Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Orc Expert 5

In Pollux's case it better be set to Death Ray.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5

That's it Prehensile Hair next hex.

Tal: "I see Pollux finally got some new pants."

Cal: Facepalm and muffled weeping....

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

"...the horror... the horror..."

Male Gnome Oracle (Heavens) 4 AC 20/12/18 (+2 in urban terrain) / HP 26/26 /F +4 R +3 W +5/Init. +1/Perc. +11 (+5 at night)

Hey Tark, internet has been really terrible for me. It took me 30 mins to load the page. I'm here, but I can't promise when I can get up a post. Any chance of DMPCing me for this round?

Male Orc Expert 5

@Bingo. Fair enough sorry to hear the internet is being a s!!!. Will dmpc you until that gets working again as requested.

@Others: That's fine. There will come a day when Pollux will come together and realize that his shattered mind is not a result of any eldritch horror or prolonged and painful trauma but a deep and overly suppressed need to embrace his true inner self.

I here the process can be expensive in the empire. May have to make some appropriate contracts with the right lower dukes.

Male Orc Expert 5

Going to get people moving tommmorrow at some point.

Just spent a long time writing and rewriting a 20th level character for a game that will have three players and no guarantees i will even be selected. That the gm continues to add rules and houserules to the equation is only adding to my frustration.

VC - Sydney, Australia

That would be past my level of tolerance :)

Male Orc Expert 5

I was going to make two characters but after that and that he continues to shoot down ideas for building a solid group of "optimized" characters that he wants. No summons, no dedicated ranged characters. Yeah. Ugh. I'm probably just going to withdraw my app at this point.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Because you can bet your bottom dollar that the enemy will be summoning like Heffner and all your enemies will be high speed flying ranged damage dealers.

Male Orc Expert 5

Probably nothing that extreme. But it's starting to stink of railroads and special snowflake dmpc's.

Perhaps some extra railroading is needed in PbPs, trying to go haring off the main plot has caused problems before in games I am in.

"Side plots over, get back to the main plot we've spent 2 weeks trying to buy a brothel."

Male Orc Expert 5

This feels less like "move the plot railroading" and mroe like "this is the story I want to tell and if that upsets you than tough noogies sort of railroading."

The Exchange

[insert platitude here]
Right. Moving on.
I guess you've outgrown that style of play. Perhaps the DM will outgrow this need for self-aggrandization. eh.

Now I am curious and have to check out the recruiting thread just to watch.

VC - Sydney, Australia
Trevor Culexis wrote:
Perhaps some extra railroading is needed in PbPs, trying to go haring off the main plot has caused problems before in games I am in.

I can't stand it when that happens... and it tends to be the slowest player decides to do it too!

When posts are 1/day, I don't want the GM tied up in back and forth dialogue and anything that takes ages to resolve.

I also have a dislike of DMPC's.

2 weeks buying a brothel sounds amazingly fast when I have seen it take a week to decide whether or not to open a door.

Other pet hate is combat rounds lasting more than 24 real-time hours.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)
Shifty wrote:
Trevor Culexis wrote:
Perhaps some extra railroading is needed in PbPs, trying to go haring off the main plot has caused problems before in games I am in.

I can't stand it when that happens... and it tends to be the slowest player decides to do it too!

When posts are 1/day, I don't want the GM tied up in back and forth dialogue and anything that takes ages to resolve.

I also have a dislike of DMPC's.

2 weeks buying a brothel sounds amazingly fast when I have seen it take a week to decide whether or not to open a door.

Other pet hate is combat rounds lasting more than 24 real-time hours.

Agreed. There is this strange ability we humans have developed over the years called option planning.

If A casts Haste, then I attack the Pit Fiend with my fragile dagger.
If A decides to wet himself, the I run away.

It is really not the difficult. Unless the player is ignoring the game, they know what is going on.

Jeez. I think at this point people should just ask that guy to make the characters for them.

