playing a Human Bard, a Human Sorceror of a Draconic Heritage and a Human Witch with the Trickery Patron. A fourth spot is reserved for a maybe player, yet to be determined. I’ll close this recruitment thread Friday, May 27th 9:00 PM EST and announce the final selections on Saturday, May 28th.
I am looking for posters that can keep pace, once a week or so isn't likely to last. The group seems eager to post daily or every other day. A history is helpful, but no one will be excluded for experience or lack thereof.
Character creation:
• Races: All standard races from the PFRPG (Core Rulebook) will be allowed. Racial options from the Advanced Player's Guide (APG) will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook and the APG will be allowed. Any Archetype for these base classes from the APG will be allowed. Material from Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat may be allowed, with DM approval and compelling character backstory.
• Favored Class: The favored class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable.
• Alignment: Characters can be any Good or Neutral alignment. No evil alignments will be allowed.
• Abilities: Characters will be based on the Epic Fantasy (25 point buy) found in the Core Rulebook. No ability can be raised higher than 18 (prior to racial modifiers). Only one ability can be lowered below 10 and that ability cannot be lowered below 8 (after racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook or APG will be acceptable. Other official Paizo feats from unlisted sources will have to be approved by the DM.
• Traits: Character's will start with three traits, one of which MUST be either from the Kingmaker Campaign, the Kingmaker Region, or an appropriate Racial Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with Maximum Starting Gold for their base class, plus 150 Gold as an advance from the charter council.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. Please post at the minimum a character synopsis and short back story as a resume.
* As a note, the group seems interested in including running a kingdom as part of the campaing. Please have an interest in what sort of role(s) your character may like to fill.
Eryndur |
I would kill to play Kingmaker, and I have no problem posting frequently. From what I can see, the party would benefit greatly from some muscle, so I humbly submit ADRECCAM SURTOVA, a Human Fighter with the Mobile Archetype. He's a bit insecure due to his royal lineage, and he has some big shoes to fill, but he's ready to make his name in the Stolen Lands after suffering so long on the streets of Restov!
Mechanically, he's a slippery fella who's good with the sword and board.
If he ever happened to come into power, I could see Adreccam taking the mantle of Master-at-Arms or Captain of the Guard. Something like that. He doesn't realize it, but Adreccam responds well to guidance and authority.
Please check his profile for full stats, background, personality, and appearance. Thanks for your consideration, DM Kalizar!
Ozaziel |
![Aldern Foxglove](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/heads2.jpg)
Here is Ozaziel, he was originally created for a 20 pt buy kingmaker. He was built as an Aasimar but there is a Human version below the back story. Just substitute feel from the heavens for abandonment. He is an aspiring aldori dueling sword master paladin of the empyreal lords. Let me know if you need more info on him.
I can up the 5 pts for the human or if allowed play a 5 pt deficit aasmiar. Either way is fine. Also the extra money for him would be spent on a horse.
Arumil Amaim |
This is what I have so far, if crafting is allowed I will make him more of a crafting sage type guy but if crafting is a no go then I can make him more the battle mage type. Regardless I think he would fit into Magister pretty good as he is deep into the law (those he agrees with) and keeping to one's word when its given.
VonGonda |
I am going to submit a dwarf fighter. For lack of a better term is a going be a pit boss (casino), but he will not be a casino boss. He will work the trade floor for precious metal and gem trading. He will have a very good eye, the ability to catch a lie, and the power to backup what he has said. I am working on the history, and other info.
Gurthock Fleshmincer |
![Journeyman Carpenter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Carpenter_90.jpeg)
Here's my submission from another game using 20 pointbuy. He can be adjusted to fit your needs rather easily. Trick is he's using UM material.
He probably would not be satisfied with somethign less than ruler. BUT, given someone in the party that earns his respect in some way he can easily be swayed another way.
Deleon |
![Anthropomorphized Rabbit](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/rabbit_prince.jpg)
Here's my submission. Ezrael is an inquisitor who hunts down religious zealots and cults. So in a sense he is an atheist inquisitor; rather than a deity he is devoted to the ideal of intellectual liberation.
Furthermore, he would make a good power-behind-the throne or advisor type to a politician. He's mostly statted now, but I need to add his equipment and the third trait. Here is his statblock thus far.
Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +10
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8); Judgement of Profane Healing 1
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9
Defensive Abilities Judgement of Profane Protection +1; DR Judgement of Profane Resiliency 1: Magic; Resist Judgement of Profane Purity +1, Judgement of Profane Resistance 2 (Fire)
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +0 (1d3/20/x2)
Special Attacks Judgement of Profane Destruction +1, Judgement of Profane Justice +1, Judgement of Profane Piercing +1, Judgement of Profane Smiting (Magic)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1, +0 melee touch, +2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Burst Bonds (DC 15), Wrath (DC 15)
0 (at will) Disrupt Undead, Detect Magic, Brand (DC 14), Guidance
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Alertness, Iron Will
Traits Indomitable Faith, Skeptic
Skills Bluff +6, Disguise +6, Intimidate +7, Knowledge: Arcana +6, Knowledge: History +3, Knowledge: Religion +6, Perception +10, Sense Motive +11, Stealth +6, Survival +8 Modifiers Monster Lore
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian
SQ Inquisitor Domain: Liberation, Judgement (1/day) (Su), Liberation (1 rounds/day) (Su)
Inquisitor Domain: Liberation Granted Powers: You are a spirit of freedom and a staunch foe against all who would enslave and oppress.
Judgement (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Judgement of Profane Destruction +1 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Judgement of Profane Healing 1 (Su) Fast Healing
Judgement of Profane Justice +1 (Su) Attack bonus
Judgement of Profane Piercing +1 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Judgement of Profane Protection +1 (Su) AC bonus
Judgement of Profane Purity +1 (Su) Save bonus
Judgement of Profane Resiliency 1: Magic (Su) DR/magic
Judgement of Profane Resistance 2: Fire (Su) Energy Resistances
Judgement of Profane Smiting (Magic) (Su) DR bypass
Liberation (1 rounds/day) (Su) Act as if you had freedom of movement for 1 rounds/day.
Monster Lore +4 (Ex) +4 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Skeptic +2 save vs. illusion.
Created With Hero Lab® - try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com!
Patcher |
I'd like to put forth a character I already created for Kingmaker, Tovias Tirier, face extraordinaire. He was made with 20 pt. buy and only has 2 traits, but the rest of the concept is for the most part finished. If accepted, I'll immediately update him in accord with the guidelines.
As of kingdom role, I was planning on eventually prestige classing into Master Spy - so essentially the goal is making him the... Master Spy. The safekeeper of information, the shadow counsellor. Meant to be in the shadows, not in the front - both out of combat and in.
Sir Jolt |
![Mendev Crusader](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-crusader.jpg)
I'll submit Ostario, Cleric of Hanspur. I shouldn't have deleted him from my profile but too many aliases was getting confusing. When I get back to my computer that has HeroLab installed on it I'll modify him to match your build rules and post him. I see him as largely staying the Cleric class.
His personality doesn't really lie int he direction of rulership. His most likely role would be as a spiritual/nature consultant. Because of his deity and sailing profession he would also fit well into supervising the use of any waterways that may flow through the kingdom.
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RL friend of imimrtl and I guess owner of ozaziel. Just want to say imimrtl is a good role player and always adds an element of fun to the game at least in the 11 years I've been gaming with him.
Anyways good luck to everyone.
@Patcher: seems we keep running into one another on these recruitment threads.
Edit: want to through another concept in for a warrior priest descendent of the azlanti empire who has his ancestors talk to him on a regualar basis. A human haunted ancestors oracle. Bothe characters have back stories ready to go and are fleshed out. Whichever you would prefer.
DM Kalizar |
The three characters that have reserved spots are locals that have joined in occassional pen and paper games I have run. I will invite them to post in here shortly, but a brief glimpse is below.
The human bard is a minor son of the Medvyed family, and leans to a military, skaldic bent. He is married to the human witch character, in game and out. Where she goes, he follows.
The human witch is an Irrisen immigrant, a diplomatic sort with a Raven familiar. She has left her prior life to seek her fortunes amongst the Stolen Lands.
The half-elven sorceror (I mistakingly said human before) has the fiery disposition of a red dragon, and often solves her issues through intimidation and raw power, should her looks alone not settle the matters.
Ozaziel |
![Aldern Foxglove](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/heads2.jpg)
Ozaziel wrote:Here is Ozaziel,... I can up the 5 pts for the human or if allowed play a 5 pt deficit aasmiar. Either way is fine. Also the extra money for him would be spent on a horse.The human option would be preferred, to keep the field simple.
If chosen I would use the human option then and redo the beginning of the backstorys begining and have him on a quest seeking an exploration into the divinity that exists in all.
