The Next Poster...

Forum Games

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Sovereign Court

I have run an extensive diagnostic assessment in regards to unanswerable questions for winning the last poster topic. And, unfortunately, all the results are inconclusive. Therefore, it seems that the mystery will never be resolved.

The next poster has run an extensive diagnostic assessment of their own. And they will tell all.


**PRINTPRINTPRINTPRINTPRINTPRINTPRINTPRINTPRINTPRINT...*printout starts off as coherent data, then becomes more warped and disturbing the longer it goes on...and it goes on for a long time***


I see you all in my mind's eye... and I hear the unending notes of cacophonous hype-before-hype 90s !

The next poster does not care for multiclassing.

I will either attend advanced theoretical physics OR remedial finger painting. Just one out of the two.

The next poster has to teach both at the same time.

You seem to have stomach cramps, my dear...

Let me help : if you apply your soaked-paint fingers on this blank canvas just like that you'll unify Gravity, Weak and strong nuclear forces, and Electromagnetic force in a single hyper torus of 23865 dimensions... the universe will then be reborn... and your tummy will be healed too !

The next poster is very discerning in his/her/its choice of noodles.

Sovereign Court

*Consumes the intestines of random people (regardless of whether they are noblemen or penniless waifs).*

*Looks over at the next poster, who is trying to offer another poster as a sacrificial meal to avoid being eaten themselves.*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I offered goat toucher, and they fled in disgust.

The next poster has drawn up a chart for epic spells and bonuses. Please provide links.

Scarab Sages


The next poster has devised an all-new style of clam chowder, distinct from any of these.

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