1d4 Goblin Babies |
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May Dame Lansbury take the stage 10 years hence.
{1d4 ⇒ 3 goblin babies are confused seeing Paul McCartney singing "Beauty and the Beast"}

Freehold DM |
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Pumpkin season is once more upon us and I am downright giddy! I have pumpkin, two different types of pumpkin cereal, pumpkin coffee, gf pumpkin muffin mix, and ingredients to make a new recipe I just got for pumpkin apple cider! Yay! ^.^
I love fall. It's when all my favorite foods happen. :)
plants self in lynora's window box, wears super suave pumpkin colored outfit, sets black manliness to "pimpkin ain't easy", waits patiently

lynora |
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lynora wrote:plants self in lynora's window box, wears super suave pumpkin colored outfit, sets black manliness to "pimpkin ain't easy", waits patientlyPumpkin season is once more upon us and I am downright giddy! I have pumpkin, two different types of pumpkin cereal, pumpkin coffee, gf pumpkin muffin mix, and ingredients to make a new recipe I just got for pumpkin apple cider! Yay! ^.^
I love fall. It's when all my favorite foods happen. :)
Well, hello there... ;)

lynora |
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I finished my sweater-coat last night. It started out as a cardigan, and as I worked I kept making adjustments to the pattern to make it smaller. I still ended up with an extremely roomy sweater-coat at the end. Apparently the pattern was made for giants. :P
Now I have to decide what to knit next. Probably a hat. I could use a quick pattern after spending four months on a sweater. :)

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:Well, hello there... ;)lynora wrote:plants self in lynora's window box, wears super suave pumpkin colored outfit, sets black manliness to "pimpkin ain't easy", waits patientlyPumpkin season is once more upon us and I am downright giddy! I have pumpkin, two different types of pumpkin cereal, pumpkin coffee, gf pumpkin muffin mix, and ingredients to make a new recipe I just got for pumpkin apple cider! Yay! ^.^
I love fall. It's when all my favorite foods happen. :)

Tacticslion |
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Tacticslion wrote:Anyway: Taekwondo has a nes student! Who's an old student! Or at least about to hit middle age! And used to be a green belt years ago, but isn't now! Either way he's fat! He's me!First day as a full time TKD student!
I have been there every single Lessing, doing the full daggum workout routine right along side the other students each time. Each. Time.
Somehow. Somehow... today... a daggum test day, where a third of the class consists of contemplating forms and watching other people complete them, a third is practicing them, and only the remaining third is actual workout...
Somehow today I could not daggum breathe. It's been a half hour and I'm still dehydrated. And above had plenty (but not too much) good liquids (and no bad ones) today, before class! Yes, including water! What the heck?!
Where was my air?! Where was my ability to place oxygen in my lungs?
What about that liquid that I'm supposed to have?! Where the heck dos that go?!
What. On. Earth.
How did I somehow grow less healthy as of today after two months of working out and eating better?!
Day 2: huuuuiurg.
50 sit ups
30 push ups
Kicks - my worst skill (which isn't very good, if I'm serious about TKD, which I am)
In addition to early pre-allergies, and 40 sit ups (their "back" sit ups, so not quite crunches and not full sit ups), and an failed attempt at 29 push ups; all that stuff lynora said would work to explain yesterday pretty neatly. I'm rather regulus army dehydrated and coughing today (allergies are a pain) with dry but necessary nose-blowing. Today sucked.
But it was AWESOME, 'cause I did it, and I'm loving that I have this opportunity.
Also, I may have swayed one-point-two-five of the other adults whose kids are in the class to join, too! :D Woo!

captain yesterday |
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According to The Farmer's Almanac we'll have colder than normal temps with higher than normal snow.
According to The Old Farmer's Almanac we're looking forward to warmer than normal temps with higher than normal snow.
That's what you call a win-win situation.
Hopefully the temps will average out and we get buried in snow.

Tacticslion |
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Tacticslion wrote:Tacticslion wrote:Anyway: Taekwondo has a nes student! Who's an old student! Or at least about to hit middle age! And used to be a green belt years ago, but isn't now! Either way he's fat! He's me!First day as a full time TKD student!
I have been there every single Lessing, doing the full daggum workout routine right along side the other students each time. Each. Time.
Somehow. Somehow... today... a daggum test day, where a third of the class consists of contemplating forms and watching other people complete them, a third is practicing them, and only the remaining third is actual workout...
Somehow today I could not daggum breathe. It's been a half hour and I'm still dehydrated. And above had plenty (but not too much) good liquids (and no bad ones) today, before class! Yes, including water! What the heck?!
Where was my air?! Where was my ability to place oxygen in my lungs?
What about that liquid that I'm supposed to have?! Where the heck dos that go?!
What. On. Earth.
How did I somehow grow less healthy as of today after two months of working out and eating better?!
Day 2: huuuuiurg.
50 sit ups Almost made this, but not quite
30 push ups definitely did not make this
Allergies so irritating devolving into coughing fits
Kicks - my worst skill (which isn't very good, if I'm serious about TKD, which I am) I'm 34, dangit, and have lived a very sedentary lifestyle, and currently wear blue jeans to practice! Also, i'm not flexible! >:I ... also I suck.
Blarg!In addition to early pre-allergies, and 40 sit ups (their "back" sit ups, so not quite crunches and not full sit ups), and an failed attempt at
2920 push ups; all that stuff lynora said would work to explain yesterday pretty neatly. I'm ratherregulus armyregularly dehydrated and coughing today (allergies are a pain) with dry but necessary and frequent nose-blowing (especially the more physically active I am).. Today sucked.But it was AWESOME, 'cause I did it, and I'm loving that I have this opportunity.
Also, I may have swayed one-point-two-five of the other adults whose kids are in the class to join, too! :D Woo!
Blug, my typing was terrible.
OOC-text and an important strike through added for notes!
Also, I didn't mention before, but I went to get my eldest from his first ever genuine violin lesson! WOO~!
I was exhausted, of course, but I did have to leave TKD a little early, so I figured that, even though I parked at the other end of the (rather large) school campus, and even though it was on a hill, I'd walk there - after all, my youngest was in a stroller*, so no biggy - and I could get some uphill exercise to help make up for the lost time.
So I get about halfway there, and I find out that while there are two direct paths from the upper campus to the lower campus, one involves the place where cars go, and the other involves lots of stairs.
I opt for the safer one - the stairs. I take down the car seat first, then the empty stroller (I place the removable part of the car seat in the stroller - it works well that way). So: down the stairs with heavy thing, up the stairs empty handed (after a class of kicks, this was... very hard), then down the stairs with heavy thing. Going downhill with a rolling thing was much harder than it should have been, too.
Anyway, I finally get down there, then I have to cross to the far side of the building to go up a looooooooonnnnnnnnnng and exceedingly tall ramp (not as tall as the stairs - about a quarter their height). So I get all the way around, and get into the gym (the way to get to the music room)... to find out they're having a volley ball game and selling tickets. The lady, upon finding out what I'm there for, graciously lets me through. I head through the main area and to the side door she tells me, just in time to get to the court for the pledge and the game to start. :I
Back to the lady. She sets me up with a kid as a guide, and he nearly leads me out the side door to the very steps that I went down before. I steered us to the ramp I needed, up the other ramp, and to the room.
Fortunately, on the way out, a guy lets me up the elevator, but I do still have to take the hill all the way back up, and I head back to TKD class anyway (both kids in tow, this time carrying a violin and other stuff) in time to help clean up the classroom.
Oh well! XD
Still awesome day!
* He can totally walk on his own, but if I allow this, you see, the problem is that he will walk... on his own... without me... everywhere... and it's more like "running" and "climbing" and "leaping from"... sooooo... stroller.

Holy Orphaned Slaadling Trust |
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If your allergies are acting up, or you're feeling a bit under the weather, perhaps you need a new pet? Many people perk up emotionally when spending quiet time playing and bonding with a beloved pet...
{cue Slaadah McLachlan music} ...Who doesn't love a cute little big-eyed happily-burbling creature solely dependent upon you for its companionship, its nourishment, its warm shelter? A little creature that will stick with you through Life's rolled 1s, who will stay no matter your creature type, race, alignment, religious affiliation, or other views? A little creature that desperately needs a home and someone's love? A little creature guaranteed to love you unconditionally for the rest of your life?
Could you, right now, pick up your scrying device, contact us at H.O.S.T., and adopt a baby slaadling larva? You could make such a difference to a deserving slaadling in this Chaotic world. And larva take up so little room, you might consider adopting a pair, or even triplets... who could look into their big-pupiled eyes and break up siblings? Please, don't leave these needy slaadlings in Limbo... scry now!

gran rey de los mono |

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With the elections drawing near, we have instructed Imperial Naval High Command to position the Death Star III in synchronous orbit with Florida to ensure the often times cantankerous rebels loyal Imperial citizens there don't muck up this time.
We are watching you Florida.

