Combat Manager application

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I'm having an issue when importing from Hero Lab where spells and spell like abilities are not in the stat block. Spells will show up as:

Spells Prepared (CL 10th; concentration +18)


Spells Known (CL 6th; concentration +11)
3rd (4/day)-Â

and SLAs just show:

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8)

Does anybody else have this problem?

Tenebrous Sage wrote:

I'm having an issue when importing from Hero Lab where spells and spell like abilities are not in the stat block. Spells will show up as:

Spells Prepared (CL 10th; concentration +18)


Spells Known (CL 6th; concentration +11)
3rd (4/day)-Â

and SLAs just show:

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8)

Does anybody else have this problem?

It is an issue that will be gone in the next release

For those having issues with the map. or try out a few bug fixes download the zip file and copy the files into your Combat Manager Directory.

I highly recommend you backup your CombatManager.exe and CombatManager.Core.dll before overwriting them.

Zip File on DropBox.
Combat Manager

Since the change to VS2015 some issues have been occurring. Let me know of any results.


Anyone have any feedback on the test files, good, bad, Can't get them to work, Anything?

The map feature didn't work on the regular beta version, it does work with your bug fix files (Win7 .net4.6.1).

I got a different problem, though (unrelated to those files, the problem is present since at least 1.6.1 iirc): When I select a party member, and then right click on different party member in the combat sequence window (i.e. the initiative list), the game crashes. Likewise for when I select a monster and right click on a different monster in the combat sequence window. It does not crash when I select a party member and right click a monster, or vise versa.

Derklord wrote:

The map feature didn't work on the regular beta version, it does work with your bug fix files (Win7 .net4.6.1).

I got a different problem, though (unrelated to those files, the problem is present since at least 1.6.1 iirc): When I select a party member, and then right click on different party member in the combat sequence window (i.e. the initiative list), the game crashes. Likewise for when I select a monster and right click on a different monster in the combat sequence window. It does not crash when I select a party member and right click a monster, or vise versa.

I see the problem, I can see how it got to be a problem. I have made a quick change to eliminate the problem. I will investigate further to see if the change causes any other problems.

Zip File on DropBox.
Combat Manager

Let me know if this causes any other issues.

The good news is, it doesn't crash anymore... the bad new is, now when I right click a character in the combat sequence window, every member of the group (either PCs or monsters) does that action. So when I right click on the fighter to roll a will save, every party member rolls a will save.

Another thing I found (unrelated to the above issue): Trying to open a previously loaded image as a map crashes the program when the file's directory path is invalid.

Derklord wrote:

The good news is, it doesn't crash anymore... the bad new is, now when I right click a character in the combat sequence window, every member of the group (either PCs or monsters) does that action. So when I right click on the fighter to roll a will save, every party member rolls a will save.

Another thing I found (unrelated to the above issue): Trying to open a previously loaded image as a map crashes the program when the file's directory path is invalid.

I was afraid that might happen I did a shortcut on the fix I should have a correct one later today, I will put a file check in for that issue

Liberty's Edge

It is so great to see new updates on Combat Manager. I just got done tinkering with Snapshot's latest test version and between the updates and Kyle's new Map functions, it really reminded me just how fantasic the whole project really is.

Is there a free version I can use to see if I like this? I can't bring Hero Lab to the game, but this could really help me if I like it.

The regular PC version is free.

Snapshot wrote:
Derklord wrote:

I was afraid that might happen I did a shortcut on the fix I should have a correct one later today, I will put a file check in for that issue

I underestimated the difficulty of the whole issue. The Combat Sequence list box is different from the player list and Monster list.

I can't get it to return a list box only a listcollectionview which has no selected item property. I will keep working on it.

For now see how these changes work.

The map [open] will not work if the file no longer exists in its original location.

Zip File on DropBox.
Combat Manager

P.S. There are some issues involving my Hero Lab import of Natural Weapon attacks. I will be working on these.
As an example you have
[1 bite +5 (1d4+3) or 2 Claw +5/+5 (1d4+3)]
For the moment you will need to manually change it to
[1 bite +5 (1d4+3), 2 claw +5 (1d4+3)]

Keep letting me know when you find a problem.

F.Y.I. The crash problem involved having items selected in the Player list or monster list when selecting from the Combat Sequence.
To alleviate the problem when ever the Player or Monster list boxes loses focus it deselects all creatures in that list.
Until I find a way to solve the listcollectionview problem that is not changing, hope it does not cause too many problems.

The rolling looks fine now, but the fix did create a different problem: One can now no longer select multiple party members (or monsters) with the Ctrl key (Shift key still works).

