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136 posts. Alias of Rory Hawkins.


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Grand Lodge

Looked in the Arcane Trickster, and I think it gives up too many abilities to make the limited spell casting worth it. Invisibility at will is nice, but that's at 9th level which is the tail end of the campaign.

Grand Lodge

Avr: I don't really need to be present in combat at all. My -2 AC from Debilitating Injury and Slow Reactions will be more than enough, so I don't want to multiclass if it will hinder my skills.

Casual Viking: That's a good idea, I'll look into that.

Grand Lodge

Thanks guys! I love the Investigator (was actually my first go to) but it doesn't fit the character. I'm going for a very traditional thief or cat burglar. Basically, Garrett from the Thief series. Sneaky, well skilled, tries to avoid hurting innocents, steals for people, plants/forges information for people, etc. Despite getting all of those skills, the investigator focuses a lot on knowledge which I only need Knowledge: Local.

You are right about the bard, avr. And the Rogue will get Two more skill points. I would be just as squishy with the Rogue, Bard, or Investigator. Probably a 10 or 12 in Con.

What about race? The Halfling loses out on a feat and skill point, but offers +4 to +6 on stealth, and/or +2 to other skills I'll be taking. And the +1 to all saves will be great. On the doumwn side, 20 foot movement is rough.

Grand Lodge

Hey all,

As the title suggests, I am making a skill-based PC for Curse of the Crimson Throne. Since I have read tons of these threads, here is the needed information:

Party: Human Fighter (2-handed), Human Psychic (Amnesiac), Aasimar Cleric of Sarenrae, and a Human Brawler.
Point-buy: 15
Race: I would like to stick with Human or Halfling.
Class: I was thinking the new Unchained Rogue or Archaeologist Bard.
Trait: Unhappy Childhood - Tortured
Additional Information: Wear using Background Skills and Automatic Bonus Progressions from Pathfinder Unchained.

The party has more than enough damage and combat prowess but no real skills. The Cleric has Diplomacy and Knowledge: Religion. The Psychic has multiple Knowledges and Spellcraft. Brawler and Fighter have Perception. The problem with the Bard would me the limited effectiveness in combat, but the spell buffs would be nice. The Rogue has more skills and Sneak Attack, Debilitating Injury, and Dex to damage make me more helpful in combat. With the Rogue, my DM okayed the Filcher, so I could take that but I don't know if the benefits would be worthwhile in the AP.

Thanks for any and all advice!

Grand Lodge

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I bought the book for the updated classes and the OPTIONS for our home game. It repeatedly states in the book that they are options and not definitive rule changes. I see it as more of a test for things to come. If PF 2.0 ever becomes a thing, a lot of this could be a main stay in the system.

Grand Lodge

The redeeming quality of the Aerokineticist is the ability to cast Haste at 3rd level on your party for 1 round at no burn cost. By spending 1 burn, it's duration is rounds equal to your level. From a player in a party without anyone that can cast Haste, this is fantastic.

Grand Lodge

Deadbeat: If I was to play a Pally it would probably be Sarenrae (Dervish) or Erastil (Ranged). Does Sarenrae have any presence?

Secret: I definitely agree, but Brawlers can use light armor. Giving them a bit more survivability.

So overall, I have gotten Ranger, Rogue, and Pally. Good choices. The party can do well in the AP without an Arcane caster?

Grand Lodge

My players are about 60% through book 5 right now. They have little to no trouble and only a few character deaths (same character 3 times). The party comp is Divination Wizard, sword and board Paladin of Iomadae, Cleric of [changed god 3 times], and a ranged Inquisitor of Erastil with the Animal Domain (Big Cat fcompanion). The traps were handled by 1 level of ranger for the Inquisitor. Bane was also a huge boon in the campaign, which attributed to the easy of it (Taking down a dragon in 1 round and most BBEGs in 2). Book 5 has posed significantly more problems for them as they have had to deal with far more casters, which they have experienced very little of through the first 2/3 of the AP. Overall, coming from a GM, the players should be good if the GM matches their skill level. I am ruthless with my PCs, but they are very experienced players. Overall, just make sure everyone is having fun, Book 4 can tend to be a drag.

