DM - Pentor's page

122 posts. Alias of Pentor Lionsmane.


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Slapping down 3 more copper pieces, Pentor grinned at Mack.

"Well if that's the case then send them silver my way!"

Post is up.

It's not great but I'll be able to improve it later on today after my last day of work! YAY!

Location: Nex, Capital City of Quantium, Company barracks
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
Corporal Viola Hearn
Rest of Blood Hawks Company

Walking steadily from empty room to empty room in the current company barracks, Corporal Viola Hearn of the Tempest Coven was getting steadily and steadily angrier.

A tall, muscular, black haired woman, Viola was very pale and striking rather than beautiful. However currently she looked furious. She'd told everybody to stay put for the first squad briefing but now it had turned out that most of them had taken off into the city.

"Where are these misbegotten children of stunted camels!" yelled Viola at the top of her lungs.

A couple of the other squads popped their heads out of their assigned rooms to see what was going on but quickly ducked back inside once they saw the state of the Corporal.

Me'mori wrote:
Darkbiter wrote:
Good to see teamwork. I'm fine with the idea if Pentor is. It fits Hakon scarily well.
I just recoiled from my keyboard slightly. It does fit disturbingly well.

I third the idea, which means its approved. Also new posts are up!

Ok here is a copy&paste from the other threads with why I haven't been online in the last coupld of days - Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days everybody! I've been working 14 hour days and haven't had the energy to check in on the games till tonight, and I just finished working another 14 hour shift and have to go back to work in about 8 hours so I'll just be trying to get some in-game posts up and move this sucker along.

Darkbiter I'll email you after I finish work about what I have planned for the Fort.

Also Me'mori are you still interested in co-GMing? Want to co-GM 4ht Squad with me?

Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days everybody! I've been working 14 hour days and haven't had the energy to check in on the games till tonight, and I just finished working another 14 hour shift and have to go back to work in about 8 hours so I'll just be trying to get some in-game posts up and move this sucker along.

Things are moving along nicely from what I can see, I will try and come up with a good post to add to what Monkeygod is doing, later on tonight. I'm so glad it's my last day of work tommorrow!

Tycho Harkonen wrote:
Tonight o.O ? Oh right diffirent time zones ^^ (its 2 in the afternoon here - summer break is glorius)

Yeah I'm in winter and it's about 1am my time at the moment. Only another 5 hours till I have to get up and go to work. Hooray!

Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days everybody! I've been working 14 hour days and haven't had the energy to check in on the games till tonight, and I just finished working another 14 hour shift and have to go back to work in about 8 hours so I'll just be trying to get some in-game posts up and move this sucker along.

My priorities are -

Post for Squad 1 and Squad 4 in game.
Check all threads.
Get some sleep.

Ok posts are up for Squad 1. Squad 4 post will be up in a few minutes, it won't be great because I've got a limited amount of time but at least we can start getting you guys moving in the right direction, and not just to another bar.:)

Squad 2 & 3 it looks like you guys are moving along fairly well but I'll be popping in now and then to keep an eye on things and help out where necessary.

Hey Me'mori are you still interested in co-GMing? Want to help with Squad 4? If not is there anybody else who'd be interested in co-GMing Squad 4 with me?

Location: Isger, miles inside the Chitterwood, in a fire ravaged clearing
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
Corporal Red River Running

[Talbot, Declan, Abitan, Hakon]

Hakons attempt at sneaking away fails miserably as Corporal Red River Running spots the halfling moving furtively towards the scrub and trees.

"Where you trying to sneak off to Hakon? You and Abitan decide to go and do a little exploring is it?" asks the Corporal with a long suffering expression.


Turning to Declan and Talbot, the Corporal rolls his eyes at the two mercs before saying "If Abitan doesn't show himself in the next five seconds I want you two to go and grab him. Watch out though cause he likes to bite."

Location: Isger, miles inside the Chitterwood,
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708

[Hangman, Krathok, Bear]

Bear starts to head back to the clearing where the others are, backtracking the trail he and the two rangers had already blazed. Moving through the woods the two rangers try and find anybody outside of the walls of the fort.