Female Half-Elf Witch (Sea Witch) 2
"House Rules Excerpt wrote:

According to Article 37, paragraph 2 of the newly revised house rules, the 'making of characters' has been deemed too illegal. You must instead submit for review a dossier containing desired personality traits and a history. This history must of course be in line with the prior rules for 'acceptable histories', which deems that any living relative cannot be in a government, mercantile, religious, or other such position of power that my in fact provide incentive to contact them outside of representing a mission objective requiring retrieval beyond enemy lines, heretoafter referred to as 'rescue'.

Also previous terms such as 'stats' or 'ability scores' have been removed and will now be in the domain of the gamemaster. Said gamemaster will now inform you of the success or failure of your actions, which may or may not required you to aid in this determination by defining a random variable. The gamemaster is free to ignore the result of said random variable at any point for the sake of story, difficulty of combat, or based on simple whims. Any entity defined as a 'player' will not be privy to these stats.

Note, this is not from any game, simply a work of satire. Mainly because I like comedy. I could probably go on, but starting to feel like a downer.

Sylvestra Striana wrote:
"House Rules Excerpt wrote:

According to Article 37, paragraph 2 of the newly revised house rules, the 'making of characters' has been deemed too illegal. You must instead submit for review a dossier containing desired personality traits and a history. This history must of course be in line with the prior rules for 'acceptable histories', which deems that any living relative cannot be in a government, mercantile, religious, or other such position of power that my in fact provide incentive to contact them outside of representing a mission objective requiring retrieval beyond enemy lines, heretoafter referred to as 'rescue'.

Also previous terms such as 'stats' or 'ability scores' have been removed and will now be in the domain of the gamemaster. Said gamemaster will now inform you of the success or failure of your actions, which may or may not required you to aid in this determination by defining a random variable. The gamemaster is free to ignore the result of said random variable at any point for the sake of story, difficulty of combat, or based on simple whims. Any entity defined as a 'player' will not be privy to these stats.

I strongly support this modernization of the archaic technique called "character building".

Male Orc Expert 5

I think the GM ultimately killed his own recruitment thread. Too many revisions to character creation after the first post tends to turn people off of high level games very quickly. I think the last one was ighly discouraging archery tactics because the enemies would use anti-archery tactics.

If I happen to get picked I'll decline and cite my reasoning. Anyway.

I got the map for the storm players so that will be added adn updated soon as I get appropriate tokens.

VC - Sydney, Australia

I just questioned the ability for such a lofty game to be pulled off.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

If the DM cannot make up his mind what he wants for character creation before starting the thread, how often is he going to change his mind and annoy the heck out of the players during the game.

I need to listen to that nagging feeling in the back of my head that tells me when I don't want to apply for a game. I applied to one the other day only because it was a particular setting that I love. I should have been leery going in because there was this complicated die rolling scheme for stats, the DM wanted the E6 rules to curb player growth and drastically limited both classes and races.

I figured what the heck, it's the setting that first brought me to these boards, that I've yet to get to play, and I'll do anything to get to play it. I made one of my typical characters, RAW by all of the rules and then submitted it. I chose an unlisted race to represent some of the events that happened in my human character's backstory. All still RAW of course.

I spent five hours making the character and submitted it. I got a post the next day saying - the rules were core + three other races and you choose outside that. I have not read your character because you didn't follow the rules. You are welcome to start from scratch and make another.

So here's the thing - it's my fault, not theirs. I know that I don't have fun playing games where the DMs limit everything, trying to force you to play their vision of the party instead of your own. I know that I don't like games that keep everyone inside the lines for fear that someone might do something temporarily out of balance. I also know that as a forty-seven year old medical student, I don't like being told to "follow the rules or else" like I'm a child.

I should have listened to that voice. It would have saved me five hours of work and another two being pissed off. Game applications should never be something to get angry about and I can only blame myself for that.