Grand Lodge

My GM already said I could use Tetori with Unchained Monk so I would do that. Brawler and UC Monk both get full BAB so even without grappling, they would still hit decently hard enough. The only thing I would worry about is not having the AC I would like with the Monk. I agree with your analogy about the hammer, but that is why I asked about this AP specifically. Everything humanoid and medium (large a few times a day) can be grappled, which is what I thought most of this AP was. Especially with dimensional anchor while grappling late game. Tie that in with some Boots of Striding and Springing and you can remove a caster from combat pretty quick.

Grand Lodge

Thank you both. What do you think get's boring about Grapplers, Secret? Honestly wondering, never played one.

Fruian, I would love to play a Swashbuckler party face, but another player called shotgun. If he backs down, this thread will be irrelevant, haha.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the tips! I am actually fine with Favored Enemy, I just don't know what ones to take. I'm not the biggest fan of CHA rogues though. But I could look into it.

Also, no love for the grapplers? I was hoping they could shine with a lot of humanoids.

Grand Lodge

We're still a few months out from starting our CotCT adventure, but I like to be prepared. What I am asking for is just advice from players or GM's alike, that have played the campaign. I don't know what the other players are playing yet so this is going to be a semi hefty list. I am not looking for party comp or builds, just spoiler-free campaign specifics and if the character idea will mesh well with the adventure. Here's the list:

Brawler (Strangler) or Monk (Tetori): From what I know of the campaign, it's city based so that means a lot of humanoids and not a lot of things above size large. I'm just hoping this guy would stay effective until the end instead of losing momentum like in Giant Slayer.

Rogue (unchained): I would play this character as more of a Dex/Int based skill monkey. Just hoping this guy would have a chance to shine with a huge skill set.

Fey-blooded Sorcerer or Bard: This would be the party face choice. It'd be nice to play either, but that is more dependent on the availability of social interaction that can be modified by spells.

Ranger: I read that rangers are great for roleplay here (thanks Player's Guide), but I am more interested in advice with Favored Enemy. I am also worried about a size large Animal Companion moving through tight spots. Any suggestions for thematic ACs would be cool too.

Paladin or Barbarian: Both would be a front-liner. Didn't know how the paladin's alignment would work in the campaign, negatively or positively.

Thanks in advance for the time and info everyone!

Grand Lodge

Thanks! So you don't think an Arcane caster is necessary? Also, do you think the grapple based characters would work? Meaning, are there a lot of Large or larger enemies?

Grand Lodge

We're still a few months out from starting our CotCT adventure, but I like to be prepared. What I am asking for is just advice from players or GM's alike, that have played the campaign. I don't know what the other players are playing yet so this is going to be a semi hefty list. I am not looking for party comp or builds, just spoiler-free campaign specifics and if the character idea will mesh well with the adventure. Here's the list:

Brawler (Strangler or Monk (Tetori): From what I know of the campaign, it's city based so that means a lot of humanoids and not a lot of things above size large. I'm just hoping this guy would stay effective until the end instead of losing momentum like in Giant Slayer.

Rogue (unchained): I would play this character as more of a Dex/Int based skill monkey. Just hoping this guy would have a chance to shine with a huge skill set.

Enchanter or Fey-blooded Sorcerer or Bard: This would be the party face choice. It'd be nice to play a Sorc/Wiz, but that is more dependent on the availability of spells or social interaction that can be modified by spells.

Alchemisit (Jekyll/Hyde): This would just be fun to roleplay, but I am worried that the mutagen happy alchemist would fit more in Carrion Crown and not CotCT.

Summoner or Ranger: I read that rangers are great for roleplay here (thanks Player's Guide), but I am more interested in advice with Favored Enemy. I am also worried about a size large Eidolon/Animal Companion moving through tight spots. Any suggestions for thematic Eidolons/ACs would be cool too.

Thanks in advance for the time and info everyone!