Viktor Medvyed |
![Man with a Pickaxe](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/pickguy_final.jpg)
This is the bard that I plan on playing in the game. He's actually more of a diplomat that used to be a soldier (rather than a martial bard). As far as party role goes I expect him to do a lot of talking. He's "fine" in a fight, but nothing exceptional. At least not directly.
As far as possible kingdom role goes I expect he'd be decent as a ruler, diplomat or general.
Oh, I'll drop a note here about the Witch character as well, though I'm sure she'll add more useful information later on:
The character is going to be a Trickery Patron witch. Her intent is to be pretty good at gathering information and spying and such. She'd probably make a good magister or spymaster in the long run. And as far as party role, as a witch, she'll be focused on debuffing the enemy.
VonGonda |
Given Name: Smendor Iron-Face
Class: Fighter
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: NG
Age: 65
Height: 4’2’’
Weight: 188lb
STR: 16
DEX: 12
CON: 16
INT: 13
WIS: 16
CHA: 8
Militant Merchant (Dwarf)
Noble Born: (Garess)
Weapon Focus
Key skills at level 1:
Since Motive
Profession (Merchant)
Smendor is well groomed. He has a strong demeanor. He is not much of a leader, but he knows what needs to be done on the backend.
Smendor is very dry and to the point. He does his job and he really does not give a flip if anyone does not like him.
Smendor was born into a merchant family from the town of Brunderton. His father Morvack Iron-Face was a road warrior of the region. He was the founder of several long term trade agreements between his small privet mercantile establishment, and many of the surrounding towns.
Morvack took his small economic advantage to send his son Smendor to a formal education. Smendor took this opportunity very seriously, but he was not really accepted, and that caused him to get into a lot of fights. He lasted about 2 years at the academy, before he finally decided he was going to leave. Strangely enough he had some of the best score in the school for his group.
He left thinking those two year where a complete waste of time, but before he could leave for the trip home he was confronted by a young member of the Garess family. Morgan McGregor of house Garess was a tall very charismatic individual that had a very strong influence with the ladies of the area. Morgan was very low in the noble line so he had no hope of ever really making it anywhere without hard work.
Morgan toke a chance and he was really worried so he went looking for help. Morgan new that Smendor had a lot of natural talent when it came to the mercantile field, and also a good right cross so he went right to the point. He asked Smendor to help him make a trade before he left town. He told Smendor that he knew a guy that knew a guy that had a great opportunity, but the deal was looking so shady Morgan wanted some muscle.
Morgan made the right move getting a dwarf for the trade. The other group was attempting to push gold planted metal bars.
To this day Smendor and Morgan are an inseparable team, but they need to expand their business, so getting someone into the Stolen Lands is their next move.
I built him for the mercantile field so he should really work as the treasurer, but I think the stat block works for others as needed.
Keiran Surtova |
![Mendev Crusader](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-crusader.jpg)
Lords of Rostland;
I pen this letter in the hopes that it will somehow find its way into your hands. I have heard your call for men and women of substance, and am prepared to answer it. The banditry and lawlessness of the Stolen Lands affects people even as far north as Port Ice, and I relish the opportunity to help quell the chaos in the south.
My name may not be the first that comes to mind when speaking of honor and loyalty. Indeed, more than once, the "Surtova" name has put in me situations that have tested my honor, however, who would I be, what would I stand for, if I discarded my name, simply for the sake of convenience. You have my word that I will stand against the horde, shield and sword in hand, to protect the innocent, and vanquish the unjust.
Should this letter reach you, and should you deem me worthy, I shall ride south for Restov at a moment's notice.
For the Glory of Brevoy
Keiran Surtova
J. Cayne |
![Contract Devil](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B6_Contract-Devil.jpg)
Alright, I'm officially registering my interest. I think I'll brew up an alchemist in the next couple of days, probably melee or switch hitter oriented. I think that should offer a range of interesting contributions without stepping on anyone's toes overmuch. Not 100% sure what I'll do exactly but just so I can percolate a few ideas would the chirurgeon, clone master, or vivisectionist archetypes from UM potentially be available? Along with discoveries in the vein of preserved organs and spontaneous healing, I'm thinking something doctor-esque character wise. Probably someone either looking to the stolen lands as an untapped resource for rare alchemical reagents and/or trying to stake out a claim in a place away from civilization where his research won't get him in trouble. Anyway I'll mull it over a bit and see what I can come up with.
