Back in the Saddle!

Friday, September 8, 2016

I'm back from Dragon Con with a handful of new preview images from November's Deadly Foes set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures! And thanks to one friendly Dragon Con panel attendee, I've decided to add a FOURTH figure to this evening's preview, in part to make up for the last couple of weeks with no updates and in part to show her that dreams really do come true, sometimes much more rapidly than you can imagine!

Let's start things off today with this imposing Dwarf Slaver, as nasty a ginger as your player characters will ever encounter. With art based on the Chelish villain Kossrani from Pathfinder Adventure Path #97: In Hell's Bright Shadow, this guy has enough personality to be a hero OR a villain. He's also a good illustration of how things can go wrong during the sculpting and approval process, and how good WizKids is at fixing our mistakes! Take a close look at Kossrani's shield, with the awesome carved-in symbol of Asmodeus. Well, it would have been awesome if it hadn't been sculpted in reverse. You see, sometimes when we're laying out books, we flip an image on its Y axis to make for a more interesting page layout. This usually works with no problems, but occasionally, as in the case of Pathfinder #97, something like a holy symbol gets reversed and causes a bit of a problem. In this case, I didn't notice until the paint master came into the Paizo offices and I was holding it in my hand. Happily, WizKids was able to fill in the mold for the cut-out part of the shield, and will instead be producing the (correct) Asmodeus symbol using a tampo stamp. All praise be to the Lord of the Nine Hells! Miracles really do happen, you guys! The Dwarf Slaver is a Medium figure slated at the uncommon rarity.

Up next is the Torrent Hellknight, based on the Wayne Reynolds character design for the Hell's Rebels character Lictor Octavio Sabinus from the cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #98. This is our third or fourth Hellknight in Pathfinder Battles so far (I've lost count!), and he's definitely one of my favorites. I think I've found that, as cool as all-black armor looks on the printed page, it sometimes results in fairly underwhelming prepainted figures, at least color-wise. Thankfully, the blue cape and silver scale armor in Wayne's design gives us some interesting colors to pop with this guy, and I think he'll be a popular choice for player characters and NPCs alike. Heck, get a couple of them and they serve as pretty killer elite guards for any of the various Chelaxian (or even just generally evil) NPCs we've released to date. The Torrent Hellknight is a Medium, uncommon figure.

Speaking of despicable Chelaxian villains, here we have Jilia Bainilus, the former mayor of the city of Kintargo and a very interesting character in the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path. Calling Jilia a villain is a bit of a stretch (as well as a bit of a spoiler), so in the interests of not ruining anything let's just say her Facebook alignment status is "It's Complicated." Jilia's look comes direct from the brush of Pathfinder superstar artist Wayne Reynolds and the cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #99. I think she's got a fantastic look for a player character noble swordswoman. Although Jilia's official game statistics are... let's just say, "somewhat different," to me this is pretty much the perfect swashbuckler miniature, and I can't wait to use it in my games. Jilia Bainilus is a Medium, rare figure.

After one of my fun Dragon Con panels this last weekend, a dedicated Pathfinder fan came up to ask me if we might ever do a Pathfinder Battles figure of a Strix, the dark-skinned primitive winged folk who feature so heavily in the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path, Liane Merciel's wonderful Nightglass novel, and elsewhere. I was pleased to not only say "yes, we will!" but to say "yes, we will, as soon as humanly possible. In fact, we've got one in the very next set!" So here you go, Pathfinder fan. Your very own Strix Sorcerer, suitable for use as a player character or a nasty winged villain. Huzzah! The Strix Sorcerer is a Medium, uncommon figure.

Next week, I'll be back with more awesome previews for Deadly Foes. A formal announcement of the next set should hit soon. In the meantime, I'm currently working on the NEXT setlist with our recently returned Director of Licensing, Mike Kenway. We're starting with a blank slate and a VERY loose theme for this one, so please let me know if you have any requests! I'm particularly interested to hear what major races or groups you'd like to see us cover with multiple "like" figures in the same set. By my count we've done goblins, orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, ghouls, and a few others.