Derklord wrote:
The rolling looks fine now, but the fix did create a different problem: One can now no longer select multiple party members (or monsters) with the Ctrl key (Shift key still works).

OK. I believe I have ironed out the bugs in this {I hope}.

Give this one a try and let me know.

Zip File on DropBox
Combat Manager

F.Y.I. I also made it so that if you left click a name in the Combat Sequence list the Selected Monster shows the Stat Block for that selection.

Dreklord, I downloaded the test version and it seems to work pretty good.

A few things that I was curious about -

New Horizontal and Vertical Tabs - Would be awesome to add another set of monsters and keep each of the battles on their own tab.

Adding a color - just found this one, but the only option was red..

Maps function seems to work pretty good, will have to try that out this weekend at my game. For fog of war, maybe have an option for add and one for remove, accidentally clicking an area could reveal something you didn't want. Also hard to tell the size of the brush, no outline or visible area.

Keep up the work, I love the program, and am really glad to see it continued to be worked on.


Any change I could make a (hopefully) small request?

You know how there is the popout initiative window? Could we get a popout window for the die roller too?

I downloaded the code and pulled it up in Visual Studio, but I only have limited exposure to xaml, so I was a bit overwhelmed trying to figure out how to add this feature.

shalandar wrote:


Any change I could make a (hopefully) small request?

You know how there is the popout initiative window? Could we get a popout window for the die roller too?

I downloaded the code and pulled it up in Visual Studio, but I only have limited exposure to xaml, so I was a bit overwhelmed trying to figure out how to add this feature.

It's possible, what exactly do you want it to show? give lots of details.

I feel your pain I still struggle with certain aspects of this app. It has some beauty and horror under the hood.

Snapshot wrote:
shalandar wrote:


Any change I could make a (hopefully) small request?

You know how there is the popout initiative window? Could we get a popout window for the die roller too?

I downloaded the code and pulled it up in Visual Studio, but I only have limited exposure to xaml, so I was a bit overwhelmed trying to figure out how to add this feature.

It's possible, what exactly do you want it to show? give lots of details.

I feel your pain I still struggle with certain aspects of this app. It has some beauty and horror under the hood.

When you go to the menu, and select Show Initiative, a popup window opens with the initiatives.

What I would like is a different popup window. When I roll the die using the Die Roller frame, the new window shows the die roll. Ideally, it would actually show a picture of the specific die type and the number that was rolled. Something like using this image (for the d20) with a number in the middle showing what number was rolled.

Does that make sense?

shalandar wrote:


What I would like is a different popup window. When I roll the die using the Die Roller frame, the new window shows the die roll. Ideally, it would actually show a picture of the specific die type and the number that was rolled. Something like using this image (for the d20) with a number in the middle showing what number was rolled.

Does that make sense?

Sort of, is all you want a separate d4-d% die roller? I'm trying to grasp the why?

Give me a reason for this to be useful. Describe how it would be useful in running a game.
Maybe I'm missing something so paint a picture for me.
Most of the dice rolling stuff is already in Combat Manager, the window would be no big deal, but the time needed is. Sell this to me and I will help you get it done.

Snapshot wrote:
shalandar wrote:


What I would like is a different popup window. When I roll the die using the Die Roller frame, the new window shows the die roll. Ideally, it would actually show a picture of the specific die type and the number that was rolled. Something like using this image (for the d20) with a number in the middle showing what number was rolled.

Does that make sense?

Sort of, is all you want a separate d4-d% die roller? I'm trying to grasp the why?

Give me a reason for this to be useful. Describe how it would be useful in running a game.
Maybe I'm missing something so paint a picture for me.
Most of the dice rolling stuff is already in Combat Manager, the window would be no big deal, but the time needed is. Sell this to me and I will help you get it done.

Fair enough, here is how I run my game:

I take my laptop and hook up a separate monitor to it. That monitor is shown to my players. On that monitor, I show two things to the of the monsters they are fighting, and the initiative window so they know the order they are going in (without having to ask me all the time).

I would love to add a second window, the die roll window, so I can roll the dice in the app and have it appear up there so everyone can see exactly what I rolled. It's not a separate roller exactly, it's more of a display of the rolled dice.

Liberty's Edge

The idea of player facing windows is different from what already exists in the Combat Manager since you are suggesting having a second output window with limited results as a Player View. I am not saying that it isn't a nice idea, but I think if something like that were to be implemented, it should be part of a new group of Player View tools.

For instance, I assume having the same idea applied to initiative would be nice for you. Then you could have GM window that shows all creatures and a Player windows that would not show combatants you as a GM have hidden from view (that may enter the fight later).

