Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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The Exchange

Sorry to see Rorgrim depart. I thought he had much potential.

Male Gnome Oracle (Heavens) 4 AC 20/12/18 (+2 in urban terrain) / HP 26/26 /F +4 R +3 W +5/Init. +1/Perc. +11 (+5 at night)

Hey guys! I'm going out of town this weekend and won't be near a computer until Monday. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend and I'll post when I get back.

Male Gnome Oracle (Heavens) 4 AC 20/12/18 (+2 in urban terrain) / HP 26/26 /F +4 R +3 W +5/Init. +1/Perc. +11 (+5 at night)

Good evening all! I am back from my spring skiing trip and I will work up a post tomorrow during or after work

VC - Sydney, Australia


Male Gnome Oracle (Heavens) 4 AC 20/12/18 (+2 in urban terrain) / HP 26/26 /F +4 R +3 W +5/Init. +1/Perc. +11 (+5 at night)

Thanks! It was a lot of fun. Can't say I am looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.

Male Gnome Oracle (Heavens) 4 AC 20/12/18 (+2 in urban terrain) / HP 26/26 /F +4 R +3 W +5/Init. +1/Perc. +11 (+5 at night)

Good Evening Guys,

Just want to let everyone know that I am going to visit my wife’s in-laws in Houston for the next ten days. Because of this I expect that my posting will be restricted but I will do my best to check in every few days via phone and tablet. I appreciate all of your understanding and assistance while I am away from my home computer.


VC - Sydney, Australia

Cheers Bingo!

Male Orc Expert 5

*poke poke prod* I know my nobles guys are msotly just waiting on me (and consequently pollux) to push thigns along but wheres everyone else?

The Exchange

Lorn Butterum, present and accounted for.

Male Gnome Oracle (Heavens) 4 AC 20/12/18 (+2 in urban terrain) / HP 26/26 /F +4 R +3 W +5/Init. +1/Perc. +11 (+5 at night)

I'm here. Last day of vacation... Should be able to post again soon.

Rat, probably

Back. life. posting.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Advanced warning that your friendly neighborhood cross-dressing noble murderhobo will be on vacation starting 27th June all the way through to 17th July. We will be taking our first big ol' vacation in six years and swanning off to Hawaii (both Kauai and Oahu). Our first trip to the US, and despite needing about 16 hours in a plane to get there - we are still super excited :)

However since we'll be travelling with only an i-pad for computer support both my predeliction for sesquipedalian loquaciousness and the relative alacrity and frequency of posts shall suffer most terribly during that time. So in essence Caldazar will be relatively inactive while I'm off sinking deep into Kalua pig, malasadas and loco moco. Fear not for I shall return fully recharged and reinforced for the onward push towards the end of the neverending banquet.

If in the case that DMPC or PCPC will be required, Caldazar's responses will tend to follow the following logic:
1) Threaten ill upon nobles or those that opress the common man.
2) Hit something with his morningstar.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Have fun and hopefully your feast in Hawaii ends at the same time the nobles does. That way you won't miss out on any of the exploration or noble bashings.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

I'll be on the road for the next two weeks. Eastern Shore shout out! I expect WiFi will be found almost anywhere nowadays (hotel/McD's/Starbucks/local NSA undercover van) but my posting will not be as prompt. Thank you for your understanding.

Male Orc Expert 5

Expect updates tomorrow and more regular ones through out the week. Work has been destroying me in its many and terrible forms. But I will persevere and be done with this nuisance.

Male Orc Expert 5

Yes I'm a terrible person for updating so late.

That being said my goal as of right now is to push everyone out of their respective boks and on to the next ones by the end of july. So if we can get some good post rates from everyone I see that as being totally doable. The only questionable one right now are the harpies who have a monster of a slog ahead of them at the end of this book. Let's just say you well and truly earn your freedom.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Good for at least a post a day here. Challenge accepted.

Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Hey all, just spent the last 48 hrs dealing with being hacked, getting rid of intrusions, re-securing home network and changing every password, reissuing credit cards etc. Should be back up to speed tomorrow.

Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Yay! level 2

I can't recall if we're using another ruling, but I'll roll for Siera's HD: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Decided a rank in Perform could be cool. Who would've guessed, huh?

HP for Muggie: 1d10 ⇒ 1

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

While I can't find the actual post, the notes I have for my PC is
HP 7 Current = 7 (1d6 HP Max @ 1st, average +1 after, +1FC)
So I'll assume it Lorn will get 1/2 HD +1.

Punt the Halfling is so last voyage. Lets see if we can put a stop to it.

Female Half-Elf Witch (Sea Witch) 2

First off, I would like to concur with Rhialla's 'Yay' for level 2!

Secondly, since I'm seeing a couple different options, how do you want us to determine HP after level 1?

Male Orc Expert 5

We'll go with average for now.

I'll scale back on Siera's HP then.

Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)


BAB +1
Fort +1
Will +1

1 new 0 level
1 new 1st level

Sense Motive

Female Half-Elf Witch (Sea Witch) 2

LEVEL UP Up up!!!

