Steve Hancock 74's page

12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


The Wiki is a group effort over a few years, but it's not the best way to present the rules. Something like the PFSRD web site is much better.

I can't promise anything at the moment.

Elvish Fighter=1 / Wizard(Intuitive,Spellbinder)=6 / Eldritch Knight= rest of levels

Neutral Good with some Lawful tendencies.

Strength- 14
Dexterity- 20
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 20
Wisdom- 14
Charisma- 16

It is a fantasy translation of me after all ;-)

Does anyone have links to the pdfs of this and G1? I've been able to get G3 already.

Still reading.


Now I want to run a Greyhawk world again ... better still I can give this to a buddy who is already running one, I better stop reading now....

+1 from me interested for my on again off again PF campaign :)

Great fun.

They should probably be able to use brilliant energy versions of longswords too ;-)

I do have a wiki with all our rules and thrashed out modifications to PF to make it more Star Wars.

I'm still organising hosting for the site (I can't leave it where it is) but I'm hoping to have it up and hosted in the next couple of months.

I'm currently busy editing a novel (amongst several other things) so I don't have a lot of time but I'm planning my next writing project to be a Star Wars - Pathfinder ebook.

Especially since some of the players in the SW game are not very wiki literate and a book would help them a lot.


Ki system: I like the idea of basing the force on a ki system, especially the "as long as you have 1 point of ki in your pool" caveat.


Thank you Dark_Mistress for reminding me I should probably do something about making our house rules available. GG

I currently play an Elvin Cleric in a Greyhawk world PF campaign, he has a Dwarven Cohort (Eldrich Knight)

The Elvin Cleric is a knight and the dwarf was his squire, up until he gained level 7 and is now officially an eldrich knight.

So up until now my character is ranked as Major and his squire was a SGT, the squire is officially knighted and becomes part of the knights company, rank of LT.

I play both the characters as the Storyteller only has so many hours in a night. The cultured and mysterious Elvin cleric is a lovely counterpoint to the brash and explosive tempered Dwarven Eldrich Knight.

The main character pays for all the equipment upgrades for the cohort but as the party is military in nature our commanding officer (the Bard - LTCOL intelligence officer) can deem that the cohort is given a particular piece of loot or equipment as she sees fit. This has happened.

It's all about the story, the Leadership feat is a mechanism to have a slightly lower level and interesting character in the campaign thats not Storyteller run.

The interesting side effect of me playing both characters, primary and cohort, is that i've grown attached to the Dwarf, and make sure I kit him out with magic items when I can spare them from the primary character, or ask for them from party treasure (no other mage and a ring of wizardary came up). If the cleric dies and is unrecoverable I am already considering playing the Dwarf as a full party member, mourning the loss of his previous master and mentor in knightly ways.

I'm not sure a Jedi class would necessarily fit into an existing Pathfinder campaign.

We are using wound point and vitality instead of HP.

We have a force pool statistic for all characters even non force users due to how the Star Wars universe works.

Without the Star Wars Universe around the character they are just a pathetic hodgepodge of skills and feats that make little sense in a fantasy campaign.

Our work doesn't really fit into the category of Pathfinder compatible but it is compatible with the concepts of Pathfinder's way of doing things, mainly as I run a pathfinder campaign or two on occasion and love the way things work so well. (we use the same combat, feats where possible, traits where possible, etc.)

I'm still looking for a way to format some of the material to put here, it's in wiki format at the moment and looks pretty messy as a text dump.

Jedi Guardian:

Concentrating on martial training and lightsaber combat,Jedi Guardians engaged in combat more than either of the other two classes of Jedi; the Consulars or the Sentinels. Descended from the Order's founders on Tython whose role in the galaxy was to defend the weak and uphold the laws of the Galactic Republic, the Guardians were often seen as representative of the Order and the classic Jedi weapon: the lightsaber.'The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force

Points per Level
Wound 3 (no modifier)
Vitality 10 + CON modifier
Force 6 + WIS modifier
Skill 4 + INT modifier

Class Pre requisites: None

Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft (exotic weapon), Perception, Jump, Knowledge (Jedi Lore), Pilot, Swim, all Force Skills

Starting Equipment : Jedi Utility Belt, Training Light Saber, Jedi Robes

Starting Feats: Starship Operations (star fighter or transport, you choose), Light Saber Form I: Shii-Cho Stance (which provides Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Light Saber)), Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Force Sensitive, Light Armour Proficiency (KOTOR)

1 for 1 BAB progression

First three levels gives you one of the three primary force feats, alter, sense or control, if you already have them from another class you may choose a skill emphasis in a force skill instead.

Jedi Guardians gain more "Force Weapon Training" feats than any other class than the "Jedi Weapon Master" prestige class and this makes for an impressive martial combatant.

Level variations of Saves, special feats, defence bonuses and reputation is a bit complex to post here.

There are pre-requisites to be able to take the extra feats for lightsaber styles.

There are 7 primary lightsaber styles for which we have devised a stance feat and a style feat, at least one of the styles is a split style that has two feats that are separate and not dependant on each other due to the Star Wars canon implementation.

The seven force skills which force users are able to use are:

Move with the Force, Influence with the Force, Heal with the Force, Control Energy with the Force, Enhance with the Force, Obscure with the Force, See with the Force.

I had thought of publishing a creative commons licensed book but I'm not sure how the copyright owner of Star Wars would react to that.

Judging from past interactions the fans have had with George I expect it would be "Badly"

Our current Pathfinder converted Star Wars game has been running for 13 months, I'm not sure how long the previous arc ran for.

The problem with the force and the D20 version of the game is there ended up being too many force skills to get points in and no reason a light side force user would give in to temptation and use dark side force skills.

We fixed that by having 7 basic force skills and making the uses of the force sub skills, only a few of which needed a feat to use.


The classes were a little tricky to sort out, other than the soldier of course which is just a sort of fighter :)

I have to do a bit of reading about community content first, what the ins and outs are then work out where to put the information up.

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Old thread, sorry for reviving it if no one is interested any more.

I've been involved in a Pathfinderesque conversion of Star Wars D20 the last little while.

We were disappointed with the SWD20 version so we fixed it up a bit in order to play and have learnt a lot along the way.

You won't find it currently indexable on the web as we have it password protected due to our concern about Lucas Arts possibly suing us. If we could get an opinion on how fan based works like this are treated we might be willing to open up a little ;)

The Wookieepedia is an invaluable resource.

We ended up with the base classes of Mover&Shaker, Scoundrel, Scout, Soldier, Technical Specialist, Force Adept, Force Warrior, Jedi Consular, Jedi Sentinel and Jedi Guardian.

We ended up using Pathfinder skills and use a total of 7 Force based skills.

Force using classes need a few extra skill points per level to give them access to the force skills without crippling the class skills otherwise chosen.

Enough blabbing from me for now, anyone still interested in this?