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♪ When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way~! ♫

EDIT: Hey! I sing clothed! *redresses*

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Strategytiger wrote:

We went over this a few months back. She's Tacticslioness.

Orthos is Gambitbear, by the way (Oh my!) It was a good day when the cunningplanimals came together.

Orthos as Gambitbear is hilarious to me for some reason.

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Is it because he's cuddly, like a Gummi Bear. :-)

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I think I experienced my first migraine today.

It was a headache that came on mild and grew more intense until I had trouble driving home and suddenly got a LOT worse, where I felt my brain wanted parts of itself to escape, three Tylenol didn't help, light started to hurt, sound started to hurt, nausea came along, and I passed out for a few hours and woke up feeling better, albeit thirsty from sweating while I slept (it's Florida, that part is just par for March-October).

Seems to fit all the signs of a migraine from what friends who have rhem have described, but according to the Mayo Clinic most people start geing them a lot younger than me.

Also...sucked so hard. My entire even ing and afternoon was sucked up by that. Couldn't even play videogames. Now I gotta go back to sleep and go to work in the morning.

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Orthos wrote:

One of these days I will understand the patterns behind the things FH loves or hates.

Today is not that day.

Hey, you don't make sense to me either!

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

I think I experienced my first migraine today.

It was a headache that came on mild and grew more intense until I had trouble driving home and suddenly got a LOT worse, where I felt my brain wanted parts of itself to escape, three Tylenol didn't help, light started to hurt, sound started to hurt, nausea came along, and I passed out for a few hours and woke up feeling better, albeit thirsty from sweating while I slept (it's Florida, that part is just par for March-October).

Seems to fit all the signs of a migraine from what friends who have rhem have described, but according to the Mayo Clinic most people start geing them a lot younger than me.

Also...sucked so hard. My entire even ing and afternoon was sucked up by that. Couldn't even play videogames. Now I gotta go back to sleep and go to work in the morning.

Ibuprofen is what you want in this instance, also water, and a few minutes to close your eyes, at the least. They suck, you have my sympathy.

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I may disagree with Orthos on some things but I understand him. He follows an internal logical consistency. Freehold, your loves and hates seem to have no heuristic pattern at all.

Also, the scruffy ID is on hold, as I ran out of coffee and am back to tea due to budgetary constraints, coffee pot lack of availability, and I like this avatar better.

Shadow Lodge

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Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

One of these days I will understand the patterns behind the things FH loves or hates.

Today is not that day.

Hey, you don't make sense to me either!

Heaven help us when you do.

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The NPC wrote:
Cool. I hope Mrs. Lion likes it.

Also, she does! She thinks they're both beautiful! :D

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Oh man, I was just figuring this guy out.

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Well I seem to be better now, but thanks for the sympathy cap. That was awful.

Hundreds of thousands of years of natural selection - how was that lovely tendency not bred out of the gene pool? It's like deadly'd think something as stupid as migraines would cause our ancestors to, you know, die and not reproduce when they went for a rest and a lion ate them.

A lion with a tactic. That tactic being "Imma eat that hairless ape that is in the shade with his eyes shut and hands over his ears." (Full circle subject merger. See how I did that?)

Bro, dude, hombre! Guess it's back to the sheetcakes and my homemade filled cupcake business.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

I think I experienced my first migraine today.

It was a headache that came on mild and grew more intense until I had trouble driving home and suddenly got a LOT worse, where I felt my brain wanted parts of itself to escape, three Tylenol didn't help, light started to hurt, sound started to hurt, nausea came along, and I passed out for a few hours and woke up feeling better, albeit thirsty from sweating while I slept (it's Florida, that part is just par for March-October).

Seems to fit all the signs of a migraine from what friends who have rhem have described, but according to the Mayo Clinic most people start geing them a lot younger than me.

Also...sucked so hard. My entire even ing and afternoon was sucked up by that. Couldn't even play videogames. Now I gotta go back to sleep and go to work in the morning.