It takes them about three minutes of circling but they eventually spot a small bandit patrol of four men who are walking away from the fort and towards the woods. The bandits are dressed in well made leather armour and each of them wears a plain yellow headband tied around their forehead. Two of the bandits have got unstrung longbows in their hands and arrows on their backs, with short swords and skinning knives scabbarded at their hips, while the other two bandits are armed with boar spears, while carrying blades on their hips.

The bandits don't seem to be paying much attention to their surroundings, probably confident in the fact that their fort is right behind them, and don't see either of the two rangers where they stand hidden.

Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days everybody! I've been working 14 hour days and haven't had the energy to check in on the games till tonight, and I just finished working another 14 hour shift and have to go back to work in about 8 hours so I'll just be trying to get some in-game posts up and move this sucker along.

My priorities are -

Post for Squad 1 and Squad 4 in game.
Check all threads.
Get some sleep.

Ok those players who have just joined us - Khair Colbad, Colross 'Smoke Raven' Sormul and Cruach, I haven't had enough time to go over your character sheets but they are approved with the caveat that once I get some time I will go through them and check to make sure everything is kosher.

Sorry for the delay and let's get this sucker started!

I am proud to present the Tempest Coven as our fourth squad!

Based in Nex these folks are looking for a couple of extra soldiers to round out their squad. If you are interested please post here with your character concept.

And here is your in game thread!

Feel free to start posting in it. You are all currently stationed in the capital city of Quantium, and have been assigned rooms in an old tenement building in one of the rougher parts of town.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Having recently signed up with the Blood Hawk company of Byron the Bowman, you have arrived with the rest of your squad in the capital city of Nex, Quantium. You've been billeted in an old tenement building in one of the seedier parts of the capital city and been given a room that you share with another of your squad mates.

You've got a bit of time to settle into your rooms before the Corporal holds her first squad briefing.

Hello my friends!

Ok we've got votes for -

Nex - Ceragia Trundle, Nithya Hijara, Tycho Harkonen, Caern Stern
Quadira - Jaqen

And one vote for the name of the squad being -

Tempest Coven - Nithya Hijara, Tycho Harkonen, Caern Stern
Crimson Swords - Jaqen

So unless there is a sudden rush of players the name of your squad is 'Tempest Coven' and you guys will be starting in Nex.

Your squad leader is Corporal Viola Hearn, a cleric of Pharasma.

Currently there are 5 members in your squad, so we need 2 more to bring you up to strength. I'll post in the recruitment thread to see if any of th other players are still interested.

Your in-game thread will be up in a couple of minutes.

New posts are up!

I've divided the squad into two groups at the moment - Bear, Krathok, Hangman in one group, Hakon, Abitan, Talbot, Declan in the other group.

Hakon have you made your stealth roll against Red Rivers perception? If so you and Abitan have managed to sneak into the entrance of the cave. You guys don't have darkvision do you? Probably need a torch or something if you're going to be wandering round down there in the dark, with all them gobbos, and spiders, and undead, and dark fey!

Poison is very doable and I can promise that you'll find a lot of things that can poison stuff. If you survive that is...

Hakon, one black blade coming up.

Talbot I've got no problem with you transitioning to a rifle. Does anybody have a link to the relevant stats for firearms?

Declan, spells shouldn't be a problem at all. Blood Transfusion seems fine to me, although you'll have to find a copy of it somewhere first though. I'm not sure what the [Evil] descriptor would do though when applied to your character?

Also can people please post up their current Hit Points and AC in their posts, preferably at the bottom.

Location: Isger, miles inside the Chitterwood, in a fire ravaged clearing
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
Corporal Red River Running

[Talbot, Declan, Abitan Hakon]

"We're going to be following the scouts Tal," replies Corporal Red River Running. "The cave isn't going anywhere but those bandits might be, so they're the priority at the moment."

Cocking his head at Declans question the Corporal waits for Talbot to finish his explanation before he nods his head in agreement at the halflings statement.

"Yeah the the gobbos did a real number on Isger during the wars. I guess the Isger army thought that if they burned the forest down the gobbos wouldn't have anywhere to hide. Looks like that didn't work so well," says the Corporal with a snicker tapping the goblin head tied to his belt.

