Claxon |

Claxon wrote:I get all that, but why?
Is there no in setting reason to explain why the gods don't show up in person anymore? I understand ruining the story for PCs, and thats a completely valid reason not to have the gods constantly showing up and taking care of business. But why don't they do so?
Is there no in setting reason at this time? Are there plans to ever cover that sort of information? Or is the only justification because it would be bad for the game from the perspective of players?
Because the game is about non-deity player characters, that's why.
You CAN NOT have deities popping in to save the day or otherwise be meddling and tinkering directly in a game without making the players of the game feel marginalized and useless. We don't want a game where the players don't feel like they're needed.
A game world where the gods DO get involved would HAVE to be a game where the players play the gods.
And there is an in-game reason why the gods don't do this. It's free will. That's important to the gods that the mortals have it, because without free will, you can't have faith, and without faith, you don't have worshipers, and without worshipers, you don't get souls coming to your realm to bolster your realm's size and strength. Furthermore, when one god intervenes, another steps in to counteract that, and then another, and it turns into an arms race that results in mutually assured destruction, or at the very least, total change.
Gods are, in a way, like nuclear bombs. Just as the real world has avoided nuking itself into oblivion (so far), the gods of Goalrion have avoided turning the world into ash and cinder while they bicker and fight over it.
And on top of that... the gods don't think the same as us. They move in mysterious ways.
Cool, so it's a Cold War/Mutually Assured Destruction scenario.
There was a discussion in another thread as to the reasoning, and this was what we figured was the mostly likely case, but I was interested in seeing if there was something more to it or not. For instance a contractual agreement between the gods not to intervene directly in mortal affairs, but I'm good with it as it. Merely curious if there was more.

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Does Geb have any idea where Nex is, or if he's still alive? I'm well aware that the answer to "Is Nex alive or dead?" is going to be some variation of "Yes", but I'm curious as to whether Geb knows where his ancient nemesis is or what he's up to.
He has theories, but he doesn't know for sure.

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Hello James,
What is the kindest thing that someone has done for you in your life so far?
Wow... tough question... but I think it would have to be the second year I went to Gen Con. I was super stressed out about it and asked Wes (who was living next door to me at the time) to step in and feed my cat, but I was kinda ashamed about the mess my apartment was in—had a LOT of clutter in there that accumulated due to the fact that I kept hauling around my books and stuff whenever I moved, and had moved into a smaller apartment than what I had when I lived up in Seattle.
I returned from Gen Con to find my apartment had ben completely cleaned up and organized and had some cool movie posters hanging on the wall (including posters of The Thing, Godzilla, and Alien—three of my favorites), AND my cat had been fed. All because Wes and several other friends got together to clean the place up and make it a nice, relaxing place for me to come back home to. I'm still not sure who it was who was the ringleader for the whole thing, but it was a pretty humbling and awe-inspiring and wonderful thing indeed to come home to.

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Cool, so it's a Cold War/Mutually Assured Destruction scenario.
There was a discussion in another thread as to the reasoning, and this was what we figured was the mostly likely case, but I was interested in seeing if there was something more to it or not. For instance a contractual agreement between the gods not to intervene directly in mortal affairs, but I'm good with it as it. Merely curious if there was more.
More or less, yeah.
We've mentioned a concept of "divine laws" before that enumerate the ways the gods can and cannot interact with mortals, and what is to be done when they do, and that Rovagug breaking these laws is what started the war that ended with his imprisonment, but we'll not be showing those laws off in public. Because they're not actually written down here at Paizo. Because we're not gods and can't do them justice.

Graeme Lewis |
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1) Are there any strongly radioactive areas outside Numeria? Would you be willing to list a couple, if there are?
2) Who would win in a fight, Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul of Numeria or Witch-Queen Elvanna of Irrisen? Not asking for a stats-based analysis (if I wanted that, I'd just wait 'til December and answer the question myself), but just based on your understanding of the characters, who would win?
3) Where in the Inner Sea region would you be most likely to meet a person named Solomon, David, or Abraham?

