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And... Even more proof that the Bay Area is beyond stupid.

EDIT: But it is warm enough to run about nekkid, apparently...

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Fires a barrage of flaming bikes at the Bay Area.

Oops, I guess my finger "slipped"

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captain yesterday wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:


Like a musketeer, but wields a beard instead of a musket.


Alas, the popularity of big beards has reached maximum obnoxiousness in our area, so strictly goatee for me.

According to this I'm somewhere between the Corporate Beard and the Ducktail.

I blame the long winter (and my extreme laziness) for my hip choice of facial hair.

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NobodysHome wrote:

And... Even more proof that the Bay Area is beyond stupid.

EDIT: But it is warm enough to run about nekkid, apparently...

And yet again...these three homes are for sale in my area for approximately 1.2 million...

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Vanykrye wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:


Like a musketeer, but wields a beard instead of a musket.


Alas, the popularity of big beards has reached maximum obnoxiousness in our area, so strictly goatee for me.
I shaved back down to my usual goatee about a month ago. I mistakenly thought winter was over. Our weekdays have been pretty solid spring days. Our weekends have been solid. Ice and snow solid. Winter every weekend. I wonder if summer is only going to happen on weekends? That wouldn't be terrible.


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NobodysHome wrote:

And... Even more proof that the Bay Area is beyond stupid.

EDIT: But it is warm enough to run about nekkid, apparently...

thats not dumb. That's desperation.

Man. Bad, bad market.

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And I just realized that condemned home sold for more than your house was assessed for.

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I know a guy that just bought a condemned home in Verona for 22 grand, quite pleased with himself in fact.

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Vanykrye wrote:
And I just realized that condemned home sold for more than your house was assessed for.

The reality is that around here, land means everything; what's on the land at the moment is meaningless. So the people saw a HUUUUUUGE lot and grabbed it. It was a smart purchase.

As an example, in Albany there are 3 lot sizes: 2500 square feet, 3750, and 5000 sq. ft. Since Albany has a statute that your home's footprint may be no more than 40% of the square footage of your lot, if you want to build your 'dream home' you really want one of those 5000 sq. ft. lots.

So an abandoned outhouse on a 5000 sq. ft. lot would be worth more than my intact home on its 3750 sq. ft. lot.

And that lot in Fremont was 9400 sq. ft. So it was HUGE for the area, which explains its price.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
And I just realized that condemned home sold for more than your house was assessed for.

The reality is that around here, land means everything; what's on the land at the moment is meaningless. So the people saw a HUUUUUUGE lot and grabbed it. It was a smart purchase.

As an example, in Albany there are 3 lot sizes: 2500 square feet, 3750, and 5000 sq. ft. Since Albany has a statute that your home's footprint may be no more than 40% of the square footage of your lot, if you want to build your 'dream home' you really want one of those 5000 sq. ft. lots.

So an abandoned outhouse on a 5000 sq. ft. lot would be worth more than my intact home on its 3750 sq. ft. lot.

And that lot in Fremont was 9400 sq. ft. So it was HUGE for the area, which explains its price.

I can get a 1,009,000+ sq. ft. plot for ~330k around here. Ah - And I found it.

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It's that time of year where I freak the kids out again.

For Gatsby, last year I made a little set of yellow glasses with eyes for Dr. T. J. Eckleburg and hung them up over the TV without a word. It took a few days for the kids to notice them, but once they did, oh lordy. And since we're reading said book now, well...

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Land is worthless in the Midwest, what's really valuable are pickup trucks, the bigger the better.

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Kjeldorn wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:


Like a musketeer, but wields a beard instead of a musket.


Alas, the popularity of big beards has reached maximum obnoxiousness in our area, so strictly goatee for me.

According to this I'm somewhere between the Corporate Beard and the Ducktail.

I blame the long winter (and my extreme laziness) for my hip choice of facial hair.

I'm not sure whether I've got a full beard or a Garibaldi, but probably the former.

The classic musketeer beard is the Imperial - is a darn sight more dignified sounding than 'handlebar and chin puff' (as the style is captioned on that chart), which sounds like an exotic and uncomfortable sexual activity.

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Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
Land is worthless in the Midwest, what's really valuable are pickup trucks, the bigger the better.

Is this how Mortal Engines began?

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Speaking of land, and politics, and flaming bikes...
...I called my favorite auto detailing place to get the Prius cleaned out to actually carry students without having them recoil in disgust and horror. Chatted with the desk girl a few minutes, and then she gave me an urgent call back: The owner died last year, and within 5 days they'd been evicted from their long-standing business on the Eastshore Freeway and had to move in with a body shop in deepest, darkest Richmond just to survive.

