Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Cover your eyes, in honor of this day, this dwarf will strip down to his birthday suit for top of the page.

Cover your eyes in horror of this day...

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
I was not around for the beginning, but for the benefit all the newer people such as myself, behold the first post.

Quoting this so it's not lost at the bottom of a page.

Drejk wrote:
Cover your eyes in horror of this day...

It took me a couple of rereads to realize that isn't what Tordek posted....

RPG Superstar 2012

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:

So, I may or may not have just screwed myself over and have to graduate a semester later than planned.

I didn't submit my practicum. Without the submitted practicum and signature assignment (5 lesson plans), I fail the class regardless of test scores. I typed it up in the submission box, and *I* can access it fine. But since I never clicked the submit box, my professor never received it. Thus, I failed the class.

I'm trying to work with the professor (who is admittedly awesome for even listening to my freakout). However, the student teaching office e-mailed and said that if I have to repeat the class, I won't be able to student teach until the spring (instead of August as planned).

Spilling my guts here because I *still* haven't told my dad. I'm hoping that the professor will take the late assignment, but haven't heard back about that yet.


First of all, hugs.
Secondly, remember things don't always work out to the best laid plans - life has a habit of kicking us all in the rear. Sometimes these things are for the best, sometimes they end annoyingly.
Thirdly, we are all here for you. And I hope things resolve themselves well, that your professor accepts it.
Lastly, sorry. Just trying to come up with some consoling words.


taig wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:


First of all, hugs.
Secondly, remember things don't always work out to the best laid plans - life has a habit of kicking us all in the rear. Sometimes these things are for the best, sometimes they end annoyingly.
Thirdly, we are all here for you. And I hope things resolve themselves well, that your professor accepts it.
Lastly, sorry. Just trying to come up with some consoling words.


But then you already know that because we discussed this over Skype =/

RPG Superstar 2012

Wow, four years ago...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Stop making me feel old, Paizo.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hah, this is why I'm not a great FaWtL poster, because I am not silly enough*, don't post enough and end up just popping down uninformitive posts.

'Oi stop it stupid nose growing too long'

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We ain't getting any younger.

Just went to look and check... I missed the beginning of FAWTL by a month and a half. It started in late May 2009, I registered and made my first post (in the Savage Tide forum, predictably, since that's what brought me here) in early July.

Think I didn't actually get involved in posting here until Son of Fawtl or Fawtl 3 though. (Can't remember which.)

And I missed Fawtl 4 and most of 5 due to my two-year hiatus.

RPG Superstar 2012

I managed to get on page 2, but I showed up five days after the thread's genesis.

RPG Superstar brought me to the boards, and FaWTL kept me here. :)

RPG Superstar 2012

I hadn't realized you took quite so much time off, Orthos.

Icyshadow wrote:
We ain't getting any younger.

Only mentally, whooooo!

I was posting (rarely) on the boards for a year before, but lurking for much longer. (Due to following 1 amazing pbp)

taig wrote:
I hadn't realized you took quite so much time off, Orthos.

Going back through my posts (where I do have some in Son of Fawtl, but if I had any in the original they were few and I skipped right over them), it looks closer to a year and a half. It looks like my last post was in my old Fimbulwinter PbP at the beginning of September 2010; my first post after that was May 2012, in Fawtl 6.

DSXMachina wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:

So, I may or may not have just screwed myself over and have to graduate a semester later than planned.

I didn't submit my practicum. Without the submitted practicum and signature assignment (5 lesson plans), I fail the class regardless of test scores. I typed it up in the submission box, and *I* can access it fine. But since I never clicked the submit box, my professor never received it. Thus, I failed the class.

I'm trying to work with the professor (who is admittedly awesome for even listening to my freakout). However, the student teaching office e-mailed and said that if I have to repeat the class, I won't be able to student teach until the spring (instead of August as planned).

Spilling my guts here because I *still* haven't told my dad. I'm hoping that the professor will take the late assignment, but haven't heard back about that yet.


First of all, hugs.
Secondly, remember things don't always work out to the best laid plans - life has a habit of kicking us all in the rear. Sometimes these things are for the best, sometimes they end annoyingly.
Thirdly, we are all here for you. And I hope things resolve themselves well, that your professor accepts it.
Lastly, sorry. Just trying to come up with some consoling words.

You took the word right out of my mouth.

taig wrote:
RPG Superstar brought me to the boards, and FaWTL kept me here. :)

Savage Tide here, stayed for Fawtl and the APs. And now the PbPs.

Scarab Sages

taig wrote:

I managed to get on page 2, but I showed up five days after the thread's genesis.

RPG Superstar brought me to the boards, and FaWTL kept me here. :)

I was in on the first page, but only with my sock mean aliases.

As I recall, what originally brought me to the boards was following a Dungeon Magazine Link from the WotC website to this one. Like it so much I eventually took the plunge and began, for the first time ever, to participate in a message board. That was back in June 2005, I believe.

Scarab Sages

And the rest, as they say, is history.....

Scarab Sages

Of course, all your lives have been enriched as a result.

Scarab Sages

No need to thank me.

Scarab Sages

taig wrote:
I hadn't realized you took quite so much time off, Orthos.

Who took time off? :)

Scarab Sages

Played our PF FR game last night. The sister of one of my friends is visting him and his wife for the next month or so and joined us in our game. So that was cool.

Once again, my elf wizard showed off his phenomonal cosmic power (sans itty, bitty living space), by singlehandedly eliminating a rat swarm and one of the wererats attacking the party.

How do I get rid of a napping habit?

Scarab Sages

All right, that's enough for now. Later folks.

Orthos wrote:
taig wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:


First of all, hugs.
Secondly, remember things don't always work out to the best laid plans - life has a habit of kicking us all in the rear. Sometimes these things are for the best, sometimes they end annoyingly.
Thirdly, we are all here for you. And I hope things resolve themselves well, that your professor accepts it.
Lastly, sorry. Just trying to come up with some consoling words.


But then you already know that because we discussed this over Skype =/



Release the Kraken! Err, I mean the alts!

Happy Birthday FAWTL!

Happy Birthday, FAWTL!

Emperor7 wrote:

Release the Kraken! Err, I mean the alts!

Happy Birthday FAWTL!


Liberty's Edge


Is this the meeting of the Drama Society?

Egg time!



~Happy birthday, FAWTL. Happy Birthday, FAWTL.~

I approve this message

No boobs for you!

Today, FAWTL takes over the world!

I'm stoned

Get the Ch'ack outta here!

I'm lost

I'm confused. Literally.

na na. na na. nananananananananananananana



Help me find the path!

All systems go, sir. Whiskey tango foxtrot.

I'm not emo

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