Deep 6 FaWtL

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5 pm is closing. Maybe I should wash myself, dress, and go for some shopping?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Austrlia continues to prove it's got the coolest animals on Earth.

Cool? I'd say they are warm now...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Uninstalling some games I am not playing currently anyway...

I could use stronger computer with bigger HD... Not that I need one, but I could use one...

*a spark of greed gleams in the draconic eye while looking in Impus Major's laptop general direction*

Should I install Civilization VI I just got on Humble Bundle Monthly and play a few turns or not?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

From what I hear from my friends who play Civ, it's never just "a few turns".

Far Cry 4 is great and all, but it synergizes with my recurring headaches... Can't play for too long.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
From what I hear from my friends who play Civ, it's never just "a few turns".

Oh, but it's always "just a few turns..."

... more

Drejk wrote:

Uninstalling some games I am not playing currently anyway...

I could use stronger computer with bigger HD... Not that I need one, but I could use one...

*a spark of greed gleams in the draconic eye while looking in Impus Major's laptop general direction*

Ok, a language question.

Should the last sentence be like it is, or should it be "... in the Impus Major's laptop..."?

Is the fact that we start the description of the specific object (the laptop) with the owner's personal name basis for not using "the"?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Civilization is my go-to non-console game, and my greatest time sink.

Try: "in the general direction of Impus Major's laptop."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It should be "while looking in the general direction of Impus Major's laptop"

Damn it!!

What GTA 5 has reinforced about me.

I am NOT accurate with machine guns.

Also, it's a good thing I don't drive motorcycles.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

Uninstalling some games I am not playing currently anyway...

I could use stronger computer with bigger HD... Not that I need one, but I could use one...

*a spark of greed gleams in draconic eye while looking in Impus Major's laptop general direction*

Oh, don't get me started. Impus Major put a frigging laptop on his Christmas list. Who does that? Then NobodysWife pointed out that I built his computer in 2007, it had caught fire twice, was on its third hard drive, its fourth video card, and it probably needed replacing.

So I reluctantly agreed to get him a nice gaming laptop. And the things aren't cheap.

And now it sits there in its bag against the wall every day, mocking me. Because Impus Major has neither the attention span nor the drive necessary to actually install any games nor transfer any files over. So we have an extremely-expensive paperweight, notable only in that he took the time to install antivirus software on it. Woo hoo?

It is... a sore point with me, to put it mildly.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


6 people marked this as a favorite.

In brighter news, today is another downright cheerful day:

  • We have the first major storm of the season, with several inches of rain over the last couple of days. Not a lot in other parts of the universe, but in California, every inch counts.
    And I really have to leave that one wide open for FaWtL, don't I?
  • So we have the usual leaks in the roof (bathroom, Impus Minor's room), but no new ones. Additionally, the industrial-strength indoor/outdoor caulk and the new sump pump seem to be doing their job, so Whimseyshire (Impus Major's "room") is much drier than expected. (There's water in one corner of the floor, but it's not measurably deep. The floor is just wet. Last year during a storm it would have 2-3" of standing water.)
    And there I go with industrial-strength caulk doing its job...
  • I'm all curled up in my polypro at work, so the fact that the heaters can't get the interior of the house over 60 degrees doesn't bother me. (Why Freehold needs a home in the Bay Area.)
  • My manager is sick today, so no nonsensical "urgent" issues -- I can just get work done, and take care of all the stuff she asked me to look into on Friday.
  • My co-worker contacted me with a technical issue, and it was a very interesting problem, which I managed to solve in a little over an hour. It was fun, and again I get credit for solving someone else's issues.

  • Speaking of which, I need to get back to it, but someone remind me to brag about Little Valeros on lisamarlene's behalf later today. He showed some serious compassionate chops on Saturday. I was impressed.

    40 degrees outside!!! And sunny!!!

    Sissyl wrote:
    You people complain about your prices for food. Here in Sweden, those prices seem pretty tame. Generally speaking, of course.

    When I was in London, it felt like food cost the same as back home in San Francisco. In Paris? It's noticably more expensive.

