Top 3 Prestige Classes you'd like to see....

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I just picked up the Pathfinder core book this week, and I must say I'm very very happy with what they've done and what they've left alone. My favorite prestige classes got a nice makeover (the Mystic Theurge and Eldritch Knight), and the the other ones look nice. So with that said, what 3.0 / 3.5 / 4.0 prestige classes would you like to see in Pathfinder?

I'll start with...
1. Rage Mage. I love the concept. In fact, I'm a huge fan of fighter / wizards of any kind.

2. Bone Knight. The flavor of this class has captured my imagination since I first saw it in Five Nations (home to the best setting based PrC's anywhere in my opinion, the Phantom Knight is almost as intriguing as well as the Dark Lantern)

3. Archmage!! It probably has been printed, but like I said I'm just now discovering Pathfinder (after experimenting with 4.0 and finding it ... meh)

Anyways what do you all think, what would YOU like to see?

Grand Lodge

Well, keep in mind that the stuff not in the Players' Handbook is not OGL so we can't ever have of these other Classes or PrCs.

But, if we somehow ever got WotC to allow Paizo access to the Complete Books and such, mine would go something like this:

Core Classes:
. . . . and then, maybe
Favored Soul
Dusk Blade

Prestige Classes:
Acolyte of the Skin
Green Star Adept
Animal Lord
Thief Acrobat
Pious Templar
Radiant Servant
Bear Warrior

Dark Archive

base classes:

Prestige classes:

Master of Many Forms and Sublime Chord are two of my favorites

Are wrote:

Master of Many Forms and Sublime Chord are two of my favorites

Actually those are 4 and 5 on my list as well. what about Archmage? Did I miss that one somewhere?

i'm all for master of many forms

Paizo has already said they will not be doing an Archmage PrC. Instead they are going to try to incorporate most of the abilities through feats which essentially will do the same thing as having a PrC but you still get to keep your favored class options etc.

Grand Lodge

Spellsword...except you know a proper one instead of dip wonder. Spell channeling was a lot of fun.

To take this in a slightly different direction; the types of prestige classes I'd like to see are:

- Class/Role combinations (like Mystic Theurge and Eldritch Knight).
- Organization-specific PrCs (like Red Mantis Assassin).
- PrCs that build on one single part of a class, or that takes the class in a completely new direction (like Master of Many Forms).

What I don't want to see are PrCs that would basically be no-brainers for a character of the appropriate class to take.

base classes:
Dragon shaman (or a class with similar abilities to their auras)

...Master of masks?

Bladesinger *ducks*


Cloaked Dancer (I don't have a third choice, but this would please one of my PCs)

I was disappointed City of Strangers didnt include a Dusk Warden prestige class.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Nuclearsunburn wrote:

I just picked up the Pathfinder core book this week, and I must say I'm very very happy with what they've done and what they've left alone. My favorite prestige classes got a nice makeover (the Mystic Theurge and Eldritch Knight), and the the other ones look nice. So with that said, what 3.0 / 3.5 / 4.0 prestige classes would you like to see in Pathfinder?

I don't really like prestige classes that much. One of the things I like about pathfinder is that it makes the core classes worth while on up to 20th.

If you are going to take a prestige class, it has got to be something that really changes the flavor of the core class. So, NO master specialists, arch-mages, heirophants, etc.. The flavor of those classes is such that you should just stay core. How is an archmage different from a 13th+ level wizard or sorcerer? Isn't that what a high level wizard or sorcerer is striving towards via the core class?

I really two of the original prestige classes that pathfinder has done-- master spy, and master chymist. Great powers, and a flavor distinctly different from whatever core classes that they started with.

Honestly, I don't like the 3.5 edition prestige classes much, and do like the way pathfinder has subsumed a lot of the cool customization that they provide into core classes.

Blood Mage was always cool

I don't really like prestige classes that much. One of the things I like about pathfinder is that it makes the core classes worth while on up to 20th.

If you are going to take a prestige class, it has got to be something that really changes the flavor of the core class. So, NO master specialists, arch-mages, heirophants, etc.. The flavor of those classes is such that you should just stay core. How is an archmage different from a 13th+ level wizard or sorcerer? Isn't that what a high level wizard or sorcerer is striving towards via the core class?

I really two of the original prestige classes that pathfinder has done-- master spy, and master chymist. Great powers, and a flavor distinctly different from whatever core classes that they started with.

Honestly, I don't like the 3.5 edition prestige classes much, and do like the way pathfinder has subsumed a lot of the cool customization that they provide into core classes.