Grand Lodge

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Brybry wrote:
What's stopping you from house-ruling it into a class feature or feat?

I was actually looking forward to playing this class in PFS, so I won't be able to house rule it. Also, my home group isn't a fan of house rules.

Grand Lodge

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So I read the Swashbuckler. Then came here to confirm the most baffling thing I found. Yep, no dex to damage for the most iconic weapon of a swashbuckler. Closest I can get is a feat tax and using a cutlass. The whole reason I bought this book was because of this class and a promise in a blog post for dex to damage. For the first time, I honestly feel a little cheated by Paizo.

Grand Lodge

Athaleon wrote:
... and gets Improved Critical earlier than any other TWF user.

Thanks Athaleon, I forgot about them getting Improved Critical with Weapon Training. Also, the class does not give you Combat Expertise for free, I was wrong. It does, however, reduce MAD by making Charisma qualify for Combat Expertise instead of Intelligence. And with the recent blog post, they will be getting Dexterity to damage.

So we got:

- Full BAB
- Weapon Finesse for free
- Improved Critical for free
- Easy access to Combat Expertise
- Dexterity to damage
- Bonus Feats
- Riposte

Overall a great option and will be able to dish out a decent amount of non-crit damage at higher levels so passing it off wont be a hard choice!

Grand Lodge

I am currently playing a crit-fisher with my heavy-hitter friend. We decided to go with something a little different. He went Fighter (didn't want to deal with Rage) and is 2-handing a Scythe. I decided to go Swashbuckler for not only reposte (passing a crit when you're attacked is kind of awesome), but also for the free weapon finesse and combat expertise. I don't know if you would get BS faster than a fighter, but I fancy the flavor of the Swashbuckler. Especially when our stories are that we're freed slaves, and I freed him, so he owes me a life debt. Fast talker and a huge bodygaurd :)

Grand Lodge

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Have you look at the Harrower prestige class? Depending on your GM this could work REALLY well into the story and could work with any Wizard as you don't lose any spell casting ability and trade 2 metamagic feats for a pretty good party buff and spell augmentation abilities. Not to mention the flavor is great if your pick up the real Harrow Deck.

Grand Lodge

The idea of a skill based prodigy is fantastic. Especially as a Bard or Oracle of Knowledge and say that he was blessed by a priest of Irori as a child. Thank you so much for this idea.

Grand Lodge

In the RotRL Anniversary Edition it states in book 3 that the party should be close to (if not at) level 11 by the end. The 4th book states the party should reach level 11 during (or just after) the raid.

My question is, based on experience, which level will make it challenging, but not exceedingly difficult, for the party?

**Party is 15 point-buy. Composition is a glaive wielding Cleric of Shelyn (Domains: Defense & Luck), a Divination Wizard (Summoning & crafting), a Ranged Inquisitor of Erastil (Domain: Feather including size large cat), and longsword and board paladin of Iomedae. No one has leadership, normal wealth by level set by AP**

Thanks in advance!

Grand Lodge

I will be starting in Carrion Crown in August as a player, and for the past 5 months I have been working on a Varisian Harrower. I prefer arcane as the PrC gives less to buffing and healing and more to save or suck and damage spells. I have tossed around Bard, which loses all of it's strong points and has a diminished spell casting for offensive casting. Thought about Witch, who loses ALL advancement on hexes which is the bread and butter of the class. Came down to Sorcerer and Wizard, Sorcerer will have to use valuable spell slots for divination spell and it's bloodline(s) come to a screeching halt. That left wizard, with strong beginning school powers (Foresight, Teleportation, Enchantment, and Admixture. Even Manipulator would be great for roleplaying), and huge versatility with spells. You could have a large amount of divination at your disposal (keeping the mystical flavor of the class) but only memorize them when necessary. I finally settled, Varisian Foresight Wizard 5 / Harrower 10.

Then Paizo releases this with a Witch archetype AND a Sorcerer bloodline. Sigh. Thanks Paizo, back to the drawing board in a few days.

