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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also, I'm pretty sure all the messages say "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine".

That or they say "Where are my pants?".

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I tried to bro code, but I never had any luck; it kept failing to compile.

Dude! Holmes!! Bro!!! The only rule of Bro Code is to never talk about the rules of Bro Code, bro.

If you weren't a red dragon I would set you on fire.

The Exchange

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I want to figure out the bro code. Because guys will do silly things to each other and say it's all about the bro code. And I'm like uhh what?

You are in dangerous territory small cat.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

There is no bro code, just a$&@~#$s making excuses to act like an a$%++*+ in front of other a#~~#%&s.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
There is no bro code, just a$#~!@#s making excuses to act like an a%!$+&@ in front of other a$@~*$&s.

Well you done went and spoiled the bro code. Now they all know. >.>

Forum Cartel wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
There is no bro code, just a$#~!@#s making excuses to act like an a%!$+&@ in front of other a$@~*$&s.
Well you done went and spoiled the bro code. Now they all know. >.>

See! It's not so fun when someone doesn't use spoiler tags, huh.

Mister too good to use spoiler tags for Deadpool 2...

So, what's up with this new cookies b!~*@&*~ on the website.

Isn't the brocode one of those things Zapp & Roger used that makes you sound like a robot?

Those both came out sounding harsher than I meant them to.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
So, what's up with this new cookies b~$$@%$@ on the website.

As it was explained to me by a research librarian friend, EU laws regarding privacy/transparency.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So, this is Gorbacz's fault.

I should have known.

lisamarlene wrote:

So one of my three and a half year old students was trying to chat up a classmate today, thinking he could impress her with his encyclopedic knowledge of the Transformers.

And the funniest thing was that he was imitating his dad's flirting voice.

And he leaned in toward her and put one elbow on the art supply shelf and said, in a low whisper, "But you know, the COOLEST one is Octopus Prize."

I died.

and so, a nickname was born.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


TriOmegaZero wrote:

you are at paizocon?!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

In about three hours.

The Exchange

captain yesterday wrote:
There is no bro code, just a~~*$#!s making excuses to act like an a~@!$!& in front of other a~!@~@&s.

Ah...So desu ne

I got something from improbable island as well which I haven't been arsed to read yet.

The Exchange

captain yesterday wrote:
There is no bro code, just a~~*$#!s making excuses to act like an a~@!$!& in front of other a~!@~@&s.

Ah...So desu ne

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
In about three hours.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

So one of my three and a half year old students was trying to chat up a classmate today, thinking he could impress her with his encyclopedic knowledge of the Transformers.

And the funniest thing was that he was imitating his dad's flirting voice.

And he leaned in toward her and put one elbow on the art supply shelf and said, in a low whisper, "But you know, the COOLEST one is Octopus Prize."

I died.

waitaminute, how do you know his dads flirting voice?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Probably the second most legitimate question in this whole incident, and the most pressing question to me is, how did the name Octopus Prize get past Hasbro screening?

...the media production class concerns me.

Scintillae wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
So, what's up with this new cookies b~$$@%$@ on the website.
As it was explained to me by a research librarian friend, EU laws regarding privacy/transparency.


captain yesterday wrote:

So, this is Gorbacz's fault.

I should have known.


Although in all seriousness, EU rules regarding privacy are generally favoring customers and require higher confidentiality of customer data than American ones, or at least require informing customers about data collected and request permission to process them.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Actual dialogue from an anime I'm re-watching;
"What did you pray for?"
"Oh, nothing, probably the same things as everyone else..."
"You prayed for World Domination?"

Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

So one of my three and a half year old students was trying to chat up a classmate today, thinking he could impress her with his encyclopedic knowledge of the Transformers.

And the funniest thing was that he was imitating his dad's flirting voice.

And he leaned in toward her and put one elbow on the art supply shelf and said, in a low whisper, "But you know, the COOLEST one is Octopus Prize."

I died.

waitaminute, how do you know his dads flirting voice?

From another student's birthday party.

He's mostly harmless.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

like earth.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

They gave me neon yellow T-shirts for work, they go with the neon yellow gloves I found, so all I need are neon shorts and a neon hat and I can be Neon Jesus.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
like earth.

THANK you.

Tomorrow IS Towel Day, after All!

*sucks corner of towel*
Everyday is towel day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And, here I am, back from my Wednesday day off. The best thing about a day off in the middle of the week is that I don't have to wait until the weekend to do laundry.

They've started building something in the empty plot across the street. I hear that it'll be an office building of some sort. And, they tore up the empty plot beside the garage for their equipment. Yes, the side of the garage that isn't the hotel.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, I've learned a new "generational thing", and in spite of my overly-generous nature, I can't say I approve.

It would seem that the teens and twentysomethings of today assume that, if you offer them something, then you're also offering to pay for said thing.

  • Evidence the First: After a particularly hilarious round of the JackBox t-shirt game (I forget its official title), one of the kids said, "I am ordering that shirt right now!"
    I said, "OK!" and we brought up the ordering site. I put in his order. All the other kids started ordering. By the time we had 8 or 9 shirts in the order, one of the other kids said, "Well, I'd order more, but you're already paying so much I don't want to make you pay more."
    "What? What makes you think that *I* am paying for these shirts?"
    Cue a quick cancellation of all but 3 shirts (the original guy, Impus Major, and Impus Minor).
    So all these kids figured that since I'd brought up the order site at the request of one of them, I'd be paying for all the shirts. It was... surreal.
  • Evidence the Second: NobodysWife asked a co-worker to lunch. When he said that he was busy, she asked, "Well, since you can't come, would you like me to pick something up for you?"
    He looked over the menu, picked something out, and she went off and got it for him.

