
Icarus Pherae's page

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This question will never have a definite answer as it depends on WHICH Link you mean, having reincarnated over a couple dozen times now Link is a bit different each time. Often times he seems like a bard other times like a paladin (or inquistor) and other times a ranger (which would be the choice I would go with more often than not). The point is it would be helpful if you specified WHICH Zelda you are leaning toward the most!

Jeranimus Rex wrote:
The_Big_Dog wrote:

I completely agree with you from a biological reproductive standpoint. But, take a look at dogs. Most of them can breed together. Compare a Pug to a Greyhound. Who is more nimble and agile? Probably the Greyhound, regardless of size. How you carry your weight is very important.

I thought all domesticated dogs can breed together. So yes a pug (the orc in this example?) and a greyhound (the obvious elf) can breed to make a potentially very interesting looking animal. But an Elf and an Orc cannot in most fantasy settings, even if they can breed with people.

Regardless, the vast array and builds of dogs very mirrors the wide array in which humanity has diversified its appearance, but like dogs, all humans are the same species, even though a tribal South African looks very different from some one of Japanese descent, who once again looks distinct from an Irishman. And even within those cultures, you have both your pugs and your greyhounds.

Victyr Korimir wrote:

Or it says something specific about the nature of humanity.

If there is a plausible explanation as to why certain species are related and can thus breed, then I'm down for that. Whether it's due to some magic or god-meddling or w/e. But rarely is there ever an explanation for anything.

All breeds of dog can produce fertile offspring because they haven't undergone full speciation yet, however the only way ALL breeds can interbreed is through human help, there are physical barriers that prevent any kind of natural mating, an example would be american bulldogs that now only exist because of artificial insemination.

for those who feel the whole being able to mate breaks verisimilitude idea, realize your concept of species is called the biological species concept which is only one of many concepts about how humans should categorize species. It is actually falling out of favor because species simply do not act the way we have explained it (example being species that have been separated for thousands of years on separate continents being able to produce viable offspring).

As for the tall elves I like them most of the other races are shorter than humans why not have a few tall ones. And for the record I am 6'3" and weigh a mere 175 (which if you are not good at visualizing makes me "lanky") I would say I am far less clumsy than I am strong : )

Toadkiller Dog wrote:
One of my players was a nixie barbarian with a dire duck mount and she used a giant axe she took from evil Paul Bunyan
And that's... cool?

If the idea of a small aquatic fairy flying around on a large duck and hefting an axe that ways twice what she does doesn't at least give you a small chuckle at the sheer ridiculousness of it than I am glad I don't play in your game.

One of my players was a nixie barbarian with a dire duck mount and she used a giant axe she took from evil Paul that would probably be how I envoked the rule of cool haha

Hey everyone,
I feel as it is Pathfinder can fill just about any fantasy role with their classes. That being said I have always enjoyed what the spellthief represents (even if the mechanics were sort of meh) I was curious if anyone would be interested in drumming up a spellthief archetype for the Magus.

(For those not in the know, the spellthief was basically a rogue that recieved their sneak attack slower but in place was able to cast very few spells, their key ability was being able to steal spells, SLA, etc. to recharge their own spells or to use on their own)

I always like the reverse underdark idea. where evil has won essential and the good races were forced underground.

Triga wrote:
justsomebard wrote:
A CR20 Seagull wrote:
Notable F2P MMO that makes headlines...Guild Wars 2 anyone? O.o
Guild wars 2 isn't going to be free to play it's going to be buy to play just like every game that isn't a mmo. I would much prefer that model to the one that DDO uses because after a certain point you run out of things to do in that game unless you want to sub.

exactly, and also it dose not follow the open world that true MMOs follow. GuildWars is an online co-op rpg.

I just hope Paizo puts the development dollars and time into this game so it dose not fail, or stagnate.

Every free to play MMO I know of is like and untended garden. It still bears fruit, but only because the rotten fruit from last year dropped its seeds.

(edit)It also worries me because as of late there has been a growing discontent among the pc gaming community with developers releasing broken and unfinished games, and I think with a small company, and as a result a small name, if Paizo dose not get this right the first time out it will take a lot to come back from.