Tacticslion |

Well, I'm not James Jacobs, there is an infernal duke named Ruzel, whose areas of concern are blasphemy, humor, and undeath, which has certainly always intrigued me after I noticed that combination...I've pondered his clerics sneaking into temples and using stone shape or similar transmutation spells to alter the statuary and other similar religious icons to something less flattering if not outright obscene (possible involving devils), animating the dead and invading a town just to pull off a wacky choreographed dance number, stealing the corpse of someone important or respected to animate and force their body to do obscene or ridiculous things in public...always figured him to be a cheerful guy with a truly wicked sense of humor...not sure about the friendliness, though. I also presume he has at least one gnome bard lich follower...
Actually, in our Council of Thieves game, he became a pretty important character. It was... a blast.
Who would win in a fight: Rovagug, Groetus, or Azathoth?
EDIT: Who is your favorite Infernal Duke (not Archduke, but just... duke)?
Who is your favorite Infernal Archduke?
Who are your three favorite Demon Lords (as I know you like those better)?
Who are your three favorite Empyreal Lords?
If I lived nearby and invited you to lunch sometime, would you accept?
(I do not live nearby, though if you're ever in Ocala, PM me, and I'll totally invite you to lunch sometime, if you don't mind a toddler along for the experience.)

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Odraude wrote:*cricket cricket cricket cricket cricket cricket cricket cricket *James Jacobs wrote:RARRRRGHH!Tels wrote:Have you ever noticed that if your avatar and Odraude's avatar were to be put side by side, it looks like they're roaring at each other?RARRRRGHH!
*makes Succubi sounds* ... Yeah, I got nothing.

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LazarX wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Well thanks to Avatar, Desna as a boy is already covered :) He's one half of a pair of androgynous twins. (He is really that hard to tell from his sister, save when the latter is in a water bending raging tear.)
As for Golarion? I'd probably pick Aroden to gender chagne, because he's one of the core elements of the setting.
That character didn't show up in the M Night movie, so it doesn't really count for Avatar canon.
Mwa ha hah.
That comment truly cements your alignment as Chaotic Evil. :)

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Graeme Lewis wrote:Does Geb have any idea where Nex is, or if he's still alive? I'm well aware that the answer to "Is Nex alive or dead?" is going to be some variation of "Yes", but I'm curious as to whether Geb knows where his ancient nemesis is or what he's up to.He has theories, but he doesn't know for sure.
According to Mystic Realms, he killed himself over the uncertainty. Now that's what I call an anxiety attack.

Alleran |
Not James, but:
2) Who would win in a fight, Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul of Numeria or Witch-Queen Elvanna of Irrisen? Not asking for a stats-based analysis (if I wanted that, I'd just wait 'til December and answer the question myself), but just based on your understanding of the characters, who would win?
Given that Kevoth-Kul is a 15th level Barbarian and Elvanna is a 20th level Witch / Winter Witch, I think there's definitely some deliberate intent showing with regards to the division of power between the two. By which I mean that Elvanna will walk all over him. I know you weren't asking for a purely stats-based answer, but level distribution alone puts Elvanna on top by a significant margin.

Desril |

James, Earth exists in the Pathfinder multiverse, and apparently it's the early 20th century there during modern Golarion events. Would, in 40 years, give or take, one be able to open a portal from Golarion to Earth and have King Mogaro face off against the King of All Monsters, Godzilla? Who wins?
Who's your favorite character from any Adventure Path?
Favorite between Wizard, Sorcerer, and Arcanist?

Alan_Beven |

James, preparing to run Rise of the Runelords and I am somewhat confused by the Catacombs of Wrath. It seems that the PCs essentially need to stumble upon the entrance to the Catacombs, and there is not really any particular reason to go into them. The Catacombs mostly seem to be a foreshadowing device to the deeper levels? Any advice as to the intent of this area of the adventure, am a little confused?