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I've got an idea for a Cleric of Abadar who follows the teachings of the Prophecies of the Kalistrade. His goal is to take advantage of this new land, ripe for development, and spread both civilization (in the name of Abadar) and establish himself as a mercantile 'Prophet' of the Kalistocracy, by getting in on the ground floor of this amazing new opportunity.
Some backstory;
He turned to the faith of Abadar, seeking some sense of how things had gone so wrong, and learned much of the ways of business during his exploration of the ways of the clergy, and came to recognize his mother’s business acumen, and how his father had all but beggared them, with his poor choices, and fled to leave them to pay the price in his stead. He never quite could bring himself to say the words, but he knows that his mother recognizes that he regrets earlier accusations, when he was young enough to know no better.
A major factor in the turnaround of their family’s fortune was his mother turning to the teachings of the Kalistocracy of Druma, a land of intimidating and yet ruthlessly fair merchant-prophets. At first suspicious of their teachings, and his mother’s sudden conversion, he read the ponderous tome of restrictions that his mother had acquired, and after scoffing at some of them, came to notice that they seemed designed to maximize not just the earnings of the follower, but ensure that their coin passed most often into the hands of other followers of the teachings, so that, as the Prophet wrote, ‘a rising tide lifts all boats.’ Each coin that enters the coffers of the prophets in trade might pass from hand to hand, but it will rarely leave the kalistocracy.
Recognizing that if he remains in Restov, his own ambitions will compete with those of his mother, who has many years of life yet within her, Radu has turned his eyes with interest to this new proclamation, of lands filled with danger, and, more importantly, untold untapped riches just waiting to be exploited, just south and west of the border. Such an opportunity does not come in every lifetime, and he is eager to move into this new territory and establish business interests there before any other competing factor can restrict the growth of his enterprise.
I am *very* interested in the Kingdom-building part of the Kingmaker AP, so I'm thrilled to hear that your pre-existing players are also looking forward to that part of the AP.
Based on your prerequisites / restrictions upthread, the only feat my character is looking at that isn't in the core or APG is the
Profits of the Kalistrade feat from the Campaign Setting.
As a follower of the Kalistrade, he'll have clothing and dietary restrictions, which haven't really been developed as of yet, as far as I know, so I'll just make some stuff up that sounds appropriate (such as eating only pork, fish and the meat of male cattle, goats and chickens, for some bizarre reason having to do with not eating the flesh of an animal that would be more profitably utilized as a renewable source of milk, wool or eggs).
He'll have a pack horse and a hireling to walk the pack horse and prepare his meals, because he simply will not go 'adventuring' without a spare outfit, shaving kit, 10 lb book of religious restrictions, cooking gear, special foodstuffs and a tent. 'Roughing it' does not befit a Kalistocrat!
Depending on how well the Bard and Witch can supplement heal, the character is designed to multiclass into Wizard, and then Mystic Theurge, but if a stricter focus is required to keep up with healing needs, I'm not adverse to keeping him a straight Cleric.
Patcher |
I'll admit I'm also interested in the Kingdom-building part. I was also considering submitting a Cavalier (Order of the Lion, possibly of the Dragon) to give his allegiance to the King (or Queen), alongside the spy I already submitted. I don't know which one would be preferable, though - but I feel I should ask.
I'll also fill out Tovias some more, get him more in line with the excellent applications in this topic.
DM Kalizar |
As a note, in discussion with a few others that have DM'd Kingmaker, I am leaning towards reserving the Ruler position for an NPC, to keep a level of balance amongst the players and the game. Every player and NPC will serve to advise and direct the Kingdom, (ie communal voting to decide actions and determine kingdom growth) it would simply prevent any one player from running the show or directing all activities, invoking Divine Right of Kings, etc.
Also, some great character ideas out there folks. If I had the time and energy, I'd be tempted to run two groups to keep from losing some real prospects. This is going to a tough decision.
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As a note, in discussion with a few others that have DM'd Kingmaker, I am leaning towards reserving the Ruler position for an NPC, to keep a level of balance amongst the players and the game. Every player and NPC will serve to advise and direct the Kingdom, (ie communal voting to decide actions and determine kingdom growth) it would simply prevent any one player from running the show or directing all activities, invoking Divine Right of Kings, etc.
Having the NPC Ruler answer to a council composed of the other leadership positions, and be sort of the executor of the council's will, could be a solution to that sort of notion.
I noticed the three PCs already in were two Cha primary classes and an Int primary class, so I figured it would be useful to cover a Wis position, which, IIRC, works for the Treasurer, which is what Radu would be most suited for.
