
VonGonda's page

113 posts. Alias of John G 766.


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A monk with Crane Style.


It seems they can, but from a game perspective does it makes any sense?

To extend this a little more can an animal companion use Total Defense? There is no trick for it.

Is there any kind of limitation with Total Defense and mindless creatures?

Such as a skeleton or scorpion.

I would say no to the magic beasts = sentience. Look at a shocker lizard. That little monster is simply a lizard that will shock the crap out of you.

There is a good chance it will not have the power to speak even with the headband. The headband does not change their anatomy.

And here is a blog about this topic.


If you look to see how hard that thing is to kill you may rethink how odd it is.

hogarth wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
hogarth wrote:
Without knowing anything about a particular PC, which is obviously ten times more advantageous: a +1 to initiative, or a +1 to Fort saves? Answers on the back of a postcard, please.
A: They're both better than "+1 to Acrobatics saves to avoid slipping on the wet deck of a ship once per day" or any of those.

Touche. :-)

But my point is that there are people out there who would rabidly prefer one or the other even if one isn't clearly better than the other. So rebalancing (which is a good thing in some cases, I agree) won't necessarily fix a lack of variation.

So lets take that trait in context of a ocean campaign. I assume the feat really reads you get a + 1 trait bonus and the skill becomes a class skill. So if you spent one point on the acrobatics skill you get a feat that is better than skill focus until level 10. That fighter did go first but know he is prone while the enemy moved across the deck and is now attack the prone fighter. I see that as a great trait. If anything simply use the traits as the DM to make the players see how great they can be if used in the right way.

I must simply be crazy I do not think I have taken the + 2 initiative one on a single character.

Really I find those two traits to be worthless.

Added a simply rule that any skill can become a class skill with the + 1 trait bonus, and it really opens up the character options. Can you really outdo the fighter getting a + 4 perception bonus at level 1.

Give them the full damage but reduce the weapon hardness 10 and damage the blade on any hit. Sure if the weapon is a + 3 long sword you will never damage the weapon but if the item is common it will break after one power attack swing.

It is simple you house rule the 10 +1 rule, and never look back.

Your stander non-professional baseball player can watch a ball leave the pitcher’s hand going 80-90mph, catch the impact point to get a the jump on the ball, then run a good distance while keeping their eyes on a diminutive item that started its little vacation 300 feet away. This great feat of perception can be done by a 16 year old kid playing ball in a field, and get this, a drunk man setting in the standing that is another 300 feet from the ball can also see the same thing happen.

If the item is standing in the open the perception check to see them is 100% ZERO at any range below a few miles. The horizon will get in the way before your eyes will run out of power.

If a spell caster is currently under the effects of Ventriloquism they should have the power to use the stealth skill as prescribed in this play test, otherwise pinpointing their location from audible voice should be as perception check of 10 or so.


Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use Bluff to allow you to use Stealth. If you do not have cover or concealment, as a swift action, you can attempt a Bluff check opposed by the Sense Motive of opponents that can see you. If you are successful, you are considered to have concealment from those creatures (but you do not gain the percent miss chance from concealment) until the end of your next action, you make an attack (as defined in the Attacking while Hidden section, above), or the end of your turn, whichever happens first.

The attack portion of this one needs to be removed otherwise you are breaking the entire feint feat tree.

So the bard is going to cast a spell and stay hidden?

There is a good chance he is playing an instrument or singing.

I am not saying you cannot attempt a stealth check. I am saying the DC to hear you casting is going to be 5 - 10 + the distance modifier.

I will say the general paradigm going back a long while has always been an audible voice, and the reason why they create a silent spell (metamagic) feat.

Verbal (V): A verbal component is a spoken incantation. To provide a verbal component, you must be able to speak in a strong voice. A silence spell or a gag spoils the incantation (and thus the spell). A spellcaster who has been deafened has a 20% chance of spoiling any spell with a verbal component that he tries to cast.

The odds of using most spells and staying hidden is very low.

Enaris wrote:

Can anyone help clarify how the "must begin your action with cover or concealment" yet being able to traverse unconcealed areas undetected interacts with, say, shot on the run?

A player of mine wanted to dash from behind a tree to behind a tree, shooting a drow guard on the way using the rules for snipe. For game purposes, and epicness, I decided this was valid with these playtest rules. Is it?