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    Am at the train station right now. 4 Belgian soldiers walked past on patrol. 3 are clean shaven and wearing body armor. One is bearded like a Dwarven lumberjack, and wearing no armor. I can only surmise that his mighty beard shall protect him from harm.

    Visiting is going to be a hell of a lot easier now.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Austrlia continues to prove it's got the coolest animals on Earth.

    Holy gods that is INSANE. Grabbing a burning something-or-other from a wildfire, then flying it to another location, dropping it in the brush to start a new fire, then hanging around that fire to hunt critters that flee it is all kinds of ballsy.

    And let's not kid around, those birds know what they're doing. You don't accidentally pick up a burning thing and then fly around with it unnoticed far enough to start a new fire!

    F'in' Australian fauna, man.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Drejk wrote:

    Uninstalling some games I am not playing currently anyway...

    I could use stronger computer with bigger HD... Not that I need one, but I could use one...

    *a spark of greed gleams in draconic eye while looking in Impus Major's laptop general direction*

    Oh, don't get me started. Impus Major put a frigging laptop on his Christmas list. Who does that? Then NobodysWife pointed out that I built his computer in 2007, it had caught fire twice, was on its third hard drive, its fourth video card, and it probably needed replacing.

    So I reluctantly agreed to get him a nice gaming laptop. And the things aren't cheap.

    And now it sits there in its bag against the wall every day, mocking me. Because Impus Major has neither the attention span nor the drive necessary to actually install any games nor transfer any files over. So we have an extremely-expensive paperweight, notable only in that he took the time to install antivirus software on it. Woo hoo?

    It is... a sore point with me, to put it mildly.

    Now you are telling me it's unattended and unguarded?!

    *turns toward the darker parts of his lair*

    Minions! Minions!

    Where are those pesky kobolds when I need them?!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Terrible, dark places.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tequila Sunrise wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Austrlia continues to prove it's got the coolest animals on Earth.

    Holy gods that is INSANE. Grabbing a burning something-or-other from a wildfire, then flying it to another location, dropping it in the brush to start a new fire, then hanging around that fire to hunt critters that flee it is all kinds of ballsy.

    And let's not kid around, those birds know what they're doing. You don't accidentally pick up a burning thing and then fly around with it unnoticed far enough to start a new fire!

    F'in' Australian fauna, man.

    There's more than one way to find my mother.

    Drops a burning stick.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
    Visiting is going to be a hell of a lot easier now.


    Well, if you don't mind a car that two kids grew up in (it really is kind of vile, but...), if you give us enough notice I can probably swing lending you the Prius for the duration. It's a krappy kar, but it's free.

    Of course, the moment you see it you might just think to yourself, "Er, how much are rentals again?"
    (Full disclosure: I'm cancelling comprehensive and collision (where you get hit by someone else) on it this year because there's no longer anything another car can do to it that hasn't been done already.)

    And yes, if you come out I'm taking your family to Rivoli, whether you like it or not. Even lisamarlene and the Fake Russian have been dragged to Rivoli. It's just something that Must Be Done.

    Otherwise, as plans solidify into actual bookings, let us know the dates and we'll try to free up a day so we can socialize, learn we all despise each other in person, and go our separate ways.

    Isn't that how all internet friendships end up?

    NobodysHome wrote:
    Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
    Visiting is going to be a hell of a lot easier now.


    Well, if you don't mind a car that two kids grew up in (it really is kind of vile, but...), if you give us enough notice I can probably swing lending you the Prius for the duration. It's a krappy kar, but it's free.

    Of course, the moment you see it you might just think to yourself, "Er, how much are rentals again?"
    (Full disclosure: I'm cancelling comprehensive and collision (where you get hit by someone else) on it this year because there's no longer anything another car can do to it that hasn't been done already.)

    And yes, if you come out I'm taking your family to Rivoli, whether you like it or not. Even lisamarlene and the Fake Russian have been dragged to Rivoli. It's just something that Must Be Done.