What else do you want or need? Let us know in the comments.

Until then, I remain...

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Deadly Foes Hell's Rebels Miniatures Pathfinder Battles
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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi Eric! Great preview, and if the paint turns out as well as in Rusty Dragon Inn the line is now amazing in my books for PPM. I've asked before, and you have kindly asked for requests - what about Pathfinder Drow? Given the paint quality of the line now a troup of Pathfinder-style Drow would be awesome in any set - perhaps a Priestess of Nocticula, an Anti-Paladin, A Sorcerer-type (based on Core Rulebook art, with the Quasit familiar of shoulder), and a standard rogue/fighter with hand crossbow and rapier? Isn't it high time for the Drow to enter this line?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Like these four and once again rarities are good. Will that flame effect on the strip be a added piece? I'm glad the dwarfs shield gets a Tampa, means a quick spot of ain't and Bam! No longer an Asmodean.

I really hope this hell knight is a solid translation to plastic. I love the hell knight look and the last few have been a little disappointing. This one looks very solid, but I thought the same of LoG (?) and those two were underwhelming in hand. This looks to be a better starting point.

As stated above if the set comes out like RD this set should be a home run.

Have to agree, despite my indifference to them no the Drow are long overdue in pathfinder battles. The ones in the races codex are great pics and a wide variety of roles.

I also wouldn't mind seeing some of the other PC races like the Ratfolk - martial and caster options. The alchemist in the race codex is a nice piece of work. At the moment we utilise a repainted kobold devilspeaker.

Troglodytes? To date we have one, three to four more would be great. Again the monster codex provides great art.


I know we have three to date but a few more orcs wouldn't go astray, an average rank and file warrior and a barbarian type. Monster codex.

Cultists. Not the WotR type but more like the apostle in orpiment or the crazed villager sort.

Of The big monster groups I think these are well overdue:
Qlippoth. So much want to see these in plastic. Any!
Oni. Fire, water, ice Yai. Oh and most of all Void!
Daemons. At least one for each horseman but Caco, Dergho, hydro, male and thanadaemon would be a great start
kytons. Interlocutor, oremite, augur, termigant or sacristan

We also need some more plants, these are woefully under represented. Say a Basidirond, assassin vine, yellow musk creeper (with zombies), violet fungus. There are many and a mini plant theme could be good.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Damn, these four all look great!

i did call Jilia & the Strix, but not the other two.

Skull & Shackles had a Hellknight, Legends of Golarion had another plus a Signifier.


-Red Mantis Assassins
-Aspis Consortium
-Gray Gardeners
-Old Ones Cultists
-Razmiran Cultists


Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I intentionally didn't list red mantis because we are going to get them in this set! Right Erik? please say yes, please...

Dark Archive

+1 for Qlippoth, Daemons (and the 4 horsemen) and Kytons. ;-)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I'd also like to see some bog standard pillars as dressing. Medium and large. These are always present on maps and we have none. I know you'd need something in the order of 4-6 of each but once made I live in hope we'll see separate clamshell sets at a later date to help bolster numbers.

Dark Archive

-Plants are definitely needed.
-Small dragons.
-A cat and dog.
-Vegepygmy with Violet Fungus (they are in every second AP)

We are now missing:

-2 large uncommons (one being a Bone Devil?)

-2 medium rares (one being "Aram Goldenheart"/Aasimar Paladin, the other James Jacobs PC?)

-2 large rares (one being the Keketar Protean, the other a Planetar?)

-5 dressing pieces (very curious about these)

I´m a bit baffled by the ommission of the Astral Deva/Messanger Angel.

Silver Crusade

An Octavio Sabinus mini AND a Jilia Bainilus mini in one preview? Truly my decision to subscribe is being affirmed.