Location: Isger, miles inside the Chitterwood,
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708

[Hangman, Krathok, Bear]

The two rangers and druid move further into the forest, making sure to mark the trees clearly for the others to follow. They follow the tracks left by the bandits for about five miles, the trees around them getting older, taller and closer together the further they travel.

Animal sign is everywhere and they catch the odd glimpse of woodland creatures, generally a flash of fur as the creature disappears into it's burrow or den.

Eventually the three mercenaries follow the tracks to the edge of another large clearing. Making sure to stay well hidden the rangers and druid examine the scene before them.

The clearing has obviously been cut out of the forest, as the stumps of trees can be seen everywhere. A stream meanders its way from one end of the clearing to the other, running from west to the east.

In the centre of the clearing a well made fort is situated. The wood cut from the clearing has been used to build the walls and guard towers that make up the fort. There are four guard towers and they anchor the walls, which have a ditch dug in front of them with the earth being used to reinforce the walls.

Atop a flag pole in the centre of the fort is a yellow flag. There is no insignia upon the flag.

Sentries walk the guard towers and behind the walls.

Ábítan “Little Bitter” Hæftince wrote:
Abitan prods about at the spider while the Corporal dishes orders to the pointmen...

Abitan considers the problem of getting to the poison sac and figures that his skills at a butcher would be of the most use in cutting into the giant spiders body.

Sorry about that Abitan! Completely forgot that you'd need a skill to use to make the DC check.:( In my defence I am a pretty ordinary DM and barely have a handle on the rules as it is!:) Ok your Profession [Butcher] skill applies to this check. No negative modifiers, I'm going to assume that Abitan was the kind of child that liked to cut up insects to see what made them tick so you probably have an idea of what the inside of a spider looks like.

Location: Isger, miles inside the Chitterwood, in a fire ravaged clearing
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
Corporal Red River Running

"Good work lads," says the Corporal to the druid and rangers. "I want you three to scout the path ahead, while I get the rest of these sluggards sorted. Mark the trail, usual style with two slash marks at head height on every fifth tree, and we'll follow on. You run into to much trouble for you three to handle or find the bandits stronghold one of you double back and get us the other two are to keep eyes on target. Well what are you three waiting for?"

Hiros Gremm wrote:
I am a strong man. Nothing can be worse than a whipping from Pa.

Well how can I compete with that?:)

Ok so I'm quite interested in adopting MonkeyGods suggestion of having PCs gaining Leadership points. Currently I'm not sure how we are going to implement it but I'm looking at players being able to accrue these points starting at level 6. However this is just a suggested starting point and that could change as we discuss the suggestion.

So could somebody please give me an outline of the idea and suggest ways of implementing it? I'd do it myself but I'm to lazy and How I Met Your Mother is on TV.

Hiros Gremm wrote:
I'm only medium size, though! I don't mind if it fits a little tight.

Hahaha you say that now but when your chafing like crazy you'll be sorry!

Hiros Gremm wrote:
DM - Pentor wrote:
I'm also taking a leaf out of one of my co-GMs play books and asking you folks to list the magic treasures that you would like to find in the future. No guarantees that you'll get them but at least I'll have an idea about what to bring into the game.

Now, I am but a simple man. I only ask for these things:

** spoiler omitted **

Mind you, I have this character built to level 20, so this is my optimal set of items for that level. I plan to always fight with a great sword, so we can at least start with that. :)

I'll see what I can do Gremm. You might have to fight a lot of giants to get all that stuff in your size though!;)

Hakon "Hooch Clown" wrote:
Get an unique melee weapon at 3rd level. Highly improbable that I'll ever find a magical version of my ranged weapon. You seem to already be on track with the small enemies for small sized loot. I guess ability boosting items, spell affecting items, stealth enhancing items and speed items are what I am interested in gaining.

Can't guarantee that you'll find a magical staffsling but I'll see what I can come up with.

What kind of melee weapon you talking about?

