Deep 6 FaWtL

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Make it Memorable they say...

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The best part is, I had no idea that would happen. :-D

Also every kid should get rid of their actual dog and get a WowWee CHiP Robot Dog, they'll be much happier if they do.

According to the video.

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I made an (probably unbalanced and terrible) archetype~! :D

A Netflix lament!

(Captain Yesterday, beware you're phone. Lllloooonnngg words.)

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captain yesterday wrote:

That's the thing that bothers me the most about Minecraft.

No intelligent human being would use a pickaxe to chop down a tree.

I suspect you overestimate average human intelligence...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

That's the thing that bothers me the most about Minecraft.

No intelligent human being would use a pickaxe to chop down a tree.

I suspect you overestimate average human intelligence...

~punches tree, then realizes that using my head might work better~

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Sharoth wrote:
Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

That's the thing that bothers me the most about Minecraft.

No intelligent human being would use a pickaxe to chop down a tree.

I suspect you overestimate average human intelligence...
~punches tree, then realizes that using my head might work better~

If you have sharp rigid edges.

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If it helps, I'm a plant type, so I can get on board with that "humans are stupid" game.

Dark Archive

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Is it like Mousetrap for people, except we film it and put it on YouTube.

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Fist of Rawr! should be an order of cantankerous monks, not a macabre weapon from a video game.

Just saying.

It is pretty f@~$ing sweet however. :-)

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<waves as he walks on by>

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My, my, sure is lonely in here tonight.

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I am the Great and Powerful OZ!!!

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Hey, Toddzilla! Glad to see you~!

Unrelated: THANK YOU, LordSynos! Awesome game, so far!

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*After pondering whether or not to poke it, he eventually settles for putting eyedrops on it.*

That thing looks way too red. You need some rest.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I do. Me and TS are having dinner tomorrow night. It's gonna be cool.

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Potential flash point topic, so I spoilered it. Read at your own risk.

7,335,689,000 +/-200 at 3:00 AM on 7-5-2016

7,335,902,500 +/-200 at 3:00 AM on 7-6-2016.

Can you tell me what those numbers are?

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population numbers?

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Yes! ~hands Aranna a gold star~

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To chop down your first tree in Minecraft, everyone knows you use a flower.

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Or a piece of wool. Real class is using the seedling of the same type of wood that you are chopping down.

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These are pretty awesome

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Been a tough week for the garden.

Left the backyard light on the other night, thus enabling the a!+#+~~ bunnies to butcher a corn stalk.

And then a surprise storm last night really did a number, possibly taking out another corn stalk and a tomato plant. :-\

We'll see, I might've been able to help them enough that they'll make it.

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Get a dog that's inclined to chase rabbits. It's worked for us for millennia.

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He's afraid of the dark.

Besides, we live in town, I'm pretty sure they don't like dogs free ranging all night.

Also, as long as we leave the lights off, that's what the owls do, our backyard is a highway of death after dark, with only their screams that hardly ever wake me anymore, an occasional tuft of fur or bloody claw marks in the ground to remind us of what happens.

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Ferrets were bred to take out tunneling animals, as well. It's the original reason they were domesticated. Not sure if they're legal up in cheeseland, but if they are, they make great pets, and you can let him squirrel down a hole to go take out any pests you have in the yard. know...hang around, cause they're inclined to run away and explore afterwards.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I do. Me and TS are having dinner tomorrow night. It's gonna be cool.

raise a glass for me!

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For fun.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I do. Me and TS are having dinner tomorrow night. It's gonna be cool.
raise a glass for me!

We raised hell for you.

Dinner was great, looking forward to gaming with Mr. and Ms. TOZ!

Shadow Lodge

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Play ALL the GAMES!

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ALL the games? That's a lot of games.

I'm in. Let's do this.

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gran rey de los surround sound wrote:

ALL the games? That's a lot of games.

I'm in. Let's do this.

And my axe ur, I mean, dice~!