I really want to say no.

Snipe is a standard action while shot on the run is a full round action. If the player would have simply not moved in the first place it would have worked.

Make sure to keep the double movement rule, so fast stealth is worth having.

I do not think we want to talk about Feint due to the fact you would have the power to Feint with a ranged weapon, and that breaks part of the Fighter(archer) class.

Creating a Diversion to Hide:
Simply make it a bluff and move full round action, that must end with cover or concealment.

The new stealth rules should not allow ranged feint with sneak attack.

Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use Bluff to allow you to use Stealth. If you do not have cover or concealment, as a swift action, you can attempt a Bluff check opposed by the Sense Motive of opponents that can see you. If you are successful, you are considered to have concealment from those creatures (but you do not gain the percent miss chance from concealment) until the end of your next action, you make an attack (as defined in the Attacking while Hidden section, above), or the end of your turn, whichever happens first.

This needs to be changed. Bluff should only allow you to negate the observed clause of stealth, meaning you must end your turn in a location that provides cover or concealment, which would imply a full move action to change your location.

That is only a momentary diversion.

I will also say any sequential usages of this action should be done with a cumulative -10 to your bluff check.

Sure you can trick a person one time or even two times but for 3,4,5 rounds should be effectively impossible.

Spells The arcane spoke voice is not a whisper, so you will be using stealth with a very nasty listen modifier.

Hear the details of a conversation is a DC of zero, so generally speaking without a silent spell or other silent effect you are not going to use stealth and cast spells.

Here is a better question.

Ninja Trick:

Ninja Trick (Ex): A rogue with this talent can choose a trick from the ninja trick list. The rogue can choose but cannot use talents that require ki points, unless she has a ki pool. A rogue can pick this talent more than once.

As you can see there is nothing in that trick excluding ninja tricks with the same name.

Rogue Talent:

Rogue Talent: The ninja can select a rogue talent in place of a ninja trick. The ninja cannot select a rogue talent that has the same name as a ninja trick. The ninja can select this talent multiple times.

As you can see there is an exclusion on the ninja side.

Was this done in error?

StealthElite is right it simply gives you so much freedom.

If this really is not broken than it could make for a fun game.

I know I must be reading something wrong, but I have looked it over a few times and cannot find anything that would make me think otherwise.

Take a simply rogue and take the following rogue talents.

Ki Pool:

Ki Pool (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains a small ki pool. This ki pool is similar to a ninja's ki pool, but the rogue's ki pool does not grant any extra attacks. The rogue gains a number of ki points equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). These ki points replenish at the start of each day. If she already has a ki pool, or gains a ki pool later, she gains half her Wisdom bonus (minimum 1) as bonus ki points to her ki pool. She can spend a ki point to gain a +10-foot bonus to movement until the end of her turn.

Ninja Trick:

Ninja Trick (Ex): A rogue with this talent can choose a trick from the ninja trick list. The rogue can choose but cannot use talents that require ki points, unless she has a ki pool. A rogue can pick this talent more than once.

The rogue would take Forgotten Trick from the ninja list.

Forgotten Trick:

Forgotten Trick (Ex): A ninja with this ability can recall one trick taught to her by her ancient masters. When she uses this ability, she selects one ninja trick (not a master trick or rogue talent) that she does not know and can use that ninja trick for a number of rounds equal to her level. She must pay any ki costs associated with the trick as normal. Using this ability expends 2 ki point from her ki pool, plus the ki cost of the trick she chooses.

With this combination a Rogue can use any of the Ninja tricks which includes combat trick (any combat feat) for a number of rounds equal to their level. The fact that forgotten trick has such a high price is really not all that bad. A player having the power to use any combat fear or ninja talent even if it only will last a few rounds is broken.

I am looking for your input on this scenario.

I set out at level 1 to build something as near to a modern day sniper as possible within the pathfinder world, and now I am setting at level 9 with plans going all the way to level 15. Here is a simple description of what I should/could have at level 15.

