
otis slusher 138's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


i was wondering if there was a possibility of adding a character portrait section to the main page. just a thought

Has anyone made any Kaiju for the Adventure Card game? I am just wondering power levels, etc.? because i am brand new to the card game. I have been playing Pathfinder for a couple years and MTG and was wondering ho to translate various Kaiju to the game.

Has anyone converted these to Pathfinder, they are in the 4th edition Monster Manual 3 and in the Gardmore Abbey 4th edition module. My PCs are running through the Abbey starting this weekend and i'm not sure on what to base this monster on.

has anyone made the maps for the mongrels from the first book? i dont know how to make them to scale