These look great, especially Jilia!

So, one group of creatures I'd like to see are the elemental blooded humanoids. I have an affinity towards using them as my characters. But, off the top of my head I can't think of seeing a suli, oread, ifrit, undine or sylph in the Pathfinders Battles line. Maybe I'm forgetting one. Am I wrong? How great would a flying sylph air wizard look with those swirling blue tattoos tampo stamped on it's skin!?

I love all those minis, especially Jilia, whom I agree would make an awesome PC!

Wishlist for groups:
-- Urdefhan
-- I forget their name, but there's a human/scorpion cross that features a lot in Mummy's Mask, and they're totally unrepresented in plastic.
-- I could get on board w/ drow, particularly if there's a drider, since PF driders look different than the old D&D ones did.
-- Red Mantises would be very welcome, and I like the Bloatmage idea too.
-- Kitsune, tengu, ratfolk, and grippli. I can tell you that as a seller on the secondary market there's a big demand for these.
-- Bandits/thugs. Very basic and generic, w/ relatively common dress and simple weaponry like clubs, spears, and swords. Ideally a female human among them. This is a staple that is less well represented in prepaints than you'd think. Maybe the Stag Lord (from Kingmaker) as a rare leader?
-- Vegepygmies. I don't understand why no one's ever done these in prepaints. They show up in adventures all the time.
-- A set of elemental-themed humanoids: sylph, oread, undine, ifrit. You've got art in the Advanced Race Guide.
-- Some more townsfolk, especially a kid, a wounded veteran, an obese commoner, and an elderly person. A half-orc bruiser who could be a street tough or bodyguard would be cool too.
-- Razmiran cultists with different color masks and robes. You have a whole adventure that uses little else, and you even have a sculpt already available with Reaper.
-- Shoanti, especially a good shaman. Garundi tribesmen would be welcome too.
-- A few Qadiran/Osirian characters.
-- Spell effects: a giant translucent hand, a wall or two of various types (maybe an opportunity for a promo version?), maybe a spiritual weapon, a flaming sphere, etc. Actually, a 2' diameter transparent hemisphere might be useful in all sorts of ways.

Some other singles I'd like to see:
-- A mini of Tup the Terrible as soon as humanly possible. W/ puppets. (I suppose Banjo is too much to ask for.)
-- Shocker lizard!!! (Like a decade and a half that companies have been making prepaints, and still no shocker lizard! Inconceivable!)
-- Black pudding. Would have to be the easiest paint job on a common ever.
-- Second the plants. Plants get no love in prepaints.
-- For dressing, a guillotine. You know you want to!

I'm sure I'll come up with other wishes, but these would all make me ever so happy (until the next time you ask :-)

Drow and plants would be cool.

Desert themed minis would be hot.

Aside from that you always manage to come up with winners that I didn't know I would want until I see them.

Grand Lodge

Plants. We Need Plants.
Some more Fey, including Quicklings(I hates them so) Mites with classes.
Red Mantis Assassins.
War priests of Various Gods.
Genie-Kin races.

And if it isn't mentioned anywhere else: Plants.

Grim Reaper mini would be nice.

Also Vilraven would be kind of neat.

Plus maybe some Old Ones perhaps?

My wife usually plays a human cleric and I have a difficult time finding miniatures of human female PCs in heavier armor--especially carrying cleric weapons. I would love some more options in this space.

Great minis! Very excited by all of these! As for suggestions:

-Drow (I second the Drow request. Some new rare distinct drow would be nice and needed (both male and female).

-Duergar (both rare and common)

-Derro (would be great to get some of these)

-More fey (any would be welcome)

nice scuplts and fitting rarities.