    Otherwise, as plans solidify into actual bookings, let us know the dates and we'll try to free up a day so we can socialize, learn we all despise each other in person, and go our separate ways.

    Isn't that how all internet friendships end up?

    Incorrect. I have been threatened with Rivoli but have not been.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
    Visiting is going to be a hell of a lot easier now.


    Well, if you don't mind a car that two kids grew up in (it really is kind of vile, but...), if you give us enough notice I can probably swing lending you the Prius for the duration. It's a krappy kar, but it's free.

    Of course, the moment you see it you might just think to yourself, "Er, how much are rentals again?"
    (Full disclosure: I'm cancelling comprehensive and collision (where you get hit by someone else) on it this year because there's no longer anything another car can do to it that hasn't been done already.)

    And yes, if you come out I'm taking your family to Rivoli, whether you like it or not. Even lisamarlene and the Fake Russian have been dragged to Rivoli. It's just something that Must Be Done.

    Otherwise, as plans solidify into actual bookings, let us know the dates and we'll try to free up a day so we can socialize, learn we all despise each other in person, and go our separate ways.

    Isn't that how all internet friendships end up?

    Incorrect. I have been threatened with Rivoli but have not been.

    Seriously? Grrr...

    Where's Freehold's abductacar when you need it?

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Drejk wrote:

    Uninstalling some games I am not playing currently anyway...

    I could use stronger computer with bigger HD... Not that I need one, but I could use one...

    *a spark of greed gleams in draconic eye while looking in Impus Major's laptop general direction*

    Oh, don't get me started. Impus Major put a frigging laptop on his Christmas list. Who does that? Then NobodysWife pointed out that I built his computer in 2007, it had caught fire twice, was on its third hard drive, its fourth video card, and it probably needed replacing.

    So I reluctantly agreed to get him a nice gaming laptop. And the things aren't cheap.

    And now it sits there in its bag against the wall every day, mocking me. Because Impus Major has neither the attention span nor the drive necessary to actually install any games nor transfer any files over. So we have an extremely-expensive paperweight, notable only in that he took the time to install antivirus software on it. Woo hoo?

    It is... a sore point with me, to put it mildly.

    I strongly recommend a Dark Sun esque FAWTL battle to the death to determine who gets the gaming laptop.

    looks at Mechwarrior 5, battletech

    Soon. Soon...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tequila Sunrise wrote:
    Just a Mort wrote:
    I know someone who's a history buff and he can't play Assasins creed because he thinks they butchered history.

    Assassin's Creed still brings a sour taste to my mouth, because I saw the movie shortly after the 2016 U.S. elections, and too many of its action-flicky gut-feelsy themes remind me of the political realities we live in -- "Nothing is true, everything is permitted," for example.

    I'm sure the games are fun and all, and I don't expect an action flick game to be historically accurate -- especially if the game says that it's taken creative liberties with the facts. But it's a bad taste for other reasons.

    you need to watch the movie for the non-animus parts of Origins to make sense.

    I freaked out about that. Tempted to buy the DVD as a result.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
    Visiting is going to be a hell of a lot easier now.


    Well, if you don't mind a car that two kids grew up in (it really is kind of vile, but...), if you give us enough notice I can probably swing lending you the Prius for the duration. It's a krappy kar, but it's free.

    Of course, the moment you see it you might just think to yourself, "Er, how much are rentals again?"
    (Full disclosure: I'm cancelling comprehensive and collision (where you get hit by someone else) on it this year because there's no longer anything another car can do to it that hasn't been done already.)

    And yes, if you come out I'm taking your family to Rivoli, whether you like it or not. Even lisamarlene and the Fake Russian have been dragged to Rivoli. It's just something that Must Be Done.

    Otherwise, as plans solidify into actual bookings, let us know the dates and we'll try to free up a day so we can socialize, learn we all despise each other in person, and go our separate ways.

    Isn't that how all internet friendships end up?

    Incorrect. I have been threatened with Rivoli but have not been.

    Seriously? Grrr...

