kid america RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Derek Vande Brake "More low-level stuff - there's a bit for some specialty encounters, but your average generic campaign is pretty much limited to kobolds, goblins, orcs, skeletons, and zombies, as well as core races and a few hungry animals, for CR 1 encounters - unless you use a single enemy that the players quickly dogpile and overwhelm. It's easy to build challenging encounters for higher levels, because you can combine low level stuff, but you can't exactly have the party fight 1/4th of a dragon."
I agree with Derek.
This is an excellent suggestion. More Lower CR creatures would be a great addition. Even new beginner players get tired of fighting kobolds, goblins, orcs, and skeletons. And as a GM I am loathe to hear them referred to as "Dungeon Fodder."
A suggestion would be easily added variants and templates for basic CR 1/3 to CR 2 creatures. Some of the templates could even be universal. The templates don't need to just apply to creatures, they could also apply to mammals, birds and insects.
Or how about some lesser versions and variations on the big bad TPK CR creatures. How about a CR 2 dragon or drake. Why not a CR 1 dragon or drake subtype. Lets see an interesting medium size CR 1 or 2 devil or demon.
Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
Gorbacz wrote:True, but I would like them more like Frostburn's versionAzure_Zero wrote:Will Paizo include some creatures from the post-dino age, like the saber-tooth tiger, and the wolly mammoth.sabretooth tiger = Dire Tiger (Bestiary 1)
wooly mamooth = Mastodon (Bestiary 1)
So what's stopping you from using Frostburn's versions instead if you already have it and like it? Figuring out CMB and adding some feats isn't that tricky. Or just add the relevant special abilities to the dire tigers and mastodons in your game.
SImRobert2001 |
They already said no to Beholders, so no Eye of the Deep.
Ooglers, on the other hand could be built into an approximation of one.
The third book could have an extensive section on fan created creatures. That's very new.
I'm sorry someone had a very different experience with cats. Creamsicle learned to say Milk and Ham. Her daughter Calico learned to say, "Mommy Let Me Out!". Maybe mixed breed cats are more evolved or something.
Why did they say no to beholders?
I would LOVE to see mind flayers, but they won't happen.Bluescale |
Why did they say no to beholders?
Beholders are Intellectual Property of WotC. Interestingly, the Eye of the Deep is open, as it was in the "Tome of Horrors: Revised", and has even been used in an AP. I doubt it will be in the "Bestiary 3" though, what with the Pathfinder version of "Tome of Horrors Complete" updating the Eye.
SImRobert2001 |
More fey, and not the creepy-gnomey, trickstery types either. Nature-centric (druid-y, even) fey are preferable, from all biomes. Forest fey, jungle fey, highland fey, tundra/arctic fey, desert fey...
TL;DR... Fey, Bear+Deer hybrid, more animals (Platypus and Ram specifically), and more small 0-HD races that are playable and not intentionally weaker.
OMG and more templates. Templates are sooooo amazing. I wish there was a book just for templates.
I've been reading Celtic Lore lately, and really, fae are really kind of pricks. There are stories of them kidnapping people they like, in addition to taking "Spirit sight" away from people who were able to see into the spirit realm.
With that being said, i would love to see Creeping Angels from the doctor who series. There was already a group of Gargoyles who operated on the same prospect of begin able to move only when not seen.
Arevashti |
There are stories of them kidnapping people they like, in addition to taking "Spirit sight" away from people who were able to see into the spirit realm.
And sometimes, they were pretty brutal about removing spirit sight, too.
I seem to recall one story in particular: A woman was kidnapped by a dragonlike water fey (vouivre, I believe) in order to take care of its baby. It finally let her go, but not before she got some sort of ointment in her eye.
Later, she saw the vouivre prowling around the marketplace in town—but only out of the eye that had been anointed. The vouivre realized what had happened, and blinded her in that eye. With its claws.
ItoSaithWebb |
More humanoid races!
More skeleton/zombie types!
More simple templates!
More standard animals & vermin!
