Tali Wah's page
90 posts (125 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 alias.
Its worth noting that if the crossbow has bane, then the bane should apply to the bolts
Superscript 3) “Projectile weapons with this ability bestow this power upon their ammunition.”
Bane’s abilty is specifically to increase the enchancement bonus, and damage.
So a +1, bane crossbow firing +2 bolts against its bane target should be counted as +4 bolts.
The Barbarian in the party I run has failed at least 5 saves vs confusion, and she is a human with Superstition. Three Party Members have been almost killed by her confusion.
So yeah, will saves will be an issue.
Contrast that with her doing about about half the party's damage, though. :)
Corpi Hoppins wrote: I think my favorite part of the class is the moronic weapons... I love that everyone ignored that you called it "moronic weapons".
"A fatigued character can't run or charge and takes a penalty of –2 to Strength and Dexterity. Eliminating the nonlethal damage also eliminates the fatigue."
A fatigued character can hustle.
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Started "Whisper" last week. Due to a mispronunciation, Ethem Baler has been renamed Effen Baller.
I'm now picturing some kind of Golarian vs Metric system debate.
All corridors are in increments of 2m wide, because of scientific advancements. Because of the "Golarian system" everyone still stands in 5' squares.
No cover for corridors, because they'll never run down the border of a wall. :)
If the interaction never happens, it makes the spell Shadowy Fleet even less useful. If you never have ships show up and shoot at people, then no one should ever believe that they do when you cast this 6th level spell.
On the other-hand, maybe it gives a preview of what happens when you blast things with your guns, if a "fleet" only does 6d6 damage to a 60' area, with a reflex save.
Maybe one ship does 3 or 4d6 to a 10' area with a reflex save based on the ship level.
but i think Alexa or Siri could keep a drone hovering while doing a web search.
You begin play with a powerful robotic drone to house your
AI. You build and control this drone, which accompanies you
on your adventures and is capable of combat, espionage, and
other specialized tasks
Rocket Raccoon: There's one more thing we need to complete the plan: that guy's eye!
Devil's advocate here:
They also placed Navigation under Piloting, and its Dex based.
Arc Riley wrote:
Bypass is another class feature that does not explicitly state that it works with starship combat.
I agree that by RAW, that is correct, although dumb. :)
By RAW, the exocortex would not work at all in starship combat, and thus you'd lose the skill focus also.
Since partial cover exists, why isnt it partial cover in this example?
Partial Cover
If more than half of you is visible, your bonuses from cover are
reduced to +2 to AC and +1 to Reflex saving throws.
Skill focus is an insight bonus and will not stack with Bypass. Its good at 1st -4th or so. Then ok Bypass hits +3.
At this point I dont expect any FAQ/ eratta until October, just before the Alien Archive release.
Flame Pistol/Rifle - what ignites the petrol?
grenades - probably have some electronic parts, sensors, and detonator.
The others you mentioned are probably missing the Analog tag.
The Crossbolter and Bow grenade arrows probably aren't analog.
The only reason that rule exists for acrobatics is so they didn't have to have rules for what happens when you are in the air after the end of your turn.
Ravingdork wrote:
Prior to this feat being released in Pathfinder, I had never seen it played that way in any d20 game...
I agree. I thought that feat was limiting when I saw it as well.
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Omg thats great. Must keep around a level 2 and a level 5 weapon always.
Someone didnt test out that section very well.
Nobody knows. The rules as written are odd.
I believe that your Hover drone should be able to hover, your stealth drone stealth, and any drone use its Skill Unit, overriding the Limited AI's rule of:
"If you become unconscious or otherwise unresponsive, or if your drone is ever out of range, your drone cannot take any actions until you are again able to command it or it is once more within range."
If it is overriding other parts of the Limited AI, why pick and choose? :)
Drones don't get standard actions, except to attack. Move actions can't be converted to Standard actions.
Reebo Kesh wrote:
So, in the real world, you toss a grenade into a box of grenades the only thing that will happen is the grenades get scattered intact everywhere?
You can get extremely lucky, or unlucky and hit the detonator, while keeping the majority of the grenade intact to be triggered by the detonator.
I would hope that the grenades in Starfinder are like what the IDF have came up with.
If you are interested, you can search for "idf-unveils-new-bullet-proof-grenade"
If Skill Unit does not override Limited AI, a Drone can never use Computers or Engineering. (except to ID things)
Everything else takes Standard or Full actions to do. Until a Drone gets True AI, it can't do those. It can take a standard action to attack, and then at Expert AI can take a full action to attack.
Unless Skill unit lets it take its own Standard or full actions, then it is useless until it gets True AI
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In game an item would have to at least be damaged (most likely destroyed) to blow up. Since there is no rules about objects you have taking damage from area effects (no roll a "1" damage an object rule), you'd specifically have to target an attended grenade to damage it.
I'd tend to not have unattended stacks of grenades blow up, otherwise you'll end up with players using that tactic.
Both Telepathy and Limited Telepathy state you "mentally communicate", not that you "talk to" or "talk at". It shouldn't be communication if they can't talk back.
Exposure itself isn't the issue, its the initial exposure effect.
Ok, I see the issue.
The rules right above the "poison" effect for radiation state:
"A creature that leaves an area suffused with radiation is essentially cured of the poison effect. "
That makes me believe it is ONE Effect, and thus ONE initial exposure.