Definitely sounds like a migraine. My sympathies. Migraines suck. If it happens again try to notice anything weird at the beginning. I almost always get a pins and needles sensation on the tip of my nose before a migraine. If I take a combo of ibuprofen and acetaminophen washed down with strong coffee at that point, it heads off the worst of the migraine. The kidlet gets really noise sensitive right before the other symptoms start. It's different for everyone. Just something to look for in case it becomes a recurring experience. But I hope that this was a one time thing instead., check it out bro!

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Everything hurts.

I have switched up routines at the gym a bit, and have switched from the tricep extender to a different tricep machine that I really like. I can really feel the burn.

Did the chest press tonight too, which is good.

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Well...It's kind of hard to notice unusual.


I'm bipolar (the *real* reason I shouldn't have kids of my own biology) and have been in a rough mixed episode for a week or so now and all my effort has been conerted into "Don't be an overreactive @$$" "Don't be depressed" "Don't spend all my money" "Don't be mean to my wife" It takes all my self awareness just to realize when I'm having an episode and its not that everyone sucks hard and should be shot.

Still, off meds for almost two years now and considerably fewer major episodes than when I was on them, so yay!

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I need to get back working out again. Cubicle life has not been good to me, physically speaking.

Or morale but that's an entirely different story.

I did type a letter to a John McClaine at work today, though, which made me laugh. As I work for an insurance company, I figure many he's collecting on the death of the world's interest in his movies. I even liked Die Hard 4 (Timothy Olyphant is a great villain), but 5 was so bad it made me sad.

I watched it in theater. I said "I don't care. Critics bashed part 4; I'm going in expecting popcorn action with low expectations and just gonna enjoy it and not worry about the plot."

It. Was. So. Bad.

This from a guy who enjoyed Shoot Em Up. Nonsensical action is my thing, right after comedy (action comedy, such as Rush Hour, is the best). Die Hard 5 was BAD.

And they're making part 6 :'-(

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Not me, I have standards.

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I might have spelled that wrong...

The Rush Hour films were masterpieces of modern cinema!

(Mostly because "Jackie Chan", but still.)

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

Well...It's kind of hard to notice unusual.

** spoiler omitted **

Fair enough. That would make it hard to notice unusual. Sorry you have to deal with the extra challenges. I don't know a lot about bipolar. Not my particular type of mental illness. (Chronic clinical depression for 20+ years. Add in an anxiety disorder and ADHD and I'm pretty sure that my brain just hates me. :P) So my apologies ahead of time if I don't get the reaction right or am insensitive in any way. Anyways, thanks for sharing. I really appreciate the insight into your outlook and reactions. And I'm glad for you that you are doing so well and having fewer episodes.

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Panic attacks run in my family, I'm not unaffected by them, but I've gotten alright at recognizing, minimizing and outright ignoring them.

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Haha! I'm the first one back.

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Trying to figure out how to add some Mister Fishoeder to my Elven Medium.

Grand Lodge

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I was missing my forums this morning. Power outages suck.

Woof! Glad we're back! :D

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Mandatory overtime again!

Um...job security?

Yeah. Job security. That's the way to look at being forced to come in Saturday for a job I took 80% because of the hours, including a lack of weekends.

Migraine yesterday kept me from enjoying the time off work I had, but on the plus side, I got about 14 hours of sleep, so today I feel, physically at least, great!

Tonight...well, hey, Skyrim ain't gonna save itself! I got a Nord with an attitude problem and a greatsword ready to hack up some imperials.

I know. I'm always five years or so behind games. Come 2020 I'll be finally getting to Fallout 4.

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It always pays to wait with Fallout.

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Or any Bethesda game. Patches are done and Game of the Ultimate Edition comes put with all the DLC in one bundle.

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Still need to remember to look for Skyrim Ultimate whatever when I'm over yonder by Game stop.