VC - Sydney, Australia

I don't like when they start putting up anything complex (as it says they have a few grudges) am cautious when they place limits on what I can take (unless supported by the setting) and don't like my character growth arbitrarily curtailed (unless, once again, there's a point).

The whole 'Balance' issue is a load of baloney too.

Sorry to hear about your wasted hours, although you never know, there might be another opportunity crop up and then you are golden!

What was the setting anyhow?

It's ok. Just save the character for a another game. This one's been recycled three times now. I'm hoping this game will survive for a while so I'll finally get a chance to explore the character concept.

Shifty wrote:

What was the setting anyhow?

Ravenloft. I will do just about anything for a chance to play Ravenloft.

I first came across the setting thirty years ago with the first module. I ran it for my friends and fell in love with it.

As they expanded the setting, I bought every 2ed product released and over the next twenty years I built a good reputation for running extremely difficult, very roleplaying intensive Ravenloft games. Of the thirty-five years or so I've played, Ravenloft is really the only thing I've ever run. I've really personalized the setting, mixing Masque of the Red Death and Ravenloft together, but I still utilize all of the canon information.

I ran a murder mystery where one of the PCs was a plant and the party had to catch her. I ran a game where I dressed as Dr D'Honaire, decorated my gaming room as an office and ran every session as a hypnosis session in a psychiatric hospital. I've turned about half of the players that have ever run through my games into NPCs who future PCs have had to fight. I even ran one game where I turned the party undead and hunted them throughout Darkon with adventuring parties.

I never get to play Ravenloft however. I love the setting more than any other and have only ever played it once, for two sessions. I was the only roleplayer in a hack and slash party and wasn't invited back after the second game.

I will generally go way out of my way for a chance to play Ravenloft, but I should still pay attention to that nagging voice.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Ahh yes, an amazing setting.

I likewise thought it was amazing, but no one wanted to run it, i then bought all the stuff and devoured it, but then no one wanted to play it wither - just sticking to FR.

I did manage to get my fave ever setting up (Dark Sun) but never got to play in a Dark Sun game, which made me a sad panda.

I disliked Forgotten Realms for a long time because my friends had read all of the novels and I hadn't. It seemed every other session someone would be telling me, "You're not playing your character properly, that's not how a cleric of Dumathoin would act" or something similar. In the end I made everyone agree that unless they could get R.A. Salvatore to play, I could play my characters any way I wanted.

Then I found a DM who only ran Forgotten Realms and was really passionate about it. I don't know if I suddenly learned how to play FR or not (I've still never read any of the novels) but I had a blast in his game.

My cleric of Dumathoin


I read his entry and got to thinking. The god of Secrets Under the Mountain...sounds awesome. My cleric will worship the secrets aspect and is dedicated to making certain that the secrets of dwarven society, crafting and history are not revealed to the surface races. He would battle any and all who thought to steal dwarven intellectual property.

So he used a dozen little mithril skulls in battle, enchanted with continual darkness globes. Using blind fighting and a pair of gauntlets the DM handed out that let you channel hit points into extra damage, I'd cast silence 15' radius on myself and wade into the dark and go to town.

Needless to say, within three sessions the other PCs decided I was a devotee of Shar and wouldn't travel with me anymore and I had to make a new character.

Sad, funny and true. LOL.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah my friends did the same thing - ate up all the novels then stuck hard to the lore, whereas I was just rocking along not really grasping the finer details so it just got tiring. What I did read of FR I generally didn't like.

That said, I missed out on Oriental Adventures/Kara-Tur as well. Would be nice to have a Tien themed module come out.

Male Orc Expert 5

I never cared much for forgotten realms. I payed because that was the only thing that was around. But if you called it greyhawk I'd have been equally happy and willing to play.