    Where's Freehold's abductacar when you need it?

    the abductacar (which is now the namr of the Prius. Prius Abductacar III. I will affix a monocle on the left headlight) runs on gamimg laptops. One gaming laptop per abductee.

    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Drejk wrote:

    Uninstalling some games I am not playing currently anyway...

    I could use stronger computer with bigger HD... Not that I need one, but I could use one...

    *a spark of greed gleams in draconic eye while looking in Impus Major's laptop general direction*

    Oh, don't get me started. Impus Major put a frigging laptop on his Christmas list. Who does that? Then NobodysWife pointed out that I built his computer in 2007, it had caught fire twice, was on its third hard drive, its fourth video card, and it probably needed replacing.

    So I reluctantly agreed to get him a nice gaming laptop. And the things aren't cheap.

    And now it sits there in its bag against the wall every day, mocking me. Because Impus Major has neither the attention span nor the drive necessary to actually install any games nor transfer any files over. So we have an extremely-expensive paperweight, notable only in that he took the time to install antivirus software on it. Woo hoo?

    It is... a sore point with me, to put it mildly.

    I strongly recommend a Dark Sun esque FAWTL battle to the death to determine who gets the gaming laptop.

    looks at Mechwarrior 5, battletech

    Soon. Soon...

    Just YOU... ME... And my... MINIONS!!!

    NobodysHome wrote:
    Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
    Visiting is going to be a hell of a lot easier now.


    Well, if you don't mind a car that two kids grew up in (it really is kind of vile, but...), if you give us enough notice I can probably swing lending you the Prius for the duration. It's a krappy kar, but it's free.

    Of course, the moment you see it you might just think to yourself, "Er, how much are rentals again?"
    (Full disclosure: I'm cancelling comprehensive and collision (where you get hit by someone else) on it this year because there's no longer anything another car can do to it that hasn't been done already.)

    And yes, if you come out I'm taking your family to Rivoli, whether you like it or not. Even lisamarlene and the Fake Russian have been dragged to Rivoli. It's just something that Must Be Done.

    Otherwise, as plans solidify into actual bookings, let us know the dates and we'll try to free up a day so we can socialize, learn we all despise each other in person, and go our separate ways.

    Isn't that how all internet friendships end up?

    Out of curiosity I just looked up Peoria, IL to SFO. The cheapest flights have a layover in...wait for it...ORLANDO FL. Just...why? I would understand a stop in Dallas or something, but freakin' Orlando?

    Vanykrye wrote:
    Out of curiosity I just looked up Peoria, IL to SFO. The cheapest flights have a layover in...wait for it...ORLANDO FL. Just...why? I would understand a stop in Dallas or something, but freakin' Orlando?

    Well, I've probably been ninja'ed, but this is easy: If the plane isn't full, you're losing money. So as an airline you set up a hub at a very popular tourist destination (Orlando). This ensures that all your flights out of Podunk, U.S.A. are as full as possible. You then load all the tourists going home from Orlando onto the second leg of the trip, ensuring that the plane remains as full as possible.

    I don't know how much it costs to fly a plane 2000 miles out of the way, but I'm betting it's a lot less than the extra passengers you get for going through a major tourist hub.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Vanykrye wrote:
    Out of curiosity I just looked up Peoria, IL to SFO. The cheapest flights have a layover in...wait for it...ORLANDO FL. Just...why? I would understand a stop in Dallas or something, but freakin' Orlando?

    Well, I've probably been ninja'ed, but this is easy: If the plane isn't full, you're losing money. So as an airline you set up a hub at a very popular tourist destination (Orlando). This ensures that all your flights out of Podunk, U.S.A. are as full as possible. You then load all the tourists going home from Orlando onto the second leg of the trip, ensuring that the plane remains as full as possible.

    I don't know how much it costs to fly a plane 2000 miles out of the way, but I'm betting it's a lot less than the extra passengers you get for going through a major tourist hub.

    Dallas and Atlanta I get, because those are the major hubs for those particular airlines. But if I fly to Orlando from Peoria I am pretty well guaranteed to have to stop in Atlanta. Getting a direct flight to Orlando is just about impossible, but apparently not if I want to go to SF.