Patcher |
I also realise that Tovias is maybe unsuited when we have 2 other characters who are charisma-focused already.
I'm already working on a cavalier, with the backstory and everything written. He's got the bastard trait but has no desire to be a noble (unless knighthood is nobility? I'm not sure) - but he'll have the Order of the Lion as his Order. He's in heavy armour and uses a sword and shield; I was thinking either general or warden would be his kingdom role. I'll post the character soon.
Patcher |
Alright, my Cavalier is finished and he can be found in my profile - I haven't created an own page for him because I haven't decided on his name, but he is otherwise finished.
He would fit better than Tovias, but I still want to submit both characters for the application since they are both made specifically for Kingmaker.
DM Aron Marczylo |
![Danse Macabre](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/b6_dance_macabre_final.jpg)
Ehhhhh I'm going to withdraw Gurthock from the running then. The concept kind of falls flat when there's not even a chance at rule and charisma is pretty much all he is.
According to the Kingmaker player's guide there's several areas Cha based as follows:
Ruler: Charisma
Councilor: Wisdom or Charisma
General: Strength or Charisma
Grand Diplomat: Intelligence or Charisma
High Priest: Wisdom or Charisma
Magister: Intelligence or Charisma
Gurthock Fleshmincer |
![Journeyman Carpenter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Carpenter_90.jpeg)
Gurthock Fleshmincer wrote:Ehhhhh I'm going to withdraw Gurthock from the running then. The concept kind of falls flat when there's not even a chance at rule and charisma is pretty much all he is.According to the Kingmaker player's guide there's several areas Cha based as follows:
Ruler: Charisma
Councilor: Wisdom or Charisma
General: Strength or Charisma
Grand Diplomat: Intelligence or Charisma
High Priest: Wisdom or Charisma
Magister: Intelligence or Charisma
I guess I can keep my App in for General given his militaristic nature. Yeah, might as well.
DM Kalizar |
Gurthock Fleshmincer wrote:charisma is pretty much all he is.According to the Kingmaker player's guide there's several areas Cha based as follows:
It is also important to note that players do not have to fit their character to a kingdom role based solely upon the highest stat score. Real life is full of people in positions of leadership and authority that seem to have attributes better suited for other pursuits. Body builder Arnold as governor for example. Can anyone really say his physical, personal or moral "Charisma" is higher that his Strength or Constitution scores.
DM Aron Marczylo |
![Danse Macabre](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/b6_dance_macabre_final.jpg)
DM Aron Marczylo wrote:It is also important to note that players do not have to fit their character to a kingdom role based solely upon the highest stat score. Real life is full of people in positions of leadership and authority that seem to have attributes better suited for other pursuits. Body builder Arnold as governor for example. Can anyone really say his physical, personal or moral "Charisma" is higher that his Strength or Constitution scores.Gurthock Fleshmincer wrote:charisma is pretty much all he is.According to the Kingmaker player's guide there's several areas Cha based as follows:
of course! How else do you explain him coming up with awesome lines like this?
But seriously, in most politics it's how you come off and whatever promises you make up. Admittedly I don't know much about politivs if anything, but I think it games sense. I certainly wouldn't have my unsociable Inquisitor with 8 Cha as a ruler, especially since he's more interested in hunting and killing than being a ruler :p
J. Cayne |
![Contract Devil](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B6_Contract-Devil.jpg)
Still have to do stats yet, but here is all the fun non-numerical stuff.
Igorius Fetch
Igorius Fetch is a bastard, and everyone knows it.
He made his first mark on the world not long after being born, when he was found in a basket at the gates of a House Orlovsky keep with a note pinned to his swaddling cloth. One can only imagine the contents of such a missive as would cause the lord of the house to be roused from his slumber at the side of his wife in the dead of night. Some people say that Lord Stavos recognized the fine features and delicately pointed ears of the child immediately, almost as if he knew the mother...
Of course he couldn't leave a child to freeze to death on his doorstep, it would be unseemly. The babe was taken in and put in the care of a servant family to be raised. Though, the lord has always taken a special interest him, even picked the child's name, the poor little bastard.
When Igorius was old enough he was given over to an Orlovsky family retainer, an old alchemist. The boy had show an interest and an aptitude and so it was done on Lord Stavos' order. That of course caused a fresh round of gossip among the nobility prone to such things, as the topic of Igorius' parentage was a bit of an open secret. Though to this day Lord Stavos has never acknowledged the blood tie.