Class: Fighter (4), Rogue (8), Shadow Dancer (3)

Weapon: Seeking Distance + 5 Heavy Auto Crossbow.
Max Dex: 24
BAB: +12
Key Feat: Fair Shot, Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike
Max Range: 2400 feet
To hit chance: 24-10=14
Key Item: Sniper Goggles
Damage: (3d10 + mod) + (4d6) (Sneak Attack)

Yes depending on DM interpretation the effective range could be shorter due to perception rules, but I see the +1/10 rule as nonsensical. If this rule is used than his max range would be nearer to one range increment, which would invalidate the max range of every bow and crossbow in the game, so you more or less get to pick what rule you want to break.

As a real world example the +1/10 rule invalidates the font size of every speed limit sign on the face of the plant.

Yes it will also be very hard to get line of site to shot at this range the effective range would be much shorter most of the time.

Bascaria wrote:
AerynTahlro wrote:
Bascaria wrote:
1. Potions are a standard to drink.

Whoops...definitely mis-typed that one.

Regardless, the rogue still needs to move into position after drinking the potion. If the PC is able to move to flanking position in that single move action, he can full attack next round for multiple sneak attacks.

CE/Gang-Up is a decent combination, but that relies on there being at least two allies who want to be in melee and are able to be in melee with the target you wish to attack. Consider a party of a rogue, fighter, cleric, and wizard. There's a fair chance that the cleric won't be in melee initially in lieu of casting spells.

So long as we are spending money, he could get a wand of summon monster to get more guys out there. Wand of Minor Monster gets him even more little dudes to help out.

Snap Shot lets his archer friend (if he has one) threaten from a distance, which qualifies.

It's not the best option for all groups, but it is definitely a choice.

And Aeryn, if you are going to pay for the full 5 charges/day, you might as well just make it unlimited charges, since that is the same cost. Or make it use activated (free action) by increasing your 1800 multiplier to a 2000.

At the same time, a ring of vanish probably costs more than the tables suggest. A Ring of Invisibility costs 2X3X2000=12K by the tables, but actually costs 20K, because at-will/always on invisibility is just too strong. Any similar item would need to have a similar price increase.

You need to hit that with a 2X due to the fact the spell has a duration of minutes.

Shield Fighter (Ex): At 5th level, a shielded fighter gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when making a shield bash. These bonuses increase by +1 every four levels beyond 5th. With a full attack action, a shielded fighter may alternate between using his weapon or his shield for each attack. This action does not grant additional attacks or incur penalties as two-weapon fighting does. This ability replaces weapon training 1.

That is the only way you are not going to have the massive negative for TWF.

I took the time to make a spell use ring of Vanish and it really comes in handy but getting such a small number of rounds means a full Ring of Invincibility is a good item.

10,000gp for 2 minutes and 30 seconds of invisibility is nothing when thinking you could simply stay invisible all the time. It does not even last that long due to the needed to caste again so you only get 120 seconds.

Does the DC + 5 mean you no longer need the spell, or does it mean you must find a secondary entity to cast it.

If you really think it has too much power ask the DM for a drawback.

• An exotic disease
• A damage limb
• Or other effect that cannot be fixed in a short amount of time.

Than as the PC get strong removed the effect in stages.

I am not going anywhere this second, the game is just bumpy to me, and that keeps getting under my skin.

Tessara Varial wrote:

Hey guys,

Due to some personal issues I'm going to have to drop this game. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Is this going to be a game stopper?

To be 100% open I have also been thinking about dropping.


To those that did not posts if they where helping. If everyone posts that they help we have 25 total sets of spikes. At this time we only have 11 confirmed helpers.

Smendor: (3 spikes) (Gate Work)
Drake: (4 spikes)
Oleg: (4 spikes)

Please post to note if you are helping. These are the totals you can get.

Gideon Samus Shaw can help for 1 hour:
Ariarh Kane can help for 1 hour:
Leto can help for 4 hour
Eidelion can help for 4 hour
Tassera can help for 4 hour

Alaric Winter speaks,"Lets do it."

Alaric Winter speaks,"If they do not follow and we have a good spot I see not reason why we cannot take a second go."

Alaric Winter will fire Wand of Magic Missile at the one that has been hurt:
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

On a different note I am going to change the game map so the wagon will be blocking the gate. We can leave it open until Brett comes back. Does anyone have an objection to this move.

So Gideon will note the boy is not dead and keep others from killing him. Alaric will cast off the evil item. Brett and Smendor will not have time to kill each other. I am good with that outcome.