Graeme Lewis |

Not James, but:
Graeme Lewis wrote:2) Who would win in a fight, Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul of Numeria or Witch-Queen Elvanna of Irrisen? Not asking for a stats-based analysis (if I wanted that, I'd just wait 'til December and answer the question myself), but just based on your understanding of the characters, who would win?Given that Kevoth-Kul is a 15th level Barbarian and Elvanna is a 20th level Witch / Winter Witch, I think there's definitely some deliberate intent showing with regards to the division of power between the two. By which I mean that Elvanna will walk all over him. I know you weren't asking for a purely stats-based answer, but level distribution alone puts Elvanna on top by a significant margin.
He's still within 5 levels, and he's got access to some stuff that she'd have no solid counters for (because tech weaponry).

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1) Are there any strongly radioactive areas outside Numeria? Would you be willing to list a couple, if there are?
2) Who would win in a fight, Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul of Numeria or Witch-Queen Elvanna of Irrisen? Not asking for a stats-based analysis (if I wanted that, I'd just wait 'til December and answer the question myself), but just based on your understanding of the characters, who would win?
3) Where in the Inner Sea region would you be most likely to meet a person named Solomon, David, or Abraham?
1) Absolutely. There's countless strongly radioactive areas outside of Numeria, since that includes the entire universe. Narrowing down on the Inner Sea region, though... I suspect that there are parts of the Red Redoubt outside of Absalom that are radioactive. And there are regions in the Darklands that are radioactive. There absolutely can be more.
2) Elvanna would kick Kevoth-Kul's ass. She's a LOT more powerful than him.
3) Anywhere. Those names aren't all that region-bound, but they ARE pretty strongly Earth-flavored with a heavy Biblical theme, so it's unlikely we'd ever use them in world anyway.

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1) Who would win in a fight: Rovagug, Groetus, or Azathoth?
2) EDIT: Who is your favorite Infernal Duke (not Archduke, but just... duke)?
3) Who is your favorite Infernal Archduke?
4) Who are your three favorite Demon Lords (as I know you like those better)?
5) Who are your three favorite Empyreal Lords?
6) If I lived nearby and invited you to lunch sometime, would you accept?
(I do not live nearby, though if you're ever in Ocala, PM me, and I'll totally invite you to lunch sometime, if you don't mind a toddler along for the experience.)
1) Groetus would get his ass kicked. Whether or not Rovagug or Azathoth won... it would be hard to say, but the rest of creation would likely lose.
2) Lorthact, I guess, since he's the only one we've really done anything at all with other than namedrop.
3) Do you mean Archdevil? We don't have something called an "Infernal Archduke." My favorite archdevil is Mephistopheles.
4) Nocticula, Cyth-V'sug, and Pazuzu, I guess.
5) Sarenrae, Ashava, and Pulura. If you're asking for just the Empyreal Lords who aren't also full deities, swap out Sarenrae and swap in Black Butterfly.
6) I probably would.

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James Jacobs wrote:That comment truly cements your alignment as Chaotic Evil. :)LazarX wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Well thanks to Avatar, Desna as a boy is already covered :) He's one half of a pair of androgynous twins. (He is really that hard to tell from his sister, save when the latter is in a water bending raging tear.)
As for Golarion? I'd probably pick Aroden to gender chagne, because he's one of the core elements of the setting.
That character didn't show up in the M Night movie, so it doesn't really count for Avatar canon.
Mwa ha hah.
Excellent! Mission accomplished! >:D

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James, Earth exists in the Pathfinder multiverse, and apparently it's the early 20th century there during modern Golarion events. Would, in 40 years, give or take, one be able to open a portal from Golarion to Earth and have King Mogaro face off against the King of All Monsters, Godzilla? Who wins?
Who's your favorite character from any Adventure Path?
Favorite between Wizard, Sorcerer, and Arcanist?
Godzilla wins. He's got seniority.
Ameiko Kaijitsu.

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James, preparing to run Rise of the Runelords and I am somewhat confused by the Catacombs of Wrath. It seems that the PCs essentially need to stumble upon the entrance to the Catacombs, and there is not really any particular reason to go into them. The Catacombs mostly seem to be a foreshadowing device to the deeper levels? Any advice as to the intent of this area of the adventure, am a little confused?
The catacombs are there to foreshadow some elements of the sin themes, and to give the PCs a chance to explore and find out a bit more about the recent events, and a place for them to earn some more XP and get a bit of treasure.
They are NOT necessary to "win" the adventure, though. I deliberately put areas into Burnt Offerings that were "optional" as far as the story's concerned; the last few encounters in Thistletop are also in this category. Furthermore, these locations can be attempted in any order; if the PCs skip the catacombs and go on to Thistletop, they can come back to the catacombs later. And probably need to since ignoring them for too long results in a sinspawn infestation.