Grand Lodge

I made Tsuto into a Ninja. He was Monk/Rogue to begin with and it just made sense. He also survived in my campaign, and is now level 11 and stalking the party for ruining his "family."

Grand Lodge

After reading these, I noticed my Tsuto lived life quite a bit longer. First, I re-rolled him as a Ninja.

When the party encountered him in the Glassworks, he used vanish to escape and head to Nualia's side. I rolled that he was in his room when the party took on Orik, he got down the hall to a safe vantage point and took some shots and then ran to Nualia. He tried to get Nualia to leave and she confessed that she did not love him and she would not leave before Malfeshnekor was her's. Tsuto passed his stealth to sneak out past the party. He came back to locate his belongings from his room and found Nualia and Malfeshnekor dead. In Nualia's journal he found information about Justice Ironbriar being his Father and headed to Magnimar. He met his father who sent him to Xanesha. She saw hope in him, due to his hate for the party and new found greed for power to destroy them, and informed him of Mokmurian and their plan. He head back to his father and found him missing (the party let him live and he ran, vowing never to comeback). Tsuto assumed him dead, as everyone else in the sawmill was dead, and fled to Mokmurian. Tsuto trained more while the party deals with Fort Rannick and the trek to Hook Mountain.

Now he will be a part of the Assault on Sandpoint. The party cleric is in love and engaged with Savah, so Tsuto (Now Ninja 11) is going to kill her and leave a message, swearing revenge on the party because of the loved ones they tore from him.

Grand Lodge

I am surprised no one has mentioned Inquisitor. One of my players is running a ranged Inquisitor of Erastil in my game. His abilities make him a better interrogator/lie detector than the party Paladin of Iomedae. He also gets divine spells, domain abilities, and a wide assortment of skills (including stealth). Personally, if I was to play an urban political campaign, I would play an Inquisitor or Bard over a Ranger or Rogue.

Grand Lodge

My party didn't have a rogue (Redeemed Paladin of Iomedae, Thassilonian obsessed Cyphermage, Reach Cleric of Shelyn, and Ranged Inquisitor of Erastil with a Firepelt companion) and didn't see it as a loss so far (currently on the last chapter of Book 2). They are really good at checking every nook and cranny, and some traps did work on the party...

Thistle Top:
The blade trap on the secret chest almost killed our inquisitor.

2 levels ago the Inquisitor dipped a level into Ranger (Handle animal as a class skill for his Fur Domain pet) and picked Trapper to get Disable Device and Trap Finding. So far it has worked very well with open locks. Traps aren't nearly as good as spells, but if your son's girlfriend doesn't want the hassle of spells, this could help.

Grand Lodge

XMorsX wrote:

It would be better to just houseroule that the Swashbuckler Finesse is a valid prereq. for Slashing Grace, which is probably the intent too. Having two feat taxes to be able to play a class with a sub-optimal combat style is pretty lame IMO. With this logic you cannot start playing a Swashbuckler with a slashing weapon at lvl 1, unless you are a Human. You are already gimping yourself by playing a Dex-based free-hand type PC, one feat tax to make the Swashbuckler more customisable is enough.

If I am to take two feat taxes anyway, I would just rather be a Dawnflower Dervish Bard, that I can do my schtick right from lvl 1 more effectively than the Swashbuckler will ever do it.

Swashbuckler Finesse is a class ability at level 1. There for the player only needs to take Slashing Grace to use slashing weapons.

I agree that Dervish Dance is good, but I don't know if it puts the bard above the swashbuckler in the long run. Panache is really good with regards to precise strike, especially with an Agile weapon. Not to mention the added benefits of Opportune Parry and Riposte, Menacing Swordplay, and Swashbuckler Weapon Training.

**Edit: I just re-read your post and it looks like you missed the bottom of Swashbuckler's Finesse where it states, "This ability counts as having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites."

Grand Lodge

Apologies for resurrecting the thread, but I have a question related to this. What if the corner square was an ally, would he provide soft cover to the Target?