*You said it more than one time the boy is very scared and more or less in a panicked state. He was in the middle of a break down and would have done just about anything to keep his head, so it was pointless to speak with him anymore. Smedor leaves after getting this information.

* There is a large escalation and Smendor comes back to see the boy setting on the ground with a major head wound not due to the spell, but to the fall, but there is no way for Smendor to know how he got the wound. He just knows there is a boy with a fractured skull twitching on the ground.

*Than a few others checked on the boy and said he is not dead but he will be a vestibule.

* Smendor apprehended the assumed attacker and neutralized his power to cast more spells, so Smendor can find out what has been going on.

* Than more than one person in the group concluded that Alaric was in the wrong.

* A person (Brett) Smendor has known for less than a few hours than stand there with a gun telling him he needs to release a criminal, and he will be back in 20 minutes.

* Well that is not going to work. Smendor will be attacking Brett with deadly force. Smendor does not have his armor on but he would have his ax and shield.

* Well that is not a good start to a game. we need to (A) not kill the boy that was due to a miss read. (B)Someone say in an audible voice I think the boy will be fine. (C)Brett must not point his weapon at Smendor and attempt to leave with a criminal.

I am going to sleep now

I think the best move here would be a little time shift. We can go back just a few minutes to the point when you went bonkers and attacked a key NPC with an NPC and caused all this crap.

Dain GM wrote:
Leto North wrote:

Sense Motive:1d20 + 8

"So you're a torturous bastard, good for you." Leto says angrily as Tabak removes the bandit's head. "Oleg, if I might borrow some of your rope?" As he takes some Leto helps Smemdor tie the unconscious sorcerer's arms, making sure to bind his fingers to prevent spellcasting. "Tabak, clean up this mess." Leto says, tying off the last knot. To think I had liked this man. I thought perhaps we were of the same cloth, though we had our differences. I guess not all bastards grew up as well adjusted as I. "Could someone fill me in on what he said. While I may not agree with the way it was obtained, information is invaluable in and of itself." The young half-elf takes a second to check on Gideon's claim, seeing the same result. "No magic, yet he had that effect. Any of you heard of that sort of thing before?" He looked over the others, obviously having a bit more wariness after this fiasco.

Poor Alaric, don't worry, you won't be lynched. Though it'll take you a damn long time to gain any trust from Leto again. And you may have to sit out this fight tied to a chair lol.

Oh FYI Alaric had been awake several posts ago, specifically when I said "Alaric comes to with a fierce griffon on his chest, staring up at an angry dwarf. Please try to read all the posts

From the door of the bar, like grim death, comes Brett brandishing two pistols, hammer's cocked back.

"Stand down, all of you. Now!" he says coldly.

"Master Oleg, belay that order. Leave by your rope; I've a few words with these lovely lads and lasses," he adds icily.

If anyone flinches, he moves the barrel of a pistol toward that person with a swift ruthlessness that belies doubt in his ability to kill.

"Now, I'm going to be very clear here; the only one that did any killing in this yard has been the ghostly creature clinging to you! I add to the young summoner.

"And when did he make the...

Yes there was a error there the boy was not really dead, but that really was a toss up due to DM bleed rules. I would love you to change your post because my character will need to react. You just made yourself out to be one of the bandits hands down. Smendor will go after you point the weapon at him.

There is a lot here I may need to fix it a little.

Character Survey:

Where was your character born?

Who raised him/her?

What was happening in the region when your character was growing up?
Mining and Trading

Does your character have any relatives?
Yes; Morvack Iron-Face and family.


What are your character’s immediate goals? What would she like to do in the coming year?
Create a good trade system Improve the trade system.

What are her long-term goals?
Improve the trade system.

What type of person would be her ideal mate?
A hard working hairy dwarf woman.

Who is her patron deity? Is she a devout worshiper?

Is she a devout member of any nonreligious cause?

Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion or the like against which she is strongly prejudiced?

What is her greatest fear?
Too much debit.

What is the one task she absolutely refuses to do?


What is your character’s motto or favorite saying?
I can sell it!

What is her favorite color?
Dark Red

Describe what she would wear if money were no object?
Mithral full Plate and lot of jewelry.

What is her favorite food? Drink?
Good dwarf ale.

What is her favorite animal?