I hate landlords...

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Captain Yesterday, showing off his new sunglasses that he got for half price: They're impact resistant!

Tiny T-Rex: So, if a spaceship crashes into the ocean, your eyes will be fine!

The Exchange

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You'd be fine, but it wouldn't protect you from killer sharkodiles that mutated from that thing. I watched Rampage yesterday, I think it's a good movie. I loved those mutated creatures, because I once played a game where you can mix and match creatures.

Now if you excuse me... Let's see what special stuff I should mix onto my DNA...

I wanted angel wings, but VC said I don't deserve them...bat it is then...regeneration yes... Do I need lizard s*ckers for wall climbing? Nah... Chameleon so I can blend into surroundings...

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What are lizard s*ckers?

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Freehold DM wrote:
What are lizard s*ckers?

I think Kitty was wondering about these.

Then again she's already equipped with claws ^^

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
What are lizard s*ckers?

They're the suction cup-like pads on the toes of some lizards that allow them to climb walls. This provides more info.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey everyone. I'm back. Sorry for the absence, but I got upset and had to be away for a while. But everything's okay now. What'd I miss?

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I was more wondering why she censored suckers

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Don't know.

The Exchange

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Winged kitties!

Now to find a prototype with bat wings...

I censored sucker because I thought suck would be automatically censored.

And technically I don't need suckers if I can fly...

The Exchange

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This is pretty cute

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Use the old 3.5 winged template. This would also allow you to select the wing type - bird, bat, or insect.

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Welcome back, John! Your absence was noticed. :)

The Exchange

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Lol at the end of the day I really fly using overland flight. Because, kitty wizard! Weeeee!

Can I breathes fire as well? Or should I go for lightning to be true to character, since I'm a jigglypuff pokemon I should get a sleep breath attack.

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Thanks, Syrus and everybody.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Hey everyone. I'm back. Sorry for the absence, but I got upset and had to be away for a while. But everything's okay now. What'd I miss?

I got myself new sunglasses. They were on sale, half off. They're impact resistant, undetermined if that includes spaceship crashes.

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5-8 inches of snow now expected tomorrow.

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Hmm, I seem to be the only one enthusiastic about Spring Blizzard 2.0.

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In the business we prefer "Second Winter Revival, Extended".

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Had some snow here today. No accumulation, though.

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It started snowing Saturday afternoon went straight through to Monday evening, was sunny today.

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Closing the garage to go home. Off tomorrow. Got to pick up my mother's meds. See everyone tomorrow.

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Good night, John. I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.

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Work time. time for work. sigh.

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You know how if you hold a sea shell up to your ear you can hear the ocean? It turns out that if you hold a strangers leg up to your ear, you can hear them say "What the f@~~ are you doing?"

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If I ever find the surgeon that screwed up my limb transplant I'll kill him with my bear hands.

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Groups of fish are called schools. Groups of cattle are herds. Groups of ravens are called murders. Groups of other peoples' children are called "Nopes".

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Sometimes when I'm pairing my socks I think "What if these two socks don't even like each other?"

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Sometimes I go to the clothing store and try on a pair of jeans that's 3 sizes too large just so I can see what it would feel like to succeed at a diet.

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When I started dating my girlfriend, she asked me what some of my dreams were. I told her that one of them was that I was a T-Rex that couldn't get a job because I couldn't tie a tie. Turns out, she meant she wanted me tell her what my goals in life were.

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So, Just a Mort, where are you in Strange Aeons?

The utter lack of motivation for the PCs is killing me.

Book 2:
Why go to Fort Hailcourse? We don't know!

Book 3:
We found a ritual that lets us go to the Dreamlands! Oh, but if we fail to perform the ritual correctly we get attacked by a nasty incorporeal creature that permanently curses us? Do we need to ever do the ritual? Not that we know of? OK, throwing that book overboard...

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
You know how if you hold a sea shell up to your ear you can hear the ocean? It turns out that if you hold a strangers leg up to your ear, you can hear them say "What the f+&# are you doing?"

You might also get kicked in the process and yelled at. Like, "What are you doing, you creepy pervert!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
You know how if you hold a sea shell up to your ear you can hear the ocean? It turns out that if you hold a strangers leg up to your ear, you can hear them say "What the f+&# are you doing?"
You might also get kicked in the process and yelled at. Like, "What are you doing, you creepy pervert!"

Probably not the first nor the last time Grans been hit with one of those is my guess.

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Hit with a kick, or with an accusation of being creepy and/or a pervert?

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But I, get a creepypervert out of yooooo

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Hit with a kick, or with an accusation of being creepy and/or a pervert?


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