Big names can afford to piss people off and release crap games, they have some killer titles in their past to keep customers, Paizo dose not have that.

for clarity's sake Guild Wars 2 will be persistent, and an open world just like WoW, which is a common misconception many make because it is Guild Wars' sequel. I will certainly try this game out but honestly I won't have much time outside of GW2

Barbarian, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer!

20 sex?!?!? that's a really high sex score man, but assassins do tend to get the ladies :P

BobChuck wrote:
Mok wrote:
You might want to check out the Noble Wild which is completely devoted to making animal player characters.
Anyone have this book? Are there any reviews, other than the one on the Paizo Product webpage?

I actually just bought that book ( the pathfinder version to be honest I'm not sure there is that big of a difference) and I love it, it will do what you would like it to and quite well, there are a few things here and there I would tweak but they are minor details.

good point on the fleas : ) well if it is a squirrel i suppose it could throw acorn bombs but not sure for other races.

Will there be a supplement released on how to do noble animals as classes from the APG? Granted most of the classes seem easy to convert but I wonder how to make a noble alchemist, (or if it is even possible). Thanks!

you do realize the name means man-head-like right?

what about half-elves? Elrond was a half-elf technically!

Keno wrote:
Hi all. I have a quick question regarding the spellthief. Is he limited to stealing only arcane spells, since he is an arcane spell caster? Complete Adventurer does not say one way or the other, as far as I can tell, and numerous outside sources I have read implies that the nature of the magic that is being stolen does not matter, but I thought I would ask anyhow.

I realize you asked this years ago but no it does not matter.

Have them start at different places in town (wherever fits their personalities, local church for cleric, bar for the fighter, etc.) have the town guard race through town requesting help against (insert your most common enemy of choice for the campaign) who are coming to raid the town, they fight off the attack and are most likely they stick out as far as skill goes considering everyone else will be an NPC, maybe one of them need a party for blah blah blah

Stebehil wrote:
Icarus Pherae wrote:
I can't remember who did it but the council of wyrms was updated for 3.5, that would very easily fix your problem
I found this link for this.

Yeah there it is : ) gracias!

That should help!

I can't remember who did it but the council of wyrms was updated for 3.5, that would very easily fix your problem

inflict nosewhistle? I'm thinkin mirdon : )

Grimcleaver wrote:
Try it sometime.

I will a couple questions though, how do you deal with monsters with your system? do they take a hit to health, stay the same? etc.

And they get a bonus to their DR each level? or is the AC=DR only for the armor bonus of the armor they wear?

Thanks for you reply! I've been wanting to try a more visceral playing style and this sound pretty good (may make a few tweaks myself)

THREAD NECRO!!!!!! has anyone worked on this project recently?

Obama (LN) vs. Palin (Lawful stupid) :P

xorial wrote:

I have yet to see a system that really allows spellcasting on the fly. I don't think it can be done.

Have you ever played the mage games from WOD? :) that would constitute as on the fly as any other, though very off topic.

I had always wondered how a make your own spell and make spellcraft checks system would work...

foolish question, does she like fairies? if so the nixie in the bonus bestiary might be a good option, though they suffer from aquaman syndrome so you might want to through in some water here and there for them.

*chucks monkey wrench into discussion* What about the recharge system? *Runs away and dives into bushes*

Brian Bachman wrote:
Icarus Pherae wrote:

give the greedy girl PC who made her character "perfect" cursed items that cause gender reversal and body hair to grow an inch every half hour, that one was fun : )

ask a random player in a stage whisper "Now you were the one that was going to turn on the party right?" when they feverishly disagree say "oh then it must have been...(mumble and look around the group)....oh yeah!"

This one I didn't do on purpose, but by luck in Ravenloft the one character who actually cared a lot about their looks was the one that contracted mummy rot.

Your post made me think that something similar might have to happen to my daughter's 20 Charisma sorceress. :)

I totally agree muahahahaha : )

LilithsThrall wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I think we'll find that, just like there are numerous opinions on the power levels of each and how they compare out of game, the roleplaying stances of characters are wide and varied. Personally, my dwarven wizard wouldn't disparage any other spellcaster, regardless of how they got their magic.