Igorius took well to his new studies, and has managed to this day to neither blow off any of his fingers nor fatally poison himself. He began spending a good deal of his time ranging far into the wilds around the keep, collecting all manner of reagents for his master. The duality of a life spent half secreted away in a dark lab and half wandering free under the open sky appealed to him.
When the call for men and woman to come forward and reclaim the Stolen Lands rang out Igorius went to Lord Stavos and requested that he be allowed to travel to the south to represent Stavos' interest in the region. Igorius told himself that this was a golden opportunity, that he was doing this to prove his worth to his father, to be acknowledged. And that was all true, but there was more to it than that, recently Igorius' research had taken a darker turn and he had begun experimenting on himself as he investigated the inherently volatile nature of his dual blood. What he needed was place away from prying Orlovsky eyes, to be able to work without shame.
Regardless of the outcome it is time to make his second mark on the world.
Igorius is torn. Torn by his blood, torn by his father, and torn by his research. He often feels his mind does not quite fit together properly, as though he constantly wants two different things at once. The result is somewhat mercurial. Periods of ennui interspersed with manic activity. Though through it all he usually manages to maintain a fairly serious and reserved manner. But there is something simmering there below the surface, something waiting to explode. The complex relationship with his father has left him damaged in way. Igorius loves him, but the nature of their relationship has caused a resentment to build in him that could spill over into other things if he is pushed too far. Combine this with a growing moral ambiguity as his quest for knowledge butts up against ideas of what's right and wrong and you have a powerful brew roiling beneath a calm surface.
Igorius is tall and somewhat thin, but strongly built. A life of hefting alchemical equipment and roughing it in the wild has left him a good bit sturdier than one might associate with man of learning and research. He favors the human side of his heritage, though his father rarely speaks of his mother, Igorius does know that she herself wasn't full-blooded elf. His face is thin, and his sullen features are framed by dark, medium length hair. A bulky cloak and mantle obscure to the shape of his body, but when it is pulled aside a interesting collection of vials and alchemical accoutrements are strapped to his light armor.
I'm interested in the kingdom building myself, that's specifically why I've been trying to get in on this particular AP. As for what role Igorius might fill, though it might horrify him now to suggest it, I think he will eventually be fit to fill the role of Royal Assassin, or depending on how events temper him, Warden.
If there are any problematic areas in his background or makeup, let me know, I'm willing to make adjustments.
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So here's what I'm seeing so far, correct me if I missed anyone.
Adreccam Surtova, Human Fighter (sword & board)
Ozaziel, Human Paladin (possible celestial heritage)
Smendor Iron-Face, Dwarven Fighter (merchant)
Keiran Surtova, Human Cavalier
Name TBA / New1 (Patcher), Human Cavalier
Arumil Amaim, Elven Air Elementalist Wizard
Gurthok Fleshmincer Half-Orc Summoner (synthesist)
Igorius Fetch, Half-Elf Alchemist
Tomnus, Human Rogue (scout)
Tovias Tirier, Half Elven Rogue (face)
Aldinas Hawkeye, Half-Elf Rogue
Flynn Steelheart, Human (Taldan) Rogue (scout)
Ezrael Grex, Human (Chelish) Inquisitor (atheist)
Simdondale Albus, Human (Chelish) Cleric of Sarenrae
Jaidev Chiranjeevi, Human (Vudrani) Cleric of Hanspur
Radu Stanislav, Human Cleric of Abadar (Kalistocrat)
I kinda guessed at categories. The Inquisitor could squeak into 'skillmonkey' as readily as 'healer' and the synthesist Summoner might be more of a 'tank' than an 'arcanist.'
I like some of the backstories, but will avoid saying which until the GM has made his choices. I do love that, if the numbers fall in that direction, the group could have multiple good-aligned Surtovas!
Sir Jolt |
![Mendev Crusader](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-crusader.jpg)
I've added the backstory to Jaidev's page; it's at the bottom after the character sheet section.
J. Cayne |
![Contract Devil](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B6_Contract-Devil.jpg)
That seems like quite a lot of applicants when you list them like that. I don't really envy DM Kalizar in having to choose. But at least he's spoiled for choices.
Regarding Igorius' alignment, I'll fill all that in when I write up the stats, but I think it's fair to say that he's either NG with N tendencies or N with NG tendencies. I do picture him as being at somewhat of a crossroads so unfolding events are likely to influence his world view, maybe in more than one direction. I haven't decided if it's what I want to do for sure yet, but if the game were to go long enough it's sort of a setup to head into Master Chymist.