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Do any electricity powered instruments, or thunderstone powered(like the Piston Maul) exist in Golarion?
I ask for my Cixyron-worshiping Numerion Bard.
*Maybe. If they do exist, they're hidden somewhere in a ruin in Numeria and no one's found them yet... or if they have, no one's shown them off yet.

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Alleran wrote:He's still within 5 levels, and he's got access to some stuff that she'd have no solid counters for (because tech weaponry).Not James, but:
Graeme Lewis wrote:2) Who would win in a fight, Black Sovereign Kevoth-Kul of Numeria or Witch-Queen Elvanna of Irrisen? Not asking for a stats-based analysis (if I wanted that, I'd just wait 'til December and answer the question myself), but just based on your understanding of the characters, who would win?Given that Kevoth-Kul is a 15th level Barbarian and Elvanna is a 20th level Witch / Winter Witch, I think there's definitely some deliberate intent showing with regards to the division of power between the two. By which I mean that Elvanna will walk all over him. I know you weren't asking for a purely stats-based answer, but level distribution alone puts Elvanna on top by a significant margin.
Tech weapons are built on the same balancing factors as magic items. He's got the appropriate gear you'd expect a 15th level nation leader to have, and Elvanna has the gear you'd expect a 20th level nation leader to have. Access to technology doesn't make a difference, since a 50,000 gp magic item is equal in power (more or less) to a 50,000 gp technological item.

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What is the silliest monster you've ever run at the table?
What is the silliest monster you've created?
That'd probably be something from that terrible adventure WG7 that I ran a few times as a teenager before I realized how goofy and silly and disrespectful the adventure was.
As for the silliest I've created? According to Wes, it's the zeugalak.

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Would WG7 have been more palatable to you if they had called it Castle of Comedy or something, rather than try to pass it off as Castle Greyhawk as Gary intended it?
A little, but not a lot... because I generally don't like self-mockery and anacronistic humor and puns in my RPGs.
It would have certainly helped fix the mean-spirited disrespect for Castle Greyhawk that it carried though.

Splode |

We had an android PC just die in our campaign. This raised the question: Do you bring back an android the way you'd bring back any other living character, or can you simply "rebuild" the android by getting all the pieces together and casting Make Whole? (Or could it be both?)
I guess the simpler version of the question would be: Do PFRPG setting androids have souls?

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We had an android PC just die in our campaign. This raised the question: Do you bring back an android the way you'd bring back any other living character, or can you simply "rebuild" the android by getting all the pieces together and casting Make Whole? (Or could it be both?)
I guess the simpler version of the question would be: Do PFRPG setting androids have souls?
Androids are brought back to life in exactly the same ways as you bring any PC race back to life. Breath of life if you're quick, raise dead or resurrection or reincarnation or true resurrection or miracle or wish if you're not as quick.
They're not constructs. Make whole doesn't affect them any differently than if you cast it on a human.
Androids have souls.

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How many of the same questions do you expect reddit to ask you next friday?
Not many. The audience at Reddit is very different than the audience here. I expect there to be a mix of some questions that are deep continuity, some that would be obvious to folks here, some that are trying to trick me into making rulings for their home games or PFS characters, and some that are outright antagonistic. Should be fun! :-D