Suggestions for themed groups:

Fey, especially quicklings and sprites
Spriggans, small and large

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I agree, the Elemental Races would be a nice group. Also...where my Wayang at? As simple as it to point out: there are a lot of PC races that are under/unrepresented in Battles. I know it's not all about PFS, but I'm sure a male and female of each would not be hated by much of anyone:


Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
arbados wrote:

-Duergar (both rare and common)

-Derro (would be great to get some of these)

There are two derro in the shattered star set - porteque and cademus I think. That said a couple more of varied role would be nice.

Duergar would be welcome but you'd need both medium and large in the same set.

Dark Archive

TOP 3 WANTED seem to be:

-PLANTS (Assassin Vine, Basidirond, Shambling Mound, Vegepygmys, Violet Fungus, Yellow Musk Creeper)

-DROW (Second Darkness cover art APs # 13, 15, 16, 18, interior art from AP #16 and male Drider from the Bestiary)

-RED MANTIS ASSASSINS (art from the Curse of the Crimson Throne hardcover, Serpent´s Skull #4 & Inner Sea NPC Codex).

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Cat-thulhu wrote:
I intentionally didn't list red mantis because we are going to get them in this set! Right Erik? please say yes, please...

No Red Mantis in Deadly Foes.

Waw, a fantastic preview! I love every one of those figures.

As for suggestions for races or groups:

- the wonderful strix mini calls out for MORE!
- I would like some red mantis assassins as well.
- Shoanti, the particular nature of the Shoanti makes it quite hard to find proper minis to represent them. Most barbarian-like minis on the market are either too Conan-like or too viking-like. They don't have the Shoanti vibe.

Erik Mona wrote:
I'm particularly interested to hear what major races or groups you'd like to see us cover with multiple "like" figures in the same set.

My response will be a little biased towards my enjoyment of playing half-orcs, but it would be great to see a greater variety of half-orcs. Half-orcs are a good versatile race as many times you will encounter them as mercenaries, enemy minions, orc horde denizens, npc characters or player characters.

Here's a list of the half-orcs made by Paizo currently:

Imrijika (2 sculpts) - Female half-orcs are greatly under-represented in pre-painted minis, and as unique as this sculpt is, it thematically has limited use/appeal for use on the gaming table.

Tsadok Goldtooth - This unique pistol wielding mini suffers from the same shortfalls as Imrijika.

Half-Orc Adept - Great looking, evil/intimidating helm this guy is wearing, but to me orcs just seem more menacing when you can see their faces. For this reason, I don't think he sees a lot of gaming table play.

Half-Orc Barbarian - A common barbarian build is a half-orc, and this sculpt is generally the standard go-to mini for this type of character. And rightfully so -- its a great mini!

Oloch, Half-Orc Warpriest - This is another unique sculpt that I fear does not see a lot of play on the gaming table. There's a lot of detail on the standard on this character's back, but I believe that the standard limits the utility of this character. This mini is a great option for a cleric type character, but for those half-orcs that are a little more tribal in nature, this really wouldn't make a good shaman mini.

Irabeth - This mini does a great job helping to fill that female orc-orc gap. The fancy gold armor though does take away quite a bit of the utility of this character, but it certainly makes an excellent option for anyone playing a paladin or fighter.

It would be great to see more half-orc minis, similar to the Half-Orc Barbarian where they are generic enough in appearance that they can easily double as either a Player Character or as the DM's minions.

Some more half-orc warrior/fighter options would be great -- both female and male. A half-orc warrior/barbarian wielding a greataxe or earthbreaker would be awesome!

Some half-orc ranger/scout options would be great, as a would a more subdued half-orc cleric that could possibly double as a shaman or druid.

A good half-orc brawler/monk option would also be great as I have often seen these characters. Half-orc thugs/rogues would also be another great option.