If you were looking for a reasonable discussion, why'd you come to the Internet?

Sometimes, Ithink the people on this board are too afraid of a little disagreement. It's okay to be opinionated.

I disagree :P

start with an elf with aspirations to be a dentist, but give them ranks in expert then as part of your adventure have them meet a hideously deformed caribou with a razor sharp determination to use his hideous nose to save the day, then you just wait...

Demiurge 1138 wrote:
Icarus Pherae wrote:
It makes me sad that they took the "medusa's" correct name (Gorgon) and gave it to a metal cow with bad breath :(

Oh boy! I get to post the link again!

Topsell on the Gorgon

D&D didn't do it first--the gorgon = big bull thing is about 400 years old. Specifically, it's a reinterpretation of the catoblepas, specifically named in honor of the Medusa myth.

And now you know!

And now I know! Though I'm still not happy about it and to maintain my busybody know-it-allness that is required for interwebz forum-ing i will say..... I never implied who "they" was ; P

give the greedy girl PC who made her character "perfect" cursed items that cause gender reversal and body hair to grow an inch every half hour, that one was fun : )

ask a random player in a stage whisper "Now you were the one that was going to turn on the party right?" when they feverishly disagree say "oh then it must have been...(mumble and look around the group)....oh yeah!"

brock wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

So in the end, we abandoned the templar concept because it's simply not worth doing.

The word "templar" is a good one though, and some day we might end up using it for something else entirely.

James, since you are still swinging though here, can I say a belated +1, but also: The word "Hospitaller" is equally as good (IMO) and one I'd love to see included if Templar comes back around. It's also been covered much less frequently.

Hospitaller (n.), One who Hospitals


It makes me sad that they took the "medusa's" correct name (Gorgon) and gave it to a metal cow with bad breath :(

I'm enjoying all of the interrogation spells the inquisitor gets as well as their "Damage to shackles" spell, that allows for some great jailbreaks!

I agreed I feel they should rename cockatrice to "Order of the Douche".

My favorite is order of the shield probably, you do raise a valid point but I like the idea that perhaps one of the "little guys" (maybe a Half-orc freed from slavery) rises to greatness to defend those like he was.

I felt like Sword was the less baggage-y paladin from my first read through edict wise.

I'm just curious what is everyone's favorite Order (flavor-wise or mechanically) and why. Also what are your least favorites for the same reasons?

Hi I am running my second game for a mixed group all of them are new (3 played once before in my last game the other two are entirely new to D20). A problem I ran into last time was times when my players are outside of constrained areas. They were fine in dungeons or places with defined walls but I run into issues when the PC find themselves in a desert,forest, or other very open environment.

Because they are new they need a little nudging because they aren't yet confident with what they can do in a game. I find times when they are able to go from point A to B or C is much easier than putting them at the middle of a Cartesian plain and saying have fun. Any suggestions to help me "urge" them along into exploring on their own as well as progressing the story without having the plot train steamrolling them constantly. Thanks for the advice : )

base classes:
Dragon shaman (or a class with similar abilities to their auras)

...Master of masks?

That's sad I was looking forward to that one :/

James Jacobs wrote:
Icarus Pherae wrote:

I'm not sure if it has been said but more playable races of the not-human-but-short-and-hairy-or-taller-and-pointier-ear-persuasion

and of course the mighty DIRE DUCK!!! Noble steed of the Nixie and defender of ponds everywhere!

A bestiary is not a place for player races. There WILL be about 6 new zero-HD races that'll be quite usable as player races in Bestiary 2, but they're mostly intended to be monsters.

The best point for us to OFFICIALLY add new races is when we look at providing a new campaign area to adventure in.

Such as next year, when we release the World Guide for Tian Xia. Which, at this point, looks like it's gonna have five new official PC races to pick from.

I meant not specifically player races but rather like you said 0-HD races that COULD be played relatively easily by players, sorry for the lack of articulation : )

I'm not sure if it has been said but more playable races of the not-human-but-short-and-hairy-or-taller-and-pointier-ear-persuasion

and of course the mighty DIRE DUCK!!! Noble steed of the Nixie and defender of ponds everywhere!