New post is up! Also Hakon and Abitan if you guys are going to sneak off you've got to beat Corporal Red Rivers perception of 21 to do so. If you do manage to sneak off, which given how sneaky you guys are already is highly likely, then I've got a few ideas about what you can encounter in the 'THE MIGHTY CAVE OF GOBLINS!' hahaha

Ok we've got two votes for -

Nex - Ceragia Trundle, Nithya Hijara

And one vote for the name of the squad being -

Tempest Coven - Nithya Hijara,

Caern Stern, Jaqen, Tycho Harkonen which area and name are you voting for?

Location: Isger, miles inside the Chitterwood, in a fire ravaged clearing
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
The Crimson Kings Squad - Corporal Red River Running,

With his nostrils flared to their utmost Krathok searches for the scents of the bandits or tracks from their passing but he cannot find any, with the smell of goblin overriding any scent of the bandits. Bear and Malnivar's search is more fruitful and the ranger and druid pick up a trail of booted feet leading south from the clearing.

Searching amongst the trees for his missing bolts, Talbot finds all three but one of them is destroyed, while the other two are in good enough condition to be used again.

Prodding at the giant spiders corpse Abitan spots that the exposed fangs still have some ichor dripping from them, meaning that the poison sac of the spider probably still contains spider venom. With a good sharp knife and a bit of effort he could probably cut out the venom sac.

DC 20 to cut out the spiders poison sac, you roll a 15 or under and you have accidently cut open the posion sac and need to roll a Ref Save of DC 15 or get splashed by spider venom and lose 1d2 Strength till the next encounter.

Hakon and Abitans conversation about exploring the cave is unheard by the Corporal, who's to busy looting, and there's a chance they can sneak away if they are quiet enough.

Corporal Red River Running Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Declans examination of the clearing doesn't turn up any new features.

Looking at all the loot Corporal Red River Running frowns as he considers the fact that bringing all the weapons and armour with them would weigh them down to much. Scooping up all the coins into sack, the Corporal gives it a shake before tying it to his belt, right next to the head of the goblin he killed.

"We'll leave all this stuff here, should probably bury it but we don't have the time to waste. We'll come back later after we've dealt with the bandits. As for the coins we'll split them once we're back at the base. I'll hold on to them for now." With a piercing whistle Corporal Red River Running gets the attention of the rangers and druid.

"You found the trail yet?" asks the Corporal impatiently. "Killing these gobbos got my blood up!"

Jaqen wrote:
Reporting in, I made a Monk instead of a magus.

Welcome to the game Jaqen! I'll look over your character later today.

Ok we've got one vote each for -

Nex - Ceragia Trundle.

Caern Stern, Jaqen, Nithya Hijara, Tycho Harkonen which area are you voting for?

Hey MonkeyGod here is a link to a write up on the Artificer class in the Pathfiner SRD.

Also I'm looking forward to the many fiendish plans that both MonkeyGod and I have in store for you all! I would insert a maniacal laugh in here but I've been overdoing the maniacal laughs lately.

Deiros wrote:

I'll try to get something done by tomorrow or next day.


No problem Deiros. Just post your character in the OOC Main thread and introduce yourself in the Squad 4 Rolecall OOC thread when you are ready.

Everybody else don't forget to vote for your squad name and where you are going to startin Golarion!

People will probably start showing up over the next day or so. Weekends tend to be slow.

Suggestions for squad names are -

Tempest Coven; Bounty Brood; Dead Sky; Victum Semper

Suggestions for starting regions are -

Nex, Quadira, Tian Xia, Lands of the Linnorm Kings

However don't feel limited by that list, anywhere in the world of Golarion is acceptable. If there isn't a lot of info about it that just means we'll have to make it up ourselves!

Sentis Spinis wrote:
Emailed an idea for Squad 4's mission to you DM Pentor.

Got it Sentis! Just waiting for Squad 4 to decide where they are going to start and their squad name.

Ok new post is up in the game thread! Krathok if you can make a Survival roll to track the bandits and the rest of you post up and we'll go from there.

Plus I've got cake!

Tycho Harkonen wrote:
Nithya Hijara wrote:

The pathfinder wiki is a good place to start. Just google pathfinder wiki, and you'll find it.

I'm happy wherever, but I like the idea of being in a high magic land, and in the inner sea, magic goes up as you go south.