On an unrelated note, 1 image which is carved into my mind because of how much I liked the art is Grask Uldeth, from Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, on page 35. This is such a great image and would make for a great miniature. It could possibly double as a half-orc -- a really nasty, kick-arse half orc!
Grask Uldeth

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You're going to freak out at an awesome orc in the next set. Seriously.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Cat-thulhu wrote:
I intentionally didn't list red mantis because we are going to get them in this set! Right Erik? please say yes, please...
No Red Mantis in Deadly Foes.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Eh it's alright. Next set maybe?

No shambling mounds please, other plants for sure but a largely nondescript mound of plant matter doesn't cry multi use plant mini.

Happy to hear the next set has orcs though.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I hear everyone on drow.

It may very well be time. Mike and I will crack the seal on the Ebon Archive and see what comes crawling out.

Qlippoth are an interesting thought. I'd love to sneak one or two of them in there, especially since I was the one who brought the whole concept into third edition with Armies of the Abyss.

Agreed on the lack of a lot of good secondary PC race choices. We'll comb the archives for undines, ifrits, oreads, and sylphs especially. Do feel free to post specific image suggestions in this thread, if you've got any.

Kitsune fans are going to BLAST OFF into the stratosphere when they see the cover to Blood of the Beast. Holy hell, that thing is a furry's paradise. God help us all.

I think ratfolk are very strong candidates. Lots of good art for them poking around here and there. Ditto tengu. Both of these races seem to be particularly popular, which is cool.

A Cthulhu-esque monster or two is always welcome. Maybe there's something juicy from the first few volumes of Strange Aeons. Hmmmm.

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! Keep 'em coming!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Ah strange aeons, 1 issue in and already loving this AP. A quick glance at just issue 1:

Page 37 and 59. Colour aside, very utilitarian.
Page 42, please. Long overdue and sees a surprising amount of use in adventure modules
Page 89, not sure how, almost certainly too hard to successfully translate. Transparent plastic, perhaps like the old horrorclix giant amoeba? This is such a cool and creepy idea it begs to be further used.
Page 85 is also pretty cool.

A flying polyp would be very, very welcome but it would have to be an oversized large since they're huge in pathfinder

As for Ratfolk, like Kor's half orcs a personal love of mine, the images on pages 151 and 152 of the race guide are great and look like Ratfolk rather than mouse folk.

Erik Mona wrote:
Cat-thulhu wrote:
I intentionally didn't list red mantis because we are going to get them in this set! Right Erik? please say yes, please...
No Red Mantis in Deadly Foes.

Worst thing I've read all day. Please bust them out soon, both sexes and a rare of Chivane.

And a Grippli, I can't even find a Grippli in metal.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

All I said was no Red Mantis in Deadly Foes. :)

It's great to see another preview so soon.

If you make drows, I hope we'll see some of the Second Darkness npcs in the bunch. Such great images in that path!
Mordant Spire elves, Ekujae wild elves and snowcaster elves would also be great to see.

I'd personally love seeing more uncommon races as other posters have already said, maybe a set featuring them? Or a Builder series box of them (one can hope!).
Miniature proxies for classical races and human like races are usually easy to find but good luck finding minis that look like wayangs, vanaras, ghorans, nagajis, gathlains, gripplis, kasathas, kitsunes, wyrwoods and wyvarans. So yes, any of those pretty please.

-Various shape changed skinwalkers or lycanthropes in hybrid forms would be great. One of my players created a female Coldborn(bear) skinwalker, it was a lot of converting work to create a suitable miniature since there's nothing of the like I could find anywhere.

-Plants, yes, please! I had to use the old metal Treant from Reaper that looks like a broccoli with legs for the yellow musk creeper in Emerald Spire. The humanity!

-More oozes too, they're just neat looking.

-Fey? Absolutely. There are some cool ones in the Bestiaries that need some miniature love.

-Devils, they pop up often enough in Adventure Paths and modules, if we could have all the classic ones done, it would be great.

-Deamons, Qulippoths, Aeons, Asuras, Divs, Demodands, Psychopomps, Inevitables, Proteans, Kytons and some of the missing Demons too.