On this point, I very much agree. I just feel the Archmage is so iconic that not having it leaves something out. I didn't realize that Paizo had already addressed this (although I should have, due to lengthy experience with their quality work when they had Dungeon magazine) That's the main thing I love about Pathfinder! To take a PrC or not, is a very real choice, there are no no-brainers. I think the BEST PrCs are those that mix two classes through multi classing into a unique feeling entity.

Spellsword and Bladesinger, another two of my favorites. Bladesinger was easily my favorite AD&D kit to take. I didnt mention either of these because I'm quite satisfied with the remake of Eldritch Knight.

These are some great responses, would love to see more!

Tatterdash wrote:

Bladesinger *ducks*


Cloaked Dancer (I don't have a third choice, but this would please one of my PCs)

*Throws rock*

Bladesinger is cool

I also like the Peerless Archer

Sacred excorcist: My number 1 for flavor reasons

Master of many forms: Although it needs to be druid and arcane caster viable. I really hated 3.5 changed it to druid only

Acolyte of the skin: The infernal demon skin wearing mage was just awesome.

moon glum wrote:

If you are going to take a prestige class, it has got to be something that really changes the flavor of the core class. So, NO master specialists, arch-mages, heirophants, etc.. The flavor of those classes is such that you should just stay core. How is an archmage different from a 13th+ level wizard or sorcerer? Isn't that what a high level wizard or sorcerer is striving towards via the core class?

I really two of the original prestige classes that pathfinder has done-- master spy, and master chymist. Great powers, and a flavor distinctly different from whatever core classes that they started with.

Honestly, I don't like the 3.5 edition prestige classes much, and do like the way pathfinder has subsumed a lot of the cool customization that they provide into core classes.

+1 to this. You need a PRC when really, REALLY there is not a viable way to do it just with core class or multiclassing. See Edlricht Knight.

Master Specialist.
Plus both Bear ones:
1) Bear Warrior: Barbarian who can turn into a bear

2) Sentinel of Bharri: Seems like Prc Druid (but doesn't care if not neutral, requires Good due to Bharri is a Good god).
Increases Spellcasting (10/10) if you are a caster. 3rd level: you can be a bear at will (Brown/black/Polar) for as long as you wish. And 3rd quickened Call Lightning.
7th level: become a Dire Bear. and Lay on Hands like a Pally (except heals up to your Full hp total so if you have 100 hp, it can heal 100 each day).
9th level: Bear Calvary: you can summon bears 1d6 Dire Bears
It is a great Bear-centric class. Your enemies will find it unbearable I hope.

Another one I'd LOVE to see.... Master of Shrouds... my favorite 3.x character ever was a Cleric 1 / Paladin 3 / Bone Knight 10 / Master of Shrouds

For core classes I'd like to see the Beguiler, Warlock, and Gunmage.

As for PrC's I'd like to see the Abjurant Champion, Master Shaper, and add +1 vote for the Swiftblade.

Since everyone's including base classes, I'll mention the Factotum from Dungeonscape. I ignored the class for a few weeks after I got the book, but I eventually came around when I realized every skill was considered a class skill (which meant more then, than now) and that the class could "fake" any normal ability or power other class held. I've always liked designing solo adventures/campaigns, but I never get to really put them to use; this class just screamed "solo-potential" to me. Although, I'd rather see the class toned down and built into a rogue archetype: "smart rogue" or something along those lines.

As for the PrCs, I'd like to see Pathfinder versions of Pale Master, True Necromancer, Verdant Lord, Ooze Master, Ur-Priest, Tainted Scholar, and Alienist.

Scarab Sages

Icarus Pherae wrote:

base classes:

Dragon shaman (or a class with similar abilities to their auras

+1 would love to play a dragon shaman in a PF version

I would also love to see the Palemaster & true necromancer
I would love to have a character running around with undead companion like a skelly (one that gets stronger not justa base version)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think we can stop speculation about base classes, because Paizo did state that Magus will be likely the last base class out there.

Honestly, I think that 90% of PrCs can be done as APG-style archetypes. I would recommend the OP to grab the Advanced Player Guide, as it has much good stuff he will likely find enjoyable.

Personally, I think that the PrC bloat was a very bad thing and I'm fully behind Moon Glum and Kayianwang.

PrCs should be used for groups/organizations (Hellknights, Red Mantis) or concepts so unique that no base class can cover it (Master Chymist, Horizon Walker).