    I don't hate flying. I hate airlines.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Drejk wrote:

    Uninstalling some games I am not playing currently anyway...

    I could use stronger computer with bigger HD... Not that I need one, but I could use one...

    *a spark of greed gleams in draconic eye while looking in Impus Major's laptop general direction*

    Oh, don't get me started. Impus Major put a frigging laptop on his Christmas list. Who does that? Then NobodysWife pointed out that I built his computer in 2007, it had caught fire twice, was on its third hard drive, its fourth video card, and it probably needed replacing.

    So I reluctantly agreed to get him a nice gaming laptop. And the things aren't cheap.

    And now it sits there in its bag against the wall every day, mocking me. Because Impus Major has neither the attention span nor the drive necessary to actually install any games nor transfer any files over. So we have an extremely-expensive paperweight, notable only in that he took the time to install antivirus software on it. Woo hoo?

    It is... a sore point with me, to put it mildly.

    If he doesn't want it then I will be more than happy to take it off his hands.

    The Exchange

    I have a laptop that I don't often use as I prefer to use the desktop as it's faster. Besides I can't play path of exile on my laptop.

    I can hearthstone on it and have done so. Again you can hearthstone on your phone... If laggily.

    Australia has a whole lot of venomous animals

    LOL. I don't know whether that was good or bad. I had to turn on my VPN to access some internal stuff, and was doing a lot of logging in to various secure systems.

    So when I re-loaded Paizo, I tried to log in using my corporate e-mail. Apparently it's not being used on Paizo. Go figure. :-P

    And for Just a Mort: The laptop is a high-end gaming laptop that is TEN YEARS newer than the desktop he's using. I cannot imagine that it won't blow the doors off the desktop in every single parameter, including power consumption and not catching on fire.

    It's just that once you get a laptop, there are those 12-14 hours you have to put into migrating and re-installing everything, because Windows remains the only operating system I know of without an automated migration tool.

    So Impus Major apparently wasn't eager enough for a new laptop to actually want to go through the work of setting it up. And if I'm going to shell out for a laptop instead of building a machine, he can darned well configure it himself.

    Stubbornness runs in the family. :-P

    (And yes, it's a point of pride that, after seeing the monster I built for Impus Minor, NobodysWife switched from her beloved laptop to a machine I built, but it's a massive irritation that I keep telling Impus Major, "Yeah, you can put the laptop ON TOP OF YOUR desktop, hook all the cables the EXACT SAME WAY, and the laptop will run just like your desktop only a LOT faster," and he responds, "Oh, that's neat," and does nothing.)

    EDIT: And heck, if we get through January and he still hasn't touched it, I'll wipe the darn thing, throw down some minimalist variant of Debian Linux, and take it for my own. It would be nice to see Final Fantasy Online running at more than 12 frames per second for once in my life...

    Freehold DM wrote:
    the abductacar (which is now the namr of the Prius. Prius Abductacar III. I will affix a monocle on the left headlight) runs on gamimg laptops. One gaming laptop per abductee.

    I'll take your abductacar and raise you around 120 Escapeyhorses.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
    Visiting is going to be a hell of a lot easier now.


    Well, if you don't mind a car that two kids grew up in (it really is kind of vile, but...), if you give us enough notice I can probably swing lending you the Prius for the duration. It's a krappy kar, but it's free.

    Of course, the moment you see it you might just think to yourself, "Er, how much are rentals again?"
    (Full disclosure: I'm cancelling comprehensive and collision (where you get hit by someone else) on it this year because there's no longer anything another car can do to it that hasn't been done already.)

    And yes, if you come out I'm taking your family to Rivoli, whether you like it or not. Even lisamarlene and the Fake Russian have been dragged to Rivoli. It's just something that Must Be Done.

    Otherwise, as plans solidify into actual bookings, let us know the dates and we'll try to free up a day so we can socialize, learn we all despise each other in person, and go our separate ways.