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Legendary edition. Less than $20 after taxes. You can technically even install the DLC and return it if you're seriously cheap, or if you're like me and have friends with the original game, pass the DLC disc around for some socialist gaming, where the dragonborn and dawn guard are shared with the people.

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Again, all dependent on remembering at the right time and place. :-)

Sadly, everyone I know have PlayStation, and pretty much mostly play Madden or Call of Duty 26.

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You must know a lot of frat guys...

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Nope, just typical Midwest meatheads. :-)

"Stereotypes exist for a reason" - Rudy and Charles, gay double agents/interior decorators on Archer.

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It's Tuesday.

Came into work feeling quite pleased with my weekend, only to find that my workmate had spent his getting off with a stripper.

He wins.

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The chlamydia getting a new host is the real winner.

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That means we all win!

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WELP. That ended conversation!


Anyway... I'm required by law to wonder: if I were a vampire, wouldn't it behoove me to create several alternate, differing interpretations of my strengths and weaknesses for the express purpose of confusing any would-be hunters while turning public opinion in favor of my "otherness" for my eventual ousting?

Say... creating (or "inspiring" by mental manipulation) a frustrated writer to create a wildly popular t(w)een (g)ro(ss)mance series? Hmmmmmmm... hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

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That's because you haven't sparkled in the sunlight.

Manshoon, Sparkly Vampire Lord wrote:
That's because you haven't sparkled in the sunlight.

Suspicious, I say!

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Captain Yesterday's Phallacy wrote:
Not me, I have standards.

The best part of this alias is that the image is a trumpet.


That you blow.

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That was intentional.

Not to blow my own horn, but I'm getting pretty good at finding the right picture for the alias. :-)

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When I'm not being lazy about it that is.

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Which, almost never happens.

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Figured out how to have fun with the kids playing Red Dead Redemption.

I get on my horse, equip my lasso, then ride full blast across the Texas and Mexico desert roping people off their horses.

Tiny T-Rex was literally rolling on the floor laughing today. :-)

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Hey, NobodysHome. I'm seriously considering renting a room in Berkeley starting in June. Do you have any thoughts on that?

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Hey, NobodysHome. I'm seriously considering renting a room in Berkeley starting in June. Do you have any thoughts on that?

The *only* serious problem with that is the rents: Because it's a university town, you'll end up paying a lot more rent than you might in a nearby burg such as, say, El Cerrito, Richmond, or Oakland. On the other hand, because it's a university town, you can find bike paths leading most everywhere, and BART and bus lines are ubiquitous.

It my requirement was, "I want to live on my own in a low-rent place close to public transportation, but that's actually a decent place to live," I'd ponder the Richmond hills east of 580. We lived up there for a few years before Impus Major was born, and our rent was $1200 for a huge 1200-square-foot place. $1 a square foot is a bargain around here, but that WAS 14 years ago, and rents have skyrocketed.

Albany is just plain stupid. 2-bedroom apartments are going for $3500. Berkeley has rent control, but if you get a roommate you'll end up with exactly the same druggie roommate issues you're facing in S.F., if not worse. Richmond and Oakland have really nice places pretty cheap because of their reputations, but you need to know the neighborhoods; there really are very, very, VERY awful places to live in those cities. But there are nice places as well, and they're cheaper because of the reputation. El Cerrito's a nice little town no one's heard of where the rents are still reasonable. Other cities around here (Kensington, Piedmont) are even worse than Albany.

Is that the kind of information you were looking for?

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We pay 820 for a two bedroom house with a yard, two blocks from a major busline and bike path going downtown (which is a scant 3 miles down the road) we're also within a mile and a half of a major shopping hub, unfortunately it's the trendy overpriced a$#!@#+ hipster shopping hub, still, 4 grocery stores packed in that mile and a half. :-)

Edit: we also have a lake three blocks away.

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