G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King (Pathfinder Conversion)


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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


I received your email with attachments.

Thanks again,


Silke wrote:

Hi all,

I’ve started on a Pathfinder Conversion for G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King. It’s based on daemonslye's 3.5e version (the best starting point I could find) with a mass of my own personal story embellishments. After 15 pages I can see why it takes years for some people to complete a conversion and have a new found appreciation for daemonslye's skill at page layout and font selection. Anyhow, I’ve only got 4 weeks to get this done for my players so progress has been posted for comment and a looksee.

You can download it here G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King (Pathfinder Conversion).pdf

The first 15 pages are up. This URL won't change but the file will so if you download it later there will be progressively more content.


I would like to see it as well, can someone pm me the files?

I too would have an interest in this.

Thrall of Orcus wrote:
I too would have an interest in this.

+1, I want this conversion please! Anyone who needs to turn 18 pages into 300 pages is my kind of obsessive compulsive. Please send PM if you have it.


Me, too. Sent you an email, Greystaff. The origin should be obvious when you get it.

Think I've answered all emails received at this point. Note that I'm sending out an earlier (and smaller) version of Silke's work without the complete complement of artwork. If anyone knows how to distribute the larger 34mb file over means other than email, I'll be glad to oblige.

You might be able to post the entire thing to google docs and just point people there.

Greystaff wrote:
Think I've answered all emails received at this point. Note that I'm sending out an earlier (and smaller) version of Silke's work without the complete complement of artwork. If anyone knows how to distribute the larger 34mb file over means other than email, I'll be glad to oblige.

Use 4shared, rapidshare, or mediaupload much like Silke did. It's fast and free.

Where the hell is Silke?

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Hi all,

I’m back! Relationship issues kept me off the project since Sep 2011 and actually caused RPG interest to wain but things are getting better now. Thanks to everyone who wanted a copy and to Greystaff for spreading the love. Torlandril Morninglord's comment humoured me…btw its 441 pages of obsessive compulsive! :O

I deleted the old link but here it is uploaded anew
G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King (Pathfinder Conversion).pdf

The artwork is in place and that’s why so many pages. What it needs now is creature stat blocks and room descriptions in boxed txt. I may or may not continue to work on it. If anyone is up for the task or collaboration send me a message.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Awesomeness Silke.

Hey Silke,

Glad to see you worked through that rough patch.....remember campers, we can let petty things like "relationships" get in the way of our RPGs!

Roll 'em...

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Is anybody else having problems getting the file to download from MediaFire? I get through 2 or 3 MB and it dies....


I'm running into problems too with the download ...

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I think MediaFire was being ornery. I just downloaded it A-OK. Looks awesome.


I downloaded it a couple of hours ago, although it didn't work the first time. Great adventure. Thanks Silke. Has anyone done a conversion of 'Steading of the Hill Giant Chief'?

Thank you very much!

Argh! I get 'Invalid of Deleted File.' from MediaFire. After reading about this on the Bestiary conversion thread, I was soooo looking forward to it. I'm going to try my hand at conversions as well, but I wanted to see a well respected job to see what standards I'd be expected to uphold. ;-)

I've seen some pretty bad conversions that I bought. The first 3E version of Dark Tower comes to mind…

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Beek Gwenders of Croodle wrote:
Thank you very much!

And all us grognards know where that name came from. :)

I couldn't download this either, I get invalid or deleted file. Anyone capable of sending it to me?


i too would have liked to see a well done version, as I'm currently working on doing the same ether as a fallow up to or part of the Rise of the Runelords AP I'm planning on running soon.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Post and you shall receive... :)

It's been over a year since I've worked on this historic module. The text is unfinished though looking at it now the module's size and effort involved is truly epic.
Picture selection is finished and viewing these alone makes the download worth checking out.

Download Here

Thank you Silke! As a precocious child my first gaming experience ever was being sent to destroy loth in the last of the drow series. Having done that my brothers backtracked with new characters to start at the beginning w/the hill giants.

You did a great job w/this. I hope your players had fun going through it. If you've any other legends you'd wish to share, let us know.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Thanks, Silke. This is going to be a fun read for nolstagia if nothing else.


Long time lurker here, just posting thanks!

Thanks. Looks great so far. I ran the original giant series for 1st and 2nd edition at least a dozen times.

Still reading.


Now I want to run a Greyhawk world again ... better still I can give this to a buddy who is already running one, I better stop reading now....

Seems as if the internet and time have decided that this file is no longer allowed to be downloaded :( Anyone have links to the content or can repost?

See Silke's post from Feb 10 2013. Works fine for me. It's a great piece of work. I loved it 30 years ago, so it's good to be able to run it again. If I ever get a party that high level.

This looks absolutely fantastic. If it's still on offer in exchange for a post, well, I'd love to see it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I know this comes way later than it should be, but thanks for this. It looks awesome and well done!

Grand Lodge

Alex Martin wrote:
I know this comes way later than it should be, but thanks for this. It looks awesome and well done!

Thanks again Silke!

Thank you for this EPIC work! :)

I'd like to see it also. If you are still offering it to people.

Shadow Lodge


Thanks for all the effort that you put into this and the willingness to freely give it to others!!

Shadow Lodge

Was wondering....are there any others already, i.e. G1, G2, A1, etc??

I'm having trouble with MediaFire, could someone send me the pdf?

Link no longer works, any chance someone could send me a copy of the PDF? It would be greatly appreciated.


I just noticed this ancient thread, thanks to Tamsar, and, it would be nice if there was a good link.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Most recent link a few posts up (post #71) has always worked. Available file has just been updated with improved pictures. Text was never finished but the effort is still a wonder to behold.

Does anyone have this hosted publicly for download somewhere?

Never mind, the link above still works

The first and second links are not working for me. The second link gives an error message:

"Something appears to be missing…

The key you provided for file access was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire. Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance."

Felicitation to Silke; having adapted the G series modules to D&D 3.5 in my time, I know how much work that entails.

Hi was planning to convert this myself but my players have thrown me a curve ball and I am going to need it a lot earlier than I expected, players heh :)

Can not get the medifire to work so could it get re-upped or someone email it me robertpettigrew@hotmail.com


I'd also like this if anyone still has a copy floating around. psychicmachinery@hotmail.com

I am looking for this too! tarunur(at)yahoo.com

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Here you go folks. Replaced Media Fire link with a better alternative:


Silke wrote:

Here you go folks. Replaced Media Fire link with a better alternative:


Silke, I must applaud you again, for your excellent work. The craftsmanship and detail of this conversion is sublime. I especially appreciate the way you amped up the creatures with templates and classes, adding immense variance, and verisimilitude, to an otherwise HUGE hack and slash old dungeon.

If only I could commission you to do the same to all the old "Greyhawk" modules...


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