Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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I have a long history of arguing with myself. Here and off the boards as well. For example, in High School Freshman English we used to have to "freewriting" every week. We would take a piece of paper and for 10 minutes in class, we had to write continuously. It didn't matter what you wrote, you just had to keep writing and then hand it in so the teacher knew you weren't doodling or something instead of writing. One day I wrote a long argument with myself over whether or not I was hungry (I had English right before lunch). I wrote about a page and a half of "I'm hungry" "No you're not, you're just bored" "Shut up, me. I'm both hungry and bored".

The teacher gave me some strange looks when I handed that in.

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Just look her square in the face ans say "This is all your fault!"

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Does it matter if friend computer is nekkid?

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Does he have any wires showing?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He might, but pointing it out would likely be treasonous you commie.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just look her square in the face ans say "This is all your fault!"

That was a long time ago.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just look her square in the face ans say "This is all your fault!"
That was a long time ago.

Its never to late gran. I say road trip!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
He might, but pointing it out would likely be treasonous you commie.

Hey only that one particular alias is a commie!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Night ya'll I've gotta preach and then drive for six hours tommorrow so I've gotta catch some z's while I can...

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I'm suddenly in the mood for a Big Mac.

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The ever elusive Z good hunting small book totting rodent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just look her square in the face ans say "This is all your fault!"
That was a long time ago.
Its never to late gran. I say road trip!

I don't even know if she's still alive.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just look her square in the face ans say "This is all your fault!"
That was a long time ago.
Its never to late gran. I say road trip!
I don't even know if she's still alive.

I mean I guess it would be weird yelling at a cemetery plot This is all your fault! I would suggest making sure no one else was around first.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Instructions on bathing your human (for cats).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just look her square in the face ans say "This is all your fault!"
That was a long time ago.
Its never to late gran. I say road trip!
I don't even know if she's still alive.
I mean I guess it would be weird yelling at a cemetery plot This is all your fault! I would suggest making sure no one else was around first.

Maybe I should put in my will that I want my tombstone to read "This is all my 9th-grade English teacher's fault." Or should it be "fawlt", you know, for the lols?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Guests still drinking and telling stories around the table downstairs. Meanwhile, I gave my son a haircut, bathed the children and put them to bed, went downstairs and put up the leftovers (four and a half gallons down to just two quarts, and only one slice of cake left), took out the recycling (in a jumbo Ikea bag), scrubbed out both stockpots, loaded the dishwasher, had another glass of wine with the company, hugged the kaicho and said goodnight to everyone.
And came to the decision that, as a dojo wife, what I REALLY want for Christmas is to be Okasan and have a legion of subservient uchi deshi ready to obey my every command.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Instructions on bathing your human (for cats).

Both weird and adorable I approve.

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No no I think the Fawlt would be to much.

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I suppose I could blame you instead.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

All I want for Christmas is for my kids to spend one day picking up after themselves.

Or an Xbox One.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

All I want for Christmas is for my kids to spend one day picking up after themselves.

Or an Xbox One.

How about one day where the kids are picking up after the XBone?

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*scours the cabinets for pastries*

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*sqloorches across the dance floor*

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*struts his stuff on the catwalk*
*on the catwalk*
*shakes his little tush on the catwalk*

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*refuses to let Dave do that*

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Error 418.

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SPACE madness!

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*breaks itself*

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Can you resist the shiny, red, button!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

NO I CAN'T!!!!!!

*pushes button*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh quite nice haven't seen Oh great banjo in quite some time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Banjo has been in deep thought, trying to figure out what would be a more awesome pet than Punniculus' owlbear.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Keep thinking, psycho clown. Nothing is better than an owlbear. And mine is the cutesiest, wootsiest, widdle, biddy, owlybeary there is! Yes you are! YES YOU ARE!!

*continues playing with baby(?) owlbear*

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Dinosaur that is also (sort of) a game designer?

(I just never get to use this alias.)

