captain yesterday |
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lynora wrote:Been in the 90's all week here. Wednesday featured a fire alarm at work. One of the law offices burned some popcorn, so 2 police vehicles, 6 fire trucks, and a fire investigation unit was on scene inside of 15 minutes while we all stood out in the high humidity 93 degree fun. Felt like 106. And no, I'm not kidding. Just some burned microwave popcorn. I don't even work for them, but I'm sure the building management will recommend they ask me to look at their microwave since that's what an IT guy is for. [/sarcasm,...NobodysHome wrote:Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:Happy autumn equinox everyone!!
We're looking at temps in the low nineties today!
It's an equinox miracle!!
On the phone with Shiro's sun, we learned that it snowed in Truckee last night.
A good sign for the winter, or just a freak storm?
Who knows? Captain Yesterday's freakish winter alias, that's who!
EDIT: Aaaand... Impus Minor came out of his room and promptly said, "Dad, I'm going to be in my room. Where it's warm."
First signs of winter...
I kinda hate you right now. (Not really...just a bit of jealousy really :P) Yesterday it was 92. Today it's 89 and temps still rising. Yesterday afternoon the smoke detector in the building foyer started going off because of the heat. It hasn't gone off yet today, but I think they just took the battery out. This would be miserable weather in August. In September it's just cruel. Heck, the school superintendent sent out an email today about how the school system is dealing with the extreme heat, and basically telling parents they have permission to take their kids home early if they're in buildings without air conditioning. Which most of them are. The kidlet's school is the newest building in the system and it's only partially air-conditioned. Seriously, we are about as prepared to deal with heat as folks in Atlanta are to deal with snow.... >.<
Edit: welp smoke detector went off again as soon as the temp hit 90..,
As the former AV guy for a large hotel my favorite is when they'd call me complaining something wasn't working so I'd have to go press the power button for them.
Edit: It is a liberal college town, some employee nudity is to be expected.

Vanykrye |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, Cap talked me into it. The Grand Wasp Spray Story, which I may have posted before but I've slept since then and can't be bothered to check.
Probably my 2nd or 3rd week on the job, and I had already identified who the definite PITA people were going to be. Woman walks up to my area, and she was definitely one of them.
PITA: Vany, do you have any wasp spray?
Vany: What?
PITA: Wwwaaasssppp Spray. Do you have any?
Vany: Wasp spray?!
PITA: Wasp spray.
Vany: What would make you think I would keep any wasp spray on hand?
PITA: Well, you're IT.
Vany: ...
Vany: ...
Vany: No. I haven't actually seen a single computer issue that's been resolved by the application of wasp spray.
PITA: Well then what would you recommend for dealing with a wasp??
Vany: [bewilderment high, composure gone, filter set to WIDE OPEN] I would suggest that you treat it like we were taught in second grade and just leave it the fu** alone.
PITA: Well that's not going to happen. (wanders off)
Five minutes later I see her standing on a rolling office chair, swatting at a wasp with her shoe while it buzzes around in a fluorescent light fixture. She was a manager.

Sir Limey De Longears |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, Cap talked me into it. The Grand Wasp Spray Story, which I may have posted before but I've slept since then and can't be bothered to check.
Probably my 2nd or 3rd week on the job, and I had already identified who the definite PITA people were going to be. Woman walks up to my area, and she was definitely one of them.
PITA: Vany, do you have any wasp spray?
Vany: What?
PITA: Wwwaaasssppp Spray. Do you have any?
Vany: Wasp spray?!
PITA: Wasp spray.
Vany: What would make you think I would keep any wasp spray on hand?
PITA: Well, you're IT.
Vany: ...
Vany: ...
Vany: No. I haven't actually seen a single computer issue that's been resolved by the application of wasp spray.
PITA: Well then what would you recommend for dealing with a wasp??
Vany: [bewilderment high, composure gone, filter set to WIDE OPEN] I would suggest that you treat it like we were taught in second grade and just leave it the fu** alone.
PITA: Well that's not going to happen. (wanders off)
Five minutes later I see her standing on a rolling office chair, swatting at a wasp with her shoe while it buzzes around in a fluorescent light fixture. She was a manager.
Ye Paladin In Tight Armour set out upon an Epic Quest to destroy a Monstrous Evil.
She saw a flaming dragon sitting on a Glittering Trove and thought, 'Aha! Now, at last, I shall be able to Access the Wisdom Of The Ages, as delivered by the Sage Tongue of this Mighty Wyrm!'
'Ho, your Draconic Magnificence', quoth she. 'I, an Humble Petitioner, do beg of thee a Boon, that thou mightest share with me the way to rid my Domains of a most Fell and Puissant Adversary, that hath come out of the Wastes to Torment my Subjects'
"M'mmm", answered she the Drake. "Little may I say, for a Geas is Upon Me. I have no Bright Falchion, nor Sturdy Glaive, nor Glamor'd Casque that I might give unto thee, for dreadsome indeed are the Outworldish Fetters that do Bind Me, but one Riddlesome Rede may I impart, that the road to your Salvation lies on the Great Wheeled Throne, where the Stiletto that Heals may yet slay that Awful Foe which no Earthly Brand can Besmart"