Still, to address the question:

1.) Red Mantis Assassin (Pathfinder-ized)
2.) Eagle Knight
3.) Whispering Way Adept

Gorbacz wrote:
Personally, I think that the PrC bloat was a very bad thing and I'm fully behind Moon Glum and Kayianwang.


-I would LOVE to see a Touch-spell only class, though.(even 3rd Party-wise)
A Lycanthrope Prestige Class as well, for those characters that decide to master their (unfortunate) circumstances.

1. Illusion expert, that don't suck when facing true seeing. Or a shadow-illusion expert. Something like the gnome had in 3.5. With convert to shadow-evocation or such a thing.

2. something something golemlike, green star adept for example

3. something like a master of masks, someone who can emulate other classes partially. and he can choose day for day what to be.

Scout was a rogue kit in APG. (ACF is clunky)

@richard: have you seen the Shadow Sorcerer? but, +1

Thinking of it, my favourite prestige classes from wotc are:
War Weaver, Dread Commando, Fiend-blooded, Sublime Chord, Alienist, Bladesinger (3.0 web update one), Ultimate Magus, Geomancer, Void Disciple....

What I want from PF is: MONK PRCS. There never were any really good ones. Even Shadow Sun, which was mechanically good, was really very ODD.

Trapsmith - you can make a decent one with the new Rogue ACF:s and you can do craft traps + master craftsman + craft wondrous item to make magic traps, too.... but crafting times are very very long.

Something like the Warlock. Maybe as a Witch kit.

Vigilante was an interesting class. Geomancer, ditto.
3.0 web update bladesinger. specifically because of


Song of Celerity: When wielding a longsword in one

hand (and nothing in the other) and using the full
attack action, the bladesinger can cast one bladesinger
spell each round as a free action.

This one was balanced by having it's own limited spell list that went up to 4th level, and had all the tasty gishing spells. If 'gish' is the term for githzerai fighter/mages, for elves the terms are 'arcane archer' and 'bladesinger'.

Digressing. Lost my train of thought. Post now.

I'd like to see more prestige classes that incorporate more of the flavor of Golarion, like prestige clases linked to the clergy of the different gods, or connected to different kingdoms or factions, or unique to the races of Golarion. Those interest me more, for the roleplaying possibilities, than do generic prestige classes.

Brian Bachman wrote:
I'd like to see more prestige classes that incorporate more of the flavor of Golarion, like prestige clases linked to the clergy of the different gods, or connected to different kingdoms or factions, or unique to the races of Golarion. Those interest me more, for the roleplaying possibilities, than do generic prestige classes.

Along the same lines, I want a prc that's focused of style.

Stuff I want:

1) a poison based prc that makes it so either your poison either bypasses immunities all together or does half damage (like divine damage). I also want a way for poisons to last more than one or two hits on your weapon that is (I know poison was changed, thankfully, in pathfinder.. all my ideas are on the brilliantgameologist poison handbook)

2) a grapple based prc that rivals the black blood cultist in terms of dealing damage while grappling. Thanks to the cmb rules for making this way easier.

3) a prc based on bullrushing to compliment a dungeon crasher. After warforged juggernaut there is almost nothing to take.

Lantern Lodge

Cold Napalm wrote:
Spellsword...except you know a proper one instead of dip wonder. Spell channeling was a lot of fun.

And now Paizo is releasing in 2011 their Ultimate Magic which includes the Magus base class, a spellsword for all intensive purposes that is as beautiful as it is deadly. Its in beta playtest now, so I suggest dropping by the Products section and downloading the free beta.

Liberty's Edge

Arcane Heirophant

Bladesinger and of course

Any PrC that involves Lycanthropy

Liberty's Edge

Bearing in mind that none of the splatbook PrC's are OGC...

1. Something like a Fochlucan Lyrist (but, y'know, designed to actually *work*)

2. The Hexblade reworked into a Fighter/Witch PrC.

3. Something like a Green Star Adept, done as a PrC for Transmutation focused Wizards that gradually transforms them into a construct. Essentially, a parallel to the Dragon Disciple for Wizards.

Me I want to see Heirophant and Archmage, mind something for Bard, and Druid and Monk would be Cool :)

Grand Lodge

Severed Ronin wrote:
Cold Napalm wrote:
Spellsword...except you know a proper one instead of dip wonder. Spell channeling was a lot of fun.
And now Paizo is releasing in 2011 their Ultimate Magic which includes the Magus base class, a spellsword for all intensive purposes that is as beautiful as it is deadly. Its in beta playtest now, so I suggest dropping by the Products section and downloading the free beta.

