Interest for a Pathfinder mercenary company PBP?

Gamer Connection

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Pentor Lionsmane wrote:
As for the merc company and where the game is based I'm thinking that we'll start each squad in a different location but they are all part of the same company which got scattered after a disastrous campaign and is trying to recruit back up to strength.

This sounds like a pretty good option. The squads are looking like they'll shape up to be very cosmopolitan and mixed in true Malazan fashion.

Pvt.Fury wrote:
Great set of Feats. Should add an edge to your Company's Flanking ability.

Yeah, though it was a rp choice. I was originally gonna go geeat dex and weapon finesse and weapon focus aldori for frankly ridiculous first level attack bonus of 7. But thinking on the story from earlier he wouldnt be the great duelist with his off hand. That wouldnt have gotten rid of years of agility training with his whole body. Will work in wep finnesse and such later, as he learns to fight again.

Ah I see. Nice reasoning. Well thought out. I like it. Kudos!

Ok here's the list of players and their character concepts that I have so far. I've split them up into randomly selected squads but I'm happy to change them round if people want me to, I've also added NPC corporals and the squads have 7 PCs each.

Player List

Suggested 1st Squad - ? Squad Name
NPC Corporal Red River Running Human Barbarian 3rd Lvl
Me’mori – Counterspell Wisard “Veto” or Fighter “Hal”
Black Dow – Cavalier/Fighter
Mark Sweetman – Krathok/Half-orc Ranger
Drayen – Cavalier/Fighter
Jaycen Keenword -?
Terok – Ranger or Druid
Kozaric – Thief Scout or Cavalier or Fighter

Suggested 2nd Squad - ? Squad Name Start in Ustalav
NPC Corporal Two Bears Human Fighter 3rd Level
EngineHouse – Artificer or Oracle
The Deceiver - ?
Madclaw – Valen Morse/Human Sorceror
DarkestHeart – Pvt Jax Fury/Human Fighter
Tok – Dwarf Monk
Donato – Hiros Gremm/Human Fighter
Meowzebub – 9-Tail/Human Samurai

Suggested 3rd Squad - ? Squad Name
NPC Corporal Ielorion “Icy” Valorious Half-elf Wizard/Fighter 3rd Level
Ryuko – Swordlord/Duelist
Monkeygod – Sorcerer or Dervish
Kratzee – Half-elf Arcane Duelist
Sunshadow21 – Half Orc Ranger
Yucale – Acune/Inquisitor
Mrdarknlight – Cavalier or Ranger or Monk
Kenderkin – Grusk 2/Half-orc/Acrobat

Interested players on standby
Doomed Hero - ?
Stiehl9 - ?
Mathpro18 - ?

I've also come up with a broad outline of how the merc company works and why its split up, I haven't decided on the name but my list is down to -

The Blood Hawks
The Hanged Men
Blood of Sarkosia (aka the Bloody Ones, Bleeders etc...)
The Legion of Gold
Steel and Gold

The background for the company is that they were formed and based in Sarkosia and were working for an employer in the River Kingdoms when the Worldwound opened. The vast majority of the mercs quit the company and headed back to do what they could to save Sarkosia but a small minority remained, led by the warlord Killer Of Horses and the mad shaman Ishitok, and they now follow their own path having split the company into five smaller companies and sent them out in different directions who have recruited whoever they could find to build their numbers up as they wander the world fighting for whoever will pay them while being guided by the shamans towards some mysterious end.

Each company was initially led by a Sarkosian leader but as they have died they have been replaced by whoever had the backing of the shamans, of which there are quite a few attached to each company, meaning that there is a mixture of different nationalities and races leading each company, however Killer Of Horses and Ishitok still lead the main company and stay in touch with every other company through the shamans. Each company has between 8 and 20 squads depending on their losses and recruitment. Each company also has their own nickname which they tend to operate under, while squads also earn nicknames through their exploits.

I've got a few ideas about how this game is going to play out which I will reveal as we play.

I'm open to how characters are built so I'm going to let people build their characters however they like. Just let me know what books you are using and the page numbers and I'm good. Traits are limited to two. If there are any complaints about this let me know.