What habits of her friends annoy her most?
Their perfume

(rank each trait from 1 to 10)
Courtesy 2
Valor 8
Self-sacrifice 1
Generosity 2
Sobriety 1
Calm temper 1
Optimism 10
Curiosity 4
Forgiveness 4
Cheerfulness 3
Patience 5
Honesty 10
Helpfulness 8
Loyalty 10


What well-known media figure from sports, movies or politics most closely resembles your character?

What would be her theme song?

If her friends were to write her epitaph, what would it be?
He only paid half price for this stone.

What would be her job in modern society?
Hands on Commodities Broker

Introduction Questions

Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or aliases?

What is your full birth name?
Smendor Iron-Face

Where do you live?

Why do you live there?
That is where the other dwarfs are found. It is also the home of his family.

What is your citizenship status?

What is your most obvious blessing or strength?
He can sell it.

What is your most obvious flaw or weakness?
He thinks he can sell it.

Was there any event or cause to cause these weaknesses?
Not really

Physical Traits

What is your general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise?

What is your skin colour?

What is your hair colour?

What is your hairstyle?
well kept, clean, and long

Do you have any facial hair?

What is your eye colour?

Does it change?

How attractive are you?

What is your most distinguishing feature?

Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks?

What is your handedness (left/right)?

Do you resemble some currently known person?

Do you wear a uniform?

What kind of clothing do you wear?
Nice earth tones

What is your clothing's style or level of sophistication?
Medium to High

What sort of vocal tone do you have?
Very clean and to the point

Do you get sick? Maybe you catch the flu twice a year and that's it? Or maybe you have a weak immune system and catch anything that goes around?


Where is your homeland?

What are its people like?
they are dwarfs

Are you aware of its history?

Are you patriotic or a social outcast?

What are your opinions of home?
Great but not a lot of money

Did you witness any historical events?
I have not seen a full history of the area, but it something did happen there is a chance he was around.

Are your real reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what you tell others?

How do you feel about other races?
They are cool if they pay their debts.

Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age, etc.)?
Worthless class as school

Did you have any childhood friends?
Morgan McGregor of house Garess

Are you still close to them or have you grown apart?
they are business partners

Which toys from your childhood have you kept?

What conflicts might arise from your past?
A Bad deal

Do you have any sort of criminal record?


Who were your parents?
Morvack Iron-Face

Were you raised by them?

What did your parents and/or foster parents do for a living?

What was their standing in the community?
The road was where the money was.

Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot?
Home was home but the work took them on the road.

How did you get along with your parents?

How would your parents describe you?
A good helper

Are any or all of your family still alive?


Do you, or did you, have any role models?

Do you have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias?
Bad Debit

What, if anything, would it take for you to be able to overcome this?
Look before you leap.

How do you react when this fear manifests itself?
hard work

Are you willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation?

What are your attitudes regarding material wealth?
Love it

Are you miserly with your share of the wealth, or do you spend it freely?
Money makes more Money

Are you greedy or generous?
about 50/50

Do you see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end?
It is what make the world go around

How do you generally treat others?
They may be a customer one day

Do you trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not?
He has spent his whole life up to this point in time make sure he can trust who he thinks he can trust.

Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)?

Are you a humble soul or blusteringly proud?

Do you act differently than you feel (concealing your true thoughts)?

What is your favorite type of animal?

Is there anything that enrages you?
a cheat

Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts?
If there is a good deal to be had he will do what is needed.

What would you do if something were stolen from you?
Get it back

What would you do if you were badly insulted publicly?
Punch the attacker in the face.

What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?
Kid napping is the most aggressive form of theft.

Do you support the current government of your homeland?
Not really. He supports order to the point it makes the merchant work better.

What form of government do you believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why?

Have you ever been persecuted for your political stance?

Do you have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?

What is your most treasured possession?
Family weapon or armor.

Do you have a good luck charm?

Do you prefer to tear down or build up?
Build up

Are you deliberate or spontaneous?

Do you prefer the town or the country?
again if there is a good deal he will live on top a ice mountain.

If made to decide, would you rather be deaf or blind? Why?
Deaf; 99% of see a cheat is how they react to a question and Smendor does not need to be the one asking the question.

Describe your worst nightmares.