I read it as the initial exposure is stepping into the radiation area, or into a new higher radiation area.
Then Radiation acts as a poison. The Poison has a frequency of 1/rd, and no cure (until you leave).
Let's not do the Hokey Pokey just outside a radiation area. :)
I'm sorry, but I am bringing confusion BACK into this.
"Most player characters and many monsters occupy a single 5-foot square, though some bigger creatures occupy multiple squares. The space a character occupies is usually referred to as her square, though the terms “space” and “square” can be used interchangeably. "
I believe you have to make a check for each threatened square, but the difficulty should be:
15 + (Highest CR*1.5)
+2 for each additional creature that threatens the square
+2 for each successive square in the same rd
For moving through a creatures square:
20+ (Creature's CR*1.5)
+2 for each additional creature that threatens the square
+2 for each successive square in the same rd
You have to roll for each threatened square, and it gets more difficult.
Radiation is save 1/rd. Failed save moves you down the CON poison track. At impaired and beyond, when you move to that stage ypu also have to save vs Radiation Sickness.
Wearing any armor, and turning on environmental protection makes you immune to low level radiation and gives +4 to save vs higher levels.
P403,404 for radiation.
P415,416 for poison and Con poison track
P196,198 for Environmental protection, then radiation protection
We'll have to see what a construct with the technological subtype is vulnerable to, but even then the Hardened AI does give a bonus to saves vs effects to control it.
It does say piece of ammunition, not lot of ammunition.
I'll FAQ your post, just in case, though.
"You can install a fusion into a grenade, a piece of ammunition, or another consumable item; such a fusion costs half the normal price of a weapon fusion for a weapon of the same level"
It is going to cost 9000 for 50 Holy or Merciful Shotgun rounds.
If there isn't a hover feat in Alien Archive, I think I'll have to add one when we play.
By RAW, nothing in your head, but:
"Computers with light bulk or negligible bulk can be
worn easily on the wrist or clipped to communications devices
and used without having to hold them in a hand"
You could wear it if you miniaturize it down to tier 0.
Personally, I wouldnt have a problem putting one in a datajack if you get it down to tier -1.
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Already in the FAQ
"The nyfiber net (page 179) does not list any damage, critical effect, or special properties. What does it do if you hit a target with it?
The nyfiber net has the entangle and thrown weapon special properties. It does no damage, but can entangle a foe."
Custom Rig
"can be installed as a cybernetic augmentation system in your brain (though it can be combined with a datajack for the same price as installing a datajack normally"
At level 7 it becomes a computer and you can computer modules to it.
sunderedhero wrote: RAW, no they can't: " Class features and items affect crew actions only if specifically noted in the class feature or item." page 322. That said I think that's real dumb and I'd let them. Adding to the DUMB factor. The following Class features do not say they affect crew actions(not all inclusive, just the ones I could find quickly):
Exocortex: Memory Module
Starry Bond
Operative's Edge
Specialization Skill Mastery
Laser Accuracy
So if a drone with Skill Unit in Computers or Engineering can't use it in Ship combat, I see no reason why Bypass or Operatives Edge would grant their bonus to skills in Ship Combat.
Since nothing states what kind of armor (Light, Heavy, Powered) is on a drone, I would say that you can only add armor upgrades that apply to "any" armor type.
Why would "whichever is worse" only apply to negative effects?
"For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse)."
If a item or spell said it healed 4hp to humanoids and 8hp to constructs, then it would only heal 4hp to Androids, because that is worse.
"If the creature lacks a specified location, use the general location."
Seems reasonable. Bleed 1d6
Androids wrote: For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). Healing doesn't target by type.
Are their tools that would aid the doc? Seems silly that the medbay itself doesnt add say a +5. Then the doc would only need to be level 4. That seems reasonable.
David knott 242 wrote:
If the ship stat that controls skill DCs is in any way under player control, the players will have a strong incentive to keep that stat as low as possible, whatever it may be.
I have no problem with that, but there are trade offs there as well.
You cant carry as much stuff on the Defiant.
Ravingdork wrote:
My guess is that it was a type of cheap no bulk battery meant for non-weapons, such as the comm unit.
So, are you thinking there is some 5 credit battery for things that dont require such a fast discharge?
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Hmm. Is there any reason we can't flag reviews?
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How does the Dusk lantern work?
Dusk Lantern at Archives of Nethys (Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 12)
Dusk Lantern.
Does anything with Darkvision not see the light? If you have Low-Light and Darkvision do you see it?
As far as I know, any creature with Darkvision has normal sight as well, so this line either makes it useless, or is just confusing: "A dusk lantern’s red light is imperceptible to creatures relying on darkvision as their sole form of sight."
Question: Have there been any new Bestiary updates?
CuttinCurt wrote: In the description of the power it states that it can be used once per round without invoking attacks of opportunity.
In most of the other rage powers, there is a sentence that states "While raging..."
That "while raging" is not stated in the Knockback power description. Am I to assume that it can only be done while raging? Or is this power able to be used 1/round outside of raging?
Thank you in advance.
Rage Powers (Ex): As a barbarian gains levels, she learns to use her rage in new ways. Starting at 2nd level, a barbarian gains a rage power. She gains another rage power for every two levels of barbarian attained after 2nd level. A barbarian gains the benefits of rage powers only while raging, and some of these powers require the barbarian to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, a barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once.
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