T = Target
P = Player
A = Ally
X = Wall
O = Space

Second question, what if the Player was using a reach weapon? I assume the rules would be the same as ranged.

Thanks in advance.

Grand Lodge

Would the Swashbuckler ability Opportune Parry and Riposte trigger, the teamwork feat, Paired Opportunists?

Opportune Parry and Riposte:
Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent makes a melee attack against the swashbuckler, she can spend 1 panache point and can expend a use of an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. The swashbuckler makes an attack roll as if she were making an attack of opportunity. If her attack roll is greater than the roll of the attacking creature, the attack automatically misses. For each size category the attacking creature is larger than the swashbuckler, the swashbuckler takes a –2 penalty on her attack roll. The swashbuckler must declare the use of this ability after the creature’s attack is announced, but before that attack roll is made. Immediately after a swashbuckler performs a successful parry, as long as she has 1 panache point she can make an attack as an immediate action against the creature whose attack she blocked, provided that creature is within her reach.

Paired Opportunists:
Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity). This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action.

Grand Lodge

Well it has been a few weeks and we started over with a different group. Now we have: Valeros, Lini, Merisiel (me), Lem, and Erzen. I ended up taking Weapon Proficiency and it has been awesome. The discard to help at an additional location actually has helped on multiple checks with Lem and Lini. We just finished Burnt Offerings and now I am trying to decide on my card feat.

Currently by deck looks like this:

Deathbane Light Crossbow +1
Shock Longbow +1
Magic Leather Armor
Blessing of Calistria (x2)
Blessing of Erastil (x2)
Archer (x2)
Cape of Escape
Masterwork Tools
Crown of Charisma
Eyes of the Eagle
Boots of Elvenkind
Amulet of Fortitude

2 skill points in Dexterity
Weapon Proficiency

Basically, I play her as a jack of closing everything. I use blessings and allies 99% of the time to explore. All the items except for the cape allow me to auto pass a skill I am poor at by recharging (I am hoping to switch the Boots for a Tome of Knowledge). I am debating between either a weapon or ally and here is why. Returning Throwing Axe +1 gives me a really quick instant win on a combat especially if I recharge it. Not to mention, not getting your first weapon until half way through the game is rough. Adding an ally would give me another explore or if I can pick up Shalelu, a search/explore.

For further conversation, my next skill feat will probably be Dexterity and my next power feat will be +1 on sneak attack or another card in hand.

Grand Lodge

But in the rules it says, "Playing a card means activating a card’s power by revealing, displaying, discarding, recharging, burying, or banishing the card." The ability doesn't say, "When you discard an ally with Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it." Making no mention that it has to be discarded except in the end. I agree with you, but do you know of any developer quotes about it?

Grand Lodge

Our party is 5 strong (Lini, Valeros, Merisiel, Seoni, and Sajan) and we just got our first Power Feat. The player using Sajan (planning on Drunken Master) just switched from Harsk, opening up bows for anyone. Now I toyed with the fact of switching to Harsk (Sniper looks really good) but decided that I usually explore solo and Mersiel seems very well balanced with combat and barriers.

So the question: Do I take the +1 to the 1d6 for solo combat or Weapon proficiency and start taking Longbows/Crossbows?

Thanks in advance.

Grand Lodge

My lady plays Lini in our party (Valeros, Seoni, Mersiel, Lini, and Sajan) and usually sticks with Seoni. Last week Seoni's player couldn't make it so Lini was all alone and she did great. She has her deck as follows:

4x Blessings (Torag, Irori, 2x BotG)
1x Holy Light
2x Cure
2x Inflict
1x Strength (Looking for Aid or another Holy Light)
1x Holy Candle
1x Amulet of Fortitude (Amulet of Mighty Fists is with Sajan)
2x Toads
1x Father Zantus (Looking for Tiger)

She plays Lini as a caster and ONLY relies on her shifting when absolutely necessary. When it comes to healing, as far as I believe her ability allows her to recharge to Toad instead of burying it. This gives her endless Cures (Cure > Toad the Cure back > Recharge Toad). I always felt her shifting is a back up when you don't have the right cards in hand. Overall, played like this, she is probably the second best character, aside from Valeros, in our party.