STR: 16
DEX: 13
CON: 16
INT: 13
WIS: 16
CHA: 10

Would you be open to light rules combat?

what is outside of the school grounds?

air(does the school float)

This is ooc info, but Tom is from a large island. Something like Hawaii.

I will change the stuff as needed to match your game.

Given Name: Smendor Iron-Face
Class: Fighter
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: NG
Age: 65
Height: 4’2’’
Weight: 188lb

STR: 16
DEX: 12
CON: 16
INT: 13
WIS: 16
CHA: 8

Militant Merchant (Dwarf)
Noble Born: (Garess)

Weapon Focus

Key skills at level 1:
Since Motive
Profession (Merchant)

Smendor is well groomed. He has a strong demeanor. He is not much of a leader, but he knows what needs to be done on the backend.

Smendor is very dry and to the point. He does his job and he really does not give a flip if anyone does not like him.


Smendor was born into a merchant family from the town of Brunderton. His father Morvack Iron-Face was a road warrior of the region. He was the founder of several long term trade agreements between his small privet mercantile establishment, and many of the surrounding towns.
Morvack took his small economic advantage to send his son Smendor to a formal education. Smendor took this opportunity very seriously, but he was not really accepted, and that caused him to get into a lot of fights. He lasted about 2 years at the academy, before he finally decided he was going to leave. Strangely enough he had some of the best score in the school for his group.

He left thinking those two year where a complete waste of time, but before he could leave for the trip home he was confronted by a young member of the Garess family. Morgan McGregor of house Garess was a tall very charismatic individual that had a very strong influence with the ladies of the area. Morgan was very low in the noble line so he had no hope of ever really making it anywhere without hard work.

Morgan toke a chance and he was really worried so he went looking for help. Morgan new that Smendor had a lot of natural talent when it came to the mercantile field, and also a good right cross so he went right to the point. He asked Smendor to help him make a trade before he left town. He told Smendor that he knew a guy that knew a guy that had a great opportunity, but the deal was looking so shady Morgan wanted some muscle.

Morgan made the right move getting a dwarf for the trade. The other group was attempting to push gold planted metal bars.
To this day Smendor and Morgan are an inseparable team, but they need to expand their business, so getting someone into the Stolen Lands is their next move.

I built him for the mercantile field so he should really work as the treasurer, but I think the stat block works for others as needed.

Given Name: Smendor Iron-Face
Class: Fighter
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: NG
Age: 65
Height: 4’2’’
Weight: 188lb

STR: 16
DEX: 12
CON: 16
INT: 13
WIS: 16
CHA: 8

Militant Merchant (Dwarf)
Noble Born: (Garess)

Weapon Focus

Key skills at level 1:
Since Motive
Profession (Merchant)

Smendor is well groomed. He has a strong demeanor. He is not much of a leader, but he knows what needs to be done on the backend.

Smendor is very dry and to the point. He does his job and he really does not give a flip if anyone does not like him.


Smendor was born into a merchant family from the town of Brunderton. His father Morvack Iron-Face was a road warrior of the region. He was the founder of several long term trade agreements between his small privet mercantile establishment, and many of the surrounding towns.
Morvack took his small economic advantage to send his son Smendor to a formal education. Smendor took this opportunity very seriously, but he was not really accepted, and that caused him to get into a lot of fights. He lasted about 2 years at the academy, before he finally decided he was going to leave. Strangely enough he had some of the best score in the school for his group.

He left thinking those two year where a complete waste of time, but before he could leave for the trip home he was confronted by a young member of the Garess family. Morgan McGregor of house Garess was a tall very charismatic individual that had a very strong influence with the ladies of the area. Morgan was very low in the noble line so he had no hope of ever really making it anywhere without hard work.

Morgan toke a chance and he was really worried so he went looking for help. Morgan new that Smendor had a lot of natural talent when it came to the mercantile field, and also a good right cross so he went right to the point. He asked Smendor to help him make a trade before he left town. He told Smendor that he knew a guy that knew a guy that had a great opportunity, but the deal was looking so shady Morgan wanted some muscle.

Morgan made the right move getting a dwarf for the trade. The other group was attempting to push gold planted metal bars.
To this day Smendor and Morgan are an inseparable team, but they need to expand their business, so getting someone into the Stolen Lands is their next move.

I built him for the mercantile field so he should really work as the treasurer, but I think the stat block works for others as needed.

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