Second squad will start in Ustalav, First and Third squads I will let you decided amongst yourselves where you are going to start and what the nickname of your company is. You get to earn a squad nickname!

Alright looking at the the classes that might be in my squad I am thinking either Cavalier or Monk. It is up to you in my squad to pick which you would rather have in the squad. The monk is going to be a monk of the four winds. Or I can make both sheets and you guys look at them and pick which up to you guys.

Pentor - any objections if I break Squad 1 off into an OOC thread to discuss? - will keep it more tightly defined and clutter off this thread.

Squad 1 Rolecall

Alright, I'm going Human Dawnflower Dervish Fighter. Fast, agile and quick-witted.

25 Point-Buy sound good??

thoughts on a few of us from each squad being 2nd level veterans? "Blaze" could be, as he has worked in the group for awhile, hence how he got his nickname already.

Squad 2- As we are starting in Ustalav, may I suggest our Squad Name be something dark and dramatic, to suit the place it was reborn?

Also perhaps our own Discussion Thread would be a good idea too.

@ Monkeygod - I built it off 20 Point buy but if everyone else is using 25 Point I am sure I could be tempted to amp it up a notch! Haha

@Krathok - starting an OOC thread for squad 1 is fine.

@Monkeygod - 25 point buy sounds good and I'll make that the official limit. 2nd level veterans are out though, everybody starts at 1st level and is a relatively new recruit.

I haven't heard anything from The Deceiver since he made his interest known. If I don't hear from him in the next day or so I'll replace him and he can go on the waiting list.

If I have a choice, I personally plan on rolling. I will do point buy, but it is not my preferred.

4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 5) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 3) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 2) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 6) = 10
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 6, 5) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 6) = 17

13, 14, 10, 9, 17, 14

If those are unsatisfactory, I can do 20 point buy, but that shouldn't be too bad powerwise.

EDIT: 25 point buy on the money by pure coincidence. Impressive. Also, a vote for Blood Hawks.

Edited to 25 point buy.

Also Squad 2 - Squad 2 Discussion

Rolling is fine sunshadow21.

Here is a link to the Main OOC thread for the game - OOC Main Thread

There are also separate sqaud threads for Squad 1 - Squad 1

And Squad 2 - Squad 2

squad 3

Damn beaten to it on 3. I'll concede and go be called there.

Quick question for Fury: Is your character setup on the site? And if so how did you do that? I'd like to keep it all together on here. Thanks.

Paizo Employee

Well, if it matters, here's Gremm.

if deceiver drops out then id appreciate being considered for squad 2. looks like they could use a rogue/ninja type.

You put me down as Artificer or Oracle in your write-up Pentor. Does this mean you're actaully ok with me using a Tome of Secrets class?

No problem Stiehl9s, I'll PM you if a spot becomes available but you'll have to wait in line though. One possibility that occurs to me to keep interest is to have a Recruit thread with all those waiting for a spot in a squad rotating as DM and running a short training adventure for all the other recruits?

EngineHouse I'm ok with you being either of those classes, I'll have to check the Tome of Secrets book but I don't see a problem.

In that case here's the profile for Torque Mitabu, artificer field medic. Stats aren't done right now, I'll get them up later today.

Drayen checking in with his character, Hakon. Black Dow should be posting Albitan anytime.

I now only have 7 more posts to get in a nickname so help a brother out people. =D

Black Dow reporting fer duty!

Here is Hakon's partner in crime... Company cook and butcher and [ahem] poisoner...

Ábítan “Little Bitter” Hæftincel

His first name and surname are both originally from Old English meaning "gnaw" and "house slave" respectively... should give you a flavour of this boys stew ;)

I'll head over to the OOC thread, will keep an eye on this thread for when the actually pbp is up, and I'll get to work on Acune.

May I request a transfer to squad 1 (first choice) or squad 2? Avistan fits my character concept better.

I would suggest you make such a request in the Main Company OOC rather than here. You may get an answer faster!

Yucale you have been transfered to Squad 2.