More sentient plant races!Crystal dragons!
Sentient animal template!
Crystal Dragons are on page 98 of Bestiary 2. However, they do not have the other gem dragons and I have a feeling those will show up in the third volume if they follow their pattern so far.
Tom_Kalbfus |
If we could get monsters from movies,books, tv shows(minus those pesky copyright laws) then lets have Audry II from "Little shop of horrors", xenomorphs from "Alien", preditor, movie version gremlins, and some monters from Buffy tv series. But thats not going to happen but there are still some stuff out there that is public domain.
Bandersnatch and jubjub bird
animals(prehistoric and regular kangaroos, platipus, more prehistoric mammals)
How about stats for "King Kong" and other giant apes like him?
gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |
Dragon78 wrote:How about stats for "King Kong" and other giant apes like him?If we could get monsters from movies,books, tv shows(minus those pesky copyright laws) then lets have Audry II from "Little shop of horrors", xenomorphs from "Alien", preditor, movie version gremlins, and some monters from Buffy tv series. But thats not going to happen but there are still some stuff out there that is public domain.
Bandersnatch and jubjub bird
animals(prehistoric and regular kangaroos, platipus, more prehistoric mammals)
I 100% want above-Colossal creatures, but not until they decide to make above-Colossal rules. None of this Colossal Godzilla garbage for me.
Kthulhu |
Tom_Kalbfus wrote:How about stats for "King Kong" and other giant apes like him?I 100% want above-Colossal creatures, but not until they decide to make above-Colossal rules. None of this Colossal Godzilla garbage for me.
I'm not sure that King Kong would even make Colossal. The only time he was anywhere near Godzilla-sized was in King Kong vs Godzilla, so that the film wouldn't look exactly like Godzilla vs Bambi. After all, King Kong climbs tall buildings, while Godzilla towers above them.
gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |
gbonehead wrote:I'm not sure that King Kong would even make Colossal. The only time he was anywhere near Godzilla-sized was in King Kong vs Godzilla, so that the film wouldn't look exactly like Godzilla vs Bambi. After all, King Kong climbs tall buildings, while Godzilla towers above them.Tom_Kalbfus wrote:How about stats for "King Kong" and other giant apes like him?I 100% want above-Colossal creatures, but not until they decide to make above-Colossal rules. None of this Colossal Godzilla garbage for me.
Very true. King Kong most likely would be Colossal. Requires a 30 ft. x 30 ft. footprint, which seems quite reasonable given that his hand is just the right size to hold a scantily clad woman.
So sure, throw King Kong in there. But please no Godzilla before we have above-Colossal rules :)
Gorbacz |
Paizo's Standard Teasing, I mean, Marketing Procedure for Bestiaries calls for teasing and revealing snippets of informations first (like JJ dropping a hint that 2 RotRL monsters will appear in B3), followed by art previews (mysterious, leaving us guessing what is what) and a full list sometime around the book release. Maybe a spiffy "All Bestiary 3 Monsters" promo poster, too.
SquirmWyrm |
I agree with many of the things people are wishing for in this thread, like more of the new outsider types, especially more traditional, scary angels, but there are a few things I'd like to see.
Firstly, Tsukumogami (essentially anchient, well-used objects that become sentient upon their 100th year in existence, and acquire humanoid features.)
Secondly, more international undead, like the Civitateo of Central America, original femme fatales, the gyonshi (jiang shi) hopping vampires, the horrible penanggalan of the Malaysia, the pontianak of Indonesia, Or the wise Indian baital, the canine eng banka, and so on.
Thirdly, I would like to see more constructs, both golems and otherwise, more high-CR oozes, and of course, more completely original monsters.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I saw there is going to be a clockwork creature type (or sub-type, or template, or SOMETHING!), and I hope it has a couple of the following features:
A key that needs to be turned, so they might eventually wind down in the middle of an activity.
A way to use Disable Device (or Craft metalworking, Knowledge engineering, or Use Magic Device) to give negative conditions to clockwork devices, like shaken or sickened, slowed, staggered, stunned, paralyzed.
