"What did it do here? It left behind a skin, but did not take another, despite having the chance. It took some clothes, but what good are they without a skin." Ashara examines the corpse to see what might make it unsuitable for a skin. Did any of the others have wounds? In what way do they look like they have been put on/removed?
Where do we stand vis a vis "City Astride the Storm?" It seems we only have two of us now. Should we post a new recruitment thread to try to gin up more excitement? I don't want the lag to go on so long that I forget the excitement I initially had for the character. I was surprised that more people didn't send in apps for the adventure. Perhaps another recruitment thread would change that.
I apologize for posting on this topic late. The unique nature of Tark's discussion threads caused me to miss the conversation and my recent exam schedule drove it home. This campaign has not gone far enough for me to develop an opinion on the players but based on my previous experiences, the only thing I really judge people on is participation. In that regard, both Jelani and ReckNBall are good companions. It has never occurred to me to guide another in deciding which character to play. If I were you, I would play a character that fits in well with the setting - which I have envisioned as Ravenloft meets Mad Max. I am trying to play my character as tough while also roleplaying fear as this is supposed to be a horror campaign. Make a character that fits in with that setting and you should be golden. It doesn't matter to me if our characters like each other or hate each other, as long as it's fun. I don't like party conflict that degenerates so badly that it is abusive, but that's a pretty low bar to fall to anyway. Play what you like and we'll have fun. That goes for Tark, ReckNBall, Jelani and even me.
Ashara takes her spot behind him, satisfied with his decision. "If he's still here when we return this way, it seems no loss to take him back. If he's not, or we don't make it back, I guess that's just how it goes." I apologize for missing three days of posting. Those were some nasty exams but they are over now and I passed all four. I'll be here daily until the next set, probably in 4-5 weeks.
"We get paid by what we kill. The money has to be in whatever is killing everyone else and the money is why we are here. I say we go left at every opportunity where one direction is as good as another. We can deviate from that if we see a body and then go back to turning left if we can't find what killed it. I'll mark walls with this piece of chalk as we go. I will reverse the arrows so they point the opposite way from where we are going in case something clever tries to follow us. Ashara drops the peice of chalk back into her belt pouch. Looking at Mumbar she says, "I don't know how you fight, but that's a mighty big pig sticker you've got there. If you keep things off my face, I will fill them full of holes with this rifle. I can keep fighting if something gets in my face but I can't choose targets if I do. If you keep that spear between me and anything that wants to eat me, I'll make certain that whatever tries to eat us gets lead poisoning. Ashara waits to see what everyone else thinks of her plan.
I have midterms all next week. All of my tests in medical school are do or die. I will post as much as I can during breaks over the weekend and next week. If I have not posted something and you would like to move the game on, please take any reasonable action for my character. I apologize for this, but I have to get past these tests or $200,000 and five years goes down the drain. I will be back to regular posting next Saturday.
I have never heard of ERP before but am now afraid of it. Roleplaying romance makes me uncomfortable, as does vulgar language or going into detail with gore/evil. If my wife can't read a post, I don't post it. I've found most of my friends don't really understand evil anyway. We played an evil campaign and they would walk into town and randomly kill everyone. We'd then go into the wilderness to adventure and they'd kill all the animals. I'm sure that once the entire planet was depopulated, we'd be killing the rocks. Except the minotaur. He had to eat everyone. It seemed to me that if you thought that was what constituted evil, you were pretty naive. My character was an illusionist. Unhappy with the world as it was, he tried to drive everyone insane such that they would come inhabit his hallucinatory world. Even evil characters have to have goals.
I disliked Forgotten Realms for a long time because my friends had read all of the novels and I hadn't. It seemed every other session someone would be telling me, "You're not playing your character properly, that's not how a cleric of Dumathoin would act" or something similar. In the end I made everyone agree that unless they could get R.A. Salvatore to play, I could play my characters any way I wanted. Then I found a DM who only ran Forgotten Realms and was really passionate about it. I don't know if I suddenly learned how to play FR or not (I've still never read any of the novels) but I had a blast in his game. My cleric of Dumathoin Spoiler: I read his entry and got to thinking. The god of Secrets Under the Mountain...sounds awesome. My cleric will worship the secrets aspect and is dedicated to making certain that the secrets of dwarven society, crafting and history are not revealed to the surface races. He would battle any and all who thought to steal dwarven intellectual property. So he used a dozen little mithril skulls in battle, enchanted with continual darkness globes. Using blind fighting and a pair of gauntlets the DM handed out that let you channel hit points into extra damage, I'd cast silence 15' radius on myself and wade into the dark and go to town. Needless to say, within three sessions the other PCs decided I was a devotee of Shar and wouldn't travel with me anymore and I had to make a new character. Sad, funny and true. LOL.