Luthorne |
1) I was looking at a few sources, mostly Inner Sea Gods, and there are several deities whose favored weapon is noted simply as being 'flail' (Anubis, Arshea, Daikitsu, Hadregash, Kabiri, Osiris, Osolmyr, and Zaebos, specifically), while other deities have the heavy flail (Chavazvug, Geryon, Groetus, Lanishra, Ruapceras, and Shivaska) as their favored weapon, and even a couple have the dire flail (Bifrons and Imbrex) as their favored weapon. Since there is no basic 'flail' weapon, would you say this is an error, and it should be either the light flail or the heavy flail, or is a cleric of one of these deities supposed to gain proficiency with both the light and heavy flail, or, interpreting it even more loosely, the light flail, heavy flail, dire flail, and even the flailpole?
2) Similarly, the daemon harbinger Uaransaph is listed as having the 'repeating crossbow' as their favored weapon...and while there is a repeating hand crossbow, a repeating light crossbow, and a repeating heavy crossbow, it seems unclear if the intent was for just one of these (and if so, which one), or if all of them qualify?
3) Considerably of less importance, though still somewhat confusing, Asmodeus and Bolka both have the favored weapon 'mace', when there is only a light mace and a heavy mace, to my knowledge...since they are both simple weapons, it arguably isn't that important, but which would you say the devout follower should utilize? (I'm presuming the obscure 'flickmace' from Gnomes of Golarion doesn't qualify, anyways...because...well...Bolka is a -dwarven- deity...and Asmodeus...leaving aside his known conservatism, an Asmodean gnome is hard to envision).

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1) I was looking at a few sources, mostly Inner Sea Gods, and there are several deities whose favored weapon is noted simply as being 'flail' (Anubis, Arshea, Daikitsu, Hadregash, Kabiri, Osiris, Osolmyr, and Zaebos, specifically), while other deities have the heavy flail (Chavazvug, Geryon, Groetus, Lanishra, Ruapceras, and Shivaska) as their favored weapon, and even a couple have the dire flail (Bifrons and Imbrex) as their favored weapon. Since there is no basic 'flail' weapon, would you say this is an error, and it should be either the light flail or the heavy flail, or is a cleric of one of these deities supposed to gain proficiency with both the light and heavy flail, or, interpreting it even more loosely, the light flail, heavy flail, dire flail, and even the flailpole?
2) Similarly, the daemon harbinger Uaransaph is listed as having the 'repeating crossbow' as their favored weapon...and while there is a repeating hand crossbow, a repeating light crossbow, and a repeating heavy crossbow, it seems unclear if the intent was for just one of these (and if so, which one), or if all of them qualify?
3) Considerably of less importance, though still somewhat confusing, Asmodeus and Bolka both have the favored weapon 'mace', when there is only a light mace and a heavy mace, to my knowledge...since they are both simple weapons, it arguably isn't that important, but which would you say the devout follower should utilize? (I'm presuming the obscure 'flickmace' from Gnomes of Golarion doesn't qualify, anyways...because...well...Bolka is a -dwarven- deity...and Asmodeus...leaving aside his known conservatism, an Asmodean gnome is hard to envision).
1) In fact, there is a basic "flail" in the game. It's a martial one-handed melee weapon. The next step up would be the heavy flail. The dire flail is an exotic weapon. There is no such thing as a "light flail" in the game.
2) Uaransaph should grant proficiency with the light repeating crossbow.
3) In both those cases that should be the heavy mace.

Luthorne |
1) In fact, there is a basic "flail" in the game. It's a martial one-handed melee weapon. The next step up would be the heavy flail. The dire flail is an exotic weapon. There is no such thing as a "light flail" in the game.
Huh? ...oh. I was looking in Ultimate Equipment, which is usually my go-to check for gear...not the Core Rulebook. Now that I look, I see that in the Core Rulebook, there is a flail, which for some reason is called a light flail in Ultimate Equipment. Presumably to slowly drive me insane. Sorry about that!
1) What are three of your favorite weapons to use in Pathfinder?
2) What are your favorite three deities who aren't the main 20 (but not demigods, either)?
3) What are the three spookiest stories/urban legends that you can recall most recently sending a chill down your spine?

Graeme Lewis |

2) Elvanna would kick Kevoth-Kul's ass. She's a LOT more powerful than him. ** spoiler omitted **
The spoiler intrigues me, but for now... I'm going to give each one a different opponent, and ask once more.
Who would win in a fight, Elvanna or Razimir? What if we made it a fistfight?
Who would win in a fight, Kevoth-Kul or Khemet III? What if we made it a drinking contest?