I've really wanted to play in Eberron. Only got to do it twice. One was with a very novice GM who was very rail roady and mostly just wanted to explore the setting and tried to knock down my character a notch or two and failed miserably (because I've forgotten more about this game than you know boy-oh). That game eventually died and never ran properly.

I was in another pbp on RPOL that I did rather like for a bit as the GM seemed active and good. I knew straight from the get go is was an ERP so I figured I avoided that nonsense by playing a warforged with about as much interest in fleshbags body parts as he did with the concept of eating.

Well let's just say that even my indifference didn't stop the fleshy things from trying to rub their wet crotch on me (s$&@ rusts yo).


So yeah I'm glad I really like golarion cause I've sadly been denied play in all my favorite settings including Dark Sun, Dragonstar, and Eberron. :(

Well let's just say that even my indifference didn't stop the fleshy things from trying to rub their wet crotch on me (s+&% rusts yo).

Lol. wut?

Male Orc Expert 5

Exactly what I said. My walking living construct was apparently viewed by a select portion of the female populace as a walking talking sex toy.

My chaste and nigh emotionless psychic warrior robot deluded into believing he was a paladin was not amused.

VC - Sydney, Australia

ERP can be so cheezy.

Your capacitor is fluctuating on its own!

Male Orc Expert 5
Shifty wrote:
ERP can be so cheezy.

No tombs lie unplundered.

No dank cave lie unplombed.

Virgin forests did not remain so very long.

I can go all night with this.

I have never heard of ERP before but am now afraid of it.

Roleplaying romance makes me uncomfortable, as does vulgar language or going into detail with gore/evil. If my wife can't read a post, I don't post it.

I've found most of my friends don't really understand evil anyway. We played an evil campaign and they would walk into town and randomly kill everyone. We'd then go into the wilderness to adventure and they'd kill all the animals. I'm sure that once the entire planet was depopulated, we'd be killing the rocks.

Except the minotaur. He had to eat everyone.

It seemed to me that if you thought that was what constituted evil, you were pretty naive. My character was an illusionist. Unhappy with the world as it was, he tried to drive everyone insane such that they would come inhabit his hallucinatory world. Even evil characters have to have goals.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Pollux? - you still out there? or fallen into a drug / GTAV induced hallucinogenic dream?

Just give his PM a shake and see what falls out.

Rat, probably

Sorry. Monkey had errands. Back now.

I have midterms all next week. All of my tests in medical school are do or die. I will post as much as I can during breaks over the weekend and next week. If I have not posted something and you would like to move the game on, please take any reasonable action for my character.

I apologize for this, but I have to get past these tests or $200,000 and five years goes down the drain. I will be back to regular posting next Saturday.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

[Heard over the PA]"-Ashara-, please report to the front line. Bring your weapons, you'll be needing them. -Ashara- to the front line."

Good luck on your tests.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

We all know about those charlatan doctors. Why do you think that no adventuring party has one. We know that the only real healing is through the competence of the party cleric/bard/Druid/witch.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Take the time, its a pretty big deal! :)

Male Orc Expert 5

Proper updates tonight. Would like a response from mumbar and vance tonight will be looking for a replacement for Rani.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Who is Rani and what campaign is it? My PBP just listened up and am looking for another campaign. If skull and Shackles, let me know as I have a Druid I wouldn't mind trying out if you need something along those lines.

The Exchange

Your pirate druid would be like a fish out'a water in this campaign. Thar nearest thing to Davey Jones's locker is as a desiccated husk gradually entombed in the lee side of a wind enshrouded dune.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

What is the campaign then?

I want to be a were-lobster.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]
Tal Bernard Mainz wrote:
What is the campaign then?

That would be Welcome to the Ashen Wastes link above.

Male Orc Expert 5

It's the Welcome to the Wastes one above. Alkenstar game with a crap load of things that ahve happened. Think S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with more rednecks and deserts but fewer slavs and swamps.

Male Orc Expert 5

So yeah, your pirate druid would be so out of place.

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