NobodysHome |
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Been in the 90's all week here. Wednesday featured a fire alarm at work. One of the law offices burned some popcorn, so 2 police vehicles, 6 fire trucks, and a fire investigation unit was on scene inside of 15 minutes while we all stood out in the high humidity 93 degree fun. Felt like 106. And no, I'm not kidding. Just some burned microwave popcorn. I don't even work for them, but I'm sure the building management will recommend they ask me to look at their microwave since that's what an IT guy is for. [/sarcasm,...
So... this is awesome. We are a multi-billion-dollar company with a corporate office than spans acres.
And yet people kept burning popcorn in the microwaves, causing fire alarms, building evacuations, and costs per episode in the tens of thousands of dollars.
So, right there on the microwave, it says, "DO NOT USE THIS MICROWAVE TO COOK POPCORN. THIS IS A FIREABLE OFFENSE."
And yet last time I ran a course at HQ, we had to evacuate an entire 12-story building TWICE in a single day because of people cooking popcorn in the microwaves.
(I don't know whether you've been around long enough to hear my tirades, but my #1 fundamental issue with my company is that they absolutely, positively refuse to fire people for incompetence, so there's a LOT of dead weight in almost every department, and an amazing amount of incompetence company-wide.)

Vanykrye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Vanykrye wrote:Been in the 90's all week here. Wednesday featured a fire alarm at work. One of the law offices burned some popcorn, so 2 police vehicles, 6 fire trucks, and a fire investigation unit was on scene inside of 15 minutes while we all stood out in the high humidity 93 degree fun. Felt like 106. And no, I'm not kidding. Just some burned microwave popcorn. I don't even work for them, but I'm sure the building management will recommend they ask me to look at their microwave since that's what an IT guy is for. [/sarcasm,...So... this is awesome. We are a multi-billion-dollar company with a corporate office than spans acres.
And yet people kept burning popcorn in the microwaves, causing fire alarms, building evacuations, and costs per episode in the tens of thousands of dollars.
So, right there on the microwave, it says, "DO NOT USE THIS MICROWAVE TO COOK POPCORN. THIS IS A FIREABLE OFFENSE."
And yet last time I ran a course at HQ, we had to evacuate an entire 12-story building TWICE in a single day because of people cooking popcorn in the microwaves.
(I don't know whether you've been around long enough to hear my tirades, but my #1 fundamental issue with my company is that they absolutely, positively refuse to fire people for incompetence, so there's a LOT of dead weight in almost every department, and an amazing amount of incompetence company-wide.)
I used to work at State Farm corporate HQ. Same thing would happen. The building I'm working at now is a 20 story affair with several hundred people in it from multiple businesses.
I've been around a long while, just didn't post so much as internet-stalk the forums...urr...ummm...lurk. Lurk is the accepted and approved word for that behavior. Yeeessss....lurking....

Freehold DM |
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Ah, nothing like understanding the gargantuan forces involved in simple construction, and using excess materials to combat them.
As I mentioned, I stood up a 10' pressure-treated 4"x4" to hold up my gate. Having no backing, I need the thing to be unmovable. So it's embedded in the concrete with a 1/2" steel bolt. I just leveled it with 5-6 shims, then filled every crevice with about 1/2 cup of foundation epoxy.
if that thing can't stand up straight, I don't know what can...
Winces at obvious opening for Freehold...
The shield is gone! Shoot the core!

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, Cap talked me into it. The Grand Wasp Spray Story, which I may have posted before but I've slept since then and can't be bothered to check.
Probably my 2nd or 3rd week on the job, and I had already identified who the definite PITA people were going to be. Woman walks up to my area, and she was definitely one of them.
PITA: Vany, do you have any wasp spray?
Vany: What?
PITA: Wwwaaasssppp Spray. Do you have any?
Vany: Wasp spray?!
PITA: Wasp spray.
Vany: What would make you think I would keep any wasp spray on hand?
PITA: Well, you're IT.
Vany: ...
Vany: ...
Vany: No. I haven't actually seen a single computer issue that's been resolved by the application of wasp spray.
PITA: Well then what would you recommend for dealing with a wasp??
Vany: [bewilderment high, composure gone, filter set to WIDE OPEN] I would suggest that you treat it like we were taught in second grade and just leave it the fu** alone.
PITA: Well that's not going to happen. (wanders off)
Five minutes later I see her standing on a rolling office chair, swatting at a wasp with her shoe while it buzzes around in a fluorescent light fixture. She was a manager.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vanykrye wrote:Been in the 90's all week here. Wednesday featured a fire alarm at work. One of the law offices burned some popcorn, so 2 police vehicles, 6 fire trucks, and a fire investigation unit was on scene inside of 15 minutes while we all stood out in the high humidity 93 degree fun. Felt like 106. And no, I'm not kidding. Just some burned microwave popcorn. I don't even work for them, but I'm sure the building management will recommend they ask me to look at their microwave since that's what an IT guy is for. [/sarcasm,...So... this is awesome. We are a multi-billion-dollar company with a corporate office than spans acres.
And yet people kept burning popcorn in the microwaves, causing fire alarms, building evacuations, and costs per episode in the tens of thousands of dollars.
So, right there on the microwave, it says, "DO NOT USE THIS MICROWAVE TO COOK POPCORN. THIS IS A FIREABLE OFFENSE."
And yet last time I ran a course at HQ, we had to evacuate an entire 12-story building TWICE in a single day because of people cooking popcorn in the microwaves.
(I don't know whether you've been around long enough to hear my tirades, but my #1 fundamental issue with my company is that they absolutely, positively refuse to fire people for incompetence, so there's a LOT of dead weight in almost every department, and an amazing amount of incompetence company-wide.)
that is a dumb sign. I would disbelieve it as well.

