Forum Games

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R2-FU is banned for not banning.

Also, for exploding my trousers.

Scarab Sages

gran rey de los nekkid is banned for apparently having received his armor training from the worst tutor ever: the protagonist from Ghosts N' Goblins.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for fearing me.

Dark Archive

Fear itself is banned because I'm fearless


Cr500cricket is banned for rolling a negative on his bluff check. Plus, we all can see the urine stain.

Dark Archive

UDS is banned because I just killed him

Scarab Sages

Cr500cricket is banned for playing with his food.

All too easy....

Cr500cricket is banned for killing someone who merely pointed out a fact.

EDIT: Rats. Ninja'd by a lithping evil jethter.

IHIYC and SnowJade are both banned for playing with ninjas - ninjas don't like to be played with.


Uncle teddy is banned for failing to get to the chopper in time

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for failing to take his assigned seat on top of the chopper.

Dark Archive

Banned "here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head"
Quadruple banned if you don't get the reference

Cr500cricket is banned for referencing.

Now, cling tenaciously to my buttocks.

Scarab Sages

Powdered Toast Man is banned because Waffle Woman is SUPERIOR!

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned because the team of Bobby Biscuit and Glenda Gravy beat all.

Scarab Sages

I'm Hiding In My Closet is banned in order to prevent this from happening....

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned because we have already begun. Now we just need to wait for Chico to show up and ruin it.

Silver Crusade

*You Go Away Now No Love Bad Devil Clown*

Ooh, ooh! We ban the pretty monkey for not following the rules!!

Yay! We're contributing!!

Scarab Sages

2d4 Slaadlings are banned because Gorillas. Are. Not. Monkeys.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned because monkeys and apes are close enough for little baby slaadlings.

Hiding in his own Closet is banned for pretending to be a biology professor.

The Fiend Fantastic is banned for not knowing the difference between biology and primatology.

SnowJade is banned for his banning.
It involves living things, so despite primatology it's still biology to devils.

Dark Archive

Tff is banned because he's too general. what kind of fiend?

Cr500 Cricket is banned for being too nosy.

Burning Straw man is banned for setting off the smoke alarm.

Dark Archive

avr is banned for invisibility, yes. I can see you

avr is banned spelling.

Dark Archive

banned for being ninja'd

Schism is banned for failing to ban Cr500cricket rookie mistake I tell you.

CR500cricket is banned for ninjaing me.

Dark Archive

Banned for being ninja'd too

Banned for being a ninja.

Dark Archive

banned for fearing ninjas

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Banned for not bowing to the Ninja Master.

mr Scholz is banned for being absent for so long

Dark Archive

Banned for taking attendance


Banned for being too purple

Dark Archive

Banned for being transparent

Banned for having red hair.

Banned for not realizing the cricket is nothing but red hair with purple plastic pieces attached to give a semblance of form.

Banned for stealing Axl Rose's stage wig and Brett Michaels' bandana.


Banned a thousand times for starring in horrible horror movies in the 90s and not quiting after the 1st Leprechaun movie.

Banned for thinking Spanky is the evil leprechaun. He is the super insane one.

Dark Archive

Banned for metallic skin

banned for purple skin

Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for stealing all of the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms and renaming it Spanky Charms.

Dark Archive

banned for drinking red bull

Banned for not realizing Red Bull gives you wings

Banned for what he wears under his armor.

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