    Isn't that how all internet friendships end up?

    A couple of things.

    1) I grew up poor in Wisconsin so your idea of what a crappy car is and my idea of what a crappy car is are two very different things.

    2) The General is already planning infant disguises for the dog (he likes being held like a baby) and ways of smuggling fruit and vegetables back.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
    Visiting is going to be a hell of a lot easier now.


    Well, if you don't mind a car that two kids grew up in (it really is kind of vile, but...), if you give us enough notice I can probably swing lending you the Prius for the duration. It's a krappy kar, but it's free.

    Of course, the moment you see it you might just think to yourself, "Er, how much are rentals again?"
    (Full disclosure: I'm cancelling comprehensive and collision (where you get hit by someone else) on it this year because there's no longer anything another car can do to it that hasn't been done already.)

    And yes, if you come out I'm taking your family to Rivoli, whether you like it or not. Even lisamarlene and the Fake Russian have been dragged to Rivoli. It's just something that Must Be Done.

    Otherwise, as plans solidify into actual bookings, let us know the dates and we'll try to free up a day so we can socialize, learn we all despise each other in person, and go our separate ways.

    Isn't that how all internet friendships end up?

    A couple of things.

    1) I grew up poor in Wisconsin so your idea of what a crappy car is and my idea of what a crappy car is are two very different things.

    I'll see your, "I know what a crappy car is," and raise you a 1970 Volvo station wagon with a quarter million miles on it, used for backpacking/camping/snow trips and sick kids for 20 years, being used to chaperone senior high school girls in 1990.

    I know crappy cars, Lily.

    EDIT: The only "real" crash I've ever been in was when my friend ran his 1968 Volkswagon liftback into a parked car... in 1989!

    Captain Yesterday wrote:
    2) The General is already planning infant disguises for the dog (he likes being held like a baby) and ways of smuggling fruit and vegetables back.

    There's no prohibition on exporting fruit, unless it's on Wisconsin's side. (And really? Do you grow anything other than cows and beer there?)

    If you plan on bringing in a bunch of Wisconsin cherries and apples, well, then, yeah, the CA Dept. of Agriculture has shoot-on-sight orders.

    Especially avocados.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    So yeah, it's been raining all day (a whopping 1.5", which is a "big storm" for around here), so of course BOTH cats are desperate to go outside. Just to prove to themselves that it's too miserable to go outside.

    OK. This is just too cool and coincidental to share.

    Started work this morning, and once everyone was out I threw on Pandora and Lady Gaga's, "A Million Reasons" was playing. I think it's a good song.

    So I had a good day at work, was wrapping up early, got all ready to shut down...
    ...and "A Million Reasons" came on again.

    Nice closure for the day!

    Have a good night, all!

    Empirical evidence is always required.

    The Exchange

    And I thought I was bad hanging on to an 8 year old laptop with the screen about to fall out – I got some flak about that. I don’t really have much stuff to migrate all my stuff is on Google Drive. Yes, I know Google can see my stuff, but I don’t think there’s anything interesting in there – who’d be interested in my PFS chronicle sheets anyway. Or the buffet pricing list for prospective restaurants that I eye for bringing my family to.

    No one ever helps me do my data migration, though the removable hard drive that my brother gave me has come in handy. So far I really like adobe photoshop – it’s been very helpful for PBP map generation. Though because I am often doing maps without my laptop, I’ve learnt to use Windows Paint for it.

    This cat wouldn’t go out in the rain.

    BTW I’ve booked my Chinese New Year Lunch at Oscar’s, so that’s one matter settled and we won’t get a repeat of the failure to find restaurants on short notice like Christmas.
    Why joo playing final fantasy online. It sux. =) So Grindy.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I dunno, mom used to have to tell us not to put our feet through the hole in the floorboard of the car.

    Plus we had a Pinto and Gremlin, at the same time.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    LOL. I don't know whether that was good or bad. I had to turn on my VPN to access some internal stuff, and was doing a lot of logging in to various secure systems.

