HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5
Special Abilities
Witch abilities, Insanity Patron
Chaotic Evil
None would have him
In a gutter
failed corpse, revolutionary, wanna be arsonist
About Pollux
Background, Appearance and personality:
Gray tinted skin and thick black hair hint at something other than human, or at least other than Cheliaxan in his ancestry, but he looks normal enough for Kintargo. His clothes are not the best but are in excellent repair especially the ever present yellow greatcoat.
Angry, very very angry. The chip on Pollux's shoulder would fill the Opera House. But that anger has gone inside, twisted and curled and fed on itself until all that is left is the conviction that meaning is impossible and a desire to burn down the world as it is as much a pointless mistake as Pollux.
Pollux was once almost a member of a respected noble house. He was a bit of an embarrassment. The wrong side of the sheet kind of embarrassment. So while he would never be recognized as a full member of the family a place was made for him. He was bright so he was apprenticed under their lawyer/forger and largely forgotten
This saved his life. The family had been playing politics, and other games. They lost. When the Hellknights came he was asleep in the family archive. They took him for a servant. The interrogation was unusually efficient and he quickly told them everything they wanted to hear. Before the end he overheard a Helknight captain saying that they had dealt with the last of the blood relations and the torturers could do what they liked to the servants. So they did, for a very long time.
He was tossed into the midden behind the prison. It was raining, that was what woke him up. When he opened his blood-caked eyes there was a rat sitting an inch or two from his face.
He looked at the rat, the rat looked at him.
The rat said "So do you want to kill them yet?" And that as they say was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
-Fortitude, 0( +1con +2familiar) +3
-Reflex 0 (0 +0dex +1 when next to 2 allies) +0/+1
-Will 3 (+2wisdom) +5
AC, +1when next to 2 allies
-Flatfoot AC, 10
-Touch AC, 10
CMB, 0
CMD, 10
Note +2 dodge fighting defensively +4 dodge total defense
Hit Points,14
BAB, +1
Traits and Feats:
Alternate human, replaces skilled
~Heart of the streets:+1 racial Reflex & +1 dodge when next to 2+ allies. Crowds do not count as difficult terrain.
*Campaign, Urban Sleuth, Devil's bells: +1 trait Knowledge (Arcane). Once per day roll any KN Arcane or Planes check twice.
*Bruising Intellect: Use Int for Intimidate.
Extra, Cosmopolitan: Linguistics class skill +1 trait
Extra, Pragmatic activator: Int for UMD
Human, Fast Learner: +1hp & skill, or alt per Witch level
Level 1, Extra Traits
Rank four Ravens: Persuasive +2/4 if 10 to Diplomacy and intimidate
{DC(1/2 level+ int+ 10)=} 15
Level 1: Evil Eye, Mind effect r30ft 1 visible target. –2 penalty to one of: AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks for 3 + Int rounds or 1 round on a will save. A Will save reduces this to 1 round. Lvl 8 penalty is –4. Susceptible to Cackle
Level 2: Cackle. Move action r30ft. Extend duration of susceptible hexes by one round.
Spells memorized:
Ranges: Close (25+5/2lvl) 30
Medium (100+10/lvl)120'
Note +from Int.
Cantrips 4. Dc 14
Dancing lights: VS rMedium 1min/Dis. 1-4 lights as torches w/in 10rad of each other or glowing figure.
Daze: VSM(wool) WillSR rClose 1 target of 4hd max take no action next round. if effected immune for 10 rounds.
Guidance:VS rTouch Will HarmlessSR d1min or used. +1Competence to attack/save/skill target chooses before roll.
Message: VSF(copper wire) rMedium d10min/lvl 1creature in range /level. Whisper to and hear replies from all targeted.
Level I, 2(+1 int) . DC 15
* Command V rclose d1 round will. Follows a listed command (see text) for 1 round.
* Sleep VSM(sand,rose petals,live cricket) rmedium up to 4hd of creatures in a 10rad burst fall asleep and are helpless standard action by another or damage to awaken.