ProfessorCirno wrote:

Two weapon fighting is terrible unless you have a method of alternate damage, such as sneak attack.

In fact, pretty much just sneak attack, since that's the only for of alternate/precision damage.

In other words, if you aren't a rogue, your left hand is for holding a shield or helping your right hand hold your weapon.

Unless of course you are a Lefty (don't forget we southpaws play too :P )

gamer-printer wrote:

Personally, I would love to see an historically accurate rendition of the Battle of Thermopolae, as one of the greatest battles of ancient history. The movie 300 missed the point that the Persian navy just off the coast is what kept the Persians able to march all the way to northern Greece. The fact that there were more than just the 300 spartans, something like 2000 other Greek warriors were there as well.

I'm not deconstructing 300, that movie was fine for a comic book entertainment version of the Battle of Thermopolae.

I think the real battle is epic enough without adding fantasy tropes - fantasy doesn't always do a better job than reality.


PS: while I don't know if I'd like to hear the Spartans speaking with a Greek accent, I certainly would like to hear something other than a Scottish accent - one would think that all the Greeks were Scots or something!?

My ancient greek professor told us that Spartan's spoke Greek a lot like Downeaster, folk from Maine speak english, if your not familiar with what that is take most words that end with R and replace them with AH ex: "Mutha an' I took the Cah out fer a drive on sundee" hehehe so I agree no scottish accents!

Felgoroth wrote:
Icarus Pherae wrote:
and then the dog eats the cat for lunch : )
and then the cat rips out of the dogs stomach in a very alien-esque way :P

after having been subjected to a dogs stomach acid I agree if it ripped out it would look very alien like :P BUT back to the topic because I like this project and hope to avoid derailment!

mdt wrote:
Icarus Pherae wrote:

That's all we are considering at this point I'm pretty sure (there are many canines posting haha)
Just to point out, pound for pound, a cat will eat any dogs lunch without breaking a sweat. ;)

and then the dog eats the cat for lunch : )

Hi, I'm new to the PBP format but I am interested in trying it. How does one join/find a game? Any advice you could give, such as character profile creation, dice rolling, etc. Thanks for the help and patience!

I really like this idea, I think it could work well...

0gre wrote:
Rhys Grey wrote:
Hey, no fair trying to horn in on this obvious derailment with alternate herbivores! I will not be cowed by the demands of deer and moose!

We're ruminating out of cow puns and malapropisms.

Well this thread did start to discuss racial equine-ity

You forgot polarism, YOU RIGHT HAND FACISTS!!!!! :P

MerrikCale wrote:
Oops I meant to say prestige class. I misspoke

OOOH ok, in that case I disagree hehehe. Especially if we are using the "never willing target of spell" code, with that stipulation I think you need to add other things such as fast healing, it just doesn't seem like it would mesh well with multiclassing since almost all of the classes can cast spells. They would probably have to dampen the abilities to avoid exploiting, besides we need levels to add in the abilities we like! : )

DragonBringerX wrote:
Lathiira wrote:

Use breath of life for phoenix downs and go ahead and use heal for elixirs. I'd make soft potions act as stone to flesh though; they're supposed to remove petrification, after all. I'd also alter baleful polymorph so the only possible result is to turn someone into a frog with their full mental faculties. Hmm, what else:

Meteor-meteor swarm

Hmm, the elemental spells will be difficult too. Fire, Ice, Thunder (-a, -aga). You can use cure light/mod/ser for Cure/-a/-aga.

I did actually think of using breath of life...of course that was today at work. What would the price of a 5th level or 6th level potion be anyways?

The highlighted portion: I realized the other day there are no nice elemental spells below 3rd level, and no real cold spells either.
Fire - 1st level on
Electricity - 1st level (skips 2nd) on
Cold - while chill touch is a 1st level spell, nothing till 4th
Acid - 2nd level on
Sonic - uhh...

Any who. We need more cold and acid spells. Hopefully the APG fixes this.

check out the genius guide to ice magic, that could help.

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