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Jokes on you I was already stone("d"!?)

*Casts 'Stone To Wendsleydale Cheese' on Vidmaster7*

YOU HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD STONE TO CHEESE SPELL AND YOU PICK WENSLEYDALE? You could have a least done a nice fruit-mixed Stilton, or an Irish cheddar.
*shakes head and walks off*

Sovereign Court

*With the auction still yet to start, I quickly head home to make some... modifications... to Doktor Verruckte's laboratory and the master bedroom.*

There we go, that should do it!

*Returns to the auction which, hopefully, now has begun.*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:


YOU HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD STONE TO CHEESE SPELL AND YOU PICK WENSLEYDALE? You could have a least done a nice fruit-mixed Stilton, or an Irish cheddar.
*shakes head and walks off*

It's a very specific spell...

We would like to request that any unseemly dealings please be terminated or relocated elsewhere. This area is not under our jurisdiction, so we won't make judgements, but I will be observing and reporting to local authorities. And if things progress too far, which the entity known as Goattoucher is already pushing the envelope on, intervention may be resorted to anyway, on the assumption that everyone decent will agree it was justified.

Scarab Sages

I see the Iron Federation takes cheese quality VERY seriously!

Hear that, Grimsby? You'd better start doing better than frikkin' Wensleydale!

That was actually only a minor concern, though the actual invention of a stone-to-cheese spell was somewhat worrying. We don't really care what kind of cheese it was, though.

You guys are so cheesy, but that is ok I think it is grate!

I said Wensleydale.

I meant WINS-leydale.

Unfortunately, getting oak-smoked Cheddar or better requires use of both the Empower Spell and Maximise Spell metamagic feats, and I used up all my higher level spell slots on that angry pig. We'll have to wait for eight hours, at least.

Wheel have to see If we can wait that long. You had better hurry or people might get feta-up of waiting.

Poog win on behalve of goblins!

Half a goblin is better than a whole one.

Just dropping by *sees goattoucher* quickly turns goattoucher to stone, then imbues the true name into rope Now whenever anybody uses rope they have to see goattouchers [REDACTED]

Sovereign Court

*Enters through the front gate of his castle, with ten brides (all of whom are now vampires) in tow.*

Welcome, ladies, to my humble abode and your new home!

*Calls forth the servants, to help make the brides more comfortable and at home.*

Now, all that is left, is to await the return of our dear Doktor Verruckte.


Scarab Sages

In front!

Back again.

But not for long.

Vid is back, tell a friend.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I say, fairies! Vid's back!


Guess who's back, guess who's back
Guess who's back, guess who's back.

:chops Vid's liver:

*Dons biohazard suit. Gingerly checks chopped liver for 'Portnoy-isation'*

You know you guys keep trying to kill me you'll just be stuck with the pun bear. right?

Scarab Sages

*repeatedly whacks Vidmaster7 like the incorrigible garden mole he is*

Heh He will have a lot of trouble digging his way out of that one.

AT least he will always be in your volumes affecting your concentrations...

Beans for breakfast!


Sovereign Court


*Looks around sheepishly, spots the butler.*

Hush, you! No need to panic!

*Walks away with head held high and leaving the butler bewildered.*

Ahoy an' Avast!
To each lad an' each lass.
Git yer arses in gear, an' anchors aweigh!
It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!!

Arrh, that it be, by the salty beard of Golda Meir. Double-splang the 'foreship jingle-flaps 'til the gruel-badger strikes the first Lieutenant's seethin' merkin, ye sons of a half-Dutch whelk-extractor!

Also, by a remarkable coinkydink, it be also Dr. Pirate's day for blindfolded flyin' circumcisions. Those interested should remove their britches, lie face up on the quarterdeck and commend their souls to Valkur.

*eyes pirates warily*


I might be a pirate...
I might be a ninja...
Who can tell?

What if I'm a Zombie-pirate-ninja?

You should be Zombie-Pirate-Ninja-Goblin

I can be...

Sovereign Court

Pirate, ninja, goblin - who cares?! A zombie is still a zombie! And that means that they rank lowest on the undead totem pole (just behind ghouls, who are behind geishts, who are behind skeletons - yep, skeletons rank pretty high, twenty ranks below vampires).

Also, I'm surprised that no-one picked up on the fact that Vidmaster7 scared me (a vampire with more power and evil in my little finger than all the evil deities have in their entire bodies).

Ehh... who cares?

*Creates demi-plane for fun*
Aww... How cute. They think atomic energy is a great achievement!

This unit observed that, but did not feel a need to comment. Absurdly overpowered entities appear to be normal in this location. Hence why we are keeping a close eye on it.

Fair. I mean their is a talking hamster and inter dimensional clown plus whatever pulg is.

Pulg is.
That is really all anyone can know for sure.

He certainly does "is."

Pulg is a horrid abomination.

*horrid = Hairy*

Ancient Dragon Master wrote:
Pulg is a horrid abomination.

Some people call me the Mouldy Aboleth.

Some people call me the B*h*l*er of Love.

Alright Maurice calm it down.


Now your not even trying.

Are you stalking me?

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