![]() |
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How would one go about making a pyrokineticist with really good steatlh abilities?

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

With the elections drawing near, we have instructed Imperial Naval High Command to position the Death Star III in synchronous orbit with Florida to ensure the often times cantankerous
rebelsloyal Imperial citizens there don't muck up this time.We are watching you Florida.
It's good to want the impossible.
It builds character.
Tacticslion |

Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun wrote:With the elections drawing near, we have instructed Imperial Naval High Command to position the Death Star III in synchronous orbit with Florida to ensure the often times cantankerous
rebelsloyal Imperial citizens there don't muck up this time.We are watching you Florida.
It's good to want the impossible.
It builds character.
Row~! Row~! Fight the powah~!

captain yesterday |
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Tacticslion wrote:Arrived! Now only 120 more days before I have the whole AP~! Woo~!captain yesterday wrote:Yay! The Thrushmoor Terror shipped!Yay!
My book came Monday, six days from when the sent the shipping notice, which is a new record. The warehouse has been on a hot streak lately. :-)

Tacticslion |

(Seriously, though, if you've not seen Stranger Things, and you even remotely care about spoilers - and I kind of think you should, in this case, at lest a little - says the guy who usually does not - do not click the link below.)
Stranger Things - now with super spoilers for both present and future!
- there will be a season 2!
- it's expected to take place one year later!
- holy frickin' craaaaaaaaaap~!
1) Were you aware of this?
2) What are your thoughts?

Ambrosia Slaad |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

With the elections drawing near, we have instructed Imperial Naval High Command to position the Death Star III in synchronous orbit with Florida to ensure the often times cantankerous
rebelsloyal Imperial citizens there don't muck up this time.We are watching you Florida.
Ooo, trying to intimidate us, eh? Ya' gonna ha' ta do more than posture in Imperial couture and make empty threats. Ahn do et kwik like, 'cause we've jus' 'bout successfully Floridasteined together slaad + redneck + retiree DNA into our Zika stirge swarms.
We will no longer be the U.S.'s phallic accoutrement!
We will no longer be mocked for liking Darth Nader and the Hanging Chads, the best ska-country-mambo band in the world!
We will no longer be outcrazied or outdangeroused by Australia!

Tacticslion |

With the elections drawing near, we have instructed Imperial Naval High Command to position the Death Star III in synchronous orbit with Florida to ensure the often times cantankerous
rebelsloyal Imperial citizens there don't muck up this time.We are watching you Florida.
Ooo, trying to intimidate us, eh? Ya' gonna ha' ta do more than posture in Imperial couture and make empty threats.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not going to wor-
Ahn do et kwik like, 'cause we've jus' 'bout successfully Floridasteined together slaad + redneck + retiree DNA into our Zika stirge swarms.
Wait, what? Hold on, I'm not entirely sure that's accura-
We will no longer be the U.S.'s phallic accoutrement!
Eh... I'm pretty sure the landmass isn't changing anytime soo-
We will no longer be mocked for liking Darth Nader and the Hanging Chads, the best ska-country-mambo band in the world!
Well, you can't stop people from mocking something, even if it is pretty coo-
We will no longer be outcrazied or outdangeroused by Australia!
Well, you're half-right on the last one.

Limeylongears |
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Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun wrote:With the elections drawing near, we have instructed Imperial Naval High Command to position the Death Star III in synchronous orbit with Florida to ensure the often times cantankerous
rebelsloyal Imperial citizens there don't muck up this time.We are watching you Florida.
Ooo, trying to intimidate us, eh? Ya' gonna ha' ta do more than posture in Imperial couture and make empty threats. Ahn do et kwik like, 'cause we've jus' 'bout successfully Floridasteined together slaad + redneck + retiree DNA into our Zika stirge swarms.
We will no longer be the U.S.'s phallic accoutrement!
We will no longer be mocked for liking Darth Nader and the Hanging Chads, the best ska-country-mambo band in the world!
We will no longer be outcrazied or outdangeroused by Australia!
Of course you won't, not while the Isle of Wight! still exists.
There are no wights on the Isle of Wight.
There is, in fact, nothing dangerous at all on the Isle of Wight, unless you are allergic to old people and/or (possibly) rare voles.
Expiring from boredom is possible, as is accidentally marrying a close relative, but you could say that about anywhere.