The magus really isn't a spellsword. They can full attack and cast or use spellstrike...which is kinda...umm silly. Spell channel was fun because you were warping how spells work by making it go through your sword. It's also what made the spellwarp sniper a lot of fun too.

Arcane Heirophant
Radiant Servant
Hammer of Moradin

I would like to see the Hierophant again or some other sort of divine archmage. Divine caster PrC choices are kind of thin in Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

Peerless Archer

Daggerspell Mage

Gnome Artificer

Shadow Lodge

1) Master Transmogrifist
2) Swanmay
3) Wild mage

I think Paizo has a Dervish 'style' PrC out there but I'm not sure.

All the Best,


Blood Mage

Something for the martial classes. I only have the core book but it seems most classes are dependant on the character having a notable arcane element. Something like Weapon Master, Defender as per Dwarven Defender and others.

1st thing: Bladesinger is a IP name of WOTC...... so no bladesinger for you.. well atleast not like that ones.

any top prc's I'd like to see

A frostmageish prc
A bladesingerish prc
a nightsong infiltratorish prc
A Shadowbane inquisitorish prc( and don't tell me the inquisitor fills this, that class does NOTHING for me)

A deepwood sniperish prc( most other archer prcs sucked compared to this one)

Grand Lodge

Master of Many Forms a thousand times over. I made my own, which turn out quite well and actually allowed the Druid to be the party tank/melee damage without being overpowered. But, it'd still be great to see an official one.

an Undead Hunter would be cool

1. nothing
2. nothing
3. nothing

Releasing 100 prestige classes that were terrible helped 3.5 to get completely out of control. Please don't follow in a direction which we already know is perilous.

If we HAVE to have a new prestige class, then it better be something we can't do with the APG, and it better be something that isn't just a higher level version of your current character.

What would be neat is some ideas in a GM's guide about making your own prestige classes. You can look at the Magus thread for details, but some ideas from the development team might be nice.

On the other hand, I know this leads to "I made my own prestige class, it has the abilities of every class at the same time, but you have to take Iron Will as a pre-requisite", so maybe we're good as is.

Shadow Lodge

rkraus2 wrote:

1. nothing

2. nothing
3. nothing

Releasing 100 prestige classes that were terrible helped 3.5 to get completely out of control. Please don't follow in a direction which we already know is perilous.

If we HAVE to have a new prestige class, then it better be something we can't do with the APG, and it better be something that isn't just a higher level version of your current character.

What would be neat is some ideas in a GM's guide about making your own prestige classes. You can look at the Magus thread for details, but some ideas from the development team might be nice.

On the other hand, I know this leads to "I made my own prestige class, it has the abilities of every class at the same time, but you have to take Iron Will as a pre-requisite", so maybe we're good as is.


JMD031 wrote:
Paizo has already said they will not be doing an Archmage PrC. Instead they are going to try to incorporate most of the abilities through feats which essentially will do the same thing as having a PrC but you still get to keep your favored class options etc.


rkraus2 wrote:

1. nothing

2. nothing
3. nothing

Releasing 100 prestige classes that were terrible helped 3.5 to get completely out of control. Please don't follow in a direction which we already know is perilous.

If we HAVE to have a new prestige class, then it better be something we can't do with the APG, and it better be something that isn't just a higher level version of your current character.

What would be neat is some ideas in a GM's guide about making your own prestige classes. You can look at the Magus thread for details, but some ideas from the development team might be nice.


In many cases, PrCs were created for things which would have been better done as a feat chain.

One of the things I'm seeing in great demand here is the Master of Many Forms. But, I see absolutely no reason why this can't be done as a Sorcerer bloodline with all the different Beast Form, Giant Form, etc. spells as well as Alter Self, Giant Form, Form of the Dragon, etc.

rkraus2 wrote:

On the other hand, I know this leads to "I made my own prestige class, it has the abilities of every class at the same time, but you have to take Iron Will as a pre-requisite", so maybe we're good as is.

Not too worried about that as long as it is the GM creating the PrC.

Icarus Pherae wrote:

base classes:

Dragon shaman (or a class with similar abilities to their auras)

+1 I liked the concept of The Dragon shaman but it was bit weak. Giving it full BAB would be nice.

I liked the Beguiler too, but with the Pathfinder version of the Sorcerer I guess it's not needed any more.

prestige classes
1 The Divine agent (Manual of the planes) - Although it need to be heavily improved, but I loved the concept.
2 Dervish - (Complete Warrior)

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