Dark Archive

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If George Lucas directed The Force Awakens

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
If George Lucas directed The Force Awakens

If The Force Awakens had been the real Episode VII

Or, perhaps, something like this

Meh. Not a fan of the heir to the empire series. They were a bit too long for me. I did like the x wing books though, and the comics.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Having to show up to work during normal commute hours is b*$#@~@+.

Yeah, the Thrawn trilogy is pretty involved. Though, of course, that's a lot of what makes it good, in my opinion. Paring it down into a screenplay is going to take a lot of work, but I'm getting the ball rolling.

I'm no speed-reader, but I can usually finish 100 - 120 pages in an hour: "Size matters not" regarding how big a book is. (Though Martin could have certainly cut down on the size of his stories . . . .)

I don't think I ever read all of the X-wing stories, but a lot of them were great. Wound up not really digging Allston's writing style by the time he was working on the Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi enneaologies, though. Can't put my finger on it, really, but it just seemed that there were chunks of his final draft(s) that grated on me . . . .

Anyhow -- All hail Grand Admiral Thrawn!!

Bah, All hail Darth Stewie Vader!

Darth Yesterday wrote:
Bah, All hail Darth Stewie Vader!

Force Choke


I find your lack of respect . . . disturbing.

Syrus Terrigan wrote:

Yeah, the Thrawn trilogy is pretty involved. Though, of course, that's a lot of what makes it good, in my opinion. Paring it down into a screenplay is going to take a lot of work, but I'm getting the ball rolling.

I'm no speed-reader, but I can usually finish 100 - 120 pages in an hour: "Size matters not" regarding how big a book is. (Though Martin could have certainly cut down on the size of his stories . . . .)

I don't think I ever read all of the X-wing stories, but a lot of them were great. Wound up not really digging Allston's writing style by the time he was working on the Legacy of the Force and Fate of the Jedi enneaologies, though. Can't put my finger on it, really, but it just seemed that there were chunks of his final draft(s) that grated on me . . . .

Anyhow -- All hail Grand Admiral Thrawn!!

as much as I like most of his work, I find Stackpoles characterizations to be irritating in the extreme. Maybe he is to me as Allston is to you.

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I have to stop by here to get away from the politics on my Facebook wall. Why do I know so many stupid people? Why? I know some really ignorant m@@&%%!~@*!#s.

Snopes takes two f@+%ing minutes. Two minutes! Lazy ass s##@ pushing m%~+%~#%$+**s.

That would not have been expressive enough without the swearing.

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Darth Terrigan, Sith Marauder wrote:
Darth Yesterday wrote:
Bah, All hail Darth Stewie Vader!

Force Choke


I find your lack of respect . . . disturbing.

I can understand that you would be upset that Seth MacFarlane did a better version of Star Wars.

But it's better if you just accept the truth.

Good...good...let your hate of one another flow through you. Fight for my approval, my apprentices.

Darth Yesterday wrote:
Darth Terrigan, Sith Marauder wrote:
Darth Yesterday wrote:
Bah, All hail Darth Stewie Vader!

Force Choke


I find your lack of respect . . . disturbing.

I can understand that you would be upset that Seth MacFarlane did a better version of Star Wars.

But it's better if you just accept the truth.

I . . . I can only chuckle . . .laugh . . . guffaw at that sentiment, friend. It may be that nothing is sacred anymore, for most folks, but parody rarely supersedes its inspirational source(s), and MacFarlane simply didn't achieve that.

But, you are, of course, allowed your opinion.

. . . for the moment.

Turns back to workbench, places Kaiburr crystals in both lightsaber-quadchucks.

@greentea --

We have already established that you're Vader to my Palpatine, man. It's on the forums, so it must be true!!

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*swims around in DTSM's trash compactor*

*is hungries*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Darth Yesterday wrote:
Darth Terrigan, Sith Marauder wrote:
Darth Yesterday wrote:
Bah, All hail Darth Stewie Vader!

Force Choke


I find your lack of respect . . . disturbing.

I can understand that you would be upset that Seth MacFarlane did a better version of Star Wars.

But it's better if you just accept the truth.

Seth's is the only version of SW that I own or have watched more than once.

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