I don't suppose that you'd be a fiddler crab?
I'm pretty sure Summon Instrument is a low-level Bard spell. Therefore, crab7 = crabbard7.
In that case, the crabbard should get a guild Tabard!
Not me. This thread is firmly against Tabard Shaming.
Maybe we could get some for my fleas too.
Well, they're on Pulg and Schism right now, so it'll probably have to wait.
skritch skritch
Are these your bubonic plague fleas?
Fleas cannot live on hair alone.
No, Schism, the fleas on you are my ash plague fleas.
My bubonic plague fleas are on Pulg, and I always send fleas to Pulg so that they (the fleas) die.
What is with all this talk of fleas?
Fly from the fleas, before they bite your knees.
Call the Police. They will bring some cheese.
I baked a pie for everyone, so try it, please.
The flavour is: heart's blood and monkey sneeze!
(Sour cherry and crabapple, respectively, I'm not that disgusting!).
DOOM is displeased with this tom foolery.
And I'm displeased that Doom is acting like a wet celery!
Now in the blue corner, the Great and Mighty Doom! And in the red corner, the neither great, nor mighty grinch. Place your bets!
Doom's entrance music is, apparently, a ska-punk version of 'South Of The Border' by Edward Sheeran.
While my entrance music is the latest song (whatever it is, I don't care) from the coolest band to ever exist: Pulg's Goblin Flugelhorn Band!
Hardly a match at all. it is time for this over used Christmas Cliche to meet DOOM.
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Thanks for the support Schism, I won't let you down!
*A ringside bell chimes, and the match begins.*
Let's see, just how do I make the fight more interesting?
*However, the question is soon answered as Doom unleashes both scientific and sorcerous attacks.*
Okay... I'm in a slight bit of trouble here...
*Gets beaten up a few times, but refuses to go down.*
I must say, Doom, you truly are a mighty foe. No-one could ever hope to match your genius...
*Doom is evidently flattered by this.*
But... Have you ever considered the following...
*Just when it seems like the match is over, The Grinch drops a bombshell of facts and hypothetical scenarios about Doom and the inevitable (and unintended) consequences of his (Doom's) actions. Thus, Doom forfeits the match, leaving in an angered huff and vowing to return as both the most intelligent and the wisest being in the universe!.*
Well, looks like I'm the winner then. :-)
*appears to pick up the defeated DOOMBOT* are you done with this thing now?
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*Plays, plays and plays the VICTORY SONG*
*Dances, dances and dances the VICTORY DANCE*
*Eats, eats and eats the VICTORY SPINACH*
DOOM will take that as a yes.
Remember my wise words, Doom, remember my wise words...
Yay! I knew you would win Mr. Grinch.
Collects 4000 copper pennies after arguing with the bookie who tried to pay her in something called paper dollars.
The nerve of that guy. Trying to cheat me with useless paper.
Um, Schism, a few words please...
*Teaches Schism all about money and how it was given a paper based format for overall ease.*
Beyond that, you made a very smart bet.
Reasons the grinch did not win.
1. He’s not Hannibal Lecter.
2. The grinch’s only power is theft, but he: A. Got caught in the act. (By the smallest Who in Whoville, yet.) B. Failed to steal the Spirit of X-Mas, even though he carted off the material things.
3. Even though Dr. Doom always looses against the F.F. it’s because he has a thang for Suzy Storm. Doom has no such feels for the grinch.
4. In the aforementioned Whoville debacle, the dog did most of the work. Grinch did not bring his dog to the match, so the grinch finds himself badly outmatched in the mental arena.
5. Dr. Doom has magic, technology, and a rad suit of armor. The grinch has mild antisocial tendencies, and green fur.
You are correct, however, you've overlooked a very important fact: Doom has an ego larger than the universe.
Knowing that I could never match his strength, I used my knowledge of Doom to point out that his schemes would ultimately prove to be his downfall. Because, high as Doom's intelligence is, without sufficient wisdom he's quite stupid.
None of that. You just lost. Period.
Also apparently it was just a doombot.
I can neither confirm or deny that one.
Perhaps, I can convince you otherwise...
Oh, goodness me, no! Electrodes stopped being in use years ago! Now, we use photontrodes.
Gets out 3 wood
Launches creepy blue thing into orbit
*Sees the creepy blue thing (as Schism calls it) go into a miniature black hole.*
Now that's what I call, a hole in one!
Seems that as a whole, you don’t like smurfs.
La, la. La, la, la!
Another one!
Dang, hooked that one.
Should really be using a wedge for the one with blonde hair.
Didn't think about the hair causing wind drag.
That's why I just use fire!
*Joins Schism in despatching the little blue creeps, but uses a flamethrower instead of a golf club.*
A very smurfy lettuce and tomato sand wedge.
Wedges can be quite smurfy.
So long as you remember that wedges work best at right angles.