Will go and check the wiki out, I'm not terrible familiar with paizo's world. High magic however sounds about right for this squad, its either that or a teribly magic low region (were people would pay good money for spellcasting services).

Also - the books I used in char gen was core and the apg, and a trait from the guide to Qadira (to get Disable Device as a class skill). However, was planning on takeing the Eldritch Heritage feat on lvl 3 from Ultimate Magic - subjected to gm approval and my own survival that is =)

** spoiler omitted **

I'm ok with that Tycho.

Ceragia here is a link to the Pathfinder Wiki.

Location: Isger, miles inside the Chitterwood, in a fire ravaged clearing
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
The Crimson Kings Squad - Corporal Red River Running,

10 Goblins (dead)
1 Goblin Boss (dead)
1 Giant Spider (dead)

As Krathok and Hangman search for bandit tracks the rest of the squad goes about stripping the bodies of anything that might be of worth. Your haul isn't particualrly impressive, you have collected 11 spears, 10 suits of leather armour, 1 suit of scale mail, all sized for goblins or smaller humanoids, and 20 silver coins and 43 copper coins of various denominations.

Location: Ustalav, Vieland, on the road to Lepistadt, near a roadblock
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
The Iron Carnival Squad - Corporal Two Bears
Merchant Caravan - Merchant Iris Olaman
6 Drovers,
6 Travellers
1 Prisoner

A few minutes later while the squad is still discussing what they are going to do with the barricade, Corporal Two Bears has bought the three wagons of the caravan forward to the barricade.

"Still haven't got that barricade down I see?" says Two Bears with a grin. Wandering over to where the prisoner was restrained, Two Bears fixed him with his best glare.

"What were you talking about when you said that you were robbing people to help your families?"

Nithya Hijara wrote:

Where shall we start? As much as I'd love to start somewhere exotic like Goka in Tian Xia, its not too likely.

How about Nex, or Qadira?

I wouldn't say that, but it'll depend on where the rest of the squad decide to start.

Also does anybody know which books cover Tian?

We may not be smart but we've got heart! And sea shanties!

Toe Jam wrote:
Having already upset Swiftwing, Toe Jam says nothing in order to spare his other shoulder, but Swiftwing is more vocal. "You want me to be reduce myself to be being a ribald bard, do you, meathead? I should fly over there and poke out your ears to give you the mercy of not having to listen to such fools."

Taken aback at the reply of Swiftwing, Pentor seems flustered for long seconds, making a show of being engrossed in the card game while he tries to adjust to the reaming that he just received at the tongue of the raven.

"Ahem...well I wouldn't say that. Your not some kind of sorceror that's been changed into a bird by some evil curse are you?" inquires Pentor.

Pvt.Fury wrote:

"Heh. No need for a Tree Corporal, we have Gremm here!" Grinning, Jax pats the tall man on the shoulder before moving back to the barrier and looking it over once more.

Sorry about the absence. Back!

Looking over the barricade Jax realises that it's going to take about half an hour to clear the poorly made wooden barricade out of the way, but they could clear a path for the caravans in less than five minutes if they didn't worry about clearing the road for other travellers.

The young frightened highwayman leaves the barricade and walks towards where the squad waits, with his hands held up high above his head. Corporal Two Bears watches the young man like a fox and gestures for one of the squad members to secure him. Once that's done he looks at the squad members nearest him and indicates with a grunt to get on with his previous orders of securing the prisoners, dismantling the barricade and looting everything they can find.

Once he's sure that all that's under way he heads back to the caravan preparing it to move forward when the way has been cleared.

Malnivar "Hangman " Darlock wrote:

Breathing hard, Hangman nods at Abitan and grunts.

He steps over to a sleeping Gobo and deliveres a coup de grace with his Cestus wrapped fist.

Power attack damage: 1d4+6
Critical Damage 1d4+6

Malnivars powerful driven blow crushes the throat of his chosen target, leaving a solitary goblin slumbering away. Corporal Red River Running grins in appreciation at the Hangmans blow, before turning to Krathok and nodding his understanding.

"Track the boots Krathok, the gobbos can wait till after we finish the mission," replies the Corporal before he returns to looting the bodies of the goblins.