-Good outsiders would also be handy for Hell's Vengeance, right?

-Bloatmages, what a fantastic idea. They could probably be used as obese ghouls in a pinch.

-With the new hellknights book, miniatures using the Orders' various armors style would be cool.

-Horror Adventures p.142... what? I could use an unmounted Dullahan.

-Would it be possible to include one monster from an Adventure Path (or any other books or modules with monsters) per set? A vote for the most popular could be fun, there are some real winners in those.

Anyway, just one last quick thanks for asking for our suggestions, Eric. It makes the sets even cooler in my opinion!

I agree with the more plant types. Yellow musk creeper and zombies would be fun. As for other stuff how about catfolk? We have one but how about maybe a robed one (caster type). My youngin loves to play khajiit in the elder scrolls games and her catfolk kineticist doesn't quite look right with the repaint of a catfolk attacking with a sword. Some drow would be cool also especially common foot soldiers and maybe some heavy armored elite types. Shoanti would be a welcome addition. Rat folk would be also. I dunno there's so many I could put on a wish list. So far I'm loving em all.

Oh and someone mentioned grippili I did a Kickstarter a year or 2 ago with a company called Stonehaven miniatures just to get some grippili they offered. They're great and I am sure they have an online store somewhere. They'll do until we get some prepainted.

I don't think there is a male swashbuckler yet. There are no minis with a buckler at least.

I'll have to give this some thought. Hopefully I have until Tuesday, at least - my writing schedule is running me ragged. ^_^

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

All I said was no Red Mantis in Deadly Foes. :)

Please tell me we get the red mantis from page 47 of the inner sea NPC codex in a future set! The one in the red mist. Could even use an effect like this old mysterio heroclix mysterio. With a transparent red mist effect. Plus one male with helmet and one female without at least, maybe even a fourth.....too greedy huh?

And Marco while I hope otherwise I suspect the bone devil may be a rare :( I hope not. I also recall vaguely mention of giants in this set. I might be wrong to assume plural but a shadow giant directly from the inner sea bestiary would be amazingly awesome. Hope that's the other large. Otherwise, Erik I think the Shadow Giant from the inner sea bestiary would be a great addition.

Erik Mona wrote:

Agreed on the lack of a lot of good secondary PC race choices. We'll comb the archives for undines, ifrits, oreads, and sylphs especially. Do feel free to post specific image suggestions in this thread, if you've got any.

So happy to read this! I have had several Ifrits in the past and to use a proper miniature representation I have always needed to modify a miniature (painted or unpainted)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Second someone's request for a girtablilu! It won't be out in time for me to use it in Mummy's Mask, but it is just to cool not to be a mini.

Glutton wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Cat-thulhu wrote:
I intentionally didn't list red mantis because we are going to get them in this set! Right Erik? please say yes, please...
No Red Mantis in Deadly Foes.

Worst thing I've read all day. Please bust them out soon, both sexes and a rare of Chivane.

And a Grippli, I can't even find a Grippli in metal.

Take a look at this page for a Grippli Archer in metal, and that same company, Stonehaven Miniatures, has at least half a dozen other grippli minis on their site.

Erik Mona wrote:

I hear everyone on drow.

It may very well be time. Mike and I will crack the seal on the Ebon Archive and see what comes crawling out.

I bet one of them will* be wielding two scimitars :-p


Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The most important thing about drow imho is to use the great Second Darkness art, but NOT the bad (again imo) art from the Monster Codex.
That book has great art all around, but unfortunately not in the drow section (for example the first two males have a Justin Bieber haircut).

If i may suggest some Lovecraft creatures:
Hastur is only medium (Bestiary 4), Bokrug is large (B4).
Strange Aeons book one has the tiny Zoog with new art and the small Voonith (Bestiary 3) without art.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We need some more Catfolk. Like a lion-type barbarian warrior. Or a leopard female fighter.