A way to re-program clockwork devices, possibly by using a difference engine of some kind.
Dragon78 |
Maybe a list of the monsters we know and/or think that will be in the beastairy 3.
Known to be:
Bonus beastairy(12)
Savage cyclopes
Grave knight
Clockwork killers
More sphinxes(1-3)
More linnorms
More Drakes
Imperial dragons(5)
More giant spiders
More giant scorpions
More Lamia
More Dinosaurs
More Gremlins
More Rakshasa
Might be:
hivemind66 |
I play a druid in a high seas campaign and I feel there is a lack of plant creatures to shape shift into.
Also, Beast Shape has "WEB" as one of the options but as far as I can tell, nothing that is the "animal" type has a web. Spiders are vermin so shrug! Has anyone else found a sturdy beast with web? Maybe a Magical Beast of some sort?
KestlerGunner |
-Shadow of the Colossus style gargantuan continent creatures.
-Have we got Irish Dullahans yet? Pretty ones?
-Cursed Varisian Tattoos that infect your skin and take over your body?
-Tiki monsters! Hawaiian volcano devils that brew nasty-great cocktails!
-Variant Vrocks! Vrock on!
-Tiny rocky earth monsters that keep eating rocks until they grow to be enormous, boulder sized giga-bulettes that roll down mountain ranges, causing avalanches.
-Magically spliced humans.
-Degenerate hillbilly mutants with monstrous Con and a taste for human flesh.
-Mana Wasted template.
-Fairy God Mothers (Fey Sorceresses that have accepted their Fey nature completely and turned into a wish granting spirit)
Alex Smith 908 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Derek Vande Brake "More low-level stuff - there's a bit for some specialty encounters, but your average generic campaign is pretty much limited to kobolds, goblins, orcs, skeletons, and zombies, as well as core races and a few hungry animals, for CR 1 encounters - unless you use a single enemy that the players quickly dogpile and overwhelm. It's easy to build challenging encounters for higher levels, because you can combine low level stuff, but you can't exactly have the party fight 1/4th of a dragon."
I agree with Derek.
This is an excellent suggestion. More Lower CR creatures would be a great addition. Even new beginner players get tired of fighting kobolds, goblins, orcs, and skeletons. And as a GM I am loathe to hear them referred to as "Dungeon Fodder."
A suggestion would be easily added variants and templates for basic CR 1/3 to CR 2 creatures. Some of the templates could even be universal. The templates don't need to just apply to creatures, they could also apply to mammals, birds and insects.
Or how about some lesser versions and variations on the big bad TPK CR creatures. How about a CR 2 dragon or drake. Why not a CR 1 dragon or drake subtype. Lets see an interesting medium size CR 1 or 2 devil or demon.
This is something I have to disagree with; I think the problem is not too few low level enemies we have vegipygmies, octogoblins, those ant dudes from the shadow plane. The problem is that we don't have enough memorable ones that aren't just reskinned humanoids.
We need low level and mid level monsters with unique abilities and memorable roles.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I'd like to see more megafauna: Indricotheriinae, Brontotheriidae, Chalicothere, etc. Possibly magical beast variants with magic horns that have a variety of special effects (dispel magic, petrification, reverse gravity, etc.).
I'd also like to see versions of 3.5's Ironclad Mauler (a bear with armor plating surgically attached) that also include mastiffs, boars, lions, bulls, rhinos, and elephants. Maybe a template.
Dragon78 |
I like to see creatures that:
1)are healers(more than likely from the positive energy plane)ether than can channel, an aura that grants fast healing, or just a bunch healing/curative spell powers.
2)are buffers ether by spell powers, aura effects, symbiotic relationship, or bardic music
3)are battlefiend control(low level ones like CR1-7 range)
4)unusual abilities, functions, stratagies, or mind set
5)are protective with other races, creatures, or a particular creature or person.
Christopher Delvo |
But seriously...I'm just excited for what's been teased so far. This one's got my attention much more than Bestiary 2 (which basically just had me drooling over Jabberwocky rules).