RedDogMT wrote:

The idea of player facing windows is different from what already exists in the Combat Manager since you are suggesting having a second output window with limited results as a Player View. I am not saying that it isn't a nice idea, but I think if something like that were to be implemented, it should be part of a new group of Player View tools.

For instance, I assume having the same idea applied to initiative would be nice for you. Then you could have GM window that shows all creatures and a Player windows that would not show combatants you as a GM have hidden from view (that may enter the fight later).

Huh? Their is a popout initiative window that shows the order of turns within the round and highlights the creature/PC whose turn it currently is, as well as any condition "stickers" that apply to that creature/PC. That is specifically designed for showing players, because you can hide the names of the monsters from them (a feature I, among others, asked for and received).

@Shalandar, I totally hear you. I do much the same thing with the extra screen (mine's a wall projector, but same idea for the same reason). I can totally see what you're talking about as far as showing the players the dice rolls. When I crit in Combat Manager I always feel, just a titch, like I'm cheating, because those weren't actually dice. If the algorithm could be displayed either in a separate window, or maybe as a running log with a separate scroll bar, in the actual popout initiative window, I would definitely use that as well!

MendedWall12 wrote:
RedDogMT wrote:

The idea of player facing windows is different from what already exists in the Combat Manager since you are suggesting having a second output window with limited results as a Player View. I am not saying that it isn't a nice idea, but I think if something like that were to be implemented, it should be part of a new group of Player View tools.

For instance, I assume having the same idea applied to initiative would be nice for you. Then you could have GM window that shows all creatures and a Player windows that would not show combatants you as a GM have hidden from view (that may enter the fight later).

Huh? Their is a popout initiative window that shows the order of turns within the round and highlights the creature/PC whose turn it currently is, as well as any condition "stickers" that apply to that creature/PC. That is specifically designed for showing players, because you can hide the names of the monsters from them (a feature I, among others, asked for and received).

@Shalandar, I totally hear you. I do much the same thing with the extra screen (mine's a wall projector, but same idea for the same reason). I can totally see what you're talking about as far as showing the players the dice rolls. When I crit in Combat Manager I always feel, just a titch, like I'm cheating, because those weren't actually dice. If the algorithm could be displayed either in a separate window, or maybe as a running log with a separate scroll bar, in the actual popout initiative window, I would definitely use that as well!

Right. The popout window is already there for the Initiative window, and I know my players LOVE it. They know ahead of time what the order is and they can plan ahead knowing they are up in 1 or 2 moves.

I didn't think about it until now...but maybe extending the initiative window would work too....

I'm obviously really late to this party, having recently just discovered Combat Manager. I'm stepping up to the mic to do what seems pretty common here - praise the product and make a small request. Haha. I do so with much respect to a great tool.

So first - it's working very well for me. I BOUGHT a copy for the iPad, and am happy to contribute to quality tools like this. There's so much jammed in to a really usable interface. Thanks for all the work.

Second, it seems that the Round Counter automatically resets when you hit the "Roll Initiative" button. Would it be possible to not have that as the only behavior, where multiple re-rolls of initiative can remain in the same round count?

For example, a 3.5 style where initiative gets reset every so many rounds, or after a big event - but within the same battle.

Apologies if this is repeated elsewhere. I read up as much as I could, but the thread is epic!

Thanks again for a great product!

Crossbow57 wrote:

I'm obviously really late to this party, having recently just discovered Combat Manager. I'm stepping up to the mic to do what seems pretty common here - praise the product and make a small request. Haha. I do so with much respect to a great tool.

So first - it's working very well for me. I BOUGHT a copy for the iPad, and am happy to contribute to quality tools like this. There's so much jammed in to a really usable interface. Thanks for all the work.

Second, it seems that the Round Counter automatically resets when you hit the "Roll Initiative" button. Would it be possible to not have that as the only behavior, where multiple re-rolls of initiative can remain in the same round count?

For example, a 3.5 style where initiative gets reset every so many rounds, or after a big event - but within the same battle.

Apologies if this is repeated elsewhere. I read up as much as I could, but the thread is epic!

Thanks again for a great product!

I don't work on the Apple version but try "right"clicking on the Roll Initiative button see if there are other options.

Roll Initiative without changing round is the option you are looking for.

Great piece of software, thanks!

Small feature request, would it be possible to have an option so that, every time a new character/creature comes up in the round, that the pane showing his attack information is automatically expanded, and likewise for the opponents the pane showing their AC?

That would save a lot of mouse clicks...