* Web bolt VS rclose reflex or webbed
*class -armor penalty
Acrobatics II +0dex :+2
Bluff(cha), 0
*Craft (int):
Diplomacy(cha) +2 feat ,
Disable Device(dex),
Disguise(cha), 0
Escape Artist(dex) ,
*Fly(dex) ,
Handle animal(cha)
*Heal(wis) ,
*Intimidate,II +4int(trait) +2feat +3class: +11 *Knowledge Arcana I +4int +3class +1trait : +9
Knowledge Dungeon(int, untrained),
Knowledge Engineering(int, untrained),
Knowledge Geography(int, untrained),
*Knowledge History I +4 int +3class: +8
Knowledge Local(int, untrained) ,
*Knowledge Nature(int) ,
Knowledge Nobles int
Knowledge Religion(int, untrained),
*Knowledge Planes I(+4int +3class) +8 *Linguistics II +4int +1trait +3class from trait: +10 Perception I +2wis, +2 familiar: +5
Ride(dex) ,
Sense Motive I +2wis +2 familiar): +5
Slight of hand(dex),
*Spellcraft II +4int +3class: +9
Stealth(dex) ,
*Use Magic Device II +4int from trait +3class :+9
4 from int +2 linguistics
Common, free
Light crossbow. +1 1d8 P 19x2 80'
Dagger. +0 1d4-1 10" SP 19x2
Unarmed. +0 1d3-1 20x2 B 20x2
Touch +0
Ranged touch +1
Armor and Shield:
Expendable items:
Bolts X
Magic gear:
Mundane gear:
Traveler's outfit, worn
Signet ring, right hand worn reversed.
Dagger, belt right side
Light Crossbow. Carried or strapped to left shoulder
10 Bolts, quiver on belt left side.
Nobles outfit
Forger's Kit
Wooden scroll case: 2 scrolls of Summon Monster I
2 1st lvl potions of Mage armor (+4 force AC for 1 hr)
1 vial alchemist's fire
2 vials of acid
Red Belt pouch
2 doses of caltrops
Grey belt pouch
3 tindertwigs
Blue belt pouch
-Spell components
Race, Magical rat
Alignment, unknown.
Cost to replace: 1 day 500gp/witch level.
STR:2/-4 DEX:15/+2 CON:11/0 INT:6/-2 WIZ:13/+1 CHA:2/-4
Senses, perception +8
-Low-light Vision
Speed 15', climb & swim 15'
Initiative +2
HD 2 hp 7
AC {10+2dex+2size+1Natural Armor} 15 touch13 flat13
-Fort +2
-Ref +4, Improved Evasion. 0dam on pass 1/2 on fail.
-Will +1
Touch +4
Bite +4 1d3-4 20x2 BPS
Special Abilities
Grants Pollux +2 fort saves
Grants Pollux alertness feat when close by
Pollux can target Castor with target "you" spells
Communicate emphatically with Castor, only general emotions Pollux has the same connection to an item or place that Castor does.
Racial & Size Modifiers
~+12 Stealth
~+8 swim, climb
~+4 fly
-Arcane Mark
-Dancing Lights
-Det. Magic: VS r60' cone d1min/level: see text
-Det. Poison
-Message: VSF(copper wire) rmedium d10min/lvl 1creature in range /level. Whisper to and hear replies from all targeted.
-Putrefy Food and Drink
-Read Magic
-Touch of Fatigue
Level I
p-Memory Lapse
Web Bolt
Unseen Servant
Mud ball
s-Comprehend Languages
Charm Person
Mage armor
Ray of sickening
Unassigned party loot
Level by level:
Level one: Witch 1 Initial/final stats s9/9,d10/10,c13/13,i17/19,w14/14,ch10/10. Human Alt trait Heart of the Streets. Campaign trait Urban Sleuth: bells. Human Feat, Fast Learner. Lvl1 feat Extra Traits, Cosmopolitan and Pragmatic activator . Favored Class Extra Hp & skill point. Hex Evil eye. Skills: Acrobatics, Intimidate, Kn nobles, Kn Arcana, Linguistics, Sense Motive, UMD. Spells: All Cantrips,Adhesive Spittle, Identify, Unseen Servant, Sleep, Mud ball, Command, Charm Person, Mage armor, Ray of sickening. HP 8 (6dice +1con +1fast learner)
Level two: Witch 2 HP +6 (4+1con +1fast learner) total 14 Hex: Cackle. Spells: Mud Ball, Unseen servant, Memory Lapse from Insanity. Favored class, HP & Skill point. Skills :Acrobatics, Intimidate, Kn History, Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, UMD
Level 3: Witch 3 HP +6 (4 +1CON +1fast learner) total 20. Feat: . Spells: . Skills: .