Doomed Hero! DOOMED HERO! You have been promoted to Squad 3, you have about 48 hours to post in the main OOC thread to show that you are still interested in playing.

In game posts will be up within 48 hours of this post depending on whether all squads have sorted themselves out.

The Exchange

Thanks :)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I wanted to mark myself down here as interested.

Mark me down as a reservist if you would, Sir /salute ;)

"NightTrace hmmm...? Sounds like one of them there Squad 1 Fellas!"

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Pvt.Fury wrote:
"NightTrace hmmm...? Sounds like one of them there Squad 1 Fellas!"

You might think so but it really comes down to what's available that the character would come out of it's shell.

The Crimson Kings? Maybe a cleric of Gorum.
Heavy is the hand that makes war.

The Iron Carnival? A human gunslinger.
Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun.

The Sea Wolves? Thinking Orc fighter.
Close your eyes and you can hear it still, the sounds of battle.

Cleric of Gorum would fit nicely with us...

As for The Tin Circus they are just mummer's boys playing at war... an The She Wolves - closest they gets to water is it leaking down their legs when the Crimson Kings come calling ;)

Ábítan “Little Bitter” Hæftince wrote:

Cleric of Gorum would fit nicely with us...

As for The Tin Circus they are just mummer's boys playing at war... an The She Wolves - closest they gets to water is it leaking down their legs when the Crimson Kings come calling ;)

Steel Wolves, son. We who decapitate the kings in red.

Seriously, Crimson Kings?? You guys put on little red dresses, crowns and play at being important people?? :-)

Do they call you "little bitter" cuz all you do is steal other people's cool ideas and try and claim them as your own?? Lol

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

:P well maybe an opening will come up /shrug

I'd also like to mark down my interest. If there is space in the reserves.


Hey now, keep the infighting to the OOC thread, we don't want to scare away the new meatshields.

You, yeah you newbie, put this red tabard on. This will help the men watch out for you when we go out on our missions....

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

There is something to be said, the wearing of a bright color and it's effect on any ability one might have of "blending in".

Then again depending on the person involved? Well none of that will matter anyway.

You can be the sneakiest, quietest rogue on the whole of the plane, but if you're squad mate is a 6'1 234lb man clad in a spiked set of full plate?

It won't exactly gain you any benefit to wear camos, now would it?

By all means wear the tabard of the Crimson Queens. They will be the first Squad to need new blood anyway! ;)

Aha, an orc. Hide behind ugly when the arrows come in. Nice to see more ready when we lose men tho. And as for clothing. -Waves gigantic scarlet hat- When you can fight well enough, you just wait for them to come to you.

NightTrace, Guru_of_the_Sands your interest has ben noted.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Thanks for the update Pentor. :D

I overextended myself again. I can't keep up with the posting for this game.
So, NightTrace and Guru, you can fight for my spot. This game has a lot of potential but I don't have the time. I'm bowing out. Thank you Pentor for the brief game for me.

-Tosses a Shortsword between the two Prospects and sits back to watch the fight with a grin-

Now I want a good clean fight. Remember no below the belt or eye gouging also one who draws first blood gets bonus points.

hey wait a minute! ive been on the waiting list for a while so i at least want in on the fight ~cracks knuckles~

looking to get in on the action. mark me as a stand by candidate.

I would say either Stiehl or Mathpro should get the nod since they were on the original waiting list.

If you go in order would be Stiehl.

Denison Delgado wrote:

I overextended myself again. I can't keep up with the posting for this game.

So, NightTrace and Guru, you can fight for my spot. This game has a lot of potential but I don't have the time. I'm bowing out. Thank you Pentor for the brief game for me.

Sorry to see you go Delgado. Feel free to stop by now and then when you've got time though.:)

Stiehl9 your day has come! You have 48 hours to reply to this post and come up with a character concept. Also post in the main OOC thread as well when you can.

derosierr your interest has been noted.

Sweet! ...and I didnt even have to bloddy anyone for it...yet...

I'll head over to the OOC and check out my squad to see what will be a good fit.

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