Liberty's Edge

shalandar wrote:
MendedWall12 wrote:
RedDogMT wrote:

The idea of player facing windows is different from what already exists in the Combat Manager since you are suggesting having a second output window with limited results as a Player View. I am not saying that it isn't a nice idea, but I think if something like that were to be implemented, it should be part of a new group of Player View tools.

For instance, I assume having the same idea applied to initiative would be nice for you. Then you could have GM window that shows all creatures and a Player windows that would not show combatants you as a GM have hidden from view (that may enter the fight later).

Huh? Their is a popout initiative window that shows the order of turns within the round and highlights the creature/PC whose turn it currently is, as well as any condition "stickers" that apply to that creature/PC. That is specifically designed for showing players, because you can hide the names of the monsters from them (a feature I, among others, asked for and received).

@Shalandar, I totally hear you. I do much the same thing with the extra screen (mine's a wall projector, but same idea for the same reason). I can totally see what you're talking about as far as showing the players the dice rolls. When I crit in Combat Manager I always feel, just a titch, like I'm cheating, because those weren't actually dice. If the algorithm could be displayed either in a separate window, or maybe as a running log with a separate scroll bar, in the actual popout initiative window, I would definitely use that as well!

Right. The popout window is already there for the Initiative window, and I know my players LOVE it. They know ahead of time what the order is and they can plan ahead knowing they are up in 1 or 2 moves.

I didn't think about it until now...but maybe extending the initiative window would work too....

Guys, my point on that is that there is only one window to view. If you set the Initiative panel to float and point it at the players, then you the GM no longer have it in front of you unless you can see both monitors - which can be difficult to do depending on how your table and players are arranged.

I have always felt that the intention of Combat Manager was to act as a tool for the GM. I mearly said that if people want player-facing tools that it might be a good idea to have a set of player facing tools instead of requesting a tweak to an existing tool just because one or two people want it. It's about thinking ahead on the development side of things.

Question: Have there been any new Bestiary updates?


i was wondering if there was a possibility of adding a character portrait section to the main page. just a thought

RedDogMT wrote:
Guys, my point on that is that there is only one window to view. If you set the Initiative panel to float...

You can have a floating initiative window and a GM facing initiative window on at the same time. You activate the floating window by hitting the down arrow beside "Combat Manager" at the top of the GM window and selecting the "Show Initiative Window" option.

Hi! I just d/l'ed the latest version and can truly see this as a time-saver. I have a few questions though on Hero Lab imports.

Whenever I import from Hero Lab , every creature is a Neutral Medium Humanoid until I change it. I that supposed to happen?

Also whenever I import from Hero Lab, any character that has Hit Dice from more than one source (like a creature with a class level, or a multiclassed PC) has 0 hit points and 0 Hit Dice. Is there a fix for this?

Last, anything outside of standard weaponry, like a custom named item or an item made of a special material, shows up in natural attacks rather than in melee. Again, huh?

Thanks for your work on this amazing program!

When I go to install it shows as incompatible for my phone, which is a Galaxy S7. Any idea why?

Seems wrote:
When I go to install it shows as incompatible for my phone, which is a Galaxy S7. Any idea why?

Okay, so I've now got this running on my laptop instead. Really impressive work - kudos to Kyle, and now Snapshot. Looking forward to using it at my next session.

One question, if I have my laptop hooked up to my TV, is there an easy way to display the initiative screen on the TV while keeping the rest of the combat manager on my laptop display? Just set Windows to a 2-display setup?

Seems wrote:
Seems wrote:
When I go to install it shows as incompatible for my phone, which is a Galaxy S7. Any idea why?

Okay, so I've now got this running on my laptop instead. Really impressive work - kudos to Kyle, and now Snapshot. Looking forward to using it at my next session.

One question, if I have my laptop hooked up to my TV, is there an easy way to display the initiative screen on the TV while keeping the rest of the combat manager on my laptop display? Just set Windows to a 2-display setup?

Using windows just set the display settings to "Extend These Displays" view, or whatever the extended box says now. Then you'll click on the "Combat Manager" button in the upper left of the CM window, and click "Show Initiative Window." You can hide the names of the monsters, or hide them all together so only the PC names show up, by using the "options" menu at the bottom of the initiative popout. You can also choose to display condition icons, or not in that same options menu.

Then slide the initiative popout over to the extended display on the TV screen. You can resize the font of the names with the menu that pops out after clicking on the little arrow at the top. :)

Perfect - thanks!

Hi, quick question. I had edited a monster and created a new monster in the entry tab, which I wanted, but when I then hit the little refresh arrow in the tab, it disappeared. It's still in my active combat state, but I don't know what happened to it. What did I do? Thanks in advance!