    He, of course, never even considered paying her for the lunch.
    But he's not as good evidence, as he proved himself a buttweiner right after that. (She "took too long" so after asking her to pick something up for him, he went across the street and got food for himself, so he didn't need the food she picked up.)

  • But it's an interesting extension of the whole, "Kids aren't growing up until their 30's any more" that I've been reading about. If you're socializing with someone under 25 and you're over 40, it seems like they just assume you're going to pick up the bill.


    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    This isn't something new. It's a glitch at the edge of etiquette - extending the general rule of "the one inviting others to <thing> should pay for <thing>" beyond its traditional boundaries and into vague territories and beyond. The first case is more blatant overextension of this than the other, as you weren't the one who offered to order it in the first place but reacted to someone else's decision to order.

    Personally I prefer to clear the matter of payment beforehand, usually using vague statement like "I don't have that kind of money" or "how much will it cost", to give the person extending the offer the chance to explicitly say "it's on me" or say something like "oh, ok"

    It is very awkward to be in or hear of situations like this.
    Thanks for the cringe challenge? I failed.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    That's a good way to get a broken orbital socket in the Midwest.

    I'm confused...
    Am I supposed to see something with that quote or not...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I was responding to Drejk, but I didn't have much to say and work just picked up, so I hit "Cancel" instead of "Delete" and got something bizarre.

    And now it's gone and you just sound like you were hallucinating.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Drejk wrote:

    This isn't something new. It's a glitch at the edge of etiquette - extending the general rule of "the one inviting others to <thing> should pay for <thing>" beyond its traditional boundaries and into vague territories and beyond. The first case is more blatant overextension of this than the other, as you weren't the one who offered to order it in the first place but reacted to someone else's decision to order.

    ** spoiler omitted **


    This is also extremely cultural.

    It is best to be a bit wooden/oafish and say "my treat" or "dutch (or your local equivalent)" after making the offer to avoid confusion.

    Can't tell you how many times I embarrassed myself growing up coming from a culture that assumes the absolute worst if someone pays for something for you, especially across gender lines.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I was responding to Drejk, but I didn't have much to say and work just picked up, so I hit "Cancel" instead of "Delete" and got something bizarre.

    And now it's gone and you just sound like you were hallucinating.

    I still won't remove it.

    Freehold DM wrote:
    Drejk wrote:

    This isn't something new. It's a glitch at the edge of etiquette - extending the general rule of "the one inviting others to <thing> should pay for <thing>" beyond its traditional boundaries and into vague territories and beyond. The first case is more blatant overextension of this than the other, as you weren't the one who offered to order it in the first place but reacted to someone else's decision to order.

    ** spoiler omitted **


    This is also extremely cultural.

    It is best to be a bit wooden/oafish and say "my treat" or "dutch (or your local equivalent)" after making the offer to avoid confusion.

    Can't tell you how many times I embarrassed myself growing up coming from a culture that assumes the absolute worst if someone pays for something for you, especially across gender lines.

    So I may be stepping all over FaWtL rules here, but it's kind of important, since I chaperone a LOT of kids: Do you think that's a "black culture" thing, a "New York culture" thing, or some combination thereof?

    We have a HUGELY diverse school, and I don't want to get myself reported for inappropriate activity for offering to buy someone lunch or something...
    (And on a total side note, apparently it's totally OK for Balinese, since I bought a Balinese girl and her friends dinner for doing me a solid, and they were just happy 'bout the whole thing... so data point of 1...)

    captain yesterday wrote:
    They gave me neon yellow T-shirts for work, they go with the neon yellow gloves I found, so all I need are neon shorts and a neon hat and I can be Neon Jesus.

    Or Captain Deadpool. Yesterpool?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I certainly didn't bust out my phone as I was watching the movie for the first time and make this alias. That would be f!+~ing crazy.

    Oh wait, that's exactly what I did.

    I think the "pavers" for the patio in front of the two walls are heavier than the blocks for the wall, and just as heavy as the caps for the wall were.

    Which is too bad because it's going to be a big ass patio.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Drejk wrote:

    This isn't something new. It's a glitch at the edge of etiquette - extending the general rule of "the one inviting others to <thing> should pay for <thing>" beyond its traditional boundaries and into vague territories and beyond. The first case is more blatant overextension of this than the other, as you weren't the one who offered to order it in the first place but reacted to someone else's decision to order.

    Personally I prefer to clear the matter of payment beforehand, usually using vague statement like "I don't have that kind of money" or "how much will it cost", to give the person extending the offer the chance to explicitly say "it's on me" or say something like "oh, ok"

    Yeah, I don't think it's a generational thing, it's just a thing with some people. I don't know if they start off raised that way or if they just evolve backslide into that way of thinking over time. If you don't clearly state your personal (and financial) boundaries/expectations with them up front, they think nothing of walking all over you accepting your kind offer and expecting you to do it gratis... and then seem confused/upset when, no, you can't really afford to buy them lunch for free (or waste two whole days fixing their computer that they royally borked up, and why is it taking so long... grumble, grumble).

    It ain't you, NobodysHome. All you can do is try to identify these people asap, and adjust your interactions with them accordingly.

    Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
    Which is too bad because it's going to be a big ass patio.

    I've heard of custom-shaped pools before, but custom-shaped patios are new to me.

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