Alleran |
Who would win in a fight, Kevoth-Kul or Khemet III? What if we made it a drinking contest?
I have the same question, except instead of Khemet III in the contest, what about Valeros?
On a different topic, I have a sort of artifact-related question. There are many different types of artifacts, obviously (weapons, armour, staves, wondrous items, amulets, and so on). Have you ever considered artifact spells? Presumably they'd have restrictions on how one could obtain and cast them (I think when Eberron did it, you couldn't re-memorise/cast them for a year after using it the first time).

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James Jacobs wrote:1) In fact, there is a basic "flail" in the game. It's a martial one-handed melee weapon. The next step up would be the heavy flail. The dire flail is an exotic weapon. There is no such thing as a "light flail" in the game.Huh? ...oh. I was looking in Ultimate Equipment, which is usually my go-to check for gear...not the Core Rulebook. Now that I look, I see that in the Core Rulebook, there is a flail, which for some reason is called a light flail in Ultimate Equipment. Presumably to slowly drive me insane. Sorry about that!
1) What are three of your favorite weapons to use in Pathfinder?
2) What are your favorite three deities who aren't the main 20 (but not demigods, either)?
3) What are the three spookiest stories/urban legends that you can recall most recently sending a chill down your spine?
Sounds like Ultimate Equipment has an error or something. Weird. And kinda annoying.
1) Rapier, scimitar, starknife.
2) Ghlaunder, Besmara, and Milani (although Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath and Nyarlathotep are fun too!)
3) I really can't recall, frankly, since I don't really remember the order in which I encountered them... do movies count? How about you-tube videos? Short stories and novels?

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James Jacobs wrote:2) Elvanna would kick Kevoth-Kul's ass. She's a LOT more powerful than him. ** spoiler omitted **The spoiler intrigues me, but for now... I'm going to give each one a different opponent, and ask once more.
Who would win in a fight, Elvanna or Razimir? What if we made it a fistfight?
Who would win in a fight, Kevoth-Kul or Khemet III? What if we made it a drinking contest?
Elvanna would kick Razmir's ass easy. ESPECIALLY if it were a fist fight.
Kevoth-Kul probably would.
And frankly... one of the benefits of doing stats for these characters is that you can run mock battles between them to find out! ;-)

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1) If Aroden is "all" dead, what's his purpose in the Setting? What is his "Legacy"?
2) Could you tell the folks you work with from me how awesome they are? ^_^
1) To set the theme of now, in this new age of lost omens, fate is what mortals make of it. And to symbolize the fact that while humanity is the prominent civilizaiton, their patron deity died and therefore they should be wary. It's a dangerous world.
2) I shall!

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Graeme Lewis wrote:Who would win in a fight, Kevoth-Kul or Khemet III? What if we made it a drinking contest?I have the same question, except instead of Khemet III in the contest, what about Valeros?
On a different topic, I have a sort of artifact-related question. There are many different types of artifacts, obviously (weapons, armour, staves, wondrous items, amulets, and so on). Have you ever considered artifact spells? Presumably they'd have restrictions on how one could obtain and cast them (I think when Eberron did it, you couldn't re-memorise/cast them for a year after using it the first time).
I've lost interest in the "who would win in a fight" questions, especially in cases where the NPCs have or will soon have stats. Run mock combats! You tell me who won! :-)
Artifact spells are interesting. That's not something we've really considered at all. That said... they're kinda sketchy things to give out in a game where a lot of folks already maintain that spellcasters get everything and martial classes get ignored. Artifacts can be used by everyone, after all...

Alleran |
I've lost interest in the "who would win in a fight" questions, especially in cases where the NPCs have or will soon have stats. Run mock combats! You tell me who won! :-)
But what about a drinking contest? And what would be the choice of alchohol they'd settle on, do you think? Do they have preferences, such as beer, wine, spirits, or a particular type of one of those?

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I've lost interest in the "who would win in a fight" questions, especially in cases where the NPCs have or will soon have stats.
Emphasis mine.
What mortal NPC on Golarion would be most likely to survive an encounter with Chun the Unavoidable?