Hit Points 6->10
Base Attack Bonus 0->1
Base Will Save 2->3

Skill Points
Profession (Sailor)
Use Magic Device
Knowledge (History)

New Hex
Evil Eye

Patron Spell: Touch of the Sea
Cause Fear
Enlarge Person

Male Human (Chelish) Cleric 4 AC: 17/10/17 HP: 30

With regret I'm going to drop out of my only pbp. While our posting frequency has dropped pretty low, the 2nd module itself might be part of the reason. I'm not quite sure it translates well to a pbp, just my opinion. My main reason is that my interest in the hobby has dwindled (partly due to lack of RLgames in my area). It's hard for me to let go after 30+ years of great gaming, and I had more fun with Merax than I've had for awhile now.
Paizo's latest ap along with gunslingers and some other things are also starting to turn me off, iI miss the simple days.
Apologies to the Nobles crew, I'm going to miss the crazy interactions. :)

Male Orc Expert 5
Meraxilar Zoon wrote:

I miss the simple days.

Apologies to the Nobles crew, I'm going to miss the crazy interactions. :)


Also I find "Simple" relative. Do you mean simple by Spelljammer standards, or by Planescape standards? It's fine I get what you mean and thank you for telling us rather than disappearing off the face of the aerth.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Sniff... Farewell Merax, you shall be remembered... A certain silver locket has a special place in Caldazar's heart.

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5

Sorry to see you go Merax. I understand, I wish I could convince you to stay, but I understand.

Farewell friend you have unmade a great deal of boredom.

Male Human, dual talent Hedgewitch 3

In related news. Ryzern will have to follow Merax. Work tightened a GREAT deal and now the fools actually want results. This both explains my sudden interest in toxicology and my need to cut down on PBP's.

I simply do not have the time to do Ryzern justice. I am sorry.

Rest assured that Castor and Pollux will be staying, part of the reason Ryzern is going over the side is to give me more time with the vagabond.

Good luck with the motley crew.
Ryzern out.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Anything you want to add in the nobles thread Pollux or just assume you are tagging along on the room by room search?

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

Wow. Crew overboard.

Lorn is leveled. Still trying to figure out the discrepancies 'tween Hero Labs vs hardback rulebooks. Was a difficult choice of multiclassing (a dip into monk) or continued progress of Sorceror. Went with Sorceror, FYI.

Male Orc Expert 5

Ah well long as we have Pollux around. Sadly Chaos is losing it's edge with the loss of Meraxilar. And I just got a request from someone whose been watching the nobles group to play a cleric of sarenrae.

In any case I have an appropriate and bloody end for Ryzaern already in mind. Should do a lot to rile up the characters even further.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

Cable still out. Just have smartphone. Should be able to post thos weekend..... asuming verizon gets their ass in gear

Potential Clerc/Rogue here. Just want to know what is needed? You have Fighter,Inquisitor,Witch and Wizard so would a rogue or cleric be more useful? Rather lacking in the trap fighting/I got your kidney area.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

A primary healer is always good to have for a fighter so that is my choice. I don't know how many traps we will come across but I am sure there will be some but still like the healing and channeling of a cleric.

Sorry to hear about the cable but thanks for giving a heads up.

Male Orc Expert 5
Tal Bernard Mainz wrote:

A primary healer is always good to have for a fighter so that is my choice. I don't know how many traps we will come across but I am sure there will be some but still like the healing and channeling of a cleric.

Sorry to hear about the cable but thanks for giving a heads up.

Funny I think you were doing just fine with Meraxilar basically destroying everything. :)

Heals are for sissys.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Hey big men in armor have feelings too and those scratches hurt after a while.

Heals are for sissys until you are down 4 neg levels and 30 hp.

So what are the creation rules?

Plan is Sun/Glory. Perhaps Guided Hand for Scimitar bonuses.

Male Orc Expert 5
Trevor Culexis wrote:

Heals are for sissys until you are down 4 neg levels and 30 hp.

So what are the creation rules?

Plan is Sun/Glory. Perhaps Guided Hand for Scimitar bonuses.

20pt buy. 2 traits one must be campaign trait. Wealth appropriate for level.

Also their's nothing a level 4 cleric can do about negative levels. :)

Anyway play what you like I'll kill ya all just the same.

Rolling HP for 3 levels like a boss

1d8 ⇒ 3
1d8 ⇒ 2
1d8 ⇒ 4

Mph..Lower middle-management boss.

Okay, got my stats up in my profile, I will get my equipment bought up.

Okay, equipment bought. I have leftover gold and am open to any suggestions or should it stay in the bank for future purchases. Ready whenever.

Background and description added

Male Human, dual talent Hedgewitch 3

Hey shipmates looks like the crazy writing wizard is back.
On with the pleasure cruise!

Male Orc Expert 5

Been seriously considering starting a pbp with cross generational characters over the spanse of thousands of years involving ancient alien conspiracies and multiple multiple character deaths.

The Exchange

Throw in some re-incarnation rules and speed of light time is relative travel now you've really got some screwed up plot devices and everyone has a BBEG agenda.

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