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I'm not really sure how fast owlbears grow. It's possible this adorable little unnamed abomination is quite large.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

well owls take about 5 days and bears about 10 years sooo do you average them?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Based on that logic, it's probably about the size of a dog? Like a Labrador, maybe?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hmm well going by its size its probably going to be a lot closer to the bears maturation time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe it will get a growth spurt soon. Who knows?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Guests still drinking and telling stories around the table downstairs. Meanwhile, I gave my son a haircut, bathed the children and put them to bed, went downstairs and put up the leftovers (four and a half gallons down to just two quarts, and only one slice of cake left), took out the recycling (in a jumbo Ikea bag), scrubbed out both stockpots, loaded the dishwasher, had another glass of wine with the company, hugged the kaicho and said goodnight to everyone.

And came to the decision that, as a dojo wife, what I REALLY want for Christmas is to be Okasan and have a legion of subservient uchi deshi ready to obey my every command.

this is amazing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Banjo the Puppet wrote:
Banjo has been in deep thought, trying to figure out what would be a more awesome pet than Punniculus' owlbear.

Does Not ComPute.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

An eYe bOt citiZen.
Any OthEr aNsweR woulD be TreASon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It appears the possibility of snow went bust.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
Captain Oblivious wrote:
Is it because you're both My Little Pony fans.

Oy! You forgot the other resident brony on this forum...

Not that I was here at the time or anything...

To be completely honest, I just default to assuming everyone on FaWtL is a MLP fan.

Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Fevers: they suck.

All shivery body and shakey fingers and you feel cold even when you're actually warming than surrounding temperatures, and it makes it hard to think right or concentrate. Blech.

Fevers are stupid and should feel stupid.

(Despite probably playing an important role somewhere.)

also isn't your wife taking care of you?

Also, is she geeky? Like super geeky?

If so, you may need someone else to take care of you.

Me and two kids, bringing one to church, and taking him on a (months delayed) Toys'R'Us shopping spree (using a gift card given him for said b-day). Including a bow with 100 water balloons. CY, I blame you for this somehow (even though you weren't involved).

Also, Freehold, she is super geeky, incredibly hot, and... MINE.


(And also knows enough TKD to fend off certain sneaky types, and a high enough Perfeption and Sense Motive - trust me, I've checked - to pierce pretty much anything...)

oh no worries, she is still your wife. I am just absconding with her to a place where the temperature is cooler, the black manliness is more...well, MORE, and there is Netflix and Hulu and that thing she likes.

Also, food that I have cooked.

Good luck keeping her there! SUCKER


(She will hate pretty much everything you just mentioned, except the Netflix.)

The Game Hamster wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Good news, everyFaWtL~!

I have strep throat!

(Or something like it!)

Just read this.

Sorry to hear that.
I'll keep you in my prayers.

Oh, thanks! I am doing so much worse than I was, at this point.

Like... ridiculously. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

Lord High Inquisitor Hamster wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

01) aatea
02) CH
03) Crookshanks
04) CY
05) doctor_wu
06) Drejk
07) Freehold
08) gran
09) Icy
10) J4rh43d
11) John (Napier)
12) Kjeldorn
13) Limey
14) lisamarlene
15) lynora
16) NH
17) Orthos
18) Scint
19) Sharoth
20) Sissyl
21) Syrus
22) Thomas Seitz (look, I know you've been hanging around, because you just favorited a post of mine I'm secretly psychic!)
23) TOZ
24) TS
25) Vanykrye
26) Vidmaster
27) Wei Ji

Two things: first... Vidmaster should not be on this list.

He's dead, like the other five before our Vidmaster7.
Second... I didn't even get an honourable mention?
Thirdly... "uhh... Sir? You said tw-"shut up Jeffery. Thirdly, definitely a cleric with an archtype minamizing spells to grant smite evil ala paladin style or maybe judgement ala inquisitor style... I do like my inquisitions...

My dude, it's 25 names~! I suck at names!

(I'd forget mine, save I see it all the daggum time.)

Als, it was ten pages! That's too many pages! ;P

(But you're definitely added, now!)

EDIT: Oh, yeah, sick made me forget: I also didn't add, because I didn't know if you were still hanging around. I didn't want to leave lots of extra little blanks. I mean, look at Sharoth - he still hasn't answered, and he's posted more than once since then!

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