All completed characters are to be posted in this thread OOC Main Thread with the books used and the relevant page numbers if possible.

Darkbiter wrote:
They probably need to figure out where they want to be based out of before anything else can be done.

Good point, doesn't mean we can't think up some sneaky things to throw at them though!


Copy&Paste from recruitment thread - Ok this is my list of players after I have worked my way through the thread.

Mathpro18 - ?
NightTrace - Gunslinger
Guru_of_the_Sands - Human, Pharasmin Inquisitor
Derosierr - Cergia Trundle/Human Wizard
Stomphoof - Psion?
Lordx87 - Elf Ranger/Paladin?
Saerdna - Tycho Harkonen/Bard(Sandman)

Wandslinger - ?
Deiros - Magus?
vagrant-poet - Nithya Hijara/Vudrani Eunuch Summoner

However Mathpro18 hasn't posted in the thread since his initial post and Stomphoof offered to give up his spot, unless he's still interested in playing?

What I'm going to do here is something slightly different from the other squads and include everybody in this list in the squad, as long as they finish their character sheet that is. So potentially we have 10 squad members in 4th squad but I'm pretty sure that Mathpro18 is out, so it'll probably only be 9 PCs.

It's a pretty large squad but if it proves too large I may cut back the number of players or split them into two subsquads, who are part of the same mission but are given different objectives.

Also all players please list the books that you are using to build your character and the relevant page numbers if possible, 25 Point Buy for stats and you start with maximum gold & HP for your class as well.

I will also be looking for a co-GM for this game once you have decided on a starting point and name for your squad.

Ok this is my list of players after I have worked my way through the thread.

Mathpro18 - ?
NightTrace - Gunslinger
Guru_of_the_Sands - Human, Pharasmin Inquisitor
Derosierr - Cergia Trundle/Human Wizard
Stomphoof - Psion?
Lordx87 - Elf Ranger/Paladin?
Saerdna - Tycho Harkonen/Bard(Sandman)

Wandslinger - ?
Deiros - Magus?
vagrant-poet - Nithya Hijara/Vudrani Eunuch Summoner

However Mathpro18 hasn't posted in the thread since his initial post and Stomphoof offered to give up his spot, unless he's still interested in playing?

What I'm going to do here is something slightly different from the other squads and include everybody in this list in the squad, as long as they finish their character sheet that is. So potentially we have 10 squad members in 4th squad but I'm pretty sure that Mathpro18 is out, so it'll probably only be 9 PCs.

It's a pretty large squad but if it proves too large I may cut back the number of players or split them into two subsquads, who are part of the same mission but are given different objectives.

Also all players please list the books that you are using to build your character and the relevant page numbers if possible, 25 Point Buy for stats and you start with maximum gold & HP for your class as well.

Krathok wrote:

Krathok lays the goblin down on the ground and kicks it off the end of his spear. After waiting a few moments to make sure someone is taking care of the remaining sleeping foes, he stalks off to the cave entrance.

Dropping on his haunches, Krathok sniffs the ground trying to figure out if any more goblins await inside.

Survival: 1d20+7

His intent is to head into the cave and take a wee look around.

Perception: 1d20+8
Stealth: 1d20+5

Scenting the air around the cave entrance, while ignoring the smell of the two dead goblin bodies lying inside, Krathok picks up many different goblin scents. Over a dozen different goblins have passed through the entrance area in the last day or so.

Pressing further into the cave the half-orc finds that it continues onwards, angling slightly deeper into the earth, before there is a sharp bend in the tunnel. Scenting carefully as he moves forward, Krathok reaches the bend and peers cautiously around the corner.

The tunnel continues further onward for about twenty feet before ending in set of stairs leading deeper into the earth. There is no visible light sources in the tunnel leaving it dark and lightless.

Necrotech is an awesome idea!

Also new post is up. I've posted that the three fleeing highwaymen are heel and toeing it as fast as they can.

And I'm also taking a leaf out of one of my co-GMs play books and asking you folks to list the magic treasures that you would like to find in the future. No guarantees that you'll get them but at least I'll have an idea about what to bring into the game.