Hmmm...on second thought, I'd like to see...
The Tick.
...Catch Phrase,
P.S.: On an actual serious note, I want more basic undead. I think undead come with a goldmine of stories on their own and I'd like to see things like fresh-dead zombies who can disguise themselves as normal people, patchwork frankenstein monsters and skeletons cobbled together from 4-5 different bodies, creating "human" spiders and centipedes.
Mournblade94 |
But seriously...I'm just excited for what's been teased so far. This one's got my attention much more than Bestiary 2 (which basically just had me drooling over Jabberwocky rules).
Hmmm...on second thought, I'd like to see...
The Tick.
...Catch Phrase,
Then we could also get stats for Little Wooden Boy constructs.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I'd like to see more creatures of the animal type that aren't real-life creatures. Mythological beasts that may be vast, powerful and strange but aren't magical beasts.
Surely the animal type isn't obsolete after CR 14.
Brontotheriidae or Titanotheriida!!!!!!
They're like giant rhinos with even cooler horns. There were even some hornless rhinos twice the size of African elephants!
Heck, even Tolkienesque oliphants could be in the CR 16-20 range.
And it would be fun to mount a cannon between the horns of a rhino-esque megacerops and let loose on the party!
Christopher Delvo |
And it would be fun to mount a cannon between the horns of a rhino-esque megacerops and let loose on the party!
Allowing, of course, that such a tactic doesn't scramble the megacerops' brain with the recoil. That's a very funny concept, actually.
A group of bandits somehow get their hands on a megacerops and a cannon, get the awesome idea to put them together, mount the cannon on its head, and then let loose on the next foes they face. The megacerops goes down in a heap, its brain leaking out of its ears.
Though I can't claim to know a megacerops' cranial integrity, or the shock absorption such integrity might grant to its brain.
...Catch Phrase,
hellharlequin |
Maybe a list of the monsters we know and/or think that will be in the beastairy 3.
Known to be:
Bonus beastairy(12)
Savage cyclopes
Grave knight
Clockwork killers
More sphinxes(1-3)
More linnorms
More Drakes
Imperial dragons(5)
More giant spiders
More giant scorpions
More Lamia
More Dinosaurs
More Gremlins
More Rakshasa
BehemothsMight be:
add also to the might be
and let's hope for the Azis
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Dragon78 wrote:Maybe a list of the monsters we know and/or think that will be in the beastairy 3.
Known to be:
Bonus beastairy(12)
Savage cyclopes
Grave knight
Clockwork killers
More sphinxes(1-3)
More linnorms
More Drakes
Imperial dragons(5)
More giant spiders
More giant scorpions
More Lamia
More Dinosaurs
More Gremlins
More Rakshasa
BehemothsMight be:
Valkyriesadd also to the might be
and let's hope for the Azis
Azis? Like, the artificial zygote insemination folk from CJ Cherryh's Union-Alliance universe??? Awesome!!! They would make great encounter-padding mooks!!!!
Evil Midnight Lurker |
Hmmm...on second thought, I'd like to see...The Tick.
...Catch Phrase,
...and so he says to me, you wanna be a bad guy? And I say YEAH baby! I wanna be bad! SURF'S UP, SPACE PONIES -- I'M MAKIN' GRAVY WITHOUT THE LUMPS!!!!!
...he's totally a goblin alchemist, isn't he? :)
F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |
As Bestiary 3 is off to the printer now, I feel safe in saying that a lot of folks here, including the original poster, are going to be very pleased. There's also some who should be pretty happy already, as there's several monsters that keep showing up on this list that are in Bestiary 2.
But rest assured, as it gets closer to this book's release we'll have plenty of previews and spoilers to keep the rumor mill grinding.
F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |
Mayhaps we can get a Rat King?
Ha! This guy has been on my personal hit list for quite some time. So far, though, the closest I've gotten to writing him up is in Pathfinder 47. Someday, though... someday.
F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |