On a serious note, please visit my "Will a Cow continue to produce milk after being summoned with Summon Nature's Ally thread, it could use a bit more traffic.
Links or it didn't happen I'll be forced to make 'Zelda references and/or ask you lots of questions about chickens and if they truly have the ability to destroy you like they do in the games.
1. I'm not sure if a cake can be structurally sound enough to safely encapsulate a human being.
Doesn't mean you can't make it work!
captain yesterday wrote:
2. There are international laws in place directly preventing me from singing in public (so I've been told)
I'll amend things to have you with a recorder when you pop out of the cake, then.
captain yesterday wrote:
2.5. Jedi mind tricks you say.
Well, some sort of mind-trick... I am suspicious that you may not be following the Jedi code exactly...
captain yesterday wrote:
3. Can I be Shiny and Chrome Shredder, I can appreciate his complete lack of subtlety, and backstory.
I just don't want to be Shredder from the Nickelodeon cartoon, that guy's got a lot of baggage.
Well, sure: it's your costume, after all!
captain yesterday wrote:
4. It's gloomy and rainy, just as the General likes it ("oh, it's just how I like it!" - The General), and she took the day off to write, so I'm in charge of the dog and kids so she can do whatever she wants.
Hey! That's just how I like it! Way to go, General! Good taste in weather! :D
(He was a minor, and apparently extremely obscure Psionic ruby dragon deity from WotC's old site. I didn't realize exactly how obscure he was until... now-ish...)
Yeah, I also know who Sardior is, but I don't always recognize the name because I keep misremembering his name as "Sodor." (which I blame on babysitting my younger nephew and his continuous-play of select DVDs)
Yeah, I also know who Sardior is, but I don't always recognize the name because I keep misremembering his name as "Sodor." (which I blame on babysitting my younger nephew and his continuous-play of select DVDs)
Also, there's nothing wrong with thinking of Sodor a lot.
It, uh... it gets ingrained in there and can take over everything, if you let it.
(Of course, I was wrongfully calling Neothelid "Nelithids" for years, so, I have no excuse, there...)
So: Doomkitten, lynora, and Ambrosia: team Blithen or team Sardior?!
In case my esoterica is too esoteric (or you want to learn more): part one and part two.
Let the eternal debate commence! Ò.Õ
Well, I've never been a big fan of Sardior. He's so bloody smug. Seriously, he's awful. (Why I rewrote the gem dragon pantheon for my game in a nutshell.) So I would have to go with team Blithen. I mean, sure, he's a bit evilish, but what did you expect?! It's what grand viziers do. Everyone knows backstabbing is part of the most trusted advisors job description. ;P
So: Doomkitten, lynora, and Ambrosia: team Blithen or team Sardior?!
In case my esoterica is too esoteric (or you want to learn more): part one and part two.
Let the eternal debate commence! Ò.Õ
Well, I've never been a big fan of Sardior. He's so bloody smug. Seriously, he's awful. (Why I rewrote the gem dragon pantheon for my game in a nutshell.) So I would have to go with team Blithen. I mean, sure, he's a bit evilish, but what did you expect?! It's what grand viziers do. Everyone knows backstabbing is part of the most trusted advisors job description. ;P
Bold early choice from the Shelynalike~! I wonder what our next contestant will declare...?
Sardior? Obscure? Never! He has been in.... ummm... a dragon article. And... there have been a few gem dragons in the TSR novels... ok. I guess he IS obscure. Doesn't mean civilized people don't know who he is.
I think I need to be more careful in game. My character has died* in each of the last two sessions (actually, twice last week), was turned to stone the week before that, and come awfully close to suffering an alignment change from TN to CE because of my actions.
*Sort of. We have a house rule that basically allows any cure spell to function similar to Breath of Life with regards to keeping someone from actually dying, and last week I was saved twice (in the same combat) by application of said rule. This week, however, I was well and truly dead.
I've only ever read Sardior in the WotC online articles and the really old Dragon #37 magazine (which really doesn't say all that much, beyond tongue-in-cheek, "Muwahahahah~! Now you'll show those uppity players who've read the Monstrous Manual! Neutral dragons! Pip-pip!" and "Eh, he's an okay kind of neutral guy with conversational skills.")
Short version: they're psionic dragons.
The 3.5 versions were amazing and the single most terrifying creatures printed: namely because it was retconned that, in addition to normal dragon stuff (including sorcerer caster thingies), they were psions of their discipline-type with a manifester level equal to their hit dice.
It wouldn't matter if they were bards with a bard caster level equal to their hit dice: that is terrifying. Heck, even presuming something like an assassin, paladin, or ranger, you can probably reach epic spellcasting by being given that ability. It was a very clear oversight, and I'm rather surprised it was made in the conversion from 3rd (the MM2 where they appeared had no such thing) to 3.5 - and not only that, but embraced, being noted in the Eberron books (if I recall), that they're just super-dangerous monstrosities created by Dal Quor - kind of like the Inspired, but for Dragons - that no one really trusts.
Anyway, if you want to make sure to destroy something, send in a gem dragon.