Shifty wrote:
Ravenloft. I will do just about anything for a chance to play Ravenloft. I first came across the setting thirty years ago with the first module. I ran it for my friends and fell in love with it. As they expanded the setting, I bought every 2ed product released and over the next twenty years I built a good reputation for running extremely difficult, very roleplaying intensive Ravenloft games. Of the thirty-five years or so I've played, Ravenloft is really the only thing I've ever run. I've really personalized the setting, mixing Masque of the Red Death and Ravenloft together, but I still utilize all of the canon information. I ran a murder mystery where one of the PCs was a plant and the party had to catch her. I ran a game where I dressed as Dr D'Honaire, decorated my gaming room as an office and ran every session as a hypnosis session in a psychiatric hospital. I've turned about half of the players that have ever run through my games into NPCs who future PCs have had to fight. I even ran one game where I turned the party undead and hunted them throughout Darkon with adventuring parties. I never get to play Ravenloft however. I love the setting more than any other and have only ever played it once, for two sessions. I was the only roleplayer in a hack and slash party and wasn't invited back after the second game. I will generally go way out of my way for a chance to play Ravenloft, but I should still pay attention to that nagging voice.
I need to listen to that nagging feeling in the back of my head that tells me when I don't want to apply for a game. I applied to one the other day only because it was a particular setting that I love. I should have been leery going in because there was this complicated die rolling scheme for stats, the DM wanted the E6 rules to curb player growth and drastically limited both classes and races. I figured what the heck, it's the setting that first brought me to these boards, that I've yet to get to play, and I'll do anything to get to play it. I made one of my typical characters, RAW by all of the rules and then submitted it. I chose an unlisted race to represent some of the events that happened in my human character's backstory. All still RAW of course. I spent five hours making the character and submitted it. I got a post the next day saying - the rules were core + three other races and you choose outside that. I have not read your character because you didn't follow the rules. You are welcome to start from scratch and make another. So here's the thing - it's my fault, not theirs. I know that I don't have fun playing games where the DMs limit everything, trying to force you to play their vision of the party instead of your own. I know that I don't like games that keep everyone inside the lines for fear that someone might do something temporarily out of balance. I also know that as a forty-seven year old medical student, I don't like being told to "follow the rules or else" like I'm a child. I should have listened to that voice. It would have saved me five hours of work and another two being pissed off. Game applications should never be something to get angry about and I can only blame myself for that.
Rani Kobad wrote: "I'll bring up the rear. Don't suppose anyone's got a light?" Ashara joins the group as the third in line. Her rifle is on her back to keep her hands free. "I do not have a light as my rifle takes both hands. If one of the others doesn't have one, perhaps we can grab that one over there." She points to one of the numerous lights illuminating this large room.
Vance Nexus wrote: Any particular reason not to just put her character sheet into her alias? It takes me about 30 mins to make the stat block and I don't have that right now unfortunately. I will try to get to it tomorrow. However, I also make cool character packets and as I put a lot of time into them, I like to use them.
The discussion thread does not seem to link to where it ought so I'm putting an update here. Ashara's equipment and spells have been chosen and a fifth sheet added to her packet. It can be found at the same place. The file got a bit bigger and I'll see if I can do something about that later as I've got a test tonight. She mostly bought 30 bullets and the miscelaneous stuff adventurers have. For spells she has color spray and ray of sickening memmed.
Ashara needs no light but will not advertise that fact, assuming that at least one member of the band requires some. I need no preparations but will have to finalize my equipment tonight. My wife is still on the warpath and I have a quiz in Pharmacology tomorrow. If anyone ever asks you if you want to be a doctor, be smart and just say no.
