Sir Holton

Clumsy Paladin's page

17 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Damn! And three days from retirement!

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Just need a s&!~ty dexterity and a wet log.

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I'm supposed to do what now?... just stand there, really?... you don't want me to wave my sword about... what do you mean it won't matter anyway...

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Rattles ghostly chains.

Mighty slow today...

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I keep telling you, it's not my fault someone dumped dexterity and intelligence when I was made.

So really, if you think about it, it's someone else's fault I was charmed by the succubus and burned that village down.

This is your mess, and I'll be damned if I'm cleaning it up!

Now, who knows Atonement around here.

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Yup, I did that once.

Gorbacz wrote:
Rolls his Will save against starting a 'Paladin in Hell's Vengeance' thread.

I got this, what could possibly go wrong...

I'm here guys, just had to take care of some deity stuff, you woul... ow!... Who put that rake there, I could've killed something when I fell...

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Why do bad things happen to good peop... g&**+*n it! I fell again!

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That's a lot of words, seems easy to trip over.

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I fell on my way in here.

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My Clumsy Paladin alias isn't getting favorite'd like I thought it would, people take Paladins entirely too seriously. It almost makes me want to make one that isn't sanctimonious just to prove it can be done, almost.

It's the same reason YouTube and America's Funniest Home Videos before it are so popular.

Jackasses falling are always hilarious to watch!

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Why do we love the Paladins falling.

A hilarious combination of wearing heavy f#~$ing armor, dumping dexterity and the timeless Lancelot boning Guinevere debacle.

*whump, clatter, clang*

Damn it, fell again!

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Have you seen my new alias, guess what his shtick is!

He... falls, Lol! Get it! :-D

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Argh! Next time I'm not dumping dexterity!

Hey gu.....trips and falls Ow! Damn it, who put that there, see this is why I wear heavy armor.