
X-TREME!! Captain Yesterday's page

42 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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A new challenge, peeing on crickets.

It's not as easy as it sounds.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

Working out is like a drug to me.

I don't do drugs.

Yay, more for me!

I play with A horn.

Unfortunately Unicorn Riding isn't recognized by muggles.

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Vanykrye wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Mom will be going in for her surgery on Wednesday of next week. I am taking all of next week off and I might have to take off some of the week after. I will be trying to get her affairs in order just in case the worse happens, but I don't think it will come to that. I will probably not be on the boards much next week, but I will make sure to keep you all informed as to what goes on with her.
Good luck to your mom. Hope everything comes out as well as can be expected.

I hope everything comes out BETTER than expected.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
NH - according to Hi you keep yourself in tip top shape.

LOL. I stretch for 25 minutes, do sit-ups, push-ups, hike 2 miles, and do some kicks and punches. Maybe 75-90 minutes of exercise a day all told.

I wouldn't call it "tip-top shape". I'd call it, "What you need to do to be over 50 and not a marshmallow".

You don't roll boulders uphill through mud for that.


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Yeah, I should go to bed too, it's just that severe weather is such a rush!

Goes back to watching the distant lightning, getting ever so closer, To The Extreme!!!!

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I accept your challenge!

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Walking works too, just saying.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Words fail me.

Just wait for the raw manure fad to take hold.

I'll take my turkey cooked to 165 degrees thank you very much. :-)

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Gorbacz wrote:
Another book, another 'Murican failure to acknowledge the existence of Celsius. Look, we can live with your feet and pounds, they're not *that* bad, but this arbitrary birdbrained rollercoaster of your temperature scale has no place on a civilised planet.

The Fahrenheit Future Is Now! Accept it.

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Stops tying rope to bridge.

Wow! That was close!

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
how bout them housecats

Whoo hoo!!! Go sportsball!! Bring home the gold Housecats!!! Whoo hoo!! We did it!!!

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Scrappy was okay, unless it was the Hanna-Barbarra Olympics. That shit was too important for that little a*$~$~$ to choke.

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C'mon! Join the race to 400 aliases! It's not whether you win or lose, but how you finish the race.

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No pain, no gain!

Which is why I spritz my face with Kevin Sorbo's sweat!

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kyrt-ryder wrote:

Dotting out of interest. I know my views are pretty extreme, it'll be interesting to see who (if any) puts me on their list.

To post on topic bandw2 (pardon me if I've misspelled it, mobile posting on break here) is on my list.

I'll put you on my list, I'm just that extreme. :-)

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Limeylongears wrote:

'Limey, meet 7% abv Polish porter. 7% abv Polish porter, meet Limey'

'Hi there'

'Cześć. Jak długo przed leżysz płasko na plecach, strasznie nadużywają Google Translate, jodłowanie i wymachując szablą w powietrzu?'

'About 45 minutes, I'd say'

I'll git er done in twenty minutes, fifteen if i slam a few industrial size Red Bull beforehand.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

I think we should convince Freehold to move to Florida.

there is only one reason I would even consider moving to Florida, and it ain't happening.

Is It to ride the newly opened Frozen ride? I hate to break it to you, but it's got crazy long lines because it breaks down every day. Five hours to wait in line is a bit extreme, even for me.

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Or maybe this is just the sort of thing they live for!!!

But, probably not. :-)

Not even a certificate...

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sips from a water bottle as I putter by in a golf cart

No pain, no gain!!!

takes another sip

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Unorthodox methods I keep my reflexes sharp.

Guide two Beagles through the woods, both wearing leashes.

It also tests patience and wrist strength.

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Man, I was ahead of my time, I could totally beat up any of these kids.

The Hulk is invincible, why can't I!

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Random thought of the day... Why don't men ever wax their faces? Then they wouldn't have to shave all the time.
If I am going down this path and I have thought about it. I would go and get lasered.

Nope, I'm out, too EXTREME!!! for me.

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When I'm not being lazy about it that is.

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We have hills, with the majority on my way to work.

I'm gonna be so ripped by the end of summer.

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Sounds like GMing for Larry is a league unto it's own. :-D

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I love the filter personally, I wouldn't swear so f!!#ing much if it weren't there. :-)

I also love refreshing to see the symbols f%$~ing change, and then there's the goddamn shit f@+!ing random smurfs, f%$+ing A!

And I thought I was Xtreme!

Light weights.

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You said Xbone :-)

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Ha! I was the one dropping coin in the swear jar that morning:-D

Things get X-treme!! when I check my phone before I drink my coffee :-)

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I totally went X-treme!! and nobody favorite'd any of it, of course maybe if thegreenbackgamer didn't start swearing at everyone... :-D

Oh come on! Who the f*%! got the confessions thread locked!

Now where am I gonna get X-treme!!

I don't see anyway that making it a competition could possibly go wrong... for me!!

... turned out to be Rob Schneider... still went for it totally struck out! Gonna Red bull it and climb the Himalayas, Totally X-treme!!!

Wasn't me, I'm entirely too X-treme for that, yup, totally wrestled a wild Elk while snow boarding up to make the moves on Jennifer Aniston.

You are all shunned for giving me the idea for this alias, I hope y'all can live with what you've just unleashed...