Denison Delgagdo
male Varisian arcane duelist
CG Medium humanoid
Init +2; Perception +3
DEFENSE AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
hp 38 (8+4d8(15)+10(con)+5(fc)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
OFFENSE Spd 30 ft.
Melee longsword +6 (1d8+9/19-20)
Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6+2/x3)
Special Attacks arcane strike +2 dmg,
Spells known (caster lvl 1 conc. +11)
2nd (2/day)
1st (4/day) 2 Grease,
0th (at will) Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic,
STATISTICS Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB + 6; CMD 18
SD Feats Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Furious Focus, feat
40 Skills
1 Acrobatics +6
5 Bluff +10
1 Climb +7
5 Diplomacy +10
2 Intimidate +7
2 K. arcana +6
1 K. history +5
2 K. local +6
1 K. nobility +5
2 K. religion +6
1 Perception +3
1 Perform (string) +6
1 Prof (gambler) +3
1 Sense Motive +3
2 Sleight of Hand +7
5 Spellcraft +10
1 Stealth +6
1 Swim +4
5 UMD +10
Languages Common, Skald, Varisian
Combat Gear 140gp
Denison is a fun-loving high energy Varisian wanderer. He grew up traveling with his family's caravan on a route that took them from Caliphas down to Katheer. His part of the caravan was playing the lute while his cousin sang. Sometimes he acted in the plays, but other than the stunts and swordplay, he was no natural on stage. During stays in larger cities, he sometimes ran one of the cups tables; but he wasn't terribly successful at that. He believes that he was set up as a decoy to drive business to the puppeteers, but it doesn't bother him. He was better at cantrips and song anyways. One day the Madre decided that he was to be formally trained as a bard at the Kitharodian Acadamy in Oppara after she realized he would not be making much coin for the caravan as a gambler or shyster, and his lute skills seemed to have peaked.
At the college, although he took his studies seriously, he also took to living it up during this time. He managed to scandalize a number of noble families with dalliances with daughters who were sent to the school to find a husband of good blood. Upon graduation, he went back to the caravan to work the crowds as a magician and played his lute for the evening performances. Although he loved the life, was secure in his wealth, he longed for more. With the Madre's blessing, he once again left the caravan for the life of an adventurer.
He naively answered the call of a Chelaxian noble named Julistar who was forming an archaelogical team called "Her Majestrix's Expeditionary.' At first, the explorations he new team went on excited him to no end, and he grew richer than ever before. The team did many explorations among the pyramids of Osirion, the jungles of Mwangi; he spent quite a bit of time in Absalom. But on one expedition, he learned the true deviousness of his cohorts when they were up against a rival adventuring party in search for clues for some device Julistar was looking for. They ended up setting a malicious trap for this other group of adventurers, who died horribly in the fires. It made him sick that he would be a part of murdering several people just because they were in the way of his team's goals. Later that day, Denison took the rearguard during their exploration, and purposely tripped a trap that sealed the rest of the team in. He grabbed everything he could and booked the first passage north as far as he could get knowing that Julistar try and get revenge. He gave up the adventuring life, but couldn't yet go back to face his family.
He remembered an old adventurer that was part of his inspiration to take on the trade himself in the city of Carrion Hill. Old Man Marshan. Marshan, who hadn't seen Denison since before he left for college, was ecstatic that the young man had come to visit. He laughed off Denison's concerns of revenge from his old team. "That sort of shiite happens all the time!" Mashan put him up for a few days, asking for payment occasional songs and that he share stories of Ancient Osirion over scotch with him and an acquaintance, a historian by the name of Arlend Hyve. Denison agreed and for the next several months, he met with the two over drinks at nearly every establishment that would pour a quality spirit. Of late, they have had another guest has joined the trio in their discussions, Councilwoman Dimyain. Dimyain and Denison have developed a flirtatious banter that both Marshan and Arlend have both noticed as something that could develop into a budding romance.
Denison is a naturally fun-loving and gregarious Varisian man. He loves life and lives it to the fullest, whether it drink, gambling, women, or adventure. He has the typical dusky skin of a Varisian coupled with raven-black hair and large, green eyes. He has the build of fighter, but slightly more lithe. He moves with the grace of a fencer and acrobat. He dresses as a Varisian, in a multitude of colors including his orange scarf, a blue vest, and pink handkerchief. One might notice that he doesn't have a touch of green on him.
Regarding Background:
Reason in Carrion Hill
After he ran from Julistar, he didn't know where else to go. This is where is inspiration to adventure lives.
Old Man Marshan - Denison was fond of listening to his stories as a boy when his caravan was stopped in Carrion Hill, and he was the first person he thought to turn to when he ran from Her Majestrix's Expeditionary
Arlend Hyve - They meet for drinks every Wealday to exchange stories and history.
Councilwoman Dimyain - She has recently been invited to join the weekly discussions by Arlend.
Three significant events
1) He was not enthralled with the life of a gypsy, and sought ways to leave including going to bardic college and beginning the life of an adventurer. Part of this was the impatience of youth. He had yet to master the arts his caravan routinely used and it was frustrating.
2) He took part of the murder of a rival adventuring party, became disgusted with himself, and betrayed his team. His new friends have forgiven him.
3) Umm...still working on a third.
Cherished Item
An gold amulet inlaid with ivory and obsidian that his family's Madre gave him before he set off on his adventures.
He makes a living performing magic tricks and playing the lute in taverns or for parties.