Grand Lodge

I was actually looking into making a Harrower as well. I have narrowed it down to 3 classes (one different from yours): Sorcerer, Witch, and Wizard.

I think Thematically it fits the Bard perfect, but you would have to wait to extra levels to enter it (matters in APs) and Bards are more support casters where it seems Harrower abilities buff damage and debuff spells (like Gjorbjond said).

I think it also fits the Witch thematically, playing it out as a eccentric gypsy. But the Witch's Hexes will fall behind with the PrC taking over. The spell list is nice though, and the Time/Moon/Stars/Spirits/Ancestry Patrons all play in nice. My GM even toyed with the idea of letting me use the harrow deck as a familiar, similar to the Fetish Mask for the Scarred Witch Archtype.

With regards to race, I couldn't get away from Human because of the trait Harrow Chosen.

The feat Deadly Dealer seems kind of interesting when mixed with a bards higher BAB.

Sorry for the ramble, that is all I got so far. Hope it helps.

Grand Lodge

Right now I am running a RotRL game with a Paladin, Cleric, Ranger, and Bard. The Bard has, hands down, been the biggest asset to the party. Between some control spells, Bardic music buffs, a solid grouping of well placed skills, and the traits to let him know Thassilonian, he has helped the party more than any other character. Leadership later on and a high UMD will, without a doubt, make him a power house in the campaign.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for all the advice!

@Devilkiller: I can swap feats but that is about it, I really like the character and he fits very well with the party (Not as powerful as a wizard, but the skills have already been well worth their weight).

@Streamofthesky: I don't want to stray from standard bard because of the necessity for Bardic Knowledge. I'm playing him as a know it all (Similar to Kvothe from the Kingkiller Chronicles) So max ranks in History and Arcana are a must, but I have half ranks in almost every other knowledge other than religion.

Does anyone know of a feat that makes it so if you cast a spell in the same round you use bardic music, it doesn't use up a round of music? A friend said he remembered seeing it but doesn't know where.

Grand Lodge

@Heaggles: The crossbow is mostly a time filler. At higher levels it will be replaced with wands/scrolls or spells.

@Dakota_Strider: Thanks! I had overlooked that, just requires some good timing.

Grand Lodge

I need any feat and spell tips/suggestions for levels 1-16. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have looked at Treantmonk's guide, but it doesn't include any newer content.

Here is the necessary facts:
- Level 3 Human Bard
- Being played as a caster/buffer/face
- Hopeful Thassilonian-expert/Gutter-rat from Riddleport.
- Stats: 7, 14, 10, 14, 12, 17
- Using Versatile Performance for Oratory, then Comedy.
- Current feats are: Extra Performance, and Prodigy (Oratory, Comedy)
- Combat is buffing/spells and crossbow.

Party is: Paladin (Iomadae), Ranger (Archer), Cleric (Sarenrae).

Grand Lodge

Got this in the main and I absolutely love it. This is an amazing option instead of buying miniatures.

That being said, I wish you guys would have added more important characters in place of less important ones that CAN be substituted for generic ones in the Bestiary Box (eg: Elyrium in exchange for a goblin). I do understand that shipping can get more expensive, but it would be nice if some of my final battles did have the matching pawns (Rune Giants) for those battles, instead of generic ogres.

Overall, a great product. Just wish there were better choices on which miniatures were represented, as now I have to find a way to represent the enemies without spending a boatload on Pathfinder Battles singles.

Grand Lodge

You could fill out the ranks quite cheap with this:

RotRL Pawn Collection

If someone doesn't have the hundreds to spend on every AP, this is an awesome alternative.

Grand Lodge

I am playing with a set home group of Two-handed fighter, Ranged skill based rogue, and swapping between an Oracle or Witch. So melee is thin, but so is any sort of buffing, hence the want for summoning/buffing. The Oracle is in melee once in a while, mostly for healing.

