Kanya Ismahe

Feline Conspiracy Field Agent's page

16 posts. Alias of Scintillae.


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tackles the shiny paper

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NobodysHome wrote:

Aaaand... so much for my afternoon!

Someone sent out a picture of their new baby to the entire 1,200-person division using the To: line instead of the BCC: line.

I'm guessing that I'll have to go into WhimseyShire and vomit on Impus Major's bed by "too cute" #200 or 300.

Too cute!

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cackles wildly

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sharpens claws

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quibblemuch wrote:
...and squirrels? What the hell? Where do they get the nerve...


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Tacticslion wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
The Dreaded Lutefisk wrote:
slides into the thread
*pounces on the Lutefish, takes a bite, then flees screaming*
I was just going to post, "Accurate." and that's all, but the smell... oh, man, the smell... I just... I think it's more likely to be like those cat-pickle-surprise videos, but the cat never has to look around - you just open a sealed container somewhere nearby, and that's all it takes.

hisses, then darts off to Cap's fish fry

Woran wrote:
I agree that Alien Archive 2 is really good. Who doesnt want magical dogs that shoot lasers out of their mouths?


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captain yesterday wrote:
I prefer dogs anyway.

Dissident confirmed. Garden invasion and marking imminent.

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Preach, brother!

Empirical evidence is always required.

readies to pounce

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tracks through the fresh ink and leaves pawprints all over the carpet

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Sigmund Freud wrote:
Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
Dogfort Communications Officer wrote:
Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!
... So. We meet again.
hisssssss knocks over flowerpot near dogbed and retreats to a high shelf to escape blame
Tell me, does the dog remind you of bad times with your mother?

sad kitty eyes Mew?

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Dogfort Communications Officer wrote:
Feline Conspiracy Field Agent wrote:
Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!
... So. We meet again.

hisssssss knocks over flowerpot near dogbed and retreats to a high shelf to escape blame

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Sigmund Freud wrote:
You really should attend my therapy sessions.

attends to claw up the couch

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Now, my brethren, in the human's time of need! Find a sunny spot and nap for his demise!