Is there a way to upload / download combat manager files to and from the ipad version?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Apologies if I missed this, but are there any plans to bring Starfinder to Combat Manager?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm not sure what it is that I have done, but I am now unable to utilize the program. I was loading up a few custom bad guys, and now the loading splash screen shows up, then departs, going into 'background processes' and taking up 30% of the CPU.

Eisenbaer wrote:
I'm not sure what it is that I have done, but I am now unable to utilize the program. I was loading up a few custom bad guys, and now the loading splash screen shows up, then departs, going into 'background processes' and taking up 30% of the CPU.

Try deleting the CombatState.xml file in your user...\roaming\combat manager folder

C:\Users\[Users login name]\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager\CombatState.xml

If you have a problem on startup this is often the cause.

Used this for a couple of sessions and it's brilliant! Again, a tip of the cap to both Kyle and Snapshot. My only suggestion is to include some way to adjust the fonts. I'm using it on a laptop with a 10" screen and my eyes are, er, on the older side, so everything is pretty damned small.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Snapshot wrote:
Eisenbaer wrote:
I'm not sure what it is that I have done, but I am now unable to utilize the program. I was loading up a few custom bad guys, and now the loading splash screen shows up, then departs, going into 'background processes' and taking up 30% of the CPU.

Try deleting the CombatState.xml file in your user...\roaming\combat manager folder

C:\Users\[Users login name]\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager\CombatState.xml

If you have a problem on startup this is often the cause.

Thank you so much! That worked perfectly. I ended up deleting my bestiaries from that file as well, as every time I went to look at one of the custom critters I'd put in kept on crashing the program. It was just for one scenario, so no major loss, just peculiar.

Hey Snapshot,

I've been revising a bunch of NPCs that I've made and put into Combat Manager and now I want to get rid of the old versions; is there an easy way to select certain creatures so I don't have "NPC, NPC V2, NPC V3" when I go to select them in the future?


Ryan Gueldener wrote:

Hey Snapshot,

I've been revising a bunch of NPCs that I've made and put into Combat Manager and now I want to get rid of the old versions; is there an easy way to select certain creatures so I don't have "NPC, NPC V2, NPC V3" when I go to select them in the future?


I completely botched that question. Is there an easy way to delete certain creatures so I don't have old custom creatures that I don't want?

Ryan Gueldener wrote:
I completely botched that question. Is there an easy way to delete certain creatures so I don't have old custom creatures that I don't want?

If you're using the PC version select the creature you want to delete and a red "delete" button appears in the top, right-hand corner of Combat Manager. (If you're using the iPad or Android version I have no idea but I would assume there's something similar.)

Is usable for tablets?

I'm getting ready to run Hell's Rebels. For my games I use Combat Manager but have noticed that some of the monsters are missing from it. (I haven't gone through it too carefully yet, but it appears that the monsters listed in the Bestiary at the end of the AP books haven't been entered into Combat Manager).
I'm wondering if anyone has created custom monsters based on the books and, if so, would they mind sharing the export files?

(If not, I'll start doing this soon because running combat is much easier for me using the program.)

Warped Savant wrote:

I'm getting ready to run Hell's Rebels. For my games I use Combat Manager but have noticed that some of the monsters are missing from it. (I haven't gone through it too carefully yet, but it appears that the monsters listed in the Bestiary at the end of the AP books haven't been entered into Combat Manager).

I'm wondering if anyone has created custom monsters based on the books and, if so, would they mind sharing the export files?

(If not, I'll start doing this soon beca for use running combat is much easier for me using the program.)

I wish I was savvy enough to scrape the SRD and plop it into a database like I'm pretty sure they did while it was still being updated. I've manually entered a few monsters that I wanted from the new books, but I certainly don't have the patience or time to do all of em!

Snapshot -- While looking over things to prep for Hell's Rebels I've noticed that some of the creatures with "At will" powers don't have them showing up properly on the computer program. They're entered into the creature but they don't show on the description because they're listed as "At Will" instead of "At will" (Yes, the capitalized "Will" makes it so that the powers don't show up.)
Is there an easy way to fix this?

(Besides me going into each creature, changing it to "At will" and creating a second instance of anything I find that's affected by this.)

Shadow Lodge

chopswil wrote:

links to my google docs

feats : link
magicitems: link
bestiary: link
individual SB: link
spells : link

These are the spreadsheets that combat manager used to update its database. They are the database for d20pfsrd, and Chopswil still updates them.

I wish their way of updating the Combat Manager database was publicly available, so we could at least do it ourselves, instead of manually creating custom monsters from scratch.

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