Basically I want a class that can give support and summon a flanker or some damage if need be. I could always go regular summoner but I feel that would compete too much with the Fighter. I also leaned towards a blasting sorcerer that could toss out a summon if needed. But If scrolls are common and caster items are available, than a wizard is the most versatile.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I dislike added combatants as much as the next GM, so I already have my summons listed and ready for both classes (depending on which I take). Shouldn't be much of a problem with time consumption. I probably won't need to summon more than one at a time. The summoner seems more useful in combat (9x summons/day plus 3 spells/day at level 1). But the wizard will have a much higher initiative and about 7 skills, where as the summoner will likely have 2.

Grand Lodge

@Don Walker: I forgot to mention I'll be playing with our home group 99% of the time. We decided to do PFS during the summer as people tend to be absent more because of vacations and the like. I'm also our primary DM and have been for about 12 years, so I can handle multiple creatures very quickly in combat. Quicker than some of our players can handle one.

@Will Johnson: I have a relatively boring desk job with no internet access, so at any point I have about 50 well developed characters in my head :)

Thanks much for the replies, but I'm looking for a more mechanical comparison of the classes. For instance, with level capped at 12ish, will the wizard ever catch up with the summoner's sheer casting power? Will the Wizard's higher DC's make him a better controller in the long run? Will the summons hold up well to PFS challenges?

Just mechanical stuff, as I wanna pick the one that will be the most useful.

Grand Lodge

Any experienced PFS players have any advice between a summon heavy Wizard (probably divination: forgsight specialization for the initiative bonus and story, that picks up Augment Summoning at 1st) and a Master Summoner? I have a game tomorrow evening and I cannot pick by myself. The Wizard has more versatility when planning ahead, but do you really get to plan ahead that much? Meanwhile, is the Mast Summoner's Eidolon worth having? Can part of the loss be caught up with Boon Companion? Enough thinking out loud. Any advice?

Grand Lodge

GrenMeera wrote:
Xen wrote:

Since it is a force spell, you could also toss on Toppling Spell. It may not be worth the extra level, but a cheap metamagic rod with this and magic missile would make any melee in the party grin.

And for the spell resistance argument. If you pass once, it's in the clear for the rest of duration.

Wow. Nice catch! I like how that works.

Thanks. I still tend to like the mass trips from a high level Toppling Magic Missle. Especially if you're a one trick pony who takes Magical Lineage (Magic Missle) and Split Slot a few times.

The trip every round on a enemy, from Twilight Knife, would be nice though when you're casting other spells. And I don't think anyone has mentioned how force effects are one of the only things that do full damage to incorporeal creatures.

Grand Lodge

Since it is a force spell, you could also toss on Toppling Spell. It may not be worth the extra level, but a cheap metamagic rod with this and magic missile would make any melee in the party grin.

And for the spell resistance argument. If you pass once, it's in the clear for the rest of duration.

Grand Lodge

Thank you very much guys. And Mike, that was supposed to be 1/2. Stupid typing in the dark!

Grand Lodge

I don't mean to rez a thread, but this is closest to what I am asking about.

I just played a scenario last week. Say we find 10x Masterwork Thieve's Tools. Now the questions.

1) To keep these past that scenario (for use in other scenarios) they have to be bought at full price?
2) They cannot be sold, unless they were previously bought, correct? (So after say, scenario 3, they can be sold back for 1/3)
3) Is the philosophy of "use it during the scenario or lose it / buy it for the next ones" the same for all items found in the scenario, including general items?

Thanks a bunch. I wish general gear was gone into a bit more in the guide.

Grand Lodge

Samsung Galaxy S2

Grand Lodge

I have played a few adventure paths now, and a few more modules, but this weekend will be my first PFS game. I was wondering if there are any skills that aren't used often in scenarios?

I figured that social, combat, and dungeon delving skills would have plenty of representation. But I was more curious about the knowledges (ones that do not relate to creatures), linguistics, appraise, disguise, etc.

I like to steer myself and other players away from skills that aren't used often in APs and modules, and I would like to try and do the same for scenarios. Thanks all.

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