Maybe a male or female Tiefling as well.

LMAO! The Dwarf looks like Tormund Giantsbane!!!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Wow. Some great suggestions here. Catfolk. Scorpion-men. EXCELLENT.

As far as our drown go, I prefer the Steve Prescott designs from the Second Darkness covers, so a few of those are a lock of we do draw at all. Drider also seems like a lock.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have to say that I had originally intended to cancel my subscription after the last set but this preview and most of the previous ones have convinced me to keep it going.

I really need to +1 the daemon suggestion. They're the one thing I'm missing from my collection that I can't get anywhere else. The deacons plus the astradaemon would be a great start, imo.

I'll also +1 the genie-kin suggestion, though it appears they're already under consideration (which I'm really excited about).

Can't wait to see what the future holds!

*thought he saw some Red Mantis Pawns in Curse of the Crimson Throne Pawn Set...*

My suggestion
sins spawns (all the different sin)
drows (based on adventure path cover)
tiny fey sprite (wearing forest cloth)
brine dragon
asian dragon
all giant based on giantslayer cover adv path
fire oni (like the one on tide of honor background art cover)
the Jade regent Takahiro and is grand father Anamurumon
black puding
huge elemental
couple of asian themed monster from jade regent (just a few) ;p
catfolk (ala thundercat)
demon lords
dukes of hell
bloat mage
rest of the evil huge dragon
half orc monk
evil boss monk
Mythic (epic) iconics
evil iconics
occult iconics
ultimate intrigue iconics (both apparence)
summonned monsters n beasts pack

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

As cool as most of the suggestions are, I only wish to add one....Otyugh.

Dark Archive

A "Summon Monster I" box in the same size as the Iconic Heroes boxed sets would be great!

-Dire Rat (#23 from Heroes and Monsters)
-Dolphin (hard to get in medium)
-Eagle (#1 from Reign of Winter)
-Fire Beetle (#7 from Dungeons Deep)
-Frog, poison
-Pony (horse)
-Viper (snake)

add a
-Giant Centipede (#11 from Dungeons Deep)
-Mite (gremlin) (#3 from Shattered Star)
-Stirge (#3 Bloodbug from Skull & Shackles)

and you got "Summon Nature´s Ally I" too!

Just in case boxed sets are still on the table. ;-)

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

Wow. Some great suggestions here. Catfolk. Scorpion-men. EXCELLENT.

As far as our drown go, I prefer the Steve Prescott designs from the Second Darkness covers, so a few of those are a lock of we do draw at all. Drider also seems like a lock.

Here are the page numbers of the good full body illustrations from Second Darkness:

-AP#13 cover: Depora Azrinae, female drow fighter w handcrossbow bayonet & buckler
-AP#14 page 42: Xakihn, male drow druid w spear & dagger
-AP#15 cover: Nolveniss Azrinae, male drow illusionist w staff of dark flames, page 24: Ilverae Parastric, female bard/Alchemist w acid flask
-AP#16 cover: Alicavniss Vonnarc, female drow wizard w adamantine spiked glove & staff of conjuration, page 46: Tiryin Vonnarc, male drow fighter/rogue with double shortswords, pages 27 & 61 male Drider, page 62: fleshwarped drow with poison fangs, tentacle & claw.
AP#18: cover: Allevrah Azrinae, female drow cleric w whip & shield, page 25: Drexinis, male drow sorcerer w glowing dagger.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

-Dolphin (hard to get in medium)

Hi, Marco. Heroclix has a medium sized green-colored version of beast boy in dolphin form. You can pick it up for cheap on the second-hand market. With some gray paint you can quickly repaint it to look something like this.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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One cool thing is we've already done Allevrah. ;)

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

And a repaint of her may be a good test of concept and colour scheme. (as well as saving me repainting one of the three I have...but that's beside the point).

On colour will Drow be that cool shade of purple or blue rather than the black colouring?

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