I'm still working through all the ideas for the faction leadership thing, there are some decent ideas in there, it's just a matter of making them work.

Back as soon as I've muddled my way through!

New post is up. The battle is pretty much over, there are 2 slumbering goblins left after Red River cut the head off the third sleeping goblin.

Also taking a page from a co-GM of mine can you folks list the magic items that you'd like to gain in the future? No guarantees that you'll actually get them, but it gives me an idea on what stuff I can try and seed into the game.

Also Me'mori thanks for the link to that mapmaking site! I'll see if I can try and use it in the future.

This is a really good idea! I think I'm going to steal it if that's ok Voiceless?

Also anybody got any suggestions for adventure threads for the new squad?

Hi folks!

Thanks Ceragia Trundle for starting up this thread! I am Pentor Lionsmane and I will be your GM for this game, and will probably be bringing in a co-GM to help out with things around here as well probably.

I will head over to the recruitment thread and link to this thread there. The name of the squad and where you start in Golarion, apart from in the Worldwound, is up to you, the PCs, to decide on. You are part of the Blood Hawks, a mercenary company originally formed in what used to be called Sarkosia, but is now the Worldwound, who have divided into five great companies that follow the orders of their generals, advised by the shamans of the tribes-in-exile, in fighting for whoever will pay them.

I will also go through and see who's actually playing in this squad and list them here as well.

Location: Isger, miles inside the Chitterwood, in a fire ravaged clearing
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
The Crimson Kings Squad - Corporal Red River Running,

8 Goblins (dead)
1 Goblin Boss (dead)
1 Giant Spider (dead)
2 Goblins/Sleep (leaher armour, spears)

Hangman 21
Abitan 21
Krathok 14
Hakon 11
Talbot 11
Bear 11
Declan 5
Goblin warriors/Sleep (3)

Leaking blood from his wound Hangman swings his blade at one of the standing goblins but the blade fails to find its target. Having hustled into a flanking position Abitan's sudden attack is devastating on the unaware goblin facing Malnivar. His blades plunge into the centre of the goblins back and meet in the heart if the goblinoid, spraying the grinning halfling in arterial blood.

With a grunt of effort Krathok thrusts his boar spear through his still standing goblin opponents body. Its point bursts from the back of the goblin and the little humanoid slumps forward in death on the spear that impales it.

The only standing goblin, which stands facing Malnivar, throws down it's spear with a scream of terror and attempts to flee for the treeline provoking attacks from Hangman and Abitan at it's exposed back.

Hakons blow to the skull of one of the slumbering goblins caves it in sending it into eternal slumber. From his prone position Talbot lets fly his bolt at the fleeing goblin, which sinks deep into the back of the gobbo causing it to arc its body in pain.

It is then that Bears enraged charge intersects the fleeing goblin, the druids shillelagh coming down on the goblins shoulder crushing the shoulder and chest bones of the little humanoid. It dies where it stands with blood pouring from its mouth.

The only people still standing are the members of the Crimson Kings, while three goblins still lie slumbering under the effects of Declans spell. With a disappointed look on his face Corporal Red River Running walks over to one of the slumbering goblins and hacks off it's head.

"Right let's kill the rest of these gobbos and then we get down to looting!" says the Corporal loud enough for all of the squad to hear.

Ok only two more goblins lie slumbering everything else is dead. What are you folks doing now?

Location: Ustalav, Vieland, on the road to Lepistadt, near a roadblock
Date: Toilday, 4th Sarenith 4708
The Iron Carnival Squad - Corporal Two Bears
Merchant Caravan - Merchant Iris Olaman
6 Drovers,
6 Travellers

Corporal Two Bears seeing that the fight is over leaves the caravan where it is and walks up to the rest of the squad.

Looking at the prisoners and the fleeing highwaymen in the distance, the big Corporal gives a grunt of frustration before speaking in his rumbling voice.

"The merchant tells me that there is a village not far from here. Secure the prisoners and search them for any weapons and loot. Don't forget to search the barricade as well before we tear it down."

Looking up at the frightened teenager on the barricade Two Bears says "Come down from there boy. If you tell us what we want to know I promise you'll be safe. If not I'm going to hang you from the nearest tree I can find."