    So when I re-loaded Paizo, I tried to log in using my corporate e-mail. Apparently it's not being used on Paizo. Go figure. :-P

    And for Just a Mort: The laptop is a high-end gaming laptop that is TEN YEARS newer than the desktop he's using. I cannot imagine that it won't blow the doors off the desktop in every single parameter, including power consumption and not catching on fire.

    It's just that once you get a laptop, there are those 12-14 hours you have to put into migrating and re-installing everything, because Windows remains the only operating system I know of without an automated migration tool.

    So Impus Major apparently wasn't eager enough for a new laptop to actually want to go through the work of setting it up. And if I'm going to shell out for a laptop instead of building a machine, he can darned well configure it himself.

    Stubbornness runs in the family. :-P

    (And yes, it's a point of pride that, after seeing the monster I built for Impus Minor, NobodysWife switched from her beloved laptop to a machine I built, but it's a massive irritation that I keep telling Impus Major, "Yeah, you can put the laptop ON TOP OF YOUR desktop, hook all the cables the EXACT SAME WAY, and the laptop will run just like your desktop only a LOT faster," and he responds, "Oh, that's neat," and does nothing.)

    EDIT: And heck, if we get through January and he still hasn't touched it, I'll wipe the darn thing, throw down some minimalist variant of Debian Linux, and take it for my own. It would be nice to see Final Fantasy Online running at more than 12 frames per second for once in my life...

    you should totally send me that gaming laptop. It'll teach him a lesson.

    In all seriousness though I'd definitely let you know ahead of time before we come out there.

    And I think global mega corporation has an office here, maybe you can show them how to program their cow tipper. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    I don’t really have much stuff to migrate all my stuff is on Google Drive. Yes, I know Google can see my stuff, but I don’t think there’s anything interesting in there – who’d be interested in my PFS chronicle sheets anyway. Or the buffet pricing list for prospective restaurants that I eye for bringing my family to.

    Yeah, it's funny. I don't mind Google drive because all they get is my PF stuff and occasional kids' homework. But Quicken really sent me off the deep end when they started this whole program of, "We have to upload all your financial data to our cloud to keep it safe and manage it for you, and if you're unwilling to do that, we can't sync your transactions for you."

    Any computer course that doesn't teach, "Step 1 in securing anything is minimizing surface area" isn't worth taking. And if an entire corporation can't understand that, there's no way in heck they're touching my data.

    Just a Mort wrote:
    Why joo playing final fantasy online. It sux. =) So Grindy.

    Loooooong story, but:

    (a) It runs on my Mac Mini, and
    (b) I get to play 45 minutes a day, from 5:15 - 6:00 am. Grindy turns out to be very good for that, because you get very very good at knowing exactly how much you can do.

    But yeah, I can't argue that it's not one of the worse MMORPGs out there if you actually want a challenge. But if you just want to relax, wander around in a big world, and gather and craft stuff, it's pretty relaxing.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    In all seriousness though I'd definitely let you know ahead of time before we come out there.

    Awesome! We do seriously have 2 cars, one of which never leaves the driveway, so if it would help you're welcome to the Prius (as long as it comes back tanked up. Don't get me started on my brothers and their gas games). On the other hand, having a car in the Bay Area can be an absolute nightmare, depending on what you're planning on doing. So just consider it a low-cost option.

    And while I don't have to take you to Rivoli, I think Shiro and Hi would never forgive me if a fellow FaWtLer came out and we didn't use it as an excuse to go there.

    And I think global mega corporation has an office here, maybe you can show them how to program their cow tipper. :-)

    LOL. We have offices in pretty much every major city. I probably have a batch to the campus there. If I remember tomorrow morning I'll cheeck.

    The Exchange

    I actually enjoy crafting in MMORPGS. Used to sell bags in MMORPGS. Everyone loves bags. Its my moment of fame thing. Then my next favourite hobby is exploring new places, but since I have a horrible sense of direction, I need to play a class that can teleport…else I’ll get lost and can’t find my way back. Mages suit me fine, anyway.

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