The Game Hamster |
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NobodysHome wrote:that is a dumb sign. I would disbelieve it as well.Vanykrye wrote:Been in the 90's all week here. Wednesday featured a fire alarm at work. One of the law offices burned some popcorn, so 2 police vehicles, 6 fire trucks, and a fire investigation unit was on scene inside of 15 minutes while we all stood out in the high humidity 93 degree fun. Felt like 106. And no, I'm not kidding. Just some burned microwave popcorn. I don't even work for them, but I'm sure the building management will recommend they ask me to look at their microwave since that's what an IT guy is for. [/sarcasm,...So... this is awesome. We are a multi-billion-dollar company with a corporate office than spans acres.
And yet people kept burning popcorn in the microwaves, causing fire alarms, building evacuations, and costs per episode in the tens of thousands of dollars.
So, right there on the microwave, it says, "DO NOT USE THIS MICROWAVE TO COOK POPCORN. THIS IS A FIREABLE OFFENSE."
And yet last time I ran a course at HQ, we had to evacuate an entire 12-story building TWICE in a single day because of people cooking popcorn in the microwaves.
(I don't know whether you've been around long enough to hear my tirades, but my #1 fundamental issue with my company is that they absolutely, positively refuse to fire people for incompetence, so there's a LOT of dead weight in almost every department, and an amazing amount of incompetence company-wide.)
Popcorn is the life-blood of society after all.

Tacticslion |

One of the brilliant parts of Daredevil is that each episode of the show (at least of Season one) opens and/or is framed differently, while simultaneously keeping a consistent appearance, tone, and feel; additionally, it was both painful and dark and depressing, while also hopeful and exciting and uplifting - it's an extremely potent combination.
That, of course, is in combination with dramatic editing and framing, compelling music and storytelling, and a relate-able protagonist (who isn't always right, even while he's trying to always be moral), plus a genuinely good and likeable (and relateable) supporting cast with equally excellent morals and motivations, and extremely reasonable in-character decisions (even if you don't agree with their decision making, either ethically, morally, intellectually, or dramatically - their decisions make still sense and you can understand why they make them).
Also: 'dat opera* in season 1, episode 13. Exquisite.
And yes: Fisk is brilliant.
And yes: the emotions and people and acting are all brilliant.
I am super-glad I've watched this, pain and tears and all.
* Spoiler-free video.

gran rey de los mono |
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SchemeKitty wrote:Yes, Jessica Jones is the happiest, cheeriest, most lighthearted show ever. After all, it has Doctor Who in it.When was the last time you watched Doctor Who? I feel like you're not at all familiar with the Moffatt years... ;P
I started with Eccleston and stopped when Smith left and Capaldi took over. No real reason I stopped, just never got back into it.

The Game Hamster |
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I stopped after Capaldi's second season.
I'm fairly content with that choice, as I feel as though the show is just trying to come up with what they can do next that they haven't already done, and the answer is... Not much IMO.
I may be wrong... but until I hear really raving reviews, I'm done with the doc for a bit.

gran rey de los mono |
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I've been thinking about how I could make the funeral scene in the beginning of Giantslayer have a bit more impact for my players, and I think I have an idea. I found the lyrics for a song from RWBY (it's called "Cold") and I was thinking of having Rodrick's fiancee read it as a poem she wrote for him. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts.
I never felt
That it was wise
To wish too much
To dream too big
Would only lead
To being crushed
Then I met you
You weren't afraid
Of anything
You taught me how
To leave the ground
To use my wings
I never thought a hero
Would ever come my way
But more than that
I never thought
You'd be taken away
Now it's cold without you here
It's like winter lasts all year
But your star's still in the sky
So I won't say goodbye
I don't have to say goodbye
My days of doubt
Were in the past
With you around
You helped me feel
I had a place
Direction found
You showed me that
A greater dream
Can be achieved
Enough resolve
Will conquer all
If we believe
The light you gave to guide me
Will never fade away
But moving forward never felt
As hard as today
Now it's cold without you here
It's like winter lasts all year
But your star's still in the sky
So I won't say goodbye
I don't have to say goodbye

Vidmaster7 |
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I hate the public. Sigh I got one room complaining about the room above stomping around and waking them up. I've talked to both of them now. top room taking a shower etc. So annoying. really nothing I can do about it. Its not like its on purpose. I will say having your group take a shower at 2 in the morning is probably not good planning but otherwise its just the way of the world.