A rather plain garundi woman, more pretty than beautiful, looks out from under a dusty hood, her ragged clothing contrasting the soft look of her skin. With her red coin spinning between her fingers, she approaches the group. A faint smile twitches the corners of her mouth as she examines the gathered men. Hmmm, nobody here I know, which is probably a good thing. They don't necessarily look like rapists, for whatever that is worth. Two anarchists and a mercenary maybe? The one in dun is scared though, so maybe he's taken a step beyond plotting and is now wanted by the marshals. Everyone saw the pulls though, and they were random sure enough. God's help me that I have enough witnesses to that. Opening a belt pouch, she drops the coin inside amongst others of it's kind with mixed colors. Adopting a determined countenance, she meets your gaze, holding it for a few long seconds. "Greetings. My name is Ashara. Not Ashara bin something or another, not Ashara, Who will pass on her share or even Ashara, Who won't shoot a rapist on his first pass. Hopefully we can earn some gold together but I tell you now that no man can see my draw and every potential rapist is a larger share for the rest of us. If you protect my behind instead of spending all your time watching it, we can all come out of this healthy, wealthy and wise." Pointless no doubt. Every criminal and lowlife seems okay at the start. I wonder how many of these I'll bury by day's end. Here's hoping they don't already know each other so maybe I only need to shoot one and not all three."
TarkXT wrote:
I was in advertising and web design for twenty years before starting medical school, so the character sheet isn't really all that difficult. I pretty much do them all that way and have for about ten years or so. The only part that was hard was the girl in the tank. She was covered in quills like that planar race in 3.5 (who's name I have forgotten). I had to repaint a good deal of the picture to remove them but even that wasn't too hard. It's kind of a blurry, swishy piece of art to begin with and so Photoshops smudge tool went a long way. It took me maybe thirty minutes for the picture and four-ish hours for the character sheet total. The writing takes the most time although I do it all in one go. I also let the writing take me wherever it wants rather than plotting it out. I like the surprises that it gives me sometimes.
Vance Nexus wrote: Edit: Looks like Ashara beat me to the punch as a Spellslinger submission, so I wanted to add that I have no problem with the idea of having two spellslingers in the party (if that was something you'd consider). I've always found that having two characters of the same class in a party can actually be very complimentary and make for interesting role playing experiences. Despite my paying a lot of attention to crunch, it's not my main focus, especially in PBP. Background, personality and role are what I focus on. Ashara is meant to be a sniper and I looked at Magus Myrmidarch, Spellslinger/Arcane, Spellslinger/Divine and Gunslinger/Rogue to get there. The Gunslinger/Rogue concept would work really well as a companion to Ashara and would not overlap as she isn't much of a skill monkey. So, if someone else wants to play a sniper, there are non-overlapping mechanics that will give you that. With that said, if there are only four finished applications on deadline day, I can easily swap Ashara to a Gunslinger/Rogue and keep my entire character concept intact. It would be worth it to me to have another sniper to play with. I want Ashara to be a sniper. What class she is doesn't really matter to me. 8)
Spoiler: Guns Everywhere: Guns are commonplace. Early firearms are seen as antiques, and advanced firearms are widespread. Firearms are simple weapons, and early firearms, advanced guns, and their ammunition are bought or crafted for 10% of the cost listed in this chapter. The Gunslinger loses the gunsmith class feature and instead gains the gun training class feature at 1st level.
They talk about the Gunslinger but don't mention everyone else. I'd rather get the Gun Training feature as I can take Scribe Scroll later as a regular feat, but it's really your call. I just wanted to bring the specifics to your attention. 8)
Hilde Alfborne wrote: My character concept is evolving and I have started the packet. I will have something by Sunday. My character is complete excepting equipment and her spellbook. I have a question which I will cover in the spoiler. She can be found here. Spoiler: The character evolved pretty far from my initial concept. The backstory grew into a mutant human created by Geb and sent to Alkenstar as an agent. As I say in the packet, I used elf stats firstly because I'd made her an elf to start and secondly, to represent her different nature from other humans. As this is an only cosmetic change, I hope it's not a problem.
The only actual problem I ran into was her firearm. Gunslingers/Spellslingers receive the feat Gunsmithing which gives you a free musket that sells below value. However, the Guns Are Everywhere (GAE) state of the campaign removes that feat as it's no longer really appropriate. I assume this gives her Scribe Scroll back, as that was replaced by Gunsmithing. The problem is then starting money. A musket costs 150 gp and is considered an antique under GAE. This is too expensive for her to purchase and seems unbelievable considering its status as an antique. A rifle on the other hand costs 500 gp, way more than she has. A normal gunslinger gets a 1500 gp musket for free but it only sells for 4d10 gp. I'd like to recommend that she get the 500 gp rifle for free but that it still sells for only 2d10 gp. She would then get Gun Training I for free as per Ultimate Combat since Gunsmithing is no longer used with Advanced Firearms. I'll update her character sheet to reflect this when I purchase her equipment if she is selected for the campaign. I'm rather surprised that there haven